[meld/CompChange: 2/3] Add menu entries and accelerators for directly switching to given tabs

commit d63d2e72817cd3d83f378c46c38958d96d0d7551
Author: Kai Willadsen <kai willadsen gmail com>
Date:   Sat Mar 5 13:02:06 2011 +1000

    Add menu entries and accelerators for directly switching to given tabs

 data/ui/meldapp-ui.xml |    2 +
 data/ui/meldapp.ui     |    4 +++
 meld/meldwindow.py     |   52 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/ui/meldapp-ui.xml b/data/ui/meldapp-ui.xml
index 704fb7a..1c54a49 100644
--- a/data/ui/meldapp-ui.xml
+++ b/data/ui/meldapp-ui.xml
@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@
       <menuitem action="MoveTabPrev" />
       <menuitem action="MoveTabNext" />
+      <separator/>
+      <placeholder name="TabPlaceholder" />
     <menu action="HelpMenu">
       <menuitem action="Help" />
diff --git a/data/ui/meldapp.ui b/data/ui/meldapp.ui
index 872ac35..49d8c7f 100644
--- a/data/ui/meldapp.ui
+++ b/data/ui/meldapp.ui
@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@
             <property name="scrollable">True</property>
             <property name="enable_popup">True</property>
             <signal handler="on_switch_page" name="switch_page"/>
+            <signal handler="after_switch_page" name="switch_page" after="True"/>
+            <signal handler="_update_notebook_menu" name="page-added"/>
+            <signal handler="_update_notebook_menu" name="page-removed"/>
+            <signal handler="_update_notebook_menu" name="page-reordered"/>
             <property name="position">1</property>
diff --git a/meld/meldwindow.py b/meld/meldwindow.py
index d7915db..2336301 100644
--- a/meld/meldwindow.py
+++ b/meld/meldwindow.py
@@ -178,6 +178,8 @@ class MeldWindow(gnomeglade.Component):
         self.ui.connect("connect-proxy", self._on_uimanager_connect_proxy)
         self.ui.connect("disconnect-proxy", self._on_uimanager_disconnect_proxy)
+        self.tab_switch_actiongroup = None
+        self.tab_switch_merge_id = None
         for menuitem in ("Save", "Undo"):
             self.actiongroup.get_action(menuitem).props.is_important = True
@@ -318,12 +320,25 @@ class MeldWindow(gnomeglade.Component):
         self.scheduler.add_task( newdoc.scheduler )
+    def after_switch_page(self, notebook, page, which):
+        actiongroup = self.tab_switch_actiongroup
+        if actiongroup:
+            action_name = "SwitchTab%d" % which
+            actiongroup.get_action(action_name).set_active(True)
     def on_notebook_label_changed(self, component, text, tooltip):
-        nbl = self.notebook.get_tab_label( component.widget )
+        page = component.widget
+        nbl = self.notebook.get_tab_label(page)
         self.widget.set_title(text + " - Meld")
-        self.notebook.child_set_property(component.widget, "menu-label", text)
+        self.notebook.child_set_property(page, "menu-label", text)
+        actiongroup = self.tab_switch_actiongroup
+        if actiongroup:
+            idx = self.notebook.child_get_property(page, "position")
+            action_name = "SwitchTab%d" % idx
+            actiongroup.get_action(action_name).set_label(text)
     def on_can_undo(self, undosequence, can):
@@ -485,6 +500,39 @@ class MeldWindow(gnomeglade.Component):
         child = self.notebook.get_nth_page(page_num)
         self.notebook.reorder_child(child, page_num + 1)
+    def _update_notebook_menu(self, *args):
+        if self.tab_switch_merge_id:
+            self.ui.remove_ui(self.tab_switch_merge_id)
+            self.ui.remove_action_group(self.tab_switch_actiongroup)
+        self.tab_switch_merge_id = self.ui.new_merge_id()
+        self.tab_switch_actiongroup = gtk.ActionGroup("TabSwitchActions")
+        self.ui.insert_action_group(self.tab_switch_actiongroup)
+        group = None
+        current_page = self.notebook.get_current_page()
+        for i in range(self.notebook.get_n_pages()):
+            page = self.notebook.get_nth_page(i)
+            label = self.notebook.get_menu_label_text(page) or ""
+            name = "SwitchTab%d" % i
+            tooltip = _("Switch to this tab")
+            action = gtk.RadioAction(name, label, tooltip, None, i)
+            action.set_group(group)
+            if group is None:
+                group = action
+            action.set_active(current_page == i)
+            def current_tab_changed_cb(action, current):
+                if action == current:
+                    self.notebook.set_current_page(action.get_current_value())
+            action.connect("changed", current_tab_changed_cb)
+            if i < 10:
+                accel = "<Alt>%d" % ((i + 1) % 10)
+            else:
+                accel = None
+            self.tab_switch_actiongroup.add_action_with_accel(action, accel)
+            self.ui.add_ui(self.tab_switch_merge_id,
+                           "/Menubar/TabMenu/TabPlaceholder",
+                           name, name, gtk.UI_MANAGER_MENUITEM, False)
     def try_remove_page(self, page, appquit=0):
         "See if a page will allow itself to be removed"
         response = page.on_delete_event(appquit)

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