[gimp] (18 commits) Created branch soc-2011-warp

The branch 'soc-2011-warp' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  adff4f0... GimpWarpTool: skeleton of the tool, with options
  226de87... gimpwarptool: adjust description of the tool
  c263502... gimpwarptool: setup a dumb icon for the tool
  f2b0361... gimpwarptool: add gegl infrastructure and image map for pre
  6f37817... gimpwarptool: enable macro to get options class
  69b3cae... gimpwarptool: use gegl:map-relative instead of map-absolute
  7babf8c... gimpwarptool: proof of concept code to act on the coords bu
  2759137... gimpwarptool: add strenght and size in the tool's options
  1110676... gimpwarptool: draw a circle around the cursor to indicate t
  bce0552... gimpwarptooloptions: follow convention for option's naming
  28efe40... gimpwarptool: don't draw the effect size if under 3.0, to a
  5dfe3ae... gimpwarptool: start the tool if the cursor is over an image
  28e42be... gimpwarptool: add logic to commit the transformation
  5c441a8... add boilerplate for a GimpWarp Gegl operator
  0ae7fc4... add missing registering for GimpWarp Geggl op
  3f1af20... gimpoperationwarp: remove useless overriding
  3ace641... gimpoperationwarp: install strength, size and stroke proper
  9866b50... gimpoperationwarp: use the good format for input/output

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