[gedit-latex/remove-tools: 4/4] Remove PostProcessors

commit 76aa6c65464c036ce50a25b609a097f70800fbd2
Author: John Stowers <john stowers gmail com>
Date:   Sat Jun 25 01:50:04 2011 +1200

    Remove PostProcessors
    	* LaTeX and Rubber support should be added to the
    	  externaltools plugin

 latex/latex/preview.py     |    4 +-
 latex/tools/postprocess.py |  131 --------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 133 deletions(-)
diff --git a/latex/latex/preview.py b/latex/latex/preview.py
index 2f89813..d90cc4e 100644
--- a/latex/latex/preview.py
+++ b/latex/latex/preview.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ latex.preview
 from ..base import File
 from ..tools import Tool, Job, ToolRunner
-from ..tools.postprocess import RubberPostProcessor, GenericPostProcessor
+from ..tools.postprocess import GenericPostProcessor
 from ..issues import MockStructuredIssueHandler
 from environment import Environment
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class ImageToolGenerator(object):
 		tool = Tool(label=self._names[self.format], jobs=[], description="", accelerator="", extensions=[])
 		# use rubber to render a DVI
-		tool.jobs.append(Job("rubber --force --short --inplace \"$filename\"", True, RubberPostProcessor))
+		tool.jobs.append(Job("rubber --force --short --inplace \"$filename\"", True, GenericPostProcessor))
 		if self.render_box:
 			# DVI -> PS
diff --git a/latex/tools/postprocess.py b/latex/tools/postprocess.py
index b4c2a6e..2a2f9b8 100644
--- a/latex/tools/postprocess.py
+++ b/latex/tools/postprocess.py
@@ -94,134 +94,3 @@ class GenericPostProcessor(PostProcessor):
 	def summary(self):
 		return self._summary
-class LaTeXPostProcessor(PostProcessor):
-	"""
-	This post-processor generates messages from a standard LaTeX log with
-	default error format (NOT using "-file-line-error")
-	"""
-	_log = getLogger("LatexPostProcessor")
-	name = "LaTeXPostProcessor"
-	_PATTERN = pattern = re.compile(r"(^! (?P<text>.*?)$)|(^l\.(?P<line>[0-9]+))", re.MULTILINE)
-	def __init__(self):
-		pass
-	def process(self, file, stdout, stderr, condition):
-		self._file = file
-	@property
-	def successful(self):
-		return True
-	@property
-	def summary(self):
-		return self._summary
-	@property
-	def issues(self):
-		try:
-			log = open("%s.log" % self._file.shortname).read()
-			# check for wrong format
-			if log.find("file:line:error") > 0:
-				return [Issue("The file:line:error format is not supported. Please remove that switch.", None, None, self._file, Issue.SEVERITY_ERROR)]
-			# process log file and extract tuples like (message, line)
-			tuples = []
-			for match in self._PATTERN.finditer(log):
-				if match.group("text"):
-					tuple = [match.group("text"), 0]
-				elif match.group("line"):
-					tuple[1] = match.group("line")
-					tuples.append(tuple)
-			# generate issues from tuples
-			self._issues = []
-			for tuple in tuples:
-				text = tuple[0]
-				line = int(tuple[1]) - 1
-				self._issues.append(Issue(text, line, None, self._file, Issue.SEVERITY_ERROR, Issue.POSITION_LINE))
-			return self._issues
-		except IOError:
-			return [Issue("No LaTeX log file found", None, None, self._file, Issue.SEVERITY_ERROR)]
-class RubberPostProcessor(PostProcessor):
-	"""
-	This is a post-processor for rubber
-	"""
-	_log = getLogger("RubberPostProcessor")
-	name = "RubberPostProcessor"
-	_pattern = re.compile(r"(?P<file>[a-zA-Z0-9./_-]+)(:(?P<line>[0-9\-]+))?:(?P<text>.*?)$", re.MULTILINE)
-	def __init__(self):
-		self._issues = None
-		self._summary = None
-		self._successful = False
-		# FIXME: circ dep
-		from ..preferences import Preferences
-		self._hide_box_warnings = Preferences().get_bool("HideBoxWarnings", False)
-	@property
-	def successful(self):
-		return self._successful
-	@property
-	def issues(self):
-		return self._issues
-	@property
-	def summary(self):
-		return self._summary
-	def process(self, file, stdout, stderr, condition):
-		from ..base import File		# FIXME: this produces a circ dep on toplevel
-		self._issues = []
-		self._log.debug("process(): stdout=\"%s\", stderr=\"%s\"" % (stdout, stderr))
-		self._successful = not bool(condition)
-		for match in self._pattern.finditer(stderr):
-			severity = Issue.SEVERITY_ERROR
-			# text
-			text = match.group("text")
-			if "Underfull" in text or "Overfull" in text:
-				if self._hide_box_warnings:
-					continue
-				else:
-					severity = Issue.SEVERITY_WARNING
-			# line(s)
-			lineFrom, lineTo = None, None
-			line = match.group("line")
-			if line:
-				parts = line.split("-")
-				lineFrom = int(parts[0]) - 1
-				if len(parts) > 1:
-					lineTo = int(parts[1]) - 1
-			# filename
-			filename = "%s/%s" % (file.dirname, match.group("file"))
-			self._issues.append(Issue(escape(text), lineFrom, lineTo, File(filename), severity, Issue.POSITION_LINE))
\ No newline at end of file

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