[gcompris/gcomprisbraille] repeat|gtk issue|rhymes_riddles

commit 3d03663e04415ea105b2364b2874fd6757e632bd
Author: Srishti Sethi <srishakatux gmail com>
Date:   Wed Jun 22 17:28:05 2011 +0530

    repeat|gtk issue|rhymes_riddles

 src/rhymes_riddles-activity/rhymes_riddles.py |  119 +++++++++++++++----------
 1 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/rhymes_riddles-activity/rhymes_riddles.py b/src/rhymes_riddles-activity/rhymes_riddles.py
index 2ee7500..3ab60d4 100644
--- a/src/rhymes_riddles-activity/rhymes_riddles.py
+++ b/src/rhymes_riddles-activity/rhymes_riddles.py
@@ -35,45 +35,36 @@ COLOR_ON = 0XCC3399L
 COLOR_OFF = 0X00000000L
 CIRCLE_FILL = "#CC3399"
+      [ # Level 1
       ["What goes up white and comes down \n" "yellow and white?","egg"],
       ["What rises and waves all day?","flag"],
       ["What has two wheels and speeds up \n " "hills for a hike?","bike"],
       ["What hides in shoes and crosses \n" "the street?","feet"],
       ["What falls from the sky without \n" "hurting your brain?","rain"]
-      ]
+      ],
+      [# Level 2
   ["This is a word which rhymes with cat, It \n" "grows on your head because it's a :","hat"],
   ["I'm useful for journey when you are going\n"" far, I need lots of petrol because I'm a :","car"],
   ["This is a word which rhymes with up.\n""You can drink out of me because I'm a :","cup"],
   ["This is a word which rhymes with bake,\n""I'm nice to eat because I'm a : ","cake"],
   ["This is a word which rhymes with spoon,\n""I shine at night because I'm a :","moon"]
-  ]
+  ],
+  [# Level 3
   ["A never ending circle,a brightly shiny \n""thing,It's on my fourth finger because its a :","ring"],
   ["The more I dry,The wetter I get","towel"],
   ["What has roots as nobody sees, Is taller than \n""trees,up it goes and yet never grows","mountain"],
   ["You hear my sound you feel me when I \n""move,But see me when you never will","wind"],
   ["You'll find us near ponds or sitting on logs, we\n"" jump and we cloak because we are : ","frogs"]
-  ]
+  ],
+ [# Level 4
   ["What do you get when you put a car and a\n"" pet together?","carpet"],
   ["What can speak in every language , but \n""never went to school ?","echo"],
   ["What's expensive and floats through the room?","perfume"],
   ["What got loose and spoiled the race","shoelace"],
   ["Some fly, some sting, some hide in rugs","bugs"]
 class Gcompris_rhymes_riddles:
   """Empty gcompris python class"""
@@ -94,9 +85,15 @@ class Gcompris_rhymes_riddles:
     self.board_paused  = 0
     self.gamewon       = 0
+    #Boolean variable declaration
+    self.mapActive = False
     # Needed to get key_press
     gcomprisBoard.disable_im_context = True
+    for index in range(4):
+        random.shuffle(RHYMES_RIDDLES_LIST[index])
   def start(self):
     # Set the buttons we want in the bar
@@ -109,6 +106,10 @@ class Gcompris_rhymes_riddles:
+    gcompris.bar_set(gcompris.BAR_LEVEL|gcompris.BAR_REPEAT_ICON)
+    gcompris.bar_location(300,-1,0.6)
     # Create our rootitem. We put each canvas item in it so at the end we
     # only have to kill it. The canvas deletes all the items it contains
     # automaticaly.
@@ -119,40 +120,27 @@ class Gcompris_rhymes_riddles:
   def display_game(self,level):
-      if(level == 1):
-          self.rhymes_rhymes(RHYMES_LIST_NAME)
-      elif(level == 2):
-          self.rhymes_rhymes(RHYMES_LIST_NAME)
-      elif(level == 3):
-          self.rhymes_rhymes(RHYMES_LIST_NAME)
-      elif(level == 4):
-          self.rhymes_rhymes(RHYMES_LIST_NAME)
+      if(level == 1 or level == 2 or level == 3 or level == 4):
+          self.rhymes_rhymes(level)
-  def rhymes_rhymes(self, list_name):
+  def rhymes_rhymes(self, level):
       goocanvas.Text(parent = self.rootitem,
-                   text=list_name[self.counter][0],
+                   text=RHYMES_RIDDLES_LIST[level - 1][self.counter][0],
                    anchor = gtk.ANCHOR_CENTER,
                    alignment = pango.ALIGN_CENTER,
                    font = 'SANS 17'
-      str = list_name[self.counter][1]
-      for index in range(str.__len__()):
+      str = RHYMES_RIDDLES_LIST[level - 1][self.counter][1]
+      for index in range(len(str)):
                       COLOR_ON, COLOR_OFF, CIRCLE_FILL,
                       CIRCLE_FILL, False, False, True,None)
       # the answer area
       self.entry = gtk.Entry()
-      self.entry.connect("activate", self.enter_callback,self.entry,list_name)
+      self.entry.connect("activate", self.enter_callback,self.entry,level)
                        parent = self.rootitem,
@@ -162,13 +150,15 @@ class Gcompris_rhymes_riddles:
                        width = 170,
                        height= 300,
+      if(level  == 1 and self.counter == 0):
+          self.entry.set_text(_("Type your answer here"))
+      else :
+          self.entry.set_text("")
-      self.entry.show()
-      self.entry.set_text(_("Type your answer here"))
-  def enter_callback(self,widget, entry,list_name):
-      if(self.entry.get_text() == list_name[self.counter][1]):
+  def enter_callback(self,widget, entry, level):
+      if(string.lower(self.entry.get_text()) ==
+          RHYMES_RIDDLES_LIST[level - 1][self.counter][1]):
           self.gamewon = 1
@@ -185,8 +175,38 @@ class Gcompris_rhymes_riddles:
   def repeat(self):
-    print("rhymes_riddles repeat.")
+    if(self.mapActive):
+          self.end()
+          self.start()
+          self.mapActive = False
+          self.pause(0)
+    else :
+          self.rootitem.props.visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_INVISIBLE
+          self.rootitem = goocanvas.Group(parent=
+                                   self.gcomprisBoard.canvas.get_root_item())
+          gcompris.set_default_background(self.gcomprisBoard.canvas.get_root_item())
+          #Place alphabets & numbers in array format
+          for index, letter in enumerate(string.ascii_uppercase[:10]):
+              tile = BrailleChar(self.rootitem, index*(CELL_WIDTH+40)+60,
+                              55, 50, letter ,COLOR_ON, COLOR_OFF, CIRCLE_FILL,
+                              CIRCLE_FILL, True ,False ,True , None)
+          for index, letter in enumerate(string.ascii_uppercase[10:20]):
+              tile = BrailleChar(self.rootitem, index*(CELL_WIDTH+40)+60,
+                              150, 50, letter ,COLOR_ON, COLOR_OFF, CIRCLE_FILL,
+                              CIRCLE_FILL, True ,False ,True, None)
+          for index, letter in enumerate(string.ascii_uppercase[20:25]):
+              tile = BrailleChar(self.rootitem, index*(CELL_WIDTH+40)+60,
+                              250, 50, letter ,COLOR_ON ,COLOR_OFF ,CIRCLE_FILL,
+                              CIRCLE_FILL, True ,False,True, None)
+          BrailleChar(self.rootitem,60, 350, 50, "#",COLOR_ON,COLOR_OFF, CIRCLE_FILL,
+                      CIRCLE_FILL, True, False,True, None)
+          for index in range(0,10):
+              tile = BrailleChar(self.rootitem,(index+1) *(CELL_WIDTH + 33)+60,
+                             350, 50, index ,COLOR_ON,COLOR_OFF ,CIRCLE_FILL,
+                             CIRCLE_FILL, True ,False ,True, None)
+          self.mapActive = True
+          self.pause(1)
   def config(self):
     print("rhymes_riddles config.")
@@ -198,13 +218,20 @@ class Gcompris_rhymes_riddles:
   def pause(self, pause):
       self.board_paused = pause
-      if(pause == 0) and (self.gamewon == 1):
+      if(self.board_paused == 0) and (self.gamewon == 1):
           self.gamewon = 0
           self.counter +=1
           if(self.counter == 5):
+      # There is a problem with GTK widgets, they are not covered by the help
+      # We hide/show them here
+      if(self.board_paused):
+          self.entry.hide()
+      else :
+          self.entry.show()
   def set_level(self, level):

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