[gnumeric] I18N fixing

commit ec4a2f4fdbac6554e1c996d971449857749b6522
Author: Marek Ä?ernocký <marek manet cz>
Date:   Tue Mar 8 12:33:33 2011 +0100

    I18N fixing

 src/format-template.c |   21 +++++++++++++++------
 1 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/format-template.c b/src/format-template.c
index 0bfc00f..363fd8c 100644
--- a/src/format-template.c
+++ b/src/format-template.c
@@ -690,18 +690,27 @@ format_template_range_check (GnmFormatTemplate *ft, GnmRange const *r,
 		int diff_row_high_ft = diff_row_high + range_height (r);
 		int diff_col_high_ft = diff_col_high + range_width (r);
 		char *errmsg;
+		char *rows, *cols;
-		if (diff_col_high > 0 && diff_row_high > 0)
+		if (diff_col_high > 0 && diff_row_high > 0) {
+			rows = g_strdup_printf (ngettext ("%d row", "%d rows", diff_row_high_ft), diff_row_high_ft);
+			cols = g_strdup_printf (ngettext ("%d col", "%d cols", diff_col_high_ft), diff_col_high_ft);
 			errmsg = g_strdup_printf (
-				_("The target region is too small.  It should be at least %d rows by %d columns"),
-				diff_row_high_ft, diff_col_high_ft);
-		else if (diff_col_high > 0)
+				_("The target region is too small.  It should be at least %s by %s"),
+				rows, cols);
+			g_free (rows);
+			g_free (cols);
+		} else if (diff_col_high > 0)
 			errmsg = g_strdup_printf (
-				_("The target region is too small.  It should be at least %d columns wide"),
+				ngettext ("The target region is too small.  It should be at least %d column wide",
+					"The target region is too small.  It should be at least %d columns wide",
+					diff_col_high_ft),
 		else if (diff_row_high > 0)
 			errmsg = g_strdup_printf (
-				_("The target region is too small.  It should be at least %d rows high"),
+				ngettext ("The target region is too small.  It should be at least %d row high",
+					"The target region is too small.  It should be at least %d rows high",
+					diff_row_high_ft),
 		else {
 			errmsg = NULL;

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