[gedit-latex] Remove WindowDecorator

commit 047d01adad6bad44ff4488489295c13696fc45b2
Author: Ignacio Casal Quinteiro <icq gnome org>
Date:   Sun Jun 26 16:22:36 2011 +0200

    Remove WindowDecorator
    This is not needed now that we implement the WindowActivatable

 latex/__init__.py               |   49 +---
 latex/base/Makefile.am          |    3 +-
 latex/base/completion.py        |    7 +-
 latex/base/decorators.py        |  656 +-------------------------------------
 latex/base/resources.py         |    2 +-
 latex/base/windowactivatable.py |  679 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 690 insertions(+), 706 deletions(-)
diff --git a/latex/__init__.py b/latex/__init__.py
index 850a3ae..8fb0921 100644
--- a/latex/__init__.py
+++ b/latex/__init__.py
@@ -18,51 +18,4 @@
 # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
 # Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA
-This is searched by gedit for a class extending gedit.Plugin
-from gi.repository import Gedit, GObject, Gtk, PeasGtk
-import logging
-logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s	%(name)s - %(message)s")
-from base.decorators import GeditWindowDecorator
-from util import open_error
-from preferences.dialog import PreferencesDialog
-class GeditLaTeXPlugin(GObject.Object, Gedit.WindowActivatable, PeasGtk.Configurable):
-	"""
-	This controls the plugin life-cycle
-	"""
-	__gtype_name__ =  "GeditLatexWindowActivatable"
-	window = GObject.property(type=Gedit.Window)
-	_log = logging.getLogger("GeditLaTeXPlugin")
-	def __init__(self):
-		GObject.Object.__init__(self)
-		self._window_decorators = {}
-	def do_activate(self):
-		"""
-		Called when the plugin is loaded with gedit or activated in 
-		configuration
-		@param window: GeditWindow
-		"""
-		self._window_decorators[self.window] = GeditWindowDecorator(self.window)
-	def do_deactivate(self):
-		"""
-		Called when the plugin is deactivated in configuration
-		@param window: GeditWindow
-		"""
-		self._window_decorators[self.window].destroy()
-		del self._window_decorators[self.window]
-	def do_create_configure_widget(self):
-		return PreferencesDialog().dialog
+from base.windowactivatable import LaTeXWindowActivatable
diff --git a/latex/base/Makefile.am b/latex/base/Makefile.am
index e37e8de..99fd4c3 100644
--- a/latex/base/Makefile.am
+++ b/latex/base/Makefile.am
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ plugin_PYTHON = \
 	__init__.py \
 	job.py \
 	resources.py \
-	templates.py
+	templates.py \
+	windowactivatable.py
 -include $(top_srcdir)/git.mk
diff --git a/latex/base/completion.py b/latex/base/completion.py
index 0c824ca..6ea0c0d 100644
--- a/latex/base/completion.py
+++ b/latex/base/completion.py
@@ -23,8 +23,7 @@ base.completion
 from logging import getLogger
-from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GdkPixbuf
-from gi.repository import GObject
+from gi.repository import GObject, Gtk, Gdk, GdkPixbuf
 from ..preferences import Preferences
@@ -48,7 +47,7 @@ class ProposalPopup(Gtk.Window):
 	def __init__(self):
 		if not '_ready' in dir(self):
-			GObject.GObject.__init__(self,type=Gtk.WindowType.POPUP)
+			Gtk.Window.__init__(self,type=Gtk.WindowType.POPUP)
 			#self, Gtk.WindowType.POPUP)
 			self._store = Gtk.ListStore(str, object, GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf)		# markup, Proposal instance
@@ -237,7 +236,7 @@ class DetailsPopup(Gtk.Window):
 	def __init__(self):
-		GObject.GObject.__init__(self, type=Gtk.WindowType.POPUP)
+		Gtk.Window.__init__(self, type=Gtk.WindowType.POPUP)
 		self._color = Preferences().get("LightForeground", "#7f7f7f")
diff --git a/latex/base/decorators.py b/latex/base/decorators.py
index 16c427a..204fc54 100644
--- a/latex/base/decorators.py
+++ b/latex/base/decorators.py
@@ -27,659 +27,11 @@ extension point.
 from logging import getLogger
 from gi.repository import Gedit, Gtk, Gio
-import string
-from ..tools.views import ToolView
-from . import File, SideView, BottomView, WindowContext
-from ..tools import ToolAction
-from ..preferences import Preferences, IPreferencesMonitor
+from config import EDITORS
+from . import File
 # TODO: maybe create ActionDelegate for GeditWindowDecorator
-class GeditWindowDecorator(IPreferencesMonitor):
-	"""
-	This class
-	 - manages the GeditTabDecorators
-	 - hooks the plugin actions as menu items and tool items
-	 - installs side and bottom panel views
-	"""
-	_log = getLogger("GeditWindowDecorator")
-	# ui definition template for hooking tools in Gedit's ui
-	_tool_ui_template = string.Template("""<ui>
-			<menubar name="MenuBar">
-				<menu name="ToolsMenu" action="Tools">
-					<placeholder name="ToolsOps_1">$items</placeholder>
-				</menu>
-			</menubar>
-		</ui>""")
-	def __init__(self, window):
-		self._window = window
-		self._preferences = Preferences()
-		self._preferences.register_monitor(self)
-		#
-		# initialize context object
-		#
-		self._window_context = WindowContext(self, EDITOR_SCOPE_VIEWS)
-		# the order is important!
-		self._init_actions()
-		self._init_tool_actions()
-		self._init_views()
-		self._init_tab_decorators()
-		# FIXME: find another way to save a document
-		self._save_action = self._ui_manager.get_action("/MenuBar/FileMenu/FileSaveMenu")
-		#
-		# listen to tab signals
-		#
-		self._signal_handlers = [
-				self._window.connect("tab_added", self._on_tab_added),
-				self._window.connect("tab_removed", self._on_tab_removed),
-				self._window.connect("active_tab_changed", self._on_active_tab_changed),
-				self._window.connect("destroy", self._on_window_destroyed) ]
-	def _init_views(self):
-		"""
-		"""
-		# selection states for each TabDecorator
-		self._selected_bottom_views = {}
-		self._selected_side_views = {}
-		# currently hooked editor-scope views
-		self._side_views = []
-		self._bottom_views = []
-		# currently hooked window-scope views
-		self._window_side_views = []
-		self._window_bottom_views = []
-		# caches window-scope View instances
-		self._views = {}
-		#
-		# init the ToolView, it's always present
-		#
-		# TODO: position is ignored
-		# 
-		tool_view = ToolView(self._window_context)
-		self._views["ToolView"] = tool_view
-		#fixme put the id!
-		bottom_panel = self._window.get_bottom_panel()
-		print tool_view.icon
-		bottom_panel.add_item(tool_view, "ToolViewid", tool_view.label, tool_view.icon)
-		#self._window_bottom_views.append(tool_view)
-		# update window context
-		self._window_context.window_scope_views = self._views
-	def _init_actions(self):
-		"""
-		Merge the plugin's UI definition with the one of Gedit and hook the actions
-		"""
-		self._ui_manager = self._window.get_ui_manager()
-		self._action_group = Gtk.ActionGroup("LaTeXPluginActions")
-		self._icon_factory = Gtk.IconFactory()
-		self._icon_factory.add_default()
-		# create action instances, hook them and build up some
-		# hash tables
-		self._action_objects = {}		# name -> Action object
-		self._action_extensions = {}	# extension -> action names
-		for clazz in ACTIONS:
-			action = clazz(icon_factory=self._icon_factory)
-			action.hook(self._action_group, self._window_context)
-			self._action_objects[clazz.__name__] = action
-			for extension in action.extensions:
-				if extension in self._action_extensions.keys():
-					self._action_extensions[extension].append(clazz.__name__)
-				else:
-					self._action_extensions[extension] = [clazz.__name__]
-		# merge ui
-		self._ui_manager.insert_action_group(self._action_group, -1)
-		self._ui_id = self._ui_manager.add_ui_from_string(UI)
-		# hook the toolbar
-		self._toolbar = self._ui_manager.get_widget("/LaTeXToolbar")
-		self._toolbar.set_style(Gtk.ToolbarStyle.BOTH_HORIZ)
-		self._main_box = self._window.get_children()[0]
-		self._main_box.pack_start(self._toolbar, False, True, 0)
-		self._main_box.reorder_child(self._toolbar, 2)
-	def _init_tab_decorators(self):
-		"""
-		Look for already open tabs and create decorators for them
-		"""
-		self._tab_decorators = {}
-		self._active_tab_decorator = None
-		active_view = self._window.get_active_view()
-		views = self._window.get_views()
-		for view in views:
-			tab = Gedit.Tab.get_from_document(view.get_buffer())
-			decorator = self._create_tab_decorator(tab, init=True)
-			if view is active_view:
-				self._active_tab_decorator = decorator
-		self._log.debug("_init_tab_decorators: initialized %s decorators" % len(views))
-		if len(views) > 0 and not self._active_tab_decorator:
-			self._log.warning("_init_tab_decorators: no active decorator found")
-	def _init_tool_actions(self):
-		"""
-		 - Load defined Tools
-		 - create and init ToolActions from them
-		 - hook them in the window UI
-		 - create a map from extensions to lists of ToolActions
-		"""
-		# add a MenuToolButton with the tools menu to the toolbar afterwards
-		# FIXME: this is quite hacky
-		menu = Gtk.Menu()
-		# this is used for enable/disable actions by name
-		# None stands for every extension
-		self._tool_action_extensions = { None : [] }
-		self._tool_action_group = Gtk.ActionGroup("LaTeXPluginToolActions")
-		items_ui = ""
-		self._action_handlers = {}
-		i = 1					# counting tool actions
-		accel_counter = 1		# counting tool actions without custom accel
-		for tool in self._preferences.tools:
-			# hopefully unique action name
-			name = "Tool%sAction" % i
-			# update extension-tool mapping
-			for extension in tool.extensions:
-				try:
-					self._tool_action_extensions[extension].append(name)
-				except KeyError:
-					# extension not yet mapped
-					self._tool_action_extensions[extension] = [name]
-			# create action
-			action = ToolAction(tool)
-			gtk_action = Gtk.Action(name, action.label, action.tooltip, action.stock_id)
-			self._action_handlers[gtk_action] = gtk_action.connect("activate", lambda gtk_action, action: action.activate(self._window_context), action)
-			if not tool.accelerator is None and len(tool.accelerator) > 0:
-				# TODO: validate accelerator!
-				self._tool_action_group.add_action_with_accel(gtk_action, tool.accelerator)
-			else:
-				self._tool_action_group.add_action_with_accel(gtk_action, "<Ctrl><Alt>%s" % accel_counter)
-				accel_counter += 1
-			# add to MenuToolBar menu
-			# FIXME: GtkWarning: gtk_accel_label_set_accel_closure: assertion `gtk_accel_group_from_accel_closure (accel_closure) != NULL' failed
-			menu.add(gtk_action.create_menu_item())
-			# add UI definition
-			items_ui += """<menuitem action="%s" />""" % name
-			i += 1
-		tool_ui = self._tool_ui_template.substitute({"items" : items_ui})
-		self._ui_manager.insert_action_group(self._tool_action_group, -1)
-		self._tool_ui_id = self._ui_manager.add_ui_from_string(tool_ui)
-		# add a MenuToolButton with the tools menu to the toolbar
-		self._menu_tool_button = Gtk.MenuToolButton.new_from_stock(Gtk.STOCK_CONVERT)
-		self._menu_tool_button.set_menu(menu)
-		self._menu_tool_button.show_all()
-		self._toolbar.insert(self._menu_tool_button, -1)
-	def save_file(self):
-		"""
-		Trigger the 'Save' action
-		(used by ToolAction before tool run)
-		"""
-		self._save_action.activate()
-	def _on_tools_changed(self):
-		# FIXME: tools reload doesn't work
-		# UPDATE: should work now
-		# see IPreferencesMonitor._on_tools_changed
-		self._log.debug("_on_tools_changed")
-		# remove tool actions and ui
-		self._ui_manager.remove_ui(self._tool_ui_id)
-		for gtk_action in self._action_handlers:
-			gtk_action.disconnect(self._action_handlers[gtk_action])
-			self._tool_action_group.remove_action(gtk_action)
-		self._ui_manager.remove_action_group(self._tool_action_group)
-		# remove MenuToolButton
-		self._toolbar.remove(self._menu_tool_button)
-		# re-init tool actions
-		self._init_tool_actions()
-		# re-adjust action states
-		self.adjust(self._active_tab_decorator)
-	def activate_tab(self, file):
-		"""
-		Activate the GeditTab containing the given File or open a new
-		tab for it (this is called by the WindowContext)
-		@param file: a File object
-		"""
-		for tab, tab_decorator in self._tab_decorators.iteritems():
-			if tab_decorator.file and tab_decorator.file == file:
-				self._window.set_active_tab(tab)
-				return
-		# not found, open file in a new tab...
-		uri = file.uri
-		gfile = Gio.file_new_for_uri(uri)
-		if Gedit.utils_is_valid_location(gfile):
-			self._log.debug("GeditWindow.create_tab_from_uri(%s)" % uri)
-			self._window.create_tab_from_location(
-							gfile, Gedit.encoding_get_current(),
-							1, 1, False, True)
-		else:
-			self._log.error("Gedit.utils.uri_is_valid(%s) = False" % uri)
-	def disable(self):
-		"""
-		Called if there are no more tabs after tab_removed
-		"""
-		self._toolbar.hide()
-		# disable all actions
-		for name in self._action_objects.iterkeys():
-			self._action_group.get_action(name).set_visible(False)
-		# disable all tool actions
-		for l in self._tool_action_extensions.values():
-			for name in l:
-				self._tool_action_group.get_action(name).set_sensitive(False)
-		# remove all side views
-		side_views = self._window_side_views + self._side_views
-		for view in side_views:
-			self._window.get_side_panel().remove_item(view)
-			if view in self._side_views: self._side_views.remove(view)
-			if view in self._window_side_views: self._window_side_views.remove(view)
-		# remove all bottom views
-		bottom_views = self._window_bottom_views + self._bottom_views
-		for view in bottom_views:
-			self._window.get_bottom_panel().remove_item(view)
-			if view in self._bottom_views: self._bottom_views.remove(view)
-			if view in self._window_bottom_views: self._window_bottom_views.remove(view)
-	def adjust(self, tab_decorator):
-		"""
-		Adjust actions and views according to the currently active TabDecorator
-		(the file type it contains)
-		Called by 
-		 * _on_active_tab_changed()
-		 * GeditTabDecorator when the Editor instance changes 
-		"""
-		# TODO: improve and simplify this!
-		extension = tab_decorator.extension
-		self._log.debug("---------- ADJUST: %s" % (extension))
-		# FIXME: a hack again...
-		# the toolbar should hide when it doesn't contain any visible items
-		latex_extensions = self._preferences.get("LatexExtensions", ".tex").split(" ")
-		show_toolbar = self._preferences.get_bool("ShowLatexToolbar", True)
-		if show_toolbar and extension in latex_extensions:
-			self._toolbar.show()
-		else:
-			self._toolbar.hide()
-		#
-		# adjust actions
-		#
-		# FIXME: we always get the state of the new decorator after tab change
-		# but we need to save the one of the old decorator
-		#
-		# FIXME: we are dealing with sets so saving the index as selection state
-		# is nonsense
-		#
-		# disable all actions
-		for name in self._action_objects:
-			self._action_group.get_action(name).set_visible(False)
-		# disable all tool actions
-		for l in self._tool_action_extensions.values():
-			for name in l:
-				self._tool_action_group.get_action(name).set_sensitive(False)
-		# enable the actions for all extensions
-		for name in self._action_extensions[None]:
-			self._action_group.get_action(name).set_visible(True)
-		# enable the actions registered for the extension
-		if extension:
-			try:
-				for name in self._action_extensions[extension]:
-					self._action_group.get_action(name).set_visible(True)
-			except KeyError:
-				pass
-		# enable the tool actions that apply for all extensions
-		for name in self._tool_action_extensions[None]:
-			self._tool_action_group.get_action(name).set_sensitive(True)
-		# enable the tool actions that apply for this extension
-		if extension:
-			try:
-				for name in self._tool_action_extensions[extension]:
-					self._tool_action_group.get_action(name).set_sensitive(True)
-			except KeyError:
-				pass
-		#
-		# save selection state
-		#
-		self._selected_bottom_views[tab_decorator] = self._get_selected_bottom_view()
-		self._selected_side_views[tab_decorator] = self._get_selected_side_view()
-		#
-		# adjust editor-scope views
-		#
-		# determine set of side/bottom views BEFORE
-		before_side_views = set(self._side_views)
-		before_bottom_views = set(self._bottom_views)
-		# determine set of side/bottom views AFTER
-		after_side_views = set()
-		after_bottom_views = set()
-		if tab_decorator.editor:
-			editor_views = self._window_context.editor_scope_views[tab_decorator.editor]
-			for id, view in editor_views.iteritems():
-				if isinstance(view, BottomView):
-					after_bottom_views.add(view)
-				elif isinstance(view, SideView):
-					after_side_views.add(view)
-				else:
-					raise RuntimeError("Invalid view type: %s" % view)
-		# remove BEFORE.difference(AFTER)
-		for view in before_side_views.difference(after_side_views):
-			self._window.get_side_panel().remove_item(view)
-			self._side_views.remove(view)
-		for view in before_bottom_views.difference(after_bottom_views):
-			self._window.get_bottom_panel().remove_item(view)
-			self._bottom_views.remove(view)
-		# add AFTER.difference(BEFORE)
-		i = 1
-		for view in after_side_views.difference(before_side_views):
-			i+=1
-			self._window.get_side_panel().add_item(view, "after_side_view_id" + str(i), view.label, view.icon)
-			self._side_views.append(view)
-		i = 1	
-		for view in after_bottom_views.difference(before_bottom_views):
-			i+=1
-			print view.label, view.icon
-			self._window.get_bottom_panel().add_item(view, "bottom_view_id" + str(i),view.label, view.icon)
-			self._bottom_views.append(view)
-		#
-		# adjust window-scope views
-		#
-		# determine set of side/bottom views BEFORE
-		before_window_side_views = set(self._window_side_views)
-		before_window_bottom_views = set(self._window_bottom_views)
-		# determine set of side/bottom views AFTER
-		after_window_side_views = set()
-		after_window_bottom_views = set()
-		try:
-			for id, clazz in WINDOW_SCOPE_VIEWS[extension].iteritems():
-				# find or create View instance
-				view = None
-				try:
-					view = self._views[id]
-				except KeyError:
-					view = clazz.__new__(clazz)
-					clazz.__init__(view, self._window_context)
-					self._views[id] = view
-				if isinstance(view, BottomView):
-					after_window_bottom_views.add(view)
-				elif isinstance(view, SideView):
-					after_window_side_views.add(view)
-				else:
-					raise RuntimeError("Invalid view type: %s" % view)
-		except KeyError:
-			self._log.debug("No window-scope views for this extension")
-		# remove BEFORE.difference(AFTER)
-		for view in before_window_side_views.difference(after_window_side_views):
-			self._window.get_side_panel().remove_item(view)
-			self._window_side_views.remove(view)
-		for view in before_window_bottom_views.difference(after_window_bottom_views):
-			self._window.get_bottom_panel().remove_item(view)
-			self._window_bottom_views.remove(view)
-		# add AFTER.difference(BEFORE)
-		i = 1
-		for view in after_window_side_views.difference(before_window_side_views):
-			i += 1
-			self._window.get_side_panel().add_item(view,"WHATView"+ str(i), view.label, view.icon)
-			self._window_side_views.append(view)
-		for view in after_window_bottom_views.difference(before_window_bottom_views):
-			self._window.get_bottom_panel().add_item(view, view.label, view.icon)
-			self._window_bottom_views.append(view)
-		#
-		# update window context
-		#
-		self._window_context.window_scope_views = self._views
-		#
-		# restore selection state
-		#
-		self._set_selected_bottom_view(self._selected_bottom_views[tab_decorator])
-		self._set_selected_side_view(self._selected_side_views[tab_decorator])
-	def _get_selected_bottom_view(self):
-		notebook = self._window.get_bottom_panel().get_children()[0].get_children()[0]
-		assert type(notebook) is Gtk.Notebook
-		return notebook.get_current_page()
-	def _get_selected_side_view(self):
-		notebook = self._window.get_side_panel().get_children()[1]
-		assert type(notebook) is Gtk.Notebook
-		return notebook.get_current_page()
-	def _set_selected_bottom_view(self, view):
-		notebook = self._window.get_bottom_panel().get_children()[0].get_children()[0]
-		assert type(notebook) is Gtk.Notebook
-		self._log.debug("_set_selected_bottom_view: %s" % view)
-		notebook.set_current_page(view)
-	def _set_selected_side_view(self, view):
-		notebook = self._window.get_side_panel().get_children()[1]
-		assert type(notebook) is Gtk.Notebook
-		self._log.debug("_set_selected_side_view: %s" % view)
-		notebook.set_current_page(view)
-	def _on_tab_added(self, window, tab):
-		"""
-		A new tab has been added
-		@param window: Gedit.Window object
-		@param tab: Gedit.Tab object
-		"""
-		self._log.debug("tab_added")
-		if tab in self._tab_decorators:
-			self._log.warning("There is already a decorator for tab %s" % tab)
-			return
-		self._create_tab_decorator(tab)
-	def _on_tab_removed(self, window, tab):
-		"""
-		A tab has been closed
-		@param window: GeditWindow
-		@param tab: the closed GeditTab
-		"""
-		self._log.debug("tab_removed")
-		# As we don't call GeditWindowDecorator.adjust() if the new 
-		# tab is not the active one (for example, when opening several 
-		# files at once, see GeditTabDecorator._adjust_editor()), 
-		# it may happen that self._selected_side_views[tab] is not set.
-		if self._tab_decorators[tab] in self._selected_side_views:
-			del self._selected_side_views[self._tab_decorators[tab]]
-		if self._tab_decorators[tab] in self._selected_bottom_views:
-			del self._selected_bottom_views[self._tab_decorators[tab]]
-		self._tab_decorators[tab].destroy()
-		if self._active_tab_decorator == self._tab_decorators[tab]:
-			self._active_tab_decorator = None
-		del self._tab_decorators[tab]
-		if len(self._tab_decorators) == 0:
-			# no more tabs
-			self.disable()
-	def _on_active_tab_changed(self, window, tab):
-		"""
-		The active tab has changed
-		@param window: the GeditWindow
-		@param tab: the activated GeditTab
-		"""
-		self._log.debug("active_tab_changed")
-		if tab in self._tab_decorators.keys():
-			decorator = self._tab_decorators[tab]
-		else:
-			# (on Gedit startup 'tab-changed' comes before 'tab-added')
-			# remember: init=True crashes the plugin here!
-			decorator = self._create_tab_decorator(tab)
-		self._active_tab_decorator = decorator
-		# adjust actions and views
-		self.adjust(decorator)
-	def _create_tab_decorator(self, tab, init=False):
-		"""
-		Create a new GeditTabDecorator for a GeditTab
-		"""
-		decorator = GeditTabDecorator(self, tab, init)
-		self._tab_decorators[tab] = decorator
-		return decorator 
-	def _on_window_destroyed(self, object):
-		"""
-		The Gtk.Window received the 'destroy' signal as a Gtk.Object
-		"""
-		self._log.debug("received 'destroy'")
-		self.destroy()
-	def destroy(self):
-		# save preferences and stop listening
-		self._preferences.save()
-		self._preferences.remove_monitor(self)
-		# destroy tab decorators
-		self._active_tab_decorator = None
-		for tab in self._tab_decorators:
-			self._tab_decorators[tab].destroy()
-		self._tab_decorators = {}
-		# disconnect from tab signals
-		for id in self._signal_handlers:
-			self._window.disconnect(id)
-		del self._signal_handlers
-		# remove all views
-		self.disable()
-		# destroy all window scope views
-		# (the editor scope views are destroyed by the editor)
-		for i in self._window_context.window_scope_views:
-			self._window_context.window_scope_views[i].destroy()
-		self._window_context.window_scope_views = {}
-		# remove toolbar
-		self._toolbar.destroy()
-		# remove tool actions
-		self._ui_manager.remove_ui(self._tool_ui_id)
-		for gtk_action in self._action_handlers:
-			gtk_action.disconnect(self._action_handlers[gtk_action])
-			self._tool_action_group.remove_action(gtk_action)
-		self._ui_manager.remove_action_group(self._tool_action_group)
-		# remove actions
-		self._ui_manager.remove_ui(self._ui_id)
-		for clazz in self._action_objects:
-			self._action_objects[clazz].unhook(self._action_group)
-		self._ui_manager.remove_action_group(self._action_group)
-		# unreference the Gedit window
-		del self._window
-		# destroy the window context
-		self._window_context.destroy()
-		del self._window_context
-	def __del__(self):
-		self._log.debug("Properly destroyed %s" % self)
 class GeditTabDecorator(object):
@@ -758,7 +110,7 @@ class GeditTabDecorator(object):
 			self._log.debug("No file loaded")
-			if self._window_decorator._window.get_active_view() == self._text_view:
+			if self._window_decorator.window.get_active_view() == self._text_view:
@@ -816,7 +168,7 @@ class GeditTabDecorator(object):
 				# tell WindowDecorator to adjust actions
 				# but only if this tab is the active tab
-				if self._window_decorator._window.get_active_view() == self._text_view:
+				if self._window_decorator.window.get_active_view() == self._text_view:
 				# notify that URI has changed
diff --git a/latex/base/resources.py b/latex/base/resources.py
index ccbb6f8..6de0a04 100644
--- a/latex/base/resources.py
+++ b/latex/base/resources.py
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ _log = logging.getLogger("resources")
 # TODO: switch to gedit.Plugin.get_data_dir()
-_PATH_SYSTEM = "/usr/lib/gedit-2/plugins/GeditLaTeXPlugin"
+_PATH_SYSTEM = "/opt/gnome/lib64/gedit/plugins/latex"
 _PATH_USER = expanduser("~/.local/share/gedit/plugins/latex")
 # FHS-compliant location for pixmaps
diff --git a/latex/base/windowactivatable.py b/latex/base/windowactivatable.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dd6d9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/latex/base/windowactivatable.py
@@ -0,0 +1,679 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of the Gedit LaTeX Plugin
+# Copyright (C) 2010 Michael Zeising
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public Licence as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the Licence, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public Licence for more 
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licence along with
+# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
+# Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA
+This is searched by gedit for a class extending gedit.Plugin
+from gi.repository import Gedit, GObject, Gio, Gtk, PeasGtk
+import logging
+import string
+logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s	%(name)s - %(message)s")
+from ..preferences import Preferences, IPreferencesMonitor
+from ..preferences.dialog import PreferencesDialog
+from ..tools import ToolAction
+from ..tools.views import ToolView
+from . import File, SideView, BottomView, WindowContext
+from decorators import GeditTabDecorator
+class LaTeXWindowActivatable(GObject.Object, Gedit.WindowActivatable, PeasGtk.Configurable, IPreferencesMonitor):
+	__gtype_name__ =  "LaTeXWindowActivatable"
+	"""
+	This class
+	 - manages the GeditTabDecorators
+	 - hooks the actions as menu items and tool items
+	 - installs side and bottom panel views
+	"""
+	window = GObject.property(type=Gedit.Window)
+	_log = logging.getLogger("LaTeXWindowActivatable")
+	# ui definition template for hooking tools in Gedit's ui
+	_tool_ui_template = string.Template("""<ui>
+			<menubar name="MenuBar">
+				<menu name="ToolsMenu" action="Tools">
+					<placeholder name="ToolsOps_1">$items</placeholder>
+				</menu>
+			</menubar>
+		</ui>""")
+	def __init__(self):
+		GObject.Object.__init__(self)
+	def do_activate(self):
+		"""
+		Called when the window extension is activated
+		"""
+		self._preferences = Preferences()
+		self._preferences.register_monitor(self)
+		#
+		# initialize context object
+		#
+		self._window_context = WindowContext(self, EDITOR_SCOPE_VIEWS)
+		# the order is important!
+		self._init_actions()
+		self._init_tool_actions()
+		self._init_views()
+		self._init_tab_decorators()
+		# FIXME: find another way to save a document
+		self._save_action = self._ui_manager.get_action("/MenuBar/FileMenu/FileSaveMenu")
+		#
+		# listen to tab signals
+		#
+		self._signal_handlers = [
+				self.window.connect("tab_added", self._on_tab_added),
+				self.window.connect("tab_removed", self._on_tab_removed),
+				self.window.connect("active_tab_changed", self._on_active_tab_changed),
+				self.window.connect("destroy", self._on_window_destroyed) ]
+	def do_deactivate(self):
+		"""
+		Called when the window extension is deactivated
+		"""
+		# save preferences and stop listening
+		self._preferences.save()
+		self._preferences.remove_monitor(self)
+		# destroy tab decorators
+		self._active_tab_decorator = None
+		for tab in self._tab_decorators:
+			self._tab_decorators[tab].destroy()
+		self._tab_decorators = {}
+		# disconnect from tab signals
+		for id in self._signal_handlers:
+			self.window.disconnect(id)
+		del self._signal_handlers
+		# remove all views
+		self.disable()
+		# destroy all window scope views
+		# (the editor scope views are destroyed by the editor)
+		for i in self._window_context.window_scope_views:
+			self._window_context.window_scope_views[i].destroy()
+		self._window_context.window_scope_views = {}
+		# remove toolbar
+		self._toolbar.destroy()
+		# remove tool actions
+		self._ui_manager.remove_ui(self._tool_ui_id)
+		for gtk_action in self._action_handlers:
+			gtk_action.disconnect(self._action_handlers[gtk_action])
+			self._tool_action_group.remove_action(gtk_action)
+		self._ui_manager.remove_action_group(self._tool_action_group)
+		# remove actions
+		self._ui_manager.remove_ui(self._ui_id)
+		for clazz in self._action_objects:
+			self._action_objects[clazz].unhook(self._action_group)
+		self._ui_manager.remove_action_group(self._action_group)
+		# destroy the window context
+		self._window_context.destroy()
+		del self._window_context
+	def do_create_configure_widget(self):
+		return PreferencesDialog().dialog
+	def _init_views(self):
+		"""
+		"""
+		# selection states for each TabDecorator
+		self._selected_bottom_views = {}
+		self._selected_side_views = {}
+		# currently hooked editor-scope views
+		self._side_views = []
+		self._bottom_views = []
+		# currently hooked window-scope views
+		self._window_side_views = []
+		self._window_bottom_views = []
+		# caches window-scope View instances
+		self._views = {}
+		#
+		# init the ToolView, it's always present
+		#
+		# TODO: position is ignored
+		# 
+		tool_view = ToolView(self._window_context)
+		self._views["ToolView"] = tool_view
+		#fixme put the id!
+		bottom_panel = self.window.get_bottom_panel()
+		bottom_panel.add_item(tool_view, "ToolViewid", tool_view.label, tool_view.icon)
+		#self._window_bottom_views.append(tool_view)
+		# update window context
+		self._window_context.window_scope_views = self._views
+	def _init_actions(self):
+		"""
+		Merge the plugin's UI definition with the one of Gedit and hook the actions
+		"""
+		self._ui_manager = self.window.get_ui_manager()
+		self._action_group = Gtk.ActionGroup("LaTeXWindowActivatableActions")
+		self._icon_factory = Gtk.IconFactory()
+		self._icon_factory.add_default()
+		# create action instances, hook them and build up some
+		# hash tables
+		self._action_objects = {}		# name -> Action object
+		self._action_extensions = {}	# extension -> action names
+		for clazz in ACTIONS:
+			action = clazz(icon_factory=self._icon_factory)
+			action.hook(self._action_group, self._window_context)
+			self._action_objects[clazz.__name__] = action
+			for extension in action.extensions:
+				if extension in self._action_extensions.keys():
+					self._action_extensions[extension].append(clazz.__name__)
+				else:
+					self._action_extensions[extension] = [clazz.__name__]
+		# merge ui
+		self._ui_manager.insert_action_group(self._action_group, -1)
+		self._ui_id = self._ui_manager.add_ui_from_string(UI)
+		# hook the toolbar
+		self._toolbar = self._ui_manager.get_widget("/LaTeXToolbar")
+		self._toolbar.set_style(Gtk.ToolbarStyle.BOTH_HORIZ)
+		self._main_box = self.window.get_children()[0]
+		self._main_box.pack_start(self._toolbar, False, True, 0)
+		self._main_box.reorder_child(self._toolbar, 2)
+	def _init_tab_decorators(self):
+		"""
+		Look for already open tabs and create decorators for them
+		"""
+		self._tab_decorators = {}
+		self._active_tab_decorator = None
+		active_view = self.window.get_active_view()
+		views = self.window.get_views()
+		for view in views:
+			tab = Gedit.Tab.get_from_document(view.get_buffer())
+			decorator = self._create_tab_decorator(tab, init=True)
+			if view is active_view:
+				self._active_tab_decorator = decorator
+		self._log.debug("_init_tab_decorators: initialized %s decorators" % len(views))
+		if len(views) > 0 and not self._active_tab_decorator:
+			self._log.warning("_init_tab_decorators: no active decorator found")
+	def _init_tool_actions(self):
+		"""
+		 - Load defined Tools
+		 - create and init ToolActions from them
+		 - hook them in the window UI
+		 - create a map from extensions to lists of ToolActions
+		"""
+		# add a MenuToolButton with the tools menu to the toolbar afterwards
+		# FIXME: this is quite hacky
+		menu = Gtk.Menu()
+		# this is used for enable/disable actions by name
+		# None stands for every extension
+		self._tool_action_extensions = { None : [] }
+		self._tool_action_group = Gtk.ActionGroup("LaTeXPluginToolActions")
+		items_ui = ""
+		self._action_handlers = {}
+		i = 1					# counting tool actions
+		accel_counter = 1		# counting tool actions without custom accel
+		for tool in self._preferences.tools:
+			# hopefully unique action name
+			name = "Tool%sAction" % i
+			# update extension-tool mapping
+			for extension in tool.extensions:
+				try:
+					self._tool_action_extensions[extension].append(name)
+				except KeyError:
+					# extension not yet mapped
+					self._tool_action_extensions[extension] = [name]
+			# create action
+			action = ToolAction(tool)
+			gtk_action = Gtk.Action(name, action.label, action.tooltip, action.stock_id)
+			self._action_handlers[gtk_action] = gtk_action.connect("activate", lambda gtk_action, action: action.activate(self._window_context), action)
+			if not tool.accelerator is None and len(tool.accelerator) > 0:
+				# TODO: validate accelerator!
+				self._tool_action_group.add_action_with_accel(gtk_action, tool.accelerator)
+			else:
+				self._tool_action_group.add_action_with_accel(gtk_action, "<Ctrl><Alt>%s" % accel_counter)
+				accel_counter += 1
+			# add to MenuToolBar menu
+			# FIXME: GtkWarning: gtk_accel_label_set_accel_closure: assertion `gtk_accel_group_from_accel_closure (accel_closure) != NULL' failed
+			menu.add(gtk_action.create_menu_item())
+			# add UI definition
+			items_ui += """<menuitem action="%s" />""" % name
+			i += 1
+		tool_ui = self._tool_ui_template.substitute({"items" : items_ui})
+		self._ui_manager.insert_action_group(self._tool_action_group, -1)
+		self._tool_ui_id = self._ui_manager.add_ui_from_string(tool_ui)
+		# add a MenuToolButton with the tools menu to the toolbar
+		self._menu_tool_button = Gtk.MenuToolButton.new_from_stock(Gtk.STOCK_CONVERT)
+		self._menu_tool_button.set_menu(menu)
+		self._menu_tool_button.show_all()
+		self._toolbar.insert(self._menu_tool_button, -1)
+	def save_file(self):
+		"""
+		Trigger the 'Save' action
+		(used by ToolAction before tool run)
+		"""
+		self._save_action.activate()
+	def _on_tools_changed(self):
+		# FIXME: tools reload doesn't work
+		# UPDATE: should work now
+		# see IPreferencesMonitor._on_tools_changed
+		self._log.debug("_on_tools_changed")
+		# remove tool actions and ui
+		self._ui_manager.remove_ui(self._tool_ui_id)
+		for gtk_action in self._action_handlers:
+			gtk_action.disconnect(self._action_handlers[gtk_action])
+			self._tool_action_group.remove_action(gtk_action)
+		self._ui_manager.remove_action_group(self._tool_action_group)
+		# remove MenuToolButton
+		self._toolbar.remove(self._menu_tool_button)
+		# re-init tool actions
+		self._init_tool_actions()
+		# re-adjust action states
+		self.adjust(self._active_tab_decorator)
+	def activate_tab(self, file):
+		"""
+		Activate the GeditTab containing the given File or open a new
+		tab for it (this is called by the WindowContext)
+		@param file: a File object
+		"""
+		for tab, tab_decorator in self._tab_decorators.iteritems():
+			if tab_decorator.file and tab_decorator.file == file:
+				self.window.set_active_tab(tab)
+				return
+		# not found, open file in a new tab...
+		uri = file.uri
+		gfile = Gio.file_new_for_uri(uri)
+		if Gedit.utils_is_valid_location(gfile):
+			self._log.debug("GeditWindow.create_tab_from_uri(%s)" % uri)
+			self.window.create_tab_from_location(
+							gfile, Gedit.encoding_get_current(),
+							1, 1, False, True)
+		else:
+			self._log.error("Gedit.utils.uri_is_valid(%s) = False" % uri)
+	def disable(self):
+		"""
+		Called if there are no more tabs after tab_removed
+		"""
+		self._toolbar.hide()
+		# disable all actions
+		for name in self._action_objects.iterkeys():
+			self._action_group.get_action(name).set_visible(False)
+		# disable all tool actions
+		for l in self._tool_action_extensions.values():
+			for name in l:
+				self._tool_action_group.get_action(name).set_sensitive(False)
+		# remove all side views
+		side_views = self._window_side_views + self._side_views
+		for view in side_views:
+			self.window.get_side_panel().remove_item(view)
+			if view in self._side_views: self._side_views.remove(view)
+			if view in self._window_side_views: self._window_side_views.remove(view)
+		# remove all bottom views
+		bottom_views = self._window_bottom_views + self._bottom_views
+		for view in bottom_views:
+			self.window.get_bottom_panel().remove_item(view)
+			if view in self._bottom_views: self._bottom_views.remove(view)
+			if view in self._window_bottom_views: self._window_bottom_views.remove(view)
+	def adjust(self, tab_decorator):
+		"""
+		Adjust actions and views according to the currently active TabDecorator
+		(the file type it contains)
+		Called by 
+		 * _on_active_tab_changed()
+		 * GeditTabDecorator when the Editor instance changes 
+		"""
+		# TODO: improve and simplify this!
+		extension = tab_decorator.extension
+		self._log.debug("---------- ADJUST: %s" % (extension))
+		# FIXME: a hack again...
+		# the toolbar should hide when it doesn't contain any visible items
+		latex_extensions = self._preferences.get("LatexExtensions", ".tex").split(" ")
+		show_toolbar = self._preferences.get_bool("ShowLatexToolbar", True)
+		if show_toolbar and extension in latex_extensions:
+			self._toolbar.show()
+		else:
+			self._toolbar.hide()
+		#
+		# adjust actions
+		#
+		# FIXME: we always get the state of the new decorator after tab change
+		# but we need to save the one of the old decorator
+		#
+		# FIXME: we are dealing with sets so saving the index as selection state
+		# is nonsense
+		#
+		# disable all actions
+		for name in self._action_objects:
+			self._action_group.get_action(name).set_visible(False)
+		# disable all tool actions
+		for l in self._tool_action_extensions.values():
+			for name in l:
+				self._tool_action_group.get_action(name).set_sensitive(False)
+		# enable the actions for all extensions
+		for name in self._action_extensions[None]:
+			self._action_group.get_action(name).set_visible(True)
+		# enable the actions registered for the extension
+		if extension:
+			try:
+				for name in self._action_extensions[extension]:
+					self._action_group.get_action(name).set_visible(True)
+			except KeyError:
+				pass
+		# enable the tool actions that apply for all extensions
+		for name in self._tool_action_extensions[None]:
+			self._tool_action_group.get_action(name).set_sensitive(True)
+		# enable the tool actions that apply for this extension
+		if extension:
+			try:
+				for name in self._tool_action_extensions[extension]:
+					self._tool_action_group.get_action(name).set_sensitive(True)
+			except KeyError:
+				pass
+		#
+		# save selection state
+		#
+		self._selected_bottom_views[tab_decorator] = self._get_selected_bottom_view()
+		self._selected_side_views[tab_decorator] = self._get_selected_side_view()
+		#
+		# adjust editor-scope views
+		#
+		# determine set of side/bottom views BEFORE
+		before_side_views = set(self._side_views)
+		before_bottom_views = set(self._bottom_views)
+		# determine set of side/bottom views AFTER
+		after_side_views = set()
+		after_bottom_views = set()
+		if tab_decorator.editor:
+			editor_views = self._window_context.editor_scope_views[tab_decorator.editor]
+			for id, view in editor_views.iteritems():
+				if isinstance(view, BottomView):
+					after_bottom_views.add(view)
+				elif isinstance(view, SideView):
+					after_side_views.add(view)
+				else:
+					raise RuntimeError("Invalid view type: %s" % view)
+		# remove BEFORE.difference(AFTER)
+		for view in before_side_views.difference(after_side_views):
+			self.window.get_side_panel().remove_item(view)
+			self._side_views.remove(view)
+		for view in before_bottom_views.difference(after_bottom_views):
+			self.window.get_bottom_panel().remove_item(view)
+			self._bottom_views.remove(view)
+		# add AFTER.difference(BEFORE)
+		i = 1
+		for view in after_side_views.difference(before_side_views):
+			i+=1
+			self.window.get_side_panel().add_item(view, "after_side_view_id" + str(i), view.label, view.icon)
+			self._side_views.append(view)
+		i = 1	
+		for view in after_bottom_views.difference(before_bottom_views):
+			i+=1
+			print view.label, view.icon
+			self.window.get_bottom_panel().add_item(view, "bottom_view_id" + str(i),view.label, view.icon)
+			self._bottom_views.append(view)
+		#
+		# adjust window-scope views
+		#
+		# determine set of side/bottom views BEFORE
+		before_window_side_views = set(self._window_side_views)
+		before_window_bottom_views = set(self._window_bottom_views)
+		# determine set of side/bottom views AFTER
+		after_window_side_views = set()
+		after_window_bottom_views = set()
+		try:
+			for id, clazz in WINDOW_SCOPE_VIEWS[extension].iteritems():
+				# find or create View instance
+				view = None
+				try:
+					view = self._views[id]
+				except KeyError:
+					view = clazz.__new__(clazz)
+					clazz.__init__(view, self._window_context)
+					self._views[id] = view
+				if isinstance(view, BottomView):
+					after_window_bottom_views.add(view)
+				elif isinstance(view, SideView):
+					after_window_side_views.add(view)
+				else:
+					raise RuntimeError("Invalid view type: %s" % view)
+		except KeyError:
+			self._log.debug("No window-scope views for this extension")
+		# remove BEFORE.difference(AFTER)
+		for view in before_window_side_views.difference(after_window_side_views):
+			self.window.get_side_panel().remove_item(view)
+			self._window_side_views.remove(view)
+		for view in before_window_bottom_views.difference(after_window_bottom_views):
+			self.window.get_bottom_panel().remove_item(view)
+			self._window_bottom_views.remove(view)
+		# add AFTER.difference(BEFORE)
+		i = 1
+		for view in after_window_side_views.difference(before_window_side_views):
+			i += 1
+			self.window.get_side_panel().add_item(view,"WHATView"+ str(i), view.label, view.icon)
+			self._window_side_views.append(view)
+		for view in after_window_bottom_views.difference(before_window_bottom_views):
+			self.window.get_bottom_panel().add_item(view, view.label, view.icon)
+			self._window_bottom_views.append(view)
+		#
+		# update window context
+		#
+		self._window_context.window_scope_views = self._views
+		#
+		# restore selection state
+		#
+		self._set_selected_bottom_view(self._selected_bottom_views[tab_decorator])
+		self._set_selected_side_view(self._selected_side_views[tab_decorator])
+	def _get_selected_bottom_view(self):
+		notebook = self.window.get_bottom_panel().get_children()[0].get_children()[0]
+		assert type(notebook) is Gtk.Notebook
+		return notebook.get_current_page()
+	def _get_selected_side_view(self):
+		notebook = self.window.get_side_panel().get_children()[1]
+		assert type(notebook) is Gtk.Notebook
+		return notebook.get_current_page()
+	def _set_selected_bottom_view(self, view):
+		notebook = self.window.get_bottom_panel().get_children()[0].get_children()[0]
+		assert type(notebook) is Gtk.Notebook
+		self._log.debug("_set_selected_bottom_view: %s" % view)
+		notebook.set_current_page(view)
+	def _set_selected_side_view(self, view):
+		notebook = self.window.get_side_panel().get_children()[1]
+		assert type(notebook) is Gtk.Notebook
+		self._log.debug("_set_selected_side_view: %s" % view)
+		notebook.set_current_page(view)
+	def _on_tab_added(self, window, tab):
+		"""
+		A new tab has been added
+		@param window: Gedit.Window object
+		@param tab: Gedit.Tab object
+		"""
+		self._log.debug("tab_added")
+		if tab in self._tab_decorators:
+			self._log.warning("There is already a decorator for tab %s" % tab)
+			return
+		self._create_tab_decorator(tab)
+	def _on_tab_removed(self, window, tab):
+		"""
+		A tab has been closed
+		@param window: GeditWindow
+		@param tab: the closed GeditTab
+		"""
+		self._log.debug("tab_removed")
+		# As we don't call GeditWindowDecorator.adjust() if the new 
+		# tab is not the active one (for example, when opening several 
+		# files at once, see GeditTabDecorator._adjust_editor()), 
+		# it may happen that self._selected_side_views[tab] is not set.
+		if self._tab_decorators[tab] in self._selected_side_views:
+			del self._selected_side_views[self._tab_decorators[tab]]
+		if self._tab_decorators[tab] in self._selected_bottom_views:
+			del self._selected_bottom_views[self._tab_decorators[tab]]
+		self._tab_decorators[tab].destroy()
+		if self._active_tab_decorator == self._tab_decorators[tab]:
+			self._active_tab_decorator = None
+		del self._tab_decorators[tab]
+		if len(self._tab_decorators) == 0:
+			# no more tabs
+			self.disable()
+	def _on_active_tab_changed(self, window, tab):
+		"""
+		The active tab has changed
+		@param window: the GeditWindow
+		@param tab: the activated GeditTab
+		"""
+		self._log.debug("active_tab_changed")
+		if tab in self._tab_decorators.keys():
+			decorator = self._tab_decorators[tab]
+		else:
+			# (on Gedit startup 'tab-changed' comes before 'tab-added')
+			# remember: init=True crashes the plugin here!
+			decorator = self._create_tab_decorator(tab)
+		self._active_tab_decorator = decorator
+		# adjust actions and views
+		self.adjust(decorator)
+	def _create_tab_decorator(self, tab, init=False):
+		"""
+		Create a new GeditTabDecorator for a GeditTab
+		"""
+		decorator = GeditTabDecorator(self, tab, init)
+		self._tab_decorators[tab] = decorator
+		return decorator

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