[gnome-contacts] Reindent contacts store code

commit 51fa1d843a74a1768eddbf5b1099bf1ac7d97ec1
Author: Alexander Larsson <alexl redhat com>
Date:   Wed Jun 22 12:45:14 2011 +0200

    Reindent contacts store code

 src/contacts-store.vala |  417 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 files changed, 208 insertions(+), 209 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/contacts-store.vala b/src/contacts-store.vala
index 2f0fb6c..0245f7d 100644
--- a/src/contacts-store.vala
+++ b/src/contacts-store.vala
@@ -21,218 +21,217 @@ using Gtk;
 using Folks;
 public class Contacts.Store  {
-	private class ContactData {
-		public Contact contact;
-		public TreeIter iter;
-		public bool visible;
-		public bool is_first;
-	}
-	ListStore list_store;
-	Gee.ArrayList<ContactData> contacts;
-	string []? filter_values;
-	public Store () {
-		list_store = new ListStore (2, typeof (Contact), typeof (ContactData *));
-		contacts = new Gee.ArrayList<ContactData>();
-		list_store.set_sort_func (0, (model, iter_a, iter_b) => {
-				Contact a, b;
-				model.get (iter_a, 0, out a);
-				model.get (iter_b, 0, out b);
-				return a.display_name.collate (b.display_name);
-			});
-		list_store.set_sort_column_id (0, SortType.ASCENDING);
-	}
-	public TreeModel model { get { return list_store; } }
-	private bool apply_filter (Contact contact) {
-	  	// Don't show the user itself
-		if (contact.individual.is_user)
-		  return false;
-		var personas = contact.individual.personas;
-		var i = personas.iterator();
-		// Look for single-persona individuals
-		if (i.next() && !i.has_next ()) {
-		  var persona = i.get();
-		  var store = persona.store;
-		  // Filter out pure key-file persona individuals as these are
-		  // not very interesting
-		  if (store.type_id == "key-file")
-		    return false;
-		  // Filter out uncertain things like link-local xmpp
-		  if (store.type_id == "telepathy" &&
-		      store.trust_level == PersonaStoreTrust.NONE)
-		    return false;
-		}
-		if (filter_values == null || filter_values.length == 0)
-			return true;
-		return contact.contains_strings (filter_values);
-	}
-	public bool is_first (TreeIter iter) {
-		ContactData *data;
-		list_store.get (iter, 1, out data);
-		if (data != null)
-			return data->is_first;
-		return false;
-	}
-	private ContactData? get_previous (ContactData data) {
-		ContactData *previous = null;
-		TreeIter iter = data.iter;
-		if (list_store.iter_previous (ref iter))
-			list_store.get (iter, 1, out previous);
-		return previous;
-	}
-	private ContactData? get_next (ContactData data) {
-		ContactData *next = null;
-		TreeIter iter = data.iter;
-		if (list_store.iter_next (ref iter))
-			list_store.get (iter, 1, out next);
-		return next;
-	}
-	private void row_changed_no_resort (ContactData data) {
-		var path = list_store.get_path (data.iter);
-		list_store.row_changed (path, data.iter);
-	}
-	private void row_changed_resort (ContactData data) {
-		list_store.set (data.iter, 0, data.contact);
-	}
-	private bool update_is_first (ContactData data, ContactData? previous) {
-		bool old_is_first = data.is_first;
-		if (previous != null) {
-			unichar previous_initial = previous.contact.display_name.get_char ().totitle ();
-			unichar initial = data.contact.display_name.get_char ().totitle ();
-			data.is_first = previous_initial != initial;
-		} else {
-			data.is_first = true;
-		}
-		if (old_is_first != data.is_first) {
-			row_changed_no_resort (data);
-			return true;
-		}
-		return false;
-	}
-	private void add_to_model (ContactData data) {
-		list_store.append (out data.iter);
-		list_store.set (data.iter, 0, data.contact, 1, data);
-		if (update_is_first (data, get_previous (data)) && data.is_first) {
-			/* The newly added row is first, the next one might not be anymore */
-			var next = get_next (data);
-			if (next != null)
-				update_is_first (next, data);
-		}
-	}
-	private void remove_from_model (ContactData data) {
-		ContactData? next = null;
-		if (data.is_first)
-			next = get_next (data);
-		list_store.remove (data.iter);
-		data.is_first = false;
-		if (next != null)
-			update_is_first (next, get_previous (next));
-	}
-	private void update_visible (ContactData data) {
-		bool was_visible = data.visible;
-		data.visible = apply_filter (data.contact);
-		if (!was_visible && data.visible) {
-			add_to_model (data);
-		}
-		if (was_visible && !data.visible) {
-			remove_from_model (data);
-		}
-	}
-	private void refilter () {
-		foreach (var d in contacts) {
-			update_visible (d);
-		}
-	}
-	public void set_filter_values (string []? values) {
-		filter_values = values;
-		refilter ();
-	}
-	private void contact_changed (Contact c) {
-		ContactData data = lookup_data (c);
-		bool was_visible = data.visible;
-		ContactData? next = null;
-		if (data.visible)
-			next = get_next (data);
-		update_visible (data);
-		if (was_visible && data.visible) {
-			/* We just moved position in the list while visible */
-			row_changed_resort (data);
-			/* Update the is_first on the previous next row */
-			if (next != null)
-				update_is_first (next, get_previous (next));
-			/* Update the is_first on the new next row */
-			next = get_next (data);
-			if (next != null)
-				update_is_first (next, data);
-		}
-	}
-	private ContactData lookup_data (Contact c) {
-		return c.get_data ("contact-data");
-	}
-	public void add (Contact c) {
-		ContactData data =  new ContactData();
-		data.contact = c;
-		data.visible = false;
-		// TODO: Make this a separate hashtable to support multiple stores?
-		c.set_data ("contact-data", data);
-		contacts.add (data);
-		c.changed.connect (contact_changed);
+  private class ContactData {
+    public Contact contact;
+    public TreeIter iter;
+    public bool visible;
+    public bool is_first;
+  }
+  ListStore list_store;
+  Gee.ArrayList<ContactData> contacts;
+  string []? filter_values;
+  public Store () {
+    list_store = new ListStore (2, typeof (Contact), typeof (ContactData *));
+    contacts = new Gee.ArrayList<ContactData>();
+    list_store.set_sort_func (0, (model, iter_a, iter_b) => {
+	Contact a, b;
+	model.get (iter_a, 0, out a);
+	model.get (iter_b, 0, out b);
+	return a.display_name.collate (b.display_name);
+      });
+    list_store.set_sort_column_id (0, SortType.ASCENDING);
+  }
+  public TreeModel model { get { return list_store; } }
+  private bool apply_filter (Contact contact) {
+    // Don't show the user itself
+    if (contact.individual.is_user)
+      return false;
+    var personas = contact.individual.personas;
+    var i = personas.iterator();
+    // Look for single-persona individuals
+    if (i.next() && !i.has_next ()) {
+      var persona = i.get();
+      var store = persona.store;
+      // Filter out pure key-file persona individuals as these are
+      // not very interesting
+      if (store.type_id == "key-file")
+	return false;
+      // Filter out uncertain things like link-local xmpp
+      if (store.type_id == "telepathy" &&
+	  store.trust_level == PersonaStoreTrust.NONE)
+	return false;
+    }
+    if (filter_values == null || filter_values.length == 0)
+      return true;
+    return contact.contains_strings (filter_values);
+  }
+  public bool is_first (TreeIter iter) {
+    ContactData *data;
+    list_store.get (iter, 1, out data);
+    if (data != null)
+      return data->is_first;
+    return false;
+  }
+  private ContactData? get_previous (ContactData data) {
+    ContactData *previous = null;
+    TreeIter iter = data.iter;
+    if (list_store.iter_previous (ref iter))
+      list_store.get (iter, 1, out previous);
+    return previous;
+  }
+  private ContactData? get_next (ContactData data) {
+    ContactData *next = null;
+    TreeIter iter = data.iter;
+    if (list_store.iter_next (ref iter))
+      list_store.get (iter, 1, out next);
+    return next;
+  }
+  private void row_changed_no_resort (ContactData data) {
+    var path = list_store.get_path (data.iter);
+    list_store.row_changed (path, data.iter);
+  }
+  private void row_changed_resort (ContactData data) {
+    list_store.set (data.iter, 0, data.contact);
+  }
+  private bool update_is_first (ContactData data, ContactData? previous) {
+    bool old_is_first = data.is_first;
+    if (previous != null) {
+      unichar previous_initial = previous.contact.display_name.get_char ().totitle ();
+      unichar initial = data.contact.display_name.get_char ().totitle ();
+      data.is_first = previous_initial != initial;
+    } else {
+      data.is_first = true;
+    }
+    if (old_is_first != data.is_first) {
+      row_changed_no_resort (data);
+      return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  private void add_to_model (ContactData data) {
+    list_store.append (out data.iter);
+    list_store.set (data.iter, 0, data.contact, 1, data);
+    if (update_is_first (data, get_previous (data)) && data.is_first) {
+      /* The newly added row is first, the next one might not be anymore */
+      var next = get_next (data);
+      if (next != null)
+	update_is_first (next, data);
+    }
+  }
+  private void remove_from_model (ContactData data) {
+    ContactData? next = null;
+    if (data.is_first)
+      next = get_next (data);
+    list_store.remove (data.iter);
+    data.is_first = false;
+    if (next != null)
+      update_is_first (next, get_previous (next));
+  }
+  private void update_visible (ContactData data) {
+    bool was_visible = data.visible;
+    data.visible = apply_filter (data.contact);
+    if (!was_visible && data.visible)
+      add_to_model (data);
+    if (was_visible && !data.visible)
+      remove_from_model (data);
+  }
+  private void refilter () {
+    foreach (var d in contacts) {
+      update_visible (d);
+    }
+  }
+  public void set_filter_values (string []? values) {
+    filter_values = values;
+    refilter ();
+  }
+  private void contact_changed (Contact c) {
+    ContactData data = lookup_data (c);
+    bool was_visible = data.visible;
+    ContactData? next = null;
+    if (data.visible)
+      next = get_next (data);
+    update_visible (data);
+    if (was_visible && data.visible) {
+      /* We just moved position in the list while visible */
+      row_changed_resort (data);
+      /* Update the is_first on the previous next row */
+      if (next != null)
+	update_is_first (next, get_previous (next));
+      /* Update the is_first on the new next row */
+      next = get_next (data);
+      if (next != null)
+	update_is_first (next, data);
+    }
+  }
-		update_visible (data);
-	}
+  private ContactData lookup_data (Contact c) {
+    return c.get_data ("contact-data");
+  }
-	public void remove (Contact c) {
-		c.changed.disconnect (contact_changed);
-		var data = lookup_data (c);
+  public void add (Contact c) {
+    ContactData data =  new ContactData();
+    data.contact = c;
+    data.visible = false;
-		if (data.visible)
-			remove_from_model (data);
+    // TODO: Make this a separate hashtable to support multiple stores?
+    c.set_data ("contact-data", data);
-		var i = contacts.index_of (data);
-		if (i != contacts.size - 1)
-			contacts.set (i, contacts.get (contacts.size - 1));
-		contacts.remove_at (contacts.size - 1);
+    contacts.add (data);
-		c.set_data ("contact-data", null);
-	}
+    c.changed.connect (contact_changed);
+    update_visible (data);
+  }
+  public void remove (Contact c) {
+    c.changed.disconnect (contact_changed);
+    var data = lookup_data (c);
+    if (data.visible)
+      remove_from_model (data);
+    var i = contacts.index_of (data);
+    if (i != contacts.size - 1)
+      contacts.set (i, contacts.get (contacts.size - 1));
+    contacts.remove_at (contacts.size - 1);
+    c.set_data ("contact-data", null);
+  }

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