[gnome-contacts] clean up typeset handling

commit f5930b4a568495884fb69b02691d57d466f8a277
Author: Alexander Larsson <alexl redhat com>
Date:   Thu Jun 23 14:57:53 2011 +0200

    clean up typeset handling
    We now handle multiple standard vcard types to map to the same one
    (which is needed for HOME VOICE vs HOME for phones) and we handle
    custom names with the same name as a pre-existing standard type
    to re-use the standard type. Also, not all standard types are
    availible in the default dropdown

 src/contacts-types.vala |  301 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 files changed, 174 insertions(+), 127 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/contacts-types.vala b/src/contacts-types.vala
index 1e939d2..abff966 100644
--- a/src/contacts-types.vala
+++ b/src/contacts-types.vala
@@ -96,130 +96,127 @@ public class Contacts.TypeCombo : Grid  {
   public void set_active (FieldDetails details) {
     TreeIter iter;
-    type_set.lookup_detail (details, out iter);
+    type_set.lookup_type (details, out iter);
     combo.set_active_iter (iter);
 public class Contacts.TypeSet : Object  {
   const int MAX_TYPES = 3;
-  private struct Data {
-    InitData *init_data;
-    TreeIter iter;
-  }
   private struct InitData {
-    unowned string display_name;
+    unowned string display_name_u;
     unowned string types[3]; //MAX_TYPES
-  static InitData custom_dummy;
-  private HashTable<unowned string, GLib.List<Data?> > hash;
+  private class Data : Object {
+    public string display_name; // Translated
+    public GLib.List<InitData*> init_data;
+    public TreeIter iter; // Set if in_store
+    public bool in_store;
+  }
+  // Dummy Data to mark the "Custom..." store entry
+  private static Data custom_dummy = new Data ();
+  // Map from translated display name to Data for all "standard" types
+  private HashTable<unowned string, Data> display_name_hash;
+  // Map from all type strings in to list of InitData with the data in it
+  private HashTable<unowned string, GLib.List<InitData*> > vcard_lookup_hash;
+  // Map from display name to TreeIter for all custom types
   private HashTable<unowned string, TreeIter?> custom_hash;
   public ListStore store;
   private TreeIter other_iter;
   private TreeIter custom_iter;
   private TypeSet () {
-    hash = new HashTable<unowned string, GLib.List<Data?> > (str_hash, str_equal);
+    display_name_hash = new HashTable<unowned string, Data> (str_hash, str_equal);
+    vcard_lookup_hash = new HashTable<unowned string, GLib.List<InitData*> > (str_hash, str_equal);
     custom_hash = new HashTable<unowned string, TreeIter? > (str_hash, str_equal);
-    store = new ListStore (2, typeof(string?), typeof (InitData *));
+    store = new ListStore (2,
+			   // Display name or null for separator
+			   typeof(string?),
+			   // Data for standard types, null for custom
+			   typeof (Data));
-  private void add_data (InitData *init_data) {
-    Data data = Data();
-    data.init_data = init_data;
-    store.append (out data.iter);
-    store.set (data.iter, 0, dgettext (Config.GETTEXT_PACKAGE, init_data.display_name), 1, data);
+  private void add_data_to_store (Data data, bool is_custom) {
+    if (data.in_store)
+      return;
-    unowned GLib.List<Data?> l = hash.lookup (init_data.types[0]);
-    if (l != null) {
-      l.append (data);
-    } else {
-      GLib.List<Data?> l2 = null;
-      l2.append (data);
-      hash.insert (init_data.types[0], (owned) l2);
+    data.in_store = true;
+    if (is_custom)
+      store.insert_before (out data.iter, custom_iter);
+    else
+      store.append (out data.iter);
+    store.set (data.iter, 0, data.display_name, 1, data);
+  }
+  private void add_init_data (InitData *init_data) {
+    unowned string dn = dgettext (Config.GETTEXT_PACKAGE, init_data.display_name_u);
+    Data data = display_name_hash.lookup (dn);
+    if (data == null) {
+      data = new Data ();
+      data.display_name = dn;
+      display_name_hash.insert (dn, data);
+    }
+    data.init_data.append (init_data);
+    for (int j = 0; j < MAX_TYPES && init_data.types[j] != null; j++) {
+      unowned string type = init_data.types[j];
+      unowned GLib.List<InitData*> l = vcard_lookup_hash.lookup (type);
+      if (l != null) {
+	l.append (init_data);
+      } else {
+	GLib.List<InitData*> l2 = null;
+	l2.append (init_data);
+	vcard_lookup_hash.insert (type, (owned) l2);
+      }
-  private void add_data_done () {
+  private void add_init_data_done (string[] standard_untranslated) {
+    foreach (var untranslated in standard_untranslated) {
+      var data = display_name_hash.lookup (dgettext (Config.GETTEXT_PACKAGE, untranslated));
+      if (data != null)
+	add_data_to_store (data, false);
+      else
+	error ("Internal error: Can't find display name %s in TypeSet data", untranslated);
+    }
     store.append (out other_iter);
     store.set (other_iter, 0, _("Other"), 1, null);
     TreeIter iter;
+    // Separator
     store.append (out iter);
     store.set (iter, 0, null);
     store.append (out custom_iter);
     store.set (custom_iter, 0, _("Custom..."), 1, custom_dummy);
-  private static TypeSet _general;
-  private static TypeSet _phone;
-  public static TypeSet general {
-    get {
-      const InitData[] data = {
-	// List most specific first, always in upper case
-	{ N_("Home"), { "HOME" } },
-	{ N_("Work"), { "WORK" } }
-      };
-      if (_general == null) {
-	_general = new TypeSet ();
-	for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
-	  _general.add_data (&data[i]);
-	}
-	_general.add_data_done ();
-      }
-      return _general;
+  public void add_custom_label (string label, out TreeIter iter) {
+    // If we add a custom name equal to one of the standard ones, reuse that one
+    var data = display_name_hash.lookup (label);
+    if (data != null) {
+      add_data_to_store (data, true);
+      iter = data.iter;
+      return;
-  }
-  public static TypeSet phone {
-    get {
-      const InitData[] data = {
-	// List most specific first, always in upper case
-	{ N_("Assistant"), { "X-EVOLUTION-ASSISTANT" } },
-	{ N_("Work"), { "WORK", "VOICE" } },
-	// { N_("Business Phone 2"), { "WORK", "VOICE"},  1
-	{ N_("Work Fax"), { "WORK", "FAX" } },
-	{ N_("Callback"),   { "X-EVOLUTION-CALLBACK" } },
-	{ N_("Car"),        { "CAR" } },
-	{ N_("Company"),    { "X-EVOLUTION-COMPANY" } },
-	{ N_("Home"),       { "HOME", "VOICE" } },
-	//{ N_("Home 2"),     { "HOME", "VOICE" } },  1),
-	{ N_("Home Fax"),         { "HOME", "FAX" } },
-	{ N_("ISDN"),             { "ISDN" } },
-	{ N_("Mobile"),     { "CELL" } },
-	{ N_("Other"),      { "VOICE" } },
-	{ N_("Fax"),        { "FAX" } },
-	{ N_("Pager"),            { "PAGER" } },
-	{ N_("Radio"),            { "X-EVOLUTION-RADIO" } },
-	{ N_("Telex"),            { "X-EVOLUTION-TELEX" } },
-	/* To translators: TTY is Teletypewriter */
-	{ N_("TTY"),              { "X-EVOLUTION-TTYTDD" } },
-	{ N_("Home"), { "HOME" } },
-	{ N_("Work"), { "WORK" } }
-      };
-      if (_phone == null) {
-	_phone = new TypeSet ();
-	for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
-	  _phone.add_data (&data[i]);
-	}
-	_phone.add_data_done ();
-      }
-      return _phone;
+    unowned TreeIter? iterp = custom_hash.lookup (label);
+    if (iterp != null) {
+      iter = iterp;
+      return;
-  }
-  private static string? get_first_string (Collection<string> collection) {
-    var i = collection.iterator();
-    if (i.next())
-      return i.get();
-    return null;
+    store.insert_before (out iter, custom_iter);
+    store.set (iter, 0, label, 1, null);
+    custom_hash.insert (label, iter);
   private unowned Data? lookup_data (FieldDetails detail) {
@@ -229,82 +226,132 @@ public class Contacts.TypeSet : Object  {
     var list = new Gee.ArrayList<string> ();
     foreach (var s in detail.get_parameter_values ("type")) {
-      if (s.ascii_casecmp ("OTHER") == 0 ||
-	  s.ascii_casecmp ("INTERNET") == 0 ||
-	  s.ascii_casecmp ("PREF") == 0)
-	continue;
       list.add (s.up ());
-    if (list.is_empty)
-      return null;
-    list.sort ();
-    unowned GLib.List<Data?>? l = hash.lookup (list[0]);
-    foreach (unowned Data? d in l) {
+    // Make sure all items in the InitData is in the specified type, there might
+    // be more, but we ignore them (so a HOME,FOO,PREF,BLAH contact still matches
+    // the standard HOME one, but not HOME,FAX
+    unowned GLib.List<InitData *>? l = vcard_lookup_hash.lookup (list[0]);
+    foreach (unowned InitData *d in l) {
       bool all_found = true;
-      for (int j = 0; j < MAX_TYPES && d.init_data.types[j] != null; j++) {
-	if (!list.contains (d.init_data.types[j])) {
+      for (int j = 0; j < MAX_TYPES && d.types[j] != null; j++) {
+	if (!list.contains (d.types[j])) {
 	  all_found = false;
-      if (all_found)
-	return d;
+      if (all_found) {
+	unowned string dn = dgettext (Config.GETTEXT_PACKAGE, d.display_name_u);
+	return display_name_hash.lookup (dn);
+      }
     return null;
-  public string format_type (FieldDetails detail) {
+  // Looks up (and creates if necessary) the type in the store
+  public void lookup_type (FieldDetails detail, out TreeIter iter) {
     if (detail.parameters.contains ("x-google-label")) {
-      return get_first_string (detail.parameters.get ("x-google-label"));
+      var label = Utils.get_first<string> (detail.parameters.get ("x-google-label"));
+      add_custom_label (label, out iter);
+      return;
     unowned Data? d = lookup_data (detail);
     if (d != null) {
-      return dgettext (Config.GETTEXT_PACKAGE, d.init_data.display_name);
+      add_data_to_store (d, true);
+      iter = d.iter;
+    } else {
+      iter = other_iter;
+  }
-    return _("Other");
+  public void type_seen (FieldDetails detail) {
+    lookup_type (detail, null);
-  public void lookup_detail (FieldDetails detail, out TreeIter iter) {
+  public string format_type (FieldDetails detail) {
     if (detail.parameters.contains ("x-google-label")) {
-      var label = get_first_string (detail.parameters.get ("x-google-label"));
-      add_custom_label (label, out iter);
-      return;
+      return Utils.get_first<string> (detail.parameters.get ("x-google-label"));
     unowned Data? d = lookup_data (detail);
-    if (d != null)
-      iter = d.iter;
-    else
-      iter = other_iter;
+    if (d != null) {
+      return d.display_name;
+    }
+    return _("Other");
   public bool is_custom (TreeIter iter) {
     InitData *data;
     store.get (iter, 1, out data);
-    return data == &custom_dummy;
+    return data == custom_dummy;
-  public void add_custom_label (string label, out TreeIter iter) {
-    unowned TreeIter? iterp = custom_hash.lookup (label);
-    if (iterp != null) {
-      iter = iterp;
-      return;
+  private static TypeSet _general;
+  public static TypeSet general {
+    get {
+      const InitData[] data = {
+	// List most specific first, always in upper case
+	{ N_("Home"), { "HOME" } },
+	{ N_("Work"), { "WORK" } }
+      };
+      string[] standard = {
+	"Work", "Home"
+      };
+      if (_general == null) {
+	_general = new TypeSet ();
+	for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
+	  _general.add_init_data (&data[i]);
+	_general.add_init_data_done (standard);
+      }
+      return _general;
-    store.insert_before (out iter, custom_iter);
-    store.set (iter, 0, label, 1, null);
-    custom_hash.insert (label, iter);
-  public void type_seen (FieldDetails detail) {
-    if (detail.parameters.contains ("x-google-label")) {
-      var label = get_first_string (detail.parameters.get ("x-google-label"));
-      add_custom_label (label, null);
+  private static TypeSet _phone;
+  public static TypeSet phone {
+    get {
+      const InitData[] data = {
+	// List most specific first, always in upper case
+	{ N_("Assistant"), { "X-EVOLUTION-ASSISTANT" } },
+	{ N_("Work"), { "WORK", "VOICE" } },
+	{ N_("Work Fax"), { "WORK", "FAX" } },
+	{ N_("Callback"),   { "X-EVOLUTION-CALLBACK" } },
+	{ N_("Car"),        { "CAR" } },
+	{ N_("Company"),    { "X-EVOLUTION-COMPANY" } },
+	{ N_("Home"),       { "HOME", "VOICE" } },
+	{ N_("Home Fax"),         { "HOME", "FAX" } },
+	{ N_("ISDN"),             { "ISDN" } },
+	{ N_("Mobile"),     { "CELL" } },
+	{ N_("Other"),      { "VOICE" } },
+	{ N_("Fax"),        { "FAX" } },
+	{ N_("Pager"),            { "PAGER" } },
+	{ N_("Radio"),            { "X-EVOLUTION-RADIO" } },
+	{ N_("Telex"),            { "X-EVOLUTION-TELEX" } },
+	/* To translators: TTY is Teletypewriter */
+	{ N_("TTY"),              { "X-EVOLUTION-TTYTDD" } },
+	{ N_("Home"), { "HOME" } },
+	{ N_("Work"), { "WORK" } }
+      };
+      // Make sure these strings are the same as the above
+      string[] standard = {
+	"Mobile", "Work", "Home", "Work Fax", "Home Fax", "Pager"
+      };
+      if (_phone == null) {
+	_phone = new TypeSet ();
+	for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
+	  _phone.add_init_data (&data[i]);
+	_phone.add_init_data_done (standard);
+      }
+      return _phone;

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