[gnome-user-docs/gnome-3-0] modified disk-check.page for content and style. marked page as final.

commit 8575557db85fb37231ac37d908318270a6b3428c
Author: Jim Campbell <jwcampbell gmail com>
Date:   Tue Jun 14 14:10:22 2011 -0500

    modified disk-check.page for content and style. marked page as final.

 gnome-help/C/disk-check.page |   38 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gnome-help/C/disk-check.page b/gnome-help/C/disk-check.page
index b6315cc..9d62b4e 100644
--- a/gnome-help/C/disk-check.page
+++ b/gnome-help/C/disk-check.page
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
     <link type="guide" xref="disk"/>
     <revision pkgversion="3.0" date="2011-04-04" status="final"/>
-    <revision pkgversion="3.0" version="3.0.1" date="2011-06-13" status="review"/>
+    <revision pkgversion="3.0" version="3.0.1" date="2011-06-14" status="final"/>
     <credit type="author">
       <name>GNOME Documentation Team</name>
@@ -28,20 +28,44 @@
 <section id="disk-status">
  <title>Checking the hard disk</title>
-<p>Hard disks have a built-in health-check called <app>SMART</app> (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology), which is continually checks for potential problems, warns you if the disk is about to fail and avoids future loss of important data. Check your disk's health:</p>
+  <p>Hard disks have a built-in health-check called <app>SMART</app> 
+(Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology), which continually 
+checks the disk for potential problems. SMART also warns you if the disk 
+is about to fail, helping you future loss of important data.</p>
+  <p>Although SMART runs automatically, you can also check your disk's 
+health by running the <app>Disk Utility</app> application:</p>
-     <item><p>Open the <app>Disk Utility</app> application from the <gui>Activities</gui> overview.</p></item>
-     <item><p>Select the disk you want to check from the <gui>Storage Devices</gui> list. Information and status of the disk will appear under <gui>Drive</gui>.</p></item>
+  <title>Check your disk's health using the Disk Utility application</title>
+     <item><p>Open the <app>Disk Utility</app> application from the 
+<gui>Activities</gui> overview.</p></item>
+     <item><p>Select the disk you want to check from the <gui>Storage Devices
+</gui> list. Information and status of the disk will appear under <gui>Drive
      <item><p><gui>SMART Status</gui> should say "Disk is healthy".</p></item> 
-     <item><p>Click <gui>SMART Data</gui> located below <gui>SMART Status</gui> if you want to list attributes like Read Error Rate or Throughput Performance, their assessments and values. See <link xref="disk-utility"><app>Disk Utility</app></link> for more details.</p></item>
+     <item><p>Click the <gui>SMART Data</gui> button to view more drive 
+information, or to run a self-test.</p></item>
 <section id="disk-not-healthy">
  <title>What if the disk isn't healthy?</title>
- <p>Even if the <gui>SMART Status</gui> indicates that the disk <em>isn't</em> healthy, there may be no cause for alarm. However, it's better to be prepared with a <link xref="backup-why">backup</link> to prevent data loss. You may wish to take the computer/hard disk to a professional for further diagnosis and repair.</p>
- <p>If the status says "Pre-fail", the disk is still reasonably healthy but signs of wear have been detected which mean it might fail in the near future. If your hard disk (or computer) is a few years old, you are likely to see this message on at least some of the health checks. You should <link xref="backup-how">backup your important files regularly</link> and check the disk status periodically to see if it gets worse.</p>
+ <p>Even if the <gui>SMART Status</gui> indicates that the disk <em>isn't</em> 
+healthy, there may be no cause for alarm. However, it's better to be prepared 
+with a <link xref="backup-why">backup</link> to prevent data loss.</p>
+ <p>If the status says "Pre-fail", the disk is still reasonably healthy but 
+signs of wear have been detected which mean it might fail in the near future. 
+If your hard disk (or computer) is a few years old, you are likely to see 
+this message on at least some of the health checks. You should <link 
+xref="backup-how">backup your important files regularly</link> and check 
+the disk status periodically to see if it gets worse.</p>
+ <p>If it gets worse, you may wish to take the computer/hard disk to a 
+professional for further diagnosis or repair.</p>

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