[billreminder: 1/10] Update hamster graphics
- From: Og B. Maciel <ogmaciel src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [billreminder: 1/10] Update hamster graphics
- Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 04:10:38 +0000 (UTC)
commit 68409665de5c9387946df80ea3cb5674d752a909
Author: Luiz Armesto <luiz armesto gmail com>
Date: Thu Jun 16 20:14:16 2011 -0300
Update hamster graphics
src/gui/widgets/graphics.py | 314 ++++++++++++-------------------------------
1 files changed, 86 insertions(+), 228 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/gui/widgets/graphics.py b/src/gui/widgets/graphics.py
index 2fe5c10..97704f7 100644
--- a/src/gui/widgets/graphics.py
+++ b/src/gui/widgets/graphics.py
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ class Graphics(object):
def _rel_line_to(context, x, y): context.rel_line_to(x, y)
def rel_line_to(self, x, y = None):
- if x and y:
+ if x is not None and y is not None:
self._add_instruction(self._rel_line_to, x, y)
elif isinstance(x, list) and y is None:
for x2, y2 in x:
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ class Graphics(object):
def _show_layout(context, layout, text, font_desc, alignment, width, wrap, ellipsize):
- layout.set_width(width or -1)
+ layout.set_width(int(width or -1))
if width > 0:
@@ -576,12 +576,14 @@ class Sprite(gtk.Object):
"on-render": (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ())
- transformation_flags = set(('x', 'y', 'rotation', 'scale_x', 'scale_y',
- 'pivot_x', 'pivot_y', '_prev_parent_matrix'))
- dirty_flags = set(('opacity', 'visible', 'z_order'))
- graphics_unrelated_flags = set(('drag_x', 'drag_y', '_matrix', 'sprites',
- '_stroke_context',
- 'mouse_cursor', '_scene', '_sprite_dirty'))
+ transformation_attrs = set(('x', 'y', 'rotation', 'scale_x', 'scale_y', 'pivot_x', 'pivot_y'))
+ visibility_attrs = set(('opacity', 'visible', 'z_order'))
+ cache_attrs = set(('_stroke_context', '_matrix', '_prev_parent_matrix', '_extents', '_scene'))
+ graphics_unrelated_attrs = set(('drag_x', 'drag_y', 'sprites', 'mouse_cursor', '_sprite_dirty'))
def __init__(self, x = 0, y = 0,
@@ -666,54 +668,65 @@ class Sprite(gtk.Object):
self._extents = None
self._prev_extents = None
+ self._stroke_context = None
def __setattr__(self, name, val):
if self.__dict__.get(name, "hamster_graphics_no_value_really") == val:
self.__dict__[name] = val
- if name == 'visible' or (hasattr(self, "visible") and self.visible):
- self.__dict__['_extents'] = None
- if name == 'parent':
- self._prev_parent_matrix = None
- return
+ # prev parent matrix walks downwards
+ if name == '_prev_parent_matrix' and self.visible:
+ self._extents = None
- if name == '_prev_parent_matrix':
+ # downwards recursive invalidation of parent matrix
for sprite in self.sprites:
sprite._prev_parent_matrix = None
- return
- if name in self.graphics_unrelated_flags:
+ if name in self.cache_attrs or name in self.graphics_unrelated_attrs:
- if name in self.transformation_flags:
- self.__dict__['_matrix'] = None
+ """all the other changes influence cache vars"""
+ # either transforms or path operations - extents have to be recalculated
+ self._extents = None
+ if name == 'visible' and self.visible == False:
+ # when transforms happen while sprite is invisible
for sprite in self.sprites:
sprite._prev_parent_matrix = None
- elif name in ("visible", "z_order"):
+ # on moves invalidate our matrix, child extent cache (as that depends on our transforms)
+ # as well as our parent's child extents as we moved
+ # then go into children and invalidate the parent matrix down the tree
+ if name in self.transformation_attrs:
+ self._matrix = None
for sprite in self.sprites:
sprite._prev_parent_matrix = None
+ # if attribute is not in transformation nor visibility, we conclude
+ # that it must be causing the sprite needs re-rendering
+ if name not in self.transformation_attrs and name not in self.visibility_attrs:
+ self.__dict__["_sprite_dirty"] = True
+ # on parent change invalidate the matrix
+ if name == 'parent':
+ self._prev_parent_matrix = None
+ return
if name == 'opacity' and self.__dict__.get("cache_as_bitmap") and hasattr(self, "graphics"):
# invalidating cache for the bitmap version as that paints opacity in the image
self.graphics._last_matrix = None
- elif name == 'z_order' and self.__dict__.get('parent'):
- self.parent._sort()
+ if name == 'z_order' and self.__dict__.get('parent'):
+ self.parent._sort()
- if name not in (self.transformation_flags ^ self.dirty_flags):
- self.__dict__["_sprite_dirty"] = True
- self.redraw()
+ self.redraw()
def _sort(self):
@@ -761,6 +774,16 @@ class Sprite(gtk.Object):
if self._extents:
return self._extents
+ if self._sprite_dirty:
+ # redrawing merely because we need fresh extents of the sprite
+ context = gtk.gdk.CairoContext(cairo.Context(cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_A1, 0, 0)))
+ context.transform(self.get_matrix())
+ self.emit("on-render")
+ self.__dict__["_sprite_dirty"] = False
+ self.graphics._draw(context, 1)
if not self.graphics.paths:
self.graphics._draw(cairo.Context(cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_A1, 0, 0)), 1)
@@ -797,7 +820,7 @@ class Sprite(gtk.Object):
return False
if extents.x <= x <= extents.x + extents.width and extents.y <= y <= extents.y + extents.height:
- return self._stroke_context.in_fill(x, y)
+ return self._stroke_context is None or self._stroke_context.in_fill(x, y)
return False
@@ -937,7 +960,7 @@ class BitmapSprite(Sprite):
self._surface = None
- self.graphics_unrelated_flags = self.graphics_unrelated_flags ^ set(('_surface',))
+ self.cache_attrs = self.cache_attrs ^ set(('_surface',))
def __setattr__(self, name, val):
Sprite.__setattr__(self, name, val)
@@ -1018,9 +1041,8 @@ class Label(Sprite):
"on-change": (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ()),
def __init__(self, text = "", size = 10, color = None,
- alignment = pango.ALIGN_LEFT, font_face = None,
+ alignment = pango.ALIGN_LEFT,
max_width = None, wrap = None, ellipsize = None,
- outline_color = None, outline_width = 5,
Sprite.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self.width, self.height = None, None
@@ -1037,12 +1059,6 @@ class Label(Sprite):
#: color of label either as hex string or an (r,g,b) tuple
self.color = color
- #: color for text outline (currently works only with a custom font face)
- self.outline_color = outline_color
- #: text outline thickness (currently works only with a custom font face)
- self.outline_width = outline_width
self._bounds_width = None
#: wrapping method. Can be set to pango. [WRAP_WORD, WRAP_CHAR,
@@ -1056,30 +1072,23 @@ class Label(Sprite):
#: alignment. one of pango.[ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_RIGHT, ALIGN_CENTER]
self.alignment = alignment
- #: label's `FontFace <http://www.cairographics.org/documentation/pycairo/2/reference/text.html#cairo.FontFace>`_
- self.font_face = font_face
#: font size
self.size = size
#: maximum width of the label in pixels. if specified, the label
#: will be wrapped or ellipsized depending on the wrap and ellpisize settings
self.max_width = max_width
- self._ascent = None # used to determine Y position for when we have a font face
self.__surface = None
#: label text
self.text = text
- self._letter_sizes = {}
self._measures = {}
self.connect("on-render", self.on_render)
- self.graphics_unrelated_flags = self.graphics_unrelated_flags ^ set(("_letter_sizes", "__surface", "_ascent", "_bounds_width", "_measures"))
+ self.cache_attrs = self.cache_attrs ^ set(("_letter_sizes", "__surface", "_ascent", "_bounds_width", "_measures"))
def __setattr__(self, name, val):
@@ -1100,112 +1109,13 @@ class Label(Sprite):
if name in ("width", "text", "size", "font_desc", "wrap", "ellipsize", "max_width"):
self._measures = {}
# avoid chicken and egg
- if hasattr(self, "text") and hasattr(self, "size") and hasattr(self, "font_face"):
- self.__dict__['width'], self.__dict__['height'], self.__dict__['_ascent'] = self.measure(self.text)
- if name in("font_desc", "size"):
- self._letter_sizes = {}
+ if hasattr(self, "text") and hasattr(self, "size"):
+ self.__dict__['width'], self.__dict__['height'] = self.measure(self.text)
if name == 'text':
- def _wrap(self, text):
- """wrapping text ourselves when we can't use pango"""
- if not text:
- return [], 0
- context = self._test_context
- context.set_font_face(self.font_face)
- context.set_font_size(self.size)
- if (not self._bounds_width and not self.max_width) or self.wrap is None:
- return [(text, context.text_extents(text)[4])], context.font_extents()[2]
- width = self.max_width or self.width
- letters = {}
- # measure individual letters
- if self.wrap in (pango.WRAP_CHAR, pango.WRAP_WORD_CHAR):
- letters = set(unicode(text))
- sizes = [self._letter_sizes.setdefault(letter, context.text_extents(letter)[4]) for letter in letters]
- letters = dict(zip(letters, sizes))
- line = ""
- lines = []
- running_width = 0
- if self.wrap in (pango.WRAP_WORD, pango.WRAP_WORD_CHAR):
- # if we wrap by word then we split the whole thing in words
- # and stick together while they fit. in case if the word does not
- # fit at all, we break it in pieces
- while text:
- fragment, fragment_length = "", 0
- word = re.search("\s", text)
- if word:
- fragment = text[:word.start()+1]
- else:
- fragment = text
- fragment_length = context.text_extents(fragment)[4]
- if (fragment_length > width) and self.wrap == pango.WRAP_WORD_CHAR:
- # too big to fit in any way
- # split in pieces so that we fit in current row as much
- # as we can and trust the task of putting things in next row
- # to the next run
- while fragment and running_width + fragment_length > width:
- fragment_length -= letters[fragment[-1]]
- fragment = fragment[:-1]
- lines.append((line + fragment, running_width + fragment_length))
- running_width = 0
- fragment_length = 0
- line = ""
- else:
- # otherwise the usual squishing
- if running_width + fragment_length <= width:
- line += fragment
- else:
- lines.append((line, running_width))
- running_width = 0
- line = fragment
- running_width += fragment_length
- text = text[len(fragment):]
- elif self.wrap == pango.WRAP_CHAR:
- # brute force glueing while we have space
- for fragment in text:
- fragment_length = letters[fragment]
- if running_width + fragment_length <= width:
- line += fragment
- else:
- lines.append((line, running_width))
- running_width = 0
- line = fragment
- running_width += fragment_length
- if line:
- lines.append((line, running_width))
- return lines, context.font_extents()[2]
def measure(self, text):
"""measures given text with label's font and size.
returns width, height and ascent. Ascent's null in case if the label
@@ -1214,46 +1124,29 @@ class Label(Sprite):
if text in self._measures:
return self._measures[text]
- width, height, ascent = None, None, None
+ width, height = None, None
context = self._test_context
- if self.font_face:
- context.set_font_face(self.font_face)
- context.set_font_size(self.size)
- font_ascent, font_descent, font_height = context.font_extents()[:3]
- if self._bounds_width or self.max_width:
- lines, line_height = self._wrap(text)
+ layout = self._test_layout
+ layout.set_font_description(self.font_desc)
+ layout.set_markup(text)
- if self._bounds_width:
- width = self._bounds_width / pango.SCALE
- else:
- max_width = 0
- for line, line_width in lines:
- max_width = max(max_width, line_width)
- width = max_width
+ max_width = 0
+ if self.max_width:
+ max_width = self.max_width * pango.SCALE
- height = len(lines) * line_height
- ascent = font_ascent
- else:
- width = context.text_extents(text)[4]
- ascent, height = font_ascent, font_ascent + font_descent
+ layout.set_width(int(self._bounds_width or max_width or -1))
+ layout.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_NONE)
+ if self.wrap is not None:
+ layout.set_wrap(self.wrap)
- layout = self._test_layout
- layout.set_font_description(self.font_desc)
- layout.set_markup(text)
- layout.set_width((self._bounds_width or -1))
- layout.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_NONE)
- if self.wrap is not None:
- layout.set_wrap(self.wrap)
- else:
- layout.set_ellipsize(self.ellipsize or pango.ELLIPSIZE_END)
+ layout.set_ellipsize(self.ellipsize or pango.ELLIPSIZE_END)
- width, height = layout.get_pixel_size()
+ width, height = layout.get_pixel_size()
- self._measures[text] = width, height, ascent
+ self._measures[text] = width, height
return self._measures[text]
@@ -1266,54 +1159,26 @@ class Label(Sprite):
rect_width = self.width
- if self.font_face:
- self.graphics.set_font_size(self.size)
- self.graphics.set_font_face(self.font_face)
- if self._bounds_width or self.max_width:
- lines, line_height = self._wrap(self.text)
- x, y = 0.5, int(self._ascent) + 0.5
- for line, line_width in lines:
- if self.alignment == pango.ALIGN_RIGHT:
- x = self.width - line_width
- elif self.alignment == pango.ALIGN_CENTER:
- x = (self.width - line_width) / 2
- if self.outline_color:
- self.graphics.save_context()
- self.graphics.move_to(x, y)
- self.graphics.text_path(line)
- self.graphics.set_line_style(width=self.outline_width)
- self.graphics.fill_stroke(self.outline_color, self.outline_color)
- self.graphics.restore_context()
- self.graphics.move_to(x, y)
- self.graphics.set_color(self.color)
- self.graphics.show_text(line)
- y += line_height
+ max_width = 0
+ if self.max_width:
+ max_width = self.max_width * pango.SCALE
- else:
- if self.outline_color:
- self.graphics.save_context()
- self.graphics.move_to(0, self._ascent)
- self.graphics.text_path(self.text)
- self.graphics.set_line_style(width=self.outline_width)
- self.graphics.fill_stroke(self.outline_color, self.outline_color)
- self.graphics.restore_context()
+ # when max width is specified and we are told to align in center
+ # do that (the pango instruction takes care of aligning within
+ # the lines of the text)
+ if self.alignment == pango.ALIGN_CENTER:
+ self.graphics.move_to(-(self.max_width - self.width)/2, 0)
- self.graphics.move_to(0, self._ascent)
- self.graphics.show_text(self.text)
+ bounds_width = max_width or self._bounds_width or -1
- else:
- self.graphics.show_layout(self.text, self.font_desc,
- self.alignment,
- self._bounds_width,
- self.wrap,
- self.ellipsize)
+ self.graphics.show_layout(self.text, self.font_desc,
+ self.alignment,
+ bounds_width,
+ self.wrap,
+ self.ellipsize)
- if self._bounds_width:
- rect_width = self._bounds_width / pango.SCALE
+ if self._bounds_width:
+ rect_width = self._bounds_width / pango.SCALE
self.graphics.rectangle(0, 0, rect_width, self.height)
@@ -1693,7 +1558,6 @@ class Scene(gtk.DrawingArea):
if self._mouse_sprite and self._mouse_sprite != over:
self.emit("on-mouse-out", self._mouse_sprite)
- self.redraw()
if over:
if over.mouse_cursor is not None:
@@ -1709,7 +1573,6 @@ class Scene(gtk.DrawingArea):
if over != self._mouse_sprite:
self.emit("on-mouse-over", over)
- self.redraw()
self._mouse_sprite = over
@@ -1745,7 +1608,6 @@ class Scene(gtk.DrawingArea):
self._drag_sprite.emit("on-drag-start", event)
self.emit("on-drag-start", self._drag_sprite, event)
- self.redraw()
self.__drag_started = True
@@ -1760,7 +1622,6 @@ class Scene(gtk.DrawingArea):
self._drag_sprite.emit("on-drag", event)
self.emit("on-drag", self._drag_sprite, event)
- self.redraw()
# avoid double mouse checks - the redraw will also check for mouse!
@@ -1776,7 +1637,6 @@ class Scene(gtk.DrawingArea):
self._mouse_in = False
if self._mouse_sprite:
self.emit("on-mouse-out", self._mouse_sprite)
- self.redraw()
self._mouse_sprite = None
@@ -1805,12 +1665,10 @@ class Scene(gtk.DrawingArea):
target.emit("on-click", event)
self.emit("on-click", event, target)
- self.redraw()
if self._drag_sprite:
self._drag_sprite.emit("on-drag-finish", event)
self.emit("on-drag-finish", self._drag_sprite, event)
- self.redraw()
self._drag_sprite.drag_x, self._drag_sprite.drag_y = None, None
self._drag_sprite = None
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