[gnome-devel-docs] Updated Galician translations
- From: Francisco DiÃguez Souto <frandieguez src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gnome-devel-docs] Updated Galician translations
- Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2011 13:27:03 +0000 (UTC)
commit 6a0d51a3966eebd22b63bc89a5567f0d3c46a521
Author: Fran DiÃguez <fran dieguez mabishu com>
Date: Tue Jun 21 15:25:36 2011 +0200
Updated Galician translations
platform-demos/gl/gl.po | 320 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
1 files changed, 294 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
diff --git a/platform-demos/gl/gl.po b/platform-demos/gl/gl.po
index 158be90..444ec52 100644
--- a/platform-demos/gl/gl.po
+++ b/platform-demos/gl/gl.po
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gnome-devel-docs master\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-04-19 21:52+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-20 15:24+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-05-15 07:54+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-21 15:25+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Fran DiÃguez <frandieguez gnome org>\n"
"Language-Team: Galician <gnome-l10n-gl gnome org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -445,6 +445,10 @@ msgid ""
"records in the table and showing them on the <code>TextView</code> widget. "
"Let's take a look at it:"
msgstr ""
+"Despois de conectarse aÌ base de datos, o construtor da nosa demostracioÌn "
+"chama ao meÌtodo <code>selectData</code>. EÌ responsaÌbel de obter toÌdolos "
+"rexistros na taÌboa e para mostrarllas no widget <code>TextView</code>. "
+"VoteÌmoslle unha ollada:"
#: C/record-collection.js.page:227(p)
msgid ""
@@ -452,12 +456,17 @@ msgid ""
"function <code>execute_select_command</code> for that. It returns a "
"<code>DataModel</code> object, which is later used to retrieve the rows."
msgstr ""
+"LinÌa 2: A orde <code>SELECT</code>. Usamos a funcioÌn global de GDA "
+"<code>execute_select_command</code> para iso. DevoÌlve un obxecto "
+"<code>DataModel</code>, que maÌis tarde empregaremos para obter as filas."
#: C/record-collection.js.page:228(p)
msgid ""
"Line 3: Create an <code>Iter</code> object, which is used to iterate over "
"the <code>DataModel</code>'s records."
msgstr ""
+"LinÌa 3: Crea un obxecto <code>Iter</code>, que se usa para iterar sobre os "
+"rexistros de <code>DataModel</code>."
#: C/record-collection.js.page:229(p)
msgid ""
@@ -466,10 +475,14 @@ msgid ""
"contains the actual, retrieved data. Its <code>move_next</code> method "
"returns <code>false</code> when it reaches the last record."
msgstr ""
+"LinÌa 7: Iterar por toÌdolos rexistros e obtelos coa axuda do obxecto "
+"<code>Iter</code>. Neste punto a variaÌbel <code>iter</code> conteÌn os datos "
+"actualizados obtidos. O seu meÌtodo <code>move_next</code> devolve "
+"<code>false</code> cando se chegue ao uÌltimo rexistro."
#: C/record-collection.js.page:231(p)
msgid "Lines 8â9: We do two things in each line:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "LinÌas 8-9: fanse duÌas cousas en cada linÌa:"
#: C/record-collection.js.page:233(p)
msgid ""
@@ -478,6 +491,10 @@ msgid ""
"<code>SELECT</code> command returns only two columns, we are retrieving "
"columns 0 and 1."
msgstr ""
+"Use o mÃtodo <code>get_value_at</code> de <code>Iter</code>, que sà precisa "
+"un argumento: o nÃmero de columna que recuperar, comezando por 0. Xa que a "
+"orde <code>SELECT</code> sà devolve dÃas columnas, se està recuperando as "
+"columnas 0 e 1."
#: C/record-collection.js.page:234(p)
msgid ""
@@ -487,12 +504,20 @@ msgid ""
"we are doing here, and we store the results in the variables <code>id_field</"
"code> and <code>name_field</code>."
msgstr ""
+"O meÌtodo <code>get_value_at</code> devolve o campo no formato <code>GValue</"
+"code> de GLib. Unha forma sinxela de converter este formato a unha cadea eÌ "
+"usando a funcioÌn global de GDA <code>value_stringify</code>. Que eÌ o facemos "
+"aquiÌ, e almacenamos os resultados nas variaÌbeis <code>id_field</code> e "
#: C/record-collection.js.page:237(p)
msgid ""
"Line 11: Concatenate the two fields to make one text line, separated by "
"<code>\"=>\"</code>, and store it in the <code>text</code> variable."
msgstr ""
+"LinÌa 11: ConcateÌnanse os dous campos para facer unha uÌnica linÌa de texto, "
+"separada por <code>\"=>\"</code>, e almacenaÌmolas na variaÌbel <code>text</"
#: C/record-collection.js.page:238(p)
msgid ""
@@ -500,16 +525,21 @@ msgid ""
"the <code>text</code> variable. In this line we just set the contents of the "
"<code>TextView</code> with that variable."
msgstr ""
+"LinÌa 14: Logo de que o bucle remate, temos toÌdolos rexistros formatados na "
+"variaÌbel <code>text</code>. Nesta linÌa estabelecemos os contidos de "
+"<code>TextView</code> con dita variaÌbel."
#: C/record-collection.js.page:239(p)
msgid ""
"Line 15: Display the number of records in the table, making use of the "
"<code>DataModel</code>'s <code>get_n_rows</code> method."
msgstr ""
+"LinÌa 15: mostrar o nuÌmero de rexistros na taÌboa, usando o meÌtodo "
+"<code>get_n_rows</code> de <code>DataModel</code> <code>get_n_rows</code>."
#: C/record-collection.js.page:244(title)
msgid "Inserting"
-msgstr "Inserir"
+msgstr "Insertando"
#: C/record-collection.js.page:245(p)
msgid ""
@@ -519,6 +549,11 @@ msgid ""
"<gui>Insert</gui> button's <code>clicked</code> signal to the method "
"<code>_insertClicked</code>? Let's see the implementation of this method."
msgstr ""
+"OK, sabemos como conectarse a unha base de datos e como seleccionar filas "
+"dunha taÌboa. Agora eÌ tempo de facer un <code>INSERT</code> na taÌboa. Lembra "
+"arriba no meÌtodo <code>setupWindow</code> que conectamos o sinal "
+"<code>clicked</code> do botoÌn <gui>Insert</gui> ao meÌtodo "
+"<code>_insertClicked</code>? Vexamos a implementacioÌn deste meÌtodo."
#: C/record-collection.js.page:266(p)
msgid ""
@@ -530,6 +565,14 @@ msgid ""
"dynamically, and it will be valid for the connection provider used (it will "
"use the same SQL dialect the provider uses). Let's study the code:"
msgstr ""
+"Aprendemos como usar as funcioÌns de GDA de forma conveniente "
+"<code>execute_select_command</code> e <code>execute_non_select_command</"
+"code> para executar ordes SQL de forma raÌpida nunha base de datos. GDA "
+"permiÌtelle construiÌr unha declaracioÌn SQL de forma indirecta usando o seu "
+"obxecto <code>SqlBuilder</code>. Cales son os beneficios de isto? GDA xeraraÌ "
+"a declaracioÌn SQL de forma dinaÌmica e seraÌ vaÌlida para o fornecedor de "
+"conexioÌn usado (usarase o mesmo dialecto SQL que o fornecedor usa). "
+"Estudiemos o coÌdigo:"
#: C/record-collection.js.page:270(p)
msgid ""
@@ -537,6 +580,9 @@ msgid ""
"method <code>_validateFields</code> is really simple and you can read it in "
"the full demo source code."
msgstr ""
+"LinÌa 2-3: comproÌbase que o usuario completa toÌdolos campos. O coÌdigo do "
+"meÌtodo privato <code>_validateFields</code> eÌ realmente sinxelo e pode lelo "
+"no coÌdigo fonte completo da demostracioÌn."
#: C/record-collection.js.page:271(p)
msgid ""
@@ -544,6 +590,9 @@ msgid ""
"as we want to show how to use the <code>SqlBuilder</code> object to build a "
"SQL statement portable across databases."
msgstr ""
+"LinÌa 5: A forma maÌis raÌpida eÌ <code>INSERT</code>. EstaÌ descomentado xa que "
+"queremos ver como usar o obxecto <code>SqlBuilder</code> para construiÌr unha "
+"declaracioÌn SQL portaÌbel a traveÌs das bases de datos."
#: C/record-collection.js.page:272(p)
msgid ""
@@ -551,12 +600,17 @@ msgid ""
"statement we are going to build. It can be <code>SELECT</code>, "
"<code>UPDATE</code>, <code>INSERT</code> or <code>DELETE</code>."
msgstr ""
+"LinÌa 7: crea o obxecto <code>SqlBilder</code>. Debemos pasar o tipo de "
+"declaracioÌn que queremos construiÌr. Pode ser <code>SELECT</code>, "
+"<code>UPDATE</code>, <code>INSERT</code> ou <code>DELETE</code>."
#: C/record-collection.js.page:273(p)
msgid ""
"Line 8: Set the name of the table on which the built statement will operate "
"(it will generate <code>INSERT INTO demo</code>)"
msgstr ""
+"LinÌa 8: estabelecer o nome da base de datos na que operaraÌ a sentencia "
+"construiÌda (xeraraÌ <code>INSERT INTO demo</code>)"
#: C/record-collection.js.page:274(p)
msgid ""
@@ -564,16 +618,21 @@ msgid ""
"statement. The first argument is the field name (as in the table). The "
"second one is the value for that field."
msgstr ""
+"LinÌas 9-10: estabelecer os campos que formaraÌn parte da sentenza e os seus "
+"valores. O primeiro campo eÌ o nome do campo (como aparece na taÌboa). O "
+"segundo eÌ o valor deste campo."
#: C/record-collection.js.page:275(p)
msgid ""
"Line 11: Get the dynamically generated <code>Statement</code> object, which "
"represents a SQL statement."
msgstr ""
+"LinÌa 11: obter o obxecto <code>Statement</code> xerado dinamicamente, que "
+"representa unha sentenza SQL."
#: C/record-collection.js.page:276(p)
msgid "Line 12: Finally, execute the SQL statement (<code>INSERT</code>)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "LinÌa 12: finalmente, executar a sentenza SQL (<code>INSERT</code>)."
#: C/record-collection.js.page:277(p)
msgid ""
@@ -581,11 +640,15 @@ msgid ""
"private method <code>_clearFields</code> is really simple and you can read "
"it in the full demo source code."
msgstr ""
+"LinÌa 14: limpar os campos id e nome na pantalla. O coÌdigo do meÌtodo privado "
+"<code>_clearFields</code> eÌ moi sinxelo e pode lelo no coÌdigo fonte completo "
+"da demostracioÌn."
#: C/record-collection.js.page:278(p)
msgid ""
"Line 15: Refresh the view on the screen by doing another <code>SELECT</code>."
msgstr ""
+"LinÌa 15: actualizar a vista na pantalla facendo outro <code>SELECT</code>."
#: C/record-collection.js.page:280(p)
msgid ""
@@ -595,6 +658,11 @@ msgid ""
"devel/libgda/stable/\">GDA documentation</link> for more information about "
msgstr ""
+"TameÌn pode usar paraÌmetros mentres construÌe a sentenza. Usando obxectos e "
+"paraÌmetros <code>SqlBuilder</code> seraÌ menos susceptiÌbel a ataques de "
+"inxeccioÌn de SQL. Para obter informacioÌn adicional sobre os paraÌmetros, "
+"consulte a <link href=\"http://library.gnome.org/devel/libgda/stable/";
+"\">documentacioÌn de GDA</link>."
#: C/record-collection.js.page:284(title) C/image-viewer.js.page:305(title)
#: C/image-viewer.py.page:219(title) C/guitar-tuner.py.page:221(title)
@@ -606,6 +674,8 @@ msgid ""
"All of the code you need should now be in place, so try running the code. "
"You now have a database for your record collection!"
msgstr ""
+"Todo o coÌdigo que precisa agora estaÌ no seu lugar, polo que tente executar o "
+"coÌdigo. Agora ten unha base de datos para a suÌa coleccioÌn de rexistros!"
#: C/record-collection.js.page:289(title) C/photo-wall.c.page:377(title)
#: C/magic-mirror.vala.page:142(title) C/image-viewer.js.page:310(title)
@@ -621,12 +691,14 @@ msgid ""
"If you run into problems with the tutorial, compare your code with this "
"<link href=\"record-collection/record-collection.js\">reference code</link>."
msgstr ""
+"Se ten problemas co titorial, compare o seu coÌdigo con este <link href="
+"\"record-collection/record-collection.js\">coÌdigo de referencia</link>."
#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: C/photo-wall.c.page:76(None)
msgid "@@image: 'media/photo-wall.png'; md5=f19590d97e8ec029cda3c44b769c11cd"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "@@image: 'media/photo-wall.png'; md5=f19590d97e8ec029cda3c44b769c11cd"
#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
@@ -689,6 +761,10 @@ msgid ""
"of the Clutter library to create a simple but attractive image viewing "
msgstr ""
+"Clutter eÌ unha biblioteca para crear interfaces de usuario dinaÌmicas usando "
+"OpenGL para a aceleracioÌn graÌfica. Este exemplo demostra unha parte pequena, "
+"poreÌn central, da biblioteca Clutter para crear un sinxelo, maÌis atractivo, "
+"programa de visualizacioÌn de imaxes."
#: C/photo-wall.c.page:38(p)
msgid ""
@@ -698,6 +774,10 @@ msgid ""
"path names. We will also use <code>GDir</code>, a utility for working with "
"directories, to access our image directory and gather file paths."
msgstr ""
+"Para axudarlle a alcanzar o seu destino usaremos tameÌn algunhas pezas comuÌns "
+"de GLib. A maÌis importante, usaremos <code>GSList</code>, unha lista ligada "
+"para manter os nosos <code>ClutterActor</code>s e os nomes de ruta de "
#: C/photo-wall.c.page:51(p)
msgid ""
@@ -705,6 +785,9 @@ msgid ""
"<gui>Forward</gui>, and fill out your details on the next few pages. Use "
"<file>photo-wall</file> as project name and directory."
msgstr ""
+"Seleccione <gui>Gtk+ (sinmple)</gui> desde a lapela <gui>C</gui>, e prema "
+"<gui>Adiante</gui>, e complete os detalles nas seguintes paÌxinas. Use "
+"<file>photo-wall</file> como nome do proxecto e cartafol."
#: C/photo-wall.c.page:54(p)
msgid ""
@@ -712,6 +795,10 @@ msgid ""
"we will create the UI manually in this tutorial. Check the <link xref="
"\"guitar-tuner.c\">Guitar-Tuner</link> tutorial using the interface builder."
msgstr ""
+"AseguÌrese que <gui>Usar GtkBuilder para a interface de usuario</gui> estaÌ "
+"desactivado xa que crearemos a UI manualmente neste titorial. Comprobe o "
+"titorial <link xref=\"guitar-tuner.c\">Guitar-Tuner</link> usando o "
+"construtor de interface."
#: C/photo-wall.c.page:59(p)
msgid ""
@@ -719,6 +806,9 @@ msgid ""
"<em>clutter-1.0</em> from the list to include the Clutter library in your "
msgstr ""
+"Active <gui>Configurar paquetes externos</gui>. Na seguinte paÌxina "
+"seleccione <em>clutter-1.0</em> desde a lista para incluiÌr a biblioteca "
+"Clutter no seu proxecto."
#: C/photo-wall.c.page:63(p) C/image-viewer.c.page:49(p)
#: C/guitar-tuner.c.page:54(p)
@@ -727,6 +817,9 @@ msgid ""
"<file>src/main.c</file> from the <gui>Project</gui> or <gui>File</gui> tabs. "
"You should see some code which starts with the lines:"
msgstr ""
+"Prema <gui>Aplicar</gui> para crear o proxecto. Abra <file>src/main.c</file> "
+"desde as lapelas <gui>Proxecto</gui> ou <gui>Ficheiro</gui>. DeberiÌa ver "
+"alguÌn coÌdigo que comeza coas linÌas:"
#: C/photo-wall.c.page:72(title)
msgid "A look at Photo Wall"
@@ -784,12 +877,17 @@ msgid ""
"and transparency (alpha) values. The values range from 0-255. For "
"transparency a value of 255 is opaque."
msgstr ""
+"LinÌa 4: <code>ClutterColor</code> eÌ definido estabelecendo o valor a "
+"vermello, verde, azul ou transparente (alfa). O rango de valores estaÌn entre "
+"0-255. Para a transparencia 255 eÌ opaco."
#: C/photo-wall.c.page:164(p)
msgid ""
"Line 7: You must initialize Clutter. If you forget to do this, you will get "
"very strange errors. Be warned."
msgstr ""
+"LinÌa 7: Debe inicializar Clutter. Se esqueceu isto, haberaÌ moitos erros "
+"estranÌos. EstaÌ avisado."
#: C/photo-wall.c.page:165(p)
msgid ""
@@ -825,7 +923,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: C/photo-wall.c.page:171(p)
msgid "Line 32: Start the Clutter main loop."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "LinÌa 32: inicia o bucle principal de Clutter."
#: C/photo-wall.c.page:176(title)
msgid "Setting up our image actors"
@@ -836,12 +934,16 @@ msgid ""
"In Clutter, an actor is the most basic visual element. Basically, everything "
"you see is an actor."
msgstr ""
+"En Clutter, un actor eÌ o elemento visual maÌis baÌsico. Basicamente, todo o "
+"que ve eÌ un actor."
#: C/photo-wall.c.page:178(p)
msgid ""
"In this section, we are going to take a closer look at the loop used for "
"setting up the <code>ClutterActor</code>s that will display our images."
msgstr ""
+"Nesta seccioÌn, imos botar unha ollada maÌis polo miuÌdo ao buÌcle usado para "
+"configurar os <code>ClutterActor</code>s que mostraraÌn as nosas imaxes."
#: C/photo-wall.c.page:196(p)
msgid ""
@@ -899,12 +1001,16 @@ msgid ""
"Let's take a short break from Clutter to see how we can get the file names "
"from our image directory."
msgstr ""
+"Botemos unha pequena ollada a Clutter para ver como obter os nomes dos "
+"ficheiros desde o noso cartafol de imaxes."
#: C/photo-wall.c.page:239(p)
msgid ""
"Lines 5 and 12: This opens our directory or, if an error occured, returns "
"after printing an error message."
msgstr ""
+"LinÌas 5 e 12: Isto abre o noso cartafol ou, se se produce un erro, devolve "
+"despois de imprimir unha mensaxe de erro."
#: C/photo-wall.c.page:240(p)
msgid ""
@@ -942,6 +1048,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: C/photo-wall.c.page:271(p)
msgid "At this point we've got a wall of images that are ready to be viewed."
msgstr ""
+"Neste punto obteremos un muro de imaxes que estaÌn listas para ser mostradas."
#: C/photo-wall.c.page:275(title)
msgid "Reacting to the clicks"
@@ -1113,7 +1220,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: C/image-viewer.c.page:214(title) C/guitar-tuner.vala.page:237(title)
#: C/guitar-tuner.cpp.page:249(title) C/guitar-tuner.c.page:249(title)
msgid "Build and run the application"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ConstruiÌr e executar o aplicativo"
#: C/photo-wall.c.page:370(p)
msgid ""
@@ -1134,6 +1241,10 @@ msgid ""
"gui></guiseq> to build everything again, then <guiseq><gui>Run</"
"gui><gui>Execute</gui></guiseq> to start the application."
msgstr ""
+"Cando tenÌa que facer iso, prema <guiseq><gui>ConstruiÌr</gui><gui>ConstruiÌr "
+"proxecto</gui></guiseq> para construiÌr todo de novo, logo "
+"<guiseq><gui>Executar</gui><gui>Executar</gui></guiseq> para iniciar o "
#: C/photo-wall.c.page:373(p)
msgid ""
@@ -1141,12 +1252,17 @@ msgid ""
"application in the dialog that appears. Finally, hit <gui>Run</gui> and "
msgstr ""
+"Se non o fixo aiÌnda, seleccione o aplicativo <file>Debug/src/photo-wall</"
+"file> no diaÌlogo que aparece. Finalmente, prema <gui>Executar</gui> e "
#: C/photo-wall.c.page:378(p)
msgid ""
"If you run into problems with the tutorial, compare your code with this "
"<link href=\"photo-wall/photo-wall.c\">reference code</link>."
msgstr ""
+"Se ten problemas ao executar este titorial compare o seu coÌdigo con este "
+"<link href=\"photo-wall/photo-wall.c\">coÌdigo de referencia</link>."
#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
@@ -1158,7 +1274,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: C/message-board.c.page:9(desc)
msgid "A simple program using WebKitGTK+ and the DOM."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Un programa sinxelo usando WebKitGTK+ e DOM."
#: C/message-board.c.page:20(title)
msgid "Message Board"
@@ -1182,6 +1298,10 @@ msgid ""
"widgets and how to connect callback functions to signals. See <link xref="
"\"image-viewer.c\"/> to learn the basics of GTK+."
msgstr ""
+"Este titorial asume que vostede estaÌ familiarizado co linguaxe de "
+"programacioÌn C e ten conÌecementos baÌsicos de GTK+, incluiÌndo como crear e "
+"dispor widgets e como conectar funcioÌns de callback a sinais. Vexa <link "
+"xref=\"image-viewer.c\"/> para aprender o baÌsico de GTK+."
#: C/message-board.c.page:42(p)
msgid ""
@@ -1198,30 +1318,43 @@ msgid ""
"of messages in HTML. Before you begin, you need to set up a project in "
msgstr ""
+"Neste titorial, vostede crearaÌ un taboleiro de mensaxes sinxelo usando "
+"WebKit. O taboleiro de mensaxes permitiralle inserir alguÌn texto e engadilo "
+"a unha lista de mensaxes en HTML. Antes de comezar debe configurar un "
+"proxecto en Anjuta."
#: C/message-board.c.page:53(p)
msgid ""
"In Anjuta, click <guiseq><gui>File</gui><gui>New</gui><gui>Project</gui></"
"guiseq> to open the new project assistant."
msgstr ""
+"En Anjuta, prema <guiseq><gui>Ficheiro</gui><gui>Novo</gui><gui>Proxecto</"
+"gui></guiseq> para abrir un asistente de novo proxecto."
#: C/message-board.c.page:55(p)
msgid ""
"Select <gui>GTK+ (simple)</gui> on the <gui>C</gui> tab, and click "
msgstr ""
+"Seleccione <gui>GTK+ (simple)</gui> na lapela <gui>C</gui> e prema "
#: C/message-board.c.page:57(p)
msgid ""
"Fill out your details on the <gui>Basic information</gui> page. Use "
"<input>message-board</input> for the project name. Click <gui>Forward</gui>."
msgstr ""
+"Complete os detalles na paÌxina <gui>InformacioÌn baÌsica</gui>. Use "
+"<input>message-board</input> para o nome do proxecto. Prema <gui>Seguinte</"
#: C/message-board.c.page:60(p)
msgid ""
"Disable the <gui>Use GtkBuilder for user interface</gui> option as this "
"tutorial builds the user-interface manually."
msgstr ""
+"Desactive a opcioÌn <gui>Usar GtkBuilder para a interface de usuario</gui> xa "
+"que neste titorial construirase a interface de usuario de forma manual."
#: C/message-board.c.page:63(p)
msgid ""
@@ -1230,6 +1363,10 @@ msgid ""
"gui>. Click <gui>Forward</gui>. On the <gui>Configure external packages</"
"gui> page, check <gui>webkitgtk-3.0</gui>."
msgstr ""
+"Debe dicirlle a Anjuta que estaÌ usando WebKitGTK+ neste proxecto. Na paÌxina "
+"de <gui>OpcioÌns do proxecto</gui>, seleccione <gui>Configurar paquetes "
+"externos</gui>. Prema <gui>Seguinte</gui>. Na paÌxina <gui>Configurar "
+"paquetes externos</gui> marque <gui>webkitgtk-3.0</gui>."
#: C/message-board.c.page:69(p)
msgid ""
@@ -1261,10 +1398,13 @@ msgid ""
"gui><gui>Execute</gui></guiseq> or just press <key>F3</key>. You should see "
"an empty window appear."
msgstr ""
+"DeberiÌa poder executar o programa. Prema <guiseq><gui>Executar</"
+"gui><gui>Executar</gui></guiseq> ou prema <key>F3</key>. DeberiÌa aparecer "
+"unha xanela baleira."
#: C/message-board.c.page:90(title)
msgid "Lay out your window and web view"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dispor a suÌa xanela e a vista web"
#: C/message-board.c.page:92(p)
msgid ""
@@ -1273,6 +1413,10 @@ msgid ""
"into a window. Find the function <code>create_window</code> and replace it "
"with the following:"
msgstr ""
+"Agora que pode mostrar unha xanela, eÌ hora de comezar o traballo con webkit. "
+"Para este titorial, crearemos unha entrada de texto e unha vista web e "
+"empaquetareÌmolas nunha xanela. Busque a funcioÌn <code>create_window</code> e "
+"substituÌaa co seguinte:"
#: C/message-board.c.page:132(p)
msgid ""
@@ -1378,6 +1522,9 @@ msgid ""
"to provide a <sys>file:</sys> URI if you add images or other features where "
"you want to use relative URI references."
msgstr ""
+"O URI base. Non o precisa neste exemplo sinxelo, pero poderiÌa fornecer unha "
+"URI <sys>file:</sys> se quere engadir imaxes ou outras caracteriÌsticas onde "
+"queira usar preferencias relativas a URI."
#: C/message-board.c.page:193(p)
msgid ""
@@ -1405,7 +1552,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: C/message-board.c.page:211(title)
msgid "Hook up signals"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Capturar sinais"
#: C/message-board.c.page:213(p)
msgid ""
@@ -1841,6 +1988,10 @@ msgid ""
"workplace, where you can impress your friends and colleagues with an awesome "
"application you just made in 15 minutes."
msgstr ""
+"Isto eÌ todo, acaba de crear un aplicativo completo para sacar fotos coa "
+"caÌmara web en menos de 15 minutos. Agora xa pode afeitar a barba, "
+"maquillarse un pouco e ordenar o seu espazo de traballo para impresionar aos "
+"seus amigos e colegas con un aplicativo feito en 15 minutos."
#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
@@ -1855,6 +2006,8 @@ msgid ""
"A little bit more than a simple \"Hello world\" application - write an image "
"viewer in GTK. Includes an introduction to the JavaScript language."
msgstr ""
+"Un aplicativo maÌis completo que un simple ÂOla Mundo - escriba un visor de "
+"imaxes en GTK. Isto incluÌe unha introducioÌn ao linguaxe JavaScript."
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:13(name) C/image-viewer.py.page:13(name)
msgid "Jonh Wendell"
@@ -1874,18 +2027,20 @@ msgid ""
"In this tutorial, we're going to write a very simple GTK application that "
"loads and displays an image file. You will learn how to:"
msgstr ""
+"Neste titorial, imos escribir un aplicativo GTK moi sinxelo que carga e "
+"mostra un ficheiro de imaxe. Vostede aprenderaÌ a:"
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:28(p)
msgid "Write a basic GTK user interface in JavaScript"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Escribir unha interface de usuario GTK baÌsica en JavaScript"
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:29(p) C/image-viewer.py.page:29(p)
msgid "Deal with events by connecting signals to signal handlers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Xestionar eventos conectando sinais a xestores de sinais"
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:30(p) C/image-viewer.py.page:30(p)
msgid "Lay out GTK user interfaces using containers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "DisponÌer interfaces de usuario GTK usando contedores"
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:31(p) C/image-viewer.py.page:31(p)
msgid "Load and display image files"
@@ -1893,11 +2048,11 @@ msgstr "Cargar e mostrar ficheiros de imaxe"
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:36(p)
msgid "An installed copy of the <em>gjs</em> interpreter"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Unha copia instalada do inteÌrprete <em>gjs</em>"
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:37(p)
msgid "Basic knowledge of any object-orientated programming language"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ConÌecemento baÌsico dunha linguaxe de programacioÌn orientada a obxectos"
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:51(p)
msgid ""
@@ -1905,6 +2060,9 @@ msgid ""
"<gui>Forward</gui>, and fill out your details on the next few pages. Use "
"<file>image-viewer</file> as project name and directory."
msgstr ""
+"Seleccione <gui>JavaScript xeneÌrico</gui> desde a lapela <gui>JS</gui>, "
+"prema <gui>Adiante</gui> e complete os seus detalles nas seguintes paÌxinas. "
+"Use <file>image-viewer</file> como nome do proxecto e cartafol."
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:54(p)
msgid ""
@@ -1912,10 +2070,13 @@ msgid ""
"<file>src/main.js</file> from the <gui>Project</gui> or <gui>File</gui> "
"tabs. It contains very basic example code."
msgstr ""
+"Prema <gui>Aplicar</gui> e o proxecto seraÌ creado. Abra <file>src/main.js</"
+"file> desde a lapela <gui>Proxecto</gui> ou <gui>Ficheiros</gui>. ConteÌn "
+"coÌdigo de exemplo moi baÌsico."
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:61(title)
msgid "JavaScript basics: Hello World"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Primeiros pasos en JavaScript: Ola mundo"
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:62(p)
msgid ""
@@ -1924,6 +2085,10 @@ msgid ""
"programming language should be the Hello World program which can already be "
"found in <file>main.js</file>:"
msgstr ""
+"Antes de comezar a escribir o visor de imaxes faremos unha introducioÌn aÌ "
+"forma na que JavaScript se usa en GNOME. Por suposto, o primeiro contacto "
+"con calquera linguaxe de programacioÌn deberiÌa ser un programa Ola Mundo que "
+"pode atopar <file>main.js</file>:"
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:63(code)
#, no-wrap
@@ -1937,6 +2102,10 @@ msgid ""
"argument <code>\"Hello world!\"</code>, which will be printed on the screen. "
"Note that each line of code ends with a semicolon."
msgstr ""
+"Isto deberiÌa ser natural se estaÌ familiarizado con calquera outra linguaxe "
+"de programacioÌn. A funcioÌn <code>printi</code> chaÌmase co argumento "
+"<code>ÂOla MundoÂ</code>, que se imprimiraÌ en pantalla. TenÌa en conta que "
+"cada linÌa de coÌdigo remata con un punto e coma."
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:68(title)
msgid "Classes in JavaScript"
@@ -1944,13 +2113,15 @@ msgstr "Clases en JavaScript"
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:69(p)
msgid "This is the standard way to define a class in JavaScript:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Esta eÌ a forma estaÌndar de definir unha clase en JavaScript:"
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:92(p)
msgid ""
"This defines a class called <code>MyClass</code>. Let's go through each part "
"of the class definition:"
msgstr ""
+"Isto define unha clase chamada <code>MyClass</code>. Vexa cada unha das "
+"partes da definiciÃn da clase:"
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:95(p)
msgid ""
@@ -2000,6 +2171,8 @@ msgid ""
"Note how the class definition (prototype) is arranged; each function "
"definition is separated by a comma."
msgstr ""
+"TeÃa en conta como se ordena a definiciÃn da clase (prototipo); cada "
+"definiciÃn de funciÃn sepÃrase con unha coma."
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:113(p)
msgid "Now that MyClass has been defined, we can play with it:"
@@ -2029,7 +2202,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:136(p) C/image-viewer.py.page:89(p)
msgid "Let's take a look at what's happening:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Botemos unha ollada ao que està pasando:"
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:139(p) C/image-viewer.py.page:92(p)
msgid ""
@@ -2133,6 +2306,9 @@ msgid ""
"You can find signal definitions for any object in the <link href=\"http://";
"library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/stable/ch01.html\">GTK class reference</link>."
msgstr ""
+"Pode atopar as definiciÃns de sinais para calquera proxecto na <link href="
+"\"http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/stable/ch01.html\";>clase GTK de "
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:195(p)
msgid ""
@@ -2186,7 +2362,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:211(title) C/image-viewer.py.page:125(title)
msgid "Containers: Laying-out the user interface"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Contedores: deseÃar a interface de usuario"
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:212(p) C/image-viewer.py.page:126(p)
msgid ""
@@ -2289,7 +2465,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:235(p) C/image-viewer.py.page:154(p)
msgid "Now insert these two lines, below the two you just added:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Agora escriba estas dÃas liÃas, embaixo das dÃas que acaba de engadir:"
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:239(p)
msgid ""
@@ -2454,6 +2630,8 @@ msgid ""
"If you run into problems with the tutorial, compare your code with this "
"<link href=\"image-viewer/image-viewer.js\">reference code</link>."
msgstr ""
+"Se ten problemas con este titorial, compare o seu coÌdigo con este <link href="
+"\"image-viewer/image-viewer.js\">coÌdigo de referencia</link>."
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:315(title) C/image-viewer.py.page:229(title)
#: C/image-viewer.cpp.page:217(title) C/image-viewer.c.page:225(title)
@@ -2468,6 +2646,7 @@ msgstr "Seguintes pasos"
#: C/guitar-tuner.cpp.page:269(p) C/guitar-tuner.c.page:261(p)
msgid "Here are some ideas for how you can extend this simple demonstration:"
msgstr ""
+"Aquà hai algunhas ideas sobre como pode estender esta sinxela demostraciÃn:"
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:319(p) C/image-viewer.py.page:233(p)
#: C/image-viewer.cpp.page:221(p) C/image-viewer.c.page:229(p)
@@ -2482,6 +2661,8 @@ msgid ""
"Apply random filters and effects to the image when it is loaded and allow "
"the user to save the modified image."
msgstr ""
+"Aplicar filtros aleatorios e efectos à imaxe cando se carga e permitir ao "
+"usuario gardar a imaxe modificada."
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:323(p) C/image-viewer.py.page:237(p)
#: C/image-viewer.cpp.page:225(p) C/image-viewer.c.page:233(p)
@@ -2489,6 +2670,8 @@ msgid ""
"<link href=\"http://www.gegl.org/api.html\";>GEGL</link> provides powerful "
"image manipulation capabilities."
msgstr ""
+"<link href=\"http://www.gegl.org/api.html\";>GEGL</link> fornece capacidades "
+"moi potentes de manipulaciÃn de imaxes."
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:326(p) C/image-viewer.py.page:240(p)
#: C/image-viewer.cpp.page:228(p) C/image-viewer.c.page:236(p)
@@ -2496,6 +2679,8 @@ msgid ""
"Allow the user to load images from network shares, scanners, and other more "
"complicated sources."
msgstr ""
+"Permitir ao usuario cargar imaxes desde recursos de rede compartidos, "
+"escÃneres e outras fontes mÃis complicadas."
#: C/image-viewer.js.page:327(p) C/image-viewer.py.page:241(p)
#: C/image-viewer.cpp.page:229(p) C/image-viewer.c.page:237(p)
@@ -2511,6 +2696,8 @@ msgid ""
"A little bit more than a simple \"Hello world\" application - write an image "
"viewer in GTK."
msgstr ""
+"Algo mÃis que un aplicativo sinxelo ÂHola mundo - escribir un visor de "
+"imaxes en GTK."
#: C/image-viewer.py.page:28(p)
msgid "Write a basic GTK user interface in Python"
@@ -2541,10 +2728,13 @@ msgid ""
"<file>src/image_viewer.py</file> from the <gui>Project</gui> or <gui>File</"
"gui> tabs. It contains very basic example code."
msgstr ""
+"Prema <gui>Aplicar</gui> e crearase o proxecto. Abra <file>src/image_viewer."
+"py</file> desde as lapelas <gui>Proxecto</gui> ou <gui>Ficheiro</gui>. "
+"ContÃn un exemplo de cÃdigo moi bÃsico:"
#: C/image-viewer.py.page:65(p)
msgid "Let's see what a very basic Gtk application looks like in Python:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vexamos como à o mÃis bÃsico dun aplicativo Gtk en Python:"
#: C/image-viewer.py.page:95(p)
msgid ""
@@ -2559,10 +2749,12 @@ msgid ""
"Next, <code>destroy</code> is defined which just quits the application. It "
"is called by the <code>destroy</code> signal connected above."
msgstr ""
+"A continuaciÃn, <code>destroy</code> està definido sà para saÃr do "
+"aplicativo. Ã chamado pola sinal <code>destroy</code> conectada enriba."
#: C/image-viewer.py.page:104(p)
msgid "The rest of the file does initialisation for Gtk and displays the GUI."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "O resto do ficheiro inicializa Gtk e mostra o GUI."
#: C/image-viewer.py.page:108(p)
msgid ""
@@ -2689,11 +2881,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: C/image-viewer.cpp.page:8(desc)
msgid "A little bit more than a simple \"Hello world\" GTKmm application."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Un pouco maÌis que un simple aplicativo Gtkmm ÂOla mundoÂ."
#: C/image-viewer.cpp.page:26(p)
msgid "Some basic concepts of C++/GObject programming"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "AlguÌns conceptos baÌsicos de programacioÌn de C++/GObject"
#: C/image-viewer.cpp.page:27(p)
msgid "How to write a Gtk application in C++"
@@ -2705,6 +2897,9 @@ msgid ""
"<gui>Forward</gui>, and fill out your details on the next few pages. Use "
"<file>image-viewer</file> as project name and directory."
msgstr ""
+"Seleccione <gui>GTK+ (Simple)</gui> desde a lapela <gui>C++</gui>, prema "
+"<gui>Adiante</gui> e complete os detalles nas seguintes paÌxinas. Use "
+"<file>image-viewer</file> como nome do proxecto e cartafol."
#: C/image-viewer.cpp.page:44(p)
msgid ""
@@ -2713,6 +2908,10 @@ msgid ""
"\"guitar-tuner.cpp\">Guitar-Tuner</link> tutorial if you want to learn how "
"to use the interface builder."
msgstr ""
+"AseguÌrese que <gui>Usar GtkBuilder para a interface de usuario</gui> estaÌ "
+"desactivado xa que crearemos a UI manualmente neste titorial. Comprobe o "
+"titorial <link xref=\"guitar-tuner.cpp\">Guitar-Tuner</link> se quere "
+"aprender como usar o construtor de interface."
#: C/image-viewer.cpp.page:49(p)
msgid ""
@@ -2720,6 +2919,9 @@ msgid ""
"<file>src/main.cc</file> from the <gui>Project</gui> or <gui>File</gui> "
"tabs. You should see some code which starts with the lines:"
msgstr ""
+"Prema <gui>Aplicar</gui> para crear o proxecto. Abra <file>src/main.cc</"
+"file> desde as lapelas <gui>Proxecto</gui> ou <gui>Ficheiro</gui>. DeberiÌa "
+"ver alguÌn coÌdigo que comeza coas linÌas:"
#: C/image-viewer.cpp.page:61(p)
msgid ""
@@ -2740,6 +2942,8 @@ msgid ""
"The <code>main</code> function creates a new (empty) window and sets the "
"window title."
msgstr ""
+"A funciÃn <code>main</code> crea unha xanela nova (e baleira) e estabelece o "
+"tÃtulo da xanela."
#: C/image-viewer.cpp.page:70(p)
msgid ""
@@ -2755,6 +2959,9 @@ msgid ""
"Press <gui>Execute</gui> on the next window that appears to configure a "
"debug build. You only need to do this once, for the first build."
msgstr ""
+"Prema <gui>Executar</gui> na seguinte xanela que aparece para configurar a "
+"compilaciÃn de depuraciÃn. SÃ precisa facer isto unha vez para a primeira "
#: C/image-viewer.cpp.page:81(title) C/image-viewer.c.page:82(title)
msgid "Creating the user interface"
@@ -2893,12 +3100,17 @@ msgid ""
"file> application in the dialog that appears. Finally, hit <gui>Run</gui> "
"and enjoy!"
msgstr ""
+"Se non o fixo aiÌnda, seleccione o aplicativo <file>Debug/src/image-viewer</"
+"file> no diaÌlogo que aparece. Finalmente, prema <gui>Executar</gui> e "
#: C/image-viewer.cpp.page:213(p)
msgid ""
"If you run into problems with the tutorial, compare your code with this "
"<link href=\"image-viewer/image-viewer.cc\">reference code</link>."
msgstr ""
+"Se ten problemas con este titorial, compare o seu cÃdigo con este <link href="
+"\"image-viewer/image-viewer.cc\">cÃdigo de referencia</link>."
#: C/image-viewer.c.page:8(desc)
msgid "A little bit more than a simple \"Hello world\" Gtk application."
@@ -2955,6 +3167,8 @@ msgid ""
"The <code>create_window</code> function creates a new (empty) window and "
"connects a signal to exit the application when that window is closed."
msgstr ""
+"A funciÃn <code>create_window</code> crea unha xanela (baleira) nova e "
+"conecta un sinal para saÃr do aplicativo pÃchase esa xanela."
#: C/image-viewer.c.page:67(p) C/guitar-tuner.vala.page:72(p)
#: C/guitar-tuner.c.page:72(p)
@@ -3127,6 +3341,8 @@ msgid ""
"Use Gtk+ and GStreamer to build a simple guitar tuner application for GNOME. "
"Shows off how to use the interface designer."
msgstr ""
+"Usar GTK+ y GStreamer para construÃr un sinxelo afinador de guitarra para "
+"GNOME. Mostra como usar o deseÃador de interfaces."
#: C/guitar-tuner.vala.page:21(title) C/guitar-tuner.py.page:21(title)
#: C/guitar-tuner.cpp.page:21(title) C/guitar-tuner.c.page:21(title)
@@ -3167,6 +3383,9 @@ msgid ""
"<gui>Forward</gui>, and fill out your details on the next few pages. Use "
"<file>guitar-tuner</file> as project name and directory."
msgstr ""
+"Seleccione <gui>GTK+ (Simple)</gui> desde a lapela <gui>Vala</gui>, prema "
+"<gui>Adiante</gui> e complete os detalles nas seguintes paÌxinas. Use "
+"<file>guitar-tunner</file> como nome do proxecto e cartafol."
#: C/guitar-tuner.vala.page:50(p) C/guitar-tuner.c.page:50(p)
msgid ""
@@ -3174,6 +3393,9 @@ msgid ""
"next page, select <em>gstreamer-0.10</em> from the list to include the "
"GStreamer library in your project."
msgstr ""
+"AsegÃrese que <gui>Configurar paquetes externos</gui> està seleccionada. Na "
+"seguinte pÃxina, seleccione <em>gstreamermm-0.10</em> da lista para incluÃr "
+"a biblioteca GStreamer no seu proxecto."
#: C/guitar-tuner.vala.page:54(p)
msgid ""
@@ -3181,6 +3403,9 @@ msgid ""
"<file>src/guitar_tuner.vala</file> from the <gui>Project</gui> or <gui>File</"
"gui> tabs. You should see some code which starts with the lines:"
msgstr ""
+"Prema <gui>Aplicar</gui> e crearase o proxecto. Abra <file>src/guitar_tuner."
+"vala</file> desde as lapelas <gui>Proxecto</gui> ou <gui>Ficheiro</gui>. "
+"DeberiÌa ver algo de coÌdigo que comece coas linÌas:"
#: C/guitar-tuner.vala.page:64(p)
msgid ""
@@ -3269,6 +3494,9 @@ msgid ""
"Repeat the above steps for the other buttons, adding the next 5 strings with "
"the names <em>A</em>, <em>D</em>, <em>G</em>, <em>B</em>, and <em>e</em>."
msgstr ""
+"Repita os pasos anteriores para o resto dos botÃns, engadindo as 5 cordas "
+"restantes cos nomes <em>A</em>, <em>D</em>, <em>G</em>, <em>B</em> e <em>e</"
#: C/guitar-tuner.vala.page:109(p) C/guitar-tuner.py.page:108(p)
#: C/guitar-tuner.c.page:112(p)
@@ -3276,6 +3504,8 @@ msgid ""
"Save the UI design (by clicking <guiseq><gui>File</gui><gui>Save</gui></"
"guiseq>) and keep it open."
msgstr ""
+"Garde o deseÃo da IU (premendo <guiseq><gui>Ficheiro</gui><gui>Gardar</gui></"
+"guiseq>) e dÃixeo aberto."
#: C/guitar-tuner.vala.page:115(title) C/guitar-tuner.c.page:118(title)
msgid "Creating the signal handler"
@@ -3546,6 +3776,9 @@ msgid ""
"<file>src/guitar_tuner.py</file> from the <gui>Project</gui> or <gui>File</"
"gui> tabs. You should see some code which starts with the lines:"
msgstr ""
+"Prema <gui>Aplicar</gui> e crearase o proxecto. Abra <file>src/guitar_tuner."
+"py</file> desde as lapelas <gui>Proxecto</gui> ou <gui>Ficheiro</gui>. "
+"DeberÃa ver algo de cÃdigo que comece coas liÃas:"
#: C/guitar-tuner.py.page:59(title)
msgid "Run the code for the first time"
@@ -3758,12 +3991,16 @@ msgid ""
"If you run into problems with the tutorial, compare your code with this "
"<link href=\"guitar-tuner/guitar-tuner.py\">reference code</link>."
msgstr ""
+"Se ten problemas ao executar este titorial compare o seu coÌdigo con este "
+"<link href=\"guitar-tuner/guitar-tuner.py\">coÌdigo de referencia</link>."
#: C/guitar-tuner.cpp.page:8(desc)
msgid ""
"Use Gtkmm and GStreamermm to build a simple guitar tuner application for "
"GNOME. Shows off how to use the interface designer."
msgstr ""
+"Usar GTKmm y GStreamer para construiÌr un sinxelo afinador de guitarra para "
+"GNOME. Mostra como usar o desenÌador de interfaces."
#: C/guitar-tuner.cpp.page:33(p)
msgid "Basic knowledge of the C++ programming language"
@@ -3775,6 +4012,9 @@ msgid ""
"<gui>Forward</gui>, and fill out your details on the next few pages. Use "
"<file>guitar-tuner</file> as project name and directory."
msgstr ""
+"Seleccione <gui>GTKmm (Simple)</gui> desde a lapela <gui>C++</gui>, prema "
+"<gui>Adiante</gui> e complete os detalles nas seguintes paÌxinas. Use "
+"<file>guitar-tunner</file> como nome do proxecto e cartafol."
#: C/guitar-tuner.cpp.page:50(p)
msgid ""
@@ -3789,6 +4029,9 @@ msgid ""
"<file>src/main.cc</file> from the <gui>Project</gui> or <gui>File</gui> "
"tabs. You should see some code which starts with the lines:"
msgstr ""
+"Prema <gui>Rematar</gui> para crear o proxecto. Abra <file>src/main.cc</"
+"file> desde as lapelas <gui>Proxecto</gui> ou <gui>Ficheiro</gui>. DeberiÌa "
+"ver alguÌn coÌdigo que comeza coas linÌas:"
#: C/guitar-tuner.cpp.page:64(p)
msgid ""
@@ -3984,6 +4227,8 @@ msgid ""
"If you run into problems with the tutorial, compare your code with this "
"<link href=\"guitar-tuner/guitar-tuner.cc\">reference code</link>."
msgstr ""
+"Se ten problemas ao executar este titorial compare o seu coÌdigo con este "
+"<link href=\"guitar-tuner/guitar-tuner.cc\">coÌdigo de referencia</link>."
#: C/guitar-tuner.cpp.page:260(title)
msgid "Further Reading"
@@ -4008,6 +4253,9 @@ msgid ""
"<gui>Forward</gui>, and fill out your details on the next few pages. Use "
"<file>guitar-tuner</file> as project name and directory."
msgstr ""
+"Seleccione <gui>GTK+ (Simple)</gui> desde a lapela <gui>C</gui>, prema "
+"<gui>Adiante</gui> e complete os detalles nas seguintes paÌxinas. Use "
+"<file>guitar-tunner</file> como nome do proxecto e cartafol."
#: C/guitar-tuner.c.page:64(p)
msgid ""
@@ -4051,6 +4299,8 @@ msgid ""
"Insert the following line into <file>main.c</file>, just below the <code><!"
"[CDATA[#include <gtk/gtk.h>]]></code> line:"
msgstr ""
+"Inserte a seguinte lia en <file>main.c</file>, xusto a continuaciÃn da liÃa "
+"<code><![CDATA[#include <gtk/gtk.h>]]></code>:"
#: C/guitar-tuner.c.page:148(p)
msgid ""
@@ -4058,12 +4308,17 @@ msgid ""
"initialize GStreamer; put the following code on the line above the "
"<code>gtk_init</code> call in the <code>main</code> function:"
msgstr ""
+"Isto inclÃe a biblioteca GSTreamer. TamÃn precisa unha liÃa para inicializar "
+"GStreamer; poÃa a seguinte liÃa de cÃdigo antes da chamada <code>gtk_init</"
+"code> na funciÃn <code>main</code>:"
#: C/guitar-tuner.c.page:150(p)
msgid ""
"Then, copy the following function into <file>main.c</file> above the empty "
"<code>on_button_clicked</code> function:"
msgstr ""
+"Despois, copie a seguinte funciÃn en <file>main.c</file> enriba da funciÃn "
+"<code>on_button_clicked</code> baleira:"
#: C/guitar-tuner.c.page:177(p)
msgid ""
@@ -4118,6 +4373,9 @@ msgid ""
"<code>g_timeout_add</code>. Insert the following code <em>above</em> the "
"<code>play_sound</code> function:"
msgstr ""
+"Agora, escrÃbese o cÃdigo da funciÃn <code>pipeline_stop</code>, chamada por "
+"<code>g_timeout_add</code>. Inserte o cÃdigo seguinte <em>enriba</em> da "
+"funciÃn <code>play_sound</code>:"
#: C/guitar-tuner.c.page:207(p)
msgid ""
@@ -4125,6 +4383,9 @@ msgid ""
"pipeline and <code>g_object_unref</code> unreferences the pipeline, "
"destroying it and freeing its memory."
msgstr ""
+"A chamada <code>gst_element_set_state</code> pausa a reproduciÃn da tuberÃa "
+"e <code>g_object_unref</code> desreferencia a tuberÃa, destrÃea e libera a "
+"sÃa memoria."
#: C/guitar-tuner.c.page:212(p)
msgid ""
@@ -4154,6 +4415,8 @@ msgid ""
"If you run into problems with the tutorial, compare your code with this "
"<link href=\"guitar-tuner/guitar-tuner.c\">reference code</link>."
msgstr ""
+"Se ten problemas ao executar este titorial compare o seu coÌdigo con este "
+"<link href=\"guitar-tuner/guitar-tuner.c\">coÌdigo de referencia</link>."
#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
@@ -4200,9 +4463,14 @@ msgid "Automatic installation"
msgstr "InstalaciÃn automÃtica"
#: C/getting-ready.page:27(p)
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "On an up-to-date distribution you should be able to simply install the "
+#| "required packages by clicking on <link href=\"gnome-devtools.catalog"
+#| "\">Install now</link>."
msgid ""
"On an up-to-date distribution you should be able to simply install the "
-"required packages by clicking on <link href=\"gnome-devtools.catalog"
+"required packages by clicking on <link href=\"media/gnome-devtools.catalog"
"\">Install now</link>."
msgstr ""
"Nunha distribuciÃn anovada deberÃa poder instalar de forma sinxela os "
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