[vala/wip/gdata] libgdata: Switch to GIR

commit 125d7eb0af4dd8bd3110af64a075ebc0b77b70b7
Author: Luca Bruno <lucabru src gnome org>
Date:   Sun Jul 24 21:23:46 2011 +0200

    libgdata: Switch to GIR

 vapi/Makefile.am                            |    3 +
 vapi/libgdata.vapi                          | 1438 ++++----
 vapi/metadata/GData-0.0.metadata            |   11 +
 vapi/packages/libgdata/libgdata-custom.vala |   15 -
 vapi/packages/libgdata/libgdata.deps        |    3 -
 vapi/packages/libgdata/libgdata.files       |    2 -
 vapi/packages/libgdata/libgdata.gi          | 5944 ---------------------------
 vapi/packages/libgdata/libgdata.metadata    |   75 -
 vapi/packages/libgdata/libgdata.namespace   |    1 -
 9 files changed, 746 insertions(+), 6746 deletions(-)
diff --git a/vapi/Makefile.am b/vapi/Makefile.am
index 0e8488c..f607e51 100644
--- a/vapi/Makefile.am
+++ b/vapi/Makefile.am
@@ -262,3 +262,6 @@ libpeas-1.0:
 	$(VAPIGEN) --library $(srcdir)/vte-2.90 --metadatadir $(METADATADIR) --pkg atk --pkg gdk-3.0 --pkg gtk+-3.0 --pkg gio-2.0 --pkg pango $(GIRDIR)/Vte-2.90.gir $(METADATADIR)/Vte-2.90-custom.vala
+	$(VAPIGEN) --library $(srcdir)/libgdata --metadatadir $(METADATADIR) --pkg libxml-2.0 --pkg gio-2.0 --pkg libsoup-2.4 $(GIRDIR)/GData-0.0.gir
diff --git a/vapi/libgdata.vapi b/vapi/libgdata.vapi
index 6dded06..3c1d717 100644
--- a/vapi/libgdata.vapi
+++ b/vapi/libgdata.vapi
@@ -1,54 +1,161 @@
-/* libgdata.vapi generated by vapigen, do not modify. */
+/* libgdata.vapi generated by lt-vapigen, do not modify. */
-[CCode (cprefix = "GData", lower_case_cprefix = "gdata_")]
+[CCode (cprefix = "GData", lower_case_cprefix = "gdata_", gir_namespace = "GData", gir_version = "0.0")]
 namespace GData {
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (cprefix = "GDataContactsGender", lower_case_cprefix = "gdata_contacts_gender_")]
+	namespace ContactsGender {
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string FEMALE;
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string MALE;
+	}
+	[CCode (cprefix = "", lower_case_cprefix = "gdata_group_")]
+	namespace ContactsGroupType {
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string CONTACTS;
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string COWORKERS;
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string FAMILY;
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string FRIENDS;
+	}
+	[CCode (cprefix = "GDataContactsPriority", lower_case_cprefix = "gdata_contacts_priority_")]
+	namespace ContactsPriority {
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string HIGH;
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string LOW;
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string NORMAL;
+	}
+	[CCode (cprefix = "GDataContactsSensitivity", lower_case_cprefix = "gdata_contacts_sensitivity_")]
+	namespace ContactsSensitivity {
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string CONFIDENTIAL;
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string NORMAL;
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string PERSONAL;
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string PRIVATE;
+	}
+	[CCode (cprefix = "", lower_case_cprefix = "gdata_documents_presentation_")]
+	namespace DocumentsPresentationFormat {
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string PDF;
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string PNG;
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string PPT;
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string SWF;
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string TXT;
+	}
+	[CCode (cprefix = "", lower_case_cprefix = "gdata_documents_spreadsheet_")]
+	namespace DocumentsSpreadsheetFormat {
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string CSV;
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string HTML;
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string ODS;
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string PDF;
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string TSV;
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string XLS;
+	}
+	[CCode (cprefix = "", lower_case_cprefix = "gdata_documents_text_")]
+	namespace DocumentsTextFormat {
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string DOC;
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string HTML;
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string ODT;
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string PDF;
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string PNG;
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string RTF;
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string TXT;
+		[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public const string ZIP;
+	}
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_app_categories_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class APPCategories : GData.Parsable {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		protected APPCategories ();
+		public unowned GLib.List<GData.Category> get_categories ();
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public bool is_fixed { get; }
+	}
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_access_rule_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class AccessRule : GData.Entry {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
 		public AccessRule (string id);
-		public void get_edited (GLib.TimeVal edited);
+		public int64 get_edited ();
 		public unowned string get_role ();
-		public void get_scope (string type, string value);
+		public void get_scope (out unowned string type, out unowned string value);
 		public void set_role (string role);
 		public void set_scope (string type, string value);
-		public GLib.TimeVal edited { get; }
+		public int64 edited { get; }
 		public string role { get; set; }
 		public string scope_type { owned get; set; }
 		public string scope_value { owned get; set; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class Author : GData.Parsable {
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_author_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class Author : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public Author (string name, string uri, string email_address);
-		public int compare (GData.Author b);
+		public Author (string name, string? uri, string? email_address);
 		public unowned string get_email_address ();
 		public unowned string get_name ();
 		public unowned string get_uri ();
-		public void set_email_address (string email_address);
+		public void set_email_address (string? email_address);
 		public void set_name (string name);
-		public void set_uri (string uri);
+		public void set_uri (string? uri);
 		public string email_address { get; set; }
 		public string name { get; set; }
 		public string uri { get; set; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_batch_operation_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class BatchOperation : GLib.Object {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		protected BatchOperation ();
+		public uint add_deletion (GData.Entry entry, [CCode (delegate_target_pos = 2.1)] GData.BatchOperationCallback callback);
+		public uint add_insertion (GData.Entry entry, [CCode (delegate_target_pos = 2.1)] GData.BatchOperationCallback callback);
+		public uint add_query (string id, GLib.Type entry_type, [CCode (delegate_target_pos = 3.1)] GData.BatchOperationCallback callback);
+		public uint add_update (GData.Entry entry, [CCode (delegate_target_pos = 2.1)] GData.BatchOperationCallback callback);
+		public unowned string get_feed_uri ();
+		public unowned GData.Service get_service ();
+		public bool run (GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async bool run_async (GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
+		public string feed_uri { get; construct; }
+		public GData.Service service { get; construct; }
+	}
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_calendar_calendar_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class CalendarCalendar : GData.Entry, GData.AccessHandler {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public CalendarCalendar (string id);
+		public CalendarCalendar (string? id);
 		public unowned string get_access_level ();
-		public void get_color (GData.Color color);
-		public void get_edited (GLib.TimeVal edited);
+		public GData.Color get_color ();
+		public int64 get_edited ();
 		public uint get_times_cleaned ();
 		public unowned string get_timezone ();
 		public void set_color (GData.Color color);
 		public void set_is_hidden (bool is_hidden);
 		public void set_is_selected (bool is_selected);
-		public void set_timezone (string _timezone);
+		public void set_timezone (string? _timezone);
 		public string access_level { get; }
 		public GData.Color color { get; set; }
-		public GLib.TimeVal edited { get; }
+		public int64 edited { get; }
 		public bool is_hidden { get; set; }
@@ -56,26 +163,26 @@ namespace GData {
 		public uint times_cleaned { get; }
 		public string timezone { get; set; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_calendar_event_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class CalendarEvent : GData.Entry {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public CalendarEvent (string id);
+		public CalendarEvent (string? id);
 		public void add_person (GData.GDWho who);
 		public void add_place (GData.GDWhere where);
 		public void add_time (GData.GDWhen when);
 		public bool get_anyone_can_add_self ();
-		public void get_edited (GLib.TimeVal edited);
+		public int64 get_edited ();
 		public bool get_guests_can_invite_others ();
 		public bool get_guests_can_modify ();
 		public bool get_guests_can_see_guests ();
-		public void get_original_event_details (string event_id, string event_uri);
-		public unowned GLib.List get_people ();
-		public unowned GLib.List get_places ();
-		public bool get_primary_time (GLib.TimeVal start_time, GLib.TimeVal end_time, out unowned GData.GDWhen when);
+		public void get_original_event_details (out string event_id, out string event_uri);
+		public unowned GLib.List<GData.GDWho> get_people ();
+		public unowned GLib.List<GData.GDWhere> get_places ();
+		public bool get_primary_time (out int64 start_time, out int64 end_time, out unowned GData.GDWhen when);
 		public unowned string get_recurrence ();
 		public uint get_sequence ();
 		public unowned string get_status ();
-		public unowned GLib.List get_times ();
+		public unowned GLib.List<GData.GDWhen> get_times ();
 		public unowned string get_transparency ();
 		public unowned string get_uid ();
 		public unowned string get_visibility ();
@@ -84,14 +191,14 @@ namespace GData {
 		public void set_guests_can_invite_others (bool guests_can_invite_others);
 		public void set_guests_can_modify (bool guests_can_modify);
 		public void set_guests_can_see_guests (bool guests_can_see_guests);
-		public void set_recurrence (string recurrence);
+		public void set_recurrence (string? recurrence);
 		public void set_sequence (uint sequence);
-		public void set_status (string status);
-		public void set_transparency (string transparency);
-		public void set_uid (string uid);
-		public void set_visibility (string visibility);
+		public void set_status (string? status);
+		public void set_transparency (string? transparency);
+		public void set_uid (string? uid);
+		public void set_visibility (string? visibility);
 		public bool anyone_can_add_self { get; set; }
-		public GLib.TimeVal edited { get; }
+		public int64 edited { get; }
 		public bool guests_can_invite_others { get; set; }
 		public bool guests_can_modify { get; set; }
 		public bool guests_can_see_guests { get; set; }
@@ -106,7 +213,7 @@ namespace GData {
 		public string uid { get; set; }
 		public string visibility { get; set; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_calendar_feed_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class CalendarFeed : GData.Feed {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
 		protected CalendarFeed ();
@@ -115,106 +222,113 @@ namespace GData {
 		public uint times_cleaned { get; }
 		public string timezone { get; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_calendar_query_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class CalendarQuery : GData.Query {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public CalendarQuery (string q);
+		public CalendarQuery (string? q);
 		public bool get_future_events ();
 		public unowned string get_order_by ();
-		public void get_recurrence_expansion_end (GLib.TimeVal end);
-		public void get_recurrence_expansion_start (GLib.TimeVal start);
+		public int64 get_recurrence_expansion_end ();
+		public int64 get_recurrence_expansion_start ();
 		public bool get_single_events ();
 		public unowned string get_sort_order ();
-		public void get_start_max (GLib.TimeVal start_max);
-		public void get_start_min (GLib.TimeVal start_min);
+		public int64 get_start_max ();
+		public int64 get_start_min ();
 		public unowned string get_timezone ();
 		public void set_future_events (bool future_events);
-		public void set_order_by (string order_by);
-		public void set_recurrence_expansion_end (GLib.TimeVal end);
-		public void set_recurrence_expansion_start (GLib.TimeVal start);
+		public void set_order_by (string? order_by);
+		public void set_recurrence_expansion_end (int64 end);
+		public void set_recurrence_expansion_start (int64 start);
 		public void set_single_events (bool single_events);
-		public void set_sort_order (string sort_order);
-		public void set_start_max (GLib.TimeVal start_max);
-		public void set_start_min (GLib.TimeVal start_min);
-		public void set_timezone (string _timezone);
+		public void set_sort_order (string? sort_order);
+		public void set_start_max (int64 start_max);
+		public void set_start_min (int64 start_min);
+		public void set_timezone (string? _timezone);
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public CalendarQuery.with_limits (string q, GLib.TimeVal start_min, GLib.TimeVal start_max);
+		public CalendarQuery.with_limits (string? q, int64? start_min, int64? start_max);
 		public bool future_events { get; set; }
 		public string order_by { get; set; }
-		public GLib.TimeVal recurrence_expansion_end { get; set; }
-		public GLib.TimeVal recurrence_expansion_start { get; set; }
+		public int64 recurrence_expansion_end { get; set; }
+		public int64 recurrence_expansion_start { get; set; }
 		public bool single_events { get; set; }
 		public string sort_order { get; set; }
-		public GLib.TimeVal start_max { get; set; }
-		public GLib.TimeVal start_min { get; set; }
+		public int64 start_max { get; set; }
+		public int64 start_min { get; set; }
 		public string timezone { get; set; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class CalendarService : GData.Service {
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_calendar_service_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class CalendarService : GData.Service, GData.Batchable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
 		public CalendarService (string client_id);
-		public unowned GData.CalendarEvent insert_event (GData.CalendarEvent event, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
-		public unowned GData.Feed query_all_calendars (GData.Query query, GLib.Cancellable cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, void* progress_user_data) throws GLib.Error;
-		public async void query_all_calendars_async (GData.Query query, GLib.Cancellable cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, void* progress_user_data);
-		public unowned GData.Feed query_events (GData.CalendarCalendar calendar, GData.Query query, GLib.Cancellable cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, void* progress_user_data) throws GLib.Error;
-		public unowned GData.Feed query_own_calendars (GData.Query query, GLib.Cancellable cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, void* progress_user_data) throws GLib.Error;
-		public async void query_own_calendars_async (GData.Query query, GLib.Cancellable cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, void* progress_user_data);
-	}
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class Category : GData.Parsable {
+		public GData.CalendarEvent insert_event (GData.CalendarEvent event, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async void insert_event_async (GData.CalendarEvent event, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null);
+		public GData.Feed query_all_calendars (GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, [CCode (delegate_target_pos = 3.1)] GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async void query_all_calendars_async (GData.Query? query, [CCode (pos = 3, array_length_pos = 3.1, delegate_target_pos = 3.1)] GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, [CCode (pos = 2)] GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null);
+		public GData.Feed query_events (GData.CalendarCalendar calendar, GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, [CCode (delegate_target_pos = 4.1)] GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async void query_events_async (GData.CalendarCalendar calendar, GData.Query? query, [CCode (pos = 4, array_length_pos = 4.1, delegate_target_pos = 4.1)] GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, [CCode (pos = 3)] GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null);
+		public GData.Feed query_own_calendars (GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, [CCode (delegate_target_pos = 3.1)] GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async void query_own_calendars_async (GData.Query? query, [CCode (pos = 3, array_length_pos = 3.1, delegate_target_pos = 3.1)] GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, [CCode (pos = 2)] GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null);
+	}
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_category_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class Category : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public Category (string term, string scheme, string label);
-		public int compare (GData.Category b);
+		public Category (string term, string? scheme, string? label);
 		public unowned string get_label ();
 		public unowned string get_scheme ();
 		public unowned string get_term ();
-		public void set_label (string label);
-		public void set_scheme (string scheme);
+		public void set_label (string? label);
+		public void set_scheme (string? scheme);
 		public void set_term (string term);
 		public string label { get; set; }
 		public string scheme { get; set; }
 		public string term { get; set; }
-	[Compact]
-	[CCode (type_id = "GDATA_TYPE_COLOR", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class Color {
-		public uint16 blue;
-		public uint16 green;
-		public uint16 red;
-		public static bool from_hexadecimal (string hexadecimal, GData.Color color);
-		public unowned string to_hexadecimal ();
-	}
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_contacts_contact_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class ContactsContact : GData.Entry {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public ContactsContact (string id);
+		public ContactsContact (string? id);
 		public void add_calendar (GData.GContactCalendar calendar);
 		public void add_email_address (GData.GDEmailAddress email_address);
 		public void add_event (GData.GContactEvent event);
+		public void add_external_id (GData.GContactExternalID external_id);
 		public void add_group (string href);
+		public void add_hobby (string hobby);
 		public void add_im_address (GData.GDIMAddress im_address);
 		public void add_jot (GData.GContactJot jot);
+		public void add_language (GData.GContactLanguage language);
 		public void add_organization (GData.GDOrganization organization);
 		public void add_phone_number (GData.GDPhoneNumber phone_number);
 		public void add_postal_address (GData.GDPostalAddress postal_address);
 		public void add_relation (GData.GContactRelation relation);
 		public void add_website (GData.GContactWebsite website);
-		public bool get_birthday (GLib.Date birthday);
-		public unowned GLib.List get_calendars ();
-		public void get_edited (GLib.TimeVal edited);
-		public unowned GLib.List get_email_addresses ();
-		public unowned GLib.List get_events ();
-		public unowned GLib.HashTable get_extended_properties ();
+		public unowned string get_billing_information ();
+		public bool get_birthday (out GLib.Date birthday);
+		public unowned GLib.List<GData.GContactCalendar> get_calendars ();
+		public unowned string get_directory_server ();
+		public int64 get_edited ();
+		public unowned GLib.List<GData.GDEmailAddress> get_email_addresses ();
+		public unowned GLib.List<GData.GContactEvent> get_events ();
+		public unowned GLib.HashTable<void*,void*> get_extended_properties ();
 		public unowned string get_extended_property (string name);
-		public unowned GLib.List get_groups ();
-		public unowned GLib.List get_im_addresses ();
-		public unowned GLib.List get_jots ();
+		public unowned GLib.List<GData.GContactExternalID> get_external_ids ();
+		public unowned string get_gender ();
+		public GLib.List<weak string> get_groups ();
+		public unowned GLib.List<string> get_hobbies ();
+		public unowned GLib.List<GData.GDIMAddress> get_im_addresses ();
+		public unowned string get_initials ();
+		public unowned GLib.List<GData.GContactJot> get_jots ();
+		public unowned GLib.List<GData.GContactLanguage> get_languages ();
+		public unowned string get_maiden_name ();
+		public unowned string get_mileage ();
 		public unowned GData.GDName get_name ();
 		public unowned string get_nickname ();
-		public unowned GLib.List get_organizations ();
-		public unowned GLib.List get_phone_numbers ();
-		public unowned string get_photo (GData.ContactsService service, size_t length, string content_type, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
-		public unowned GLib.List get_postal_addresses ();
+		public unowned string get_occupation ();
+		public unowned GLib.List<GData.GDOrganization> get_organizations ();
+		public unowned GLib.List<GData.GDPhoneNumber> get_phone_numbers ();
+		[CCode (array_length_pos = 2.5)]
+		public uint8[] get_photo (GData.ContactsService service, out size_t length, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async uint8 get_photo_async (GData.ContactsService service, out size_t length, out string content_type, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
+		public unowned GLib.List<GData.GDPostalAddress> get_postal_addresses ();
 		public unowned GData.GContactCalendar get_primary_calendar ();
 		public unowned GData.GDEmailAddress get_primary_email_address ();
 		public unowned GData.GDIMAddress get_primary_im_address ();
@@ -222,118 +336,176 @@ namespace GData {
 		public unowned GData.GDPhoneNumber get_primary_phone_number ();
 		public unowned GData.GDPostalAddress get_primary_postal_address ();
 		public unowned GData.GContactWebsite get_primary_website ();
-		public unowned GLib.List get_relations ();
-		public unowned GLib.List get_websites ();
+		public unowned string get_priority ();
+		public unowned GLib.List<GData.GContactRelation> get_relations ();
+		public unowned string get_sensitivity ();
+		public unowned string get_short_name ();
+		public unowned string get_subject ();
+		public unowned string get_user_defined_field (string name);
+		public unowned GLib.HashTable<void*,void*> get_user_defined_fields ();
+		public unowned GLib.List<GData.GContactWebsite> get_websites ();
 		public bool is_deleted ();
 		public bool is_group_deleted (string href);
 		public void remove_all_calendars ();
 		public void remove_all_email_addresses ();
 		public void remove_all_events ();
+		public void remove_all_external_ids ();
+		public void remove_all_hobbies ();
 		public void remove_all_im_addresses ();
 		public void remove_all_jots ();
+		public void remove_all_languages ();
 		public void remove_all_organizations ();
 		public void remove_all_phone_numbers ();
 		public void remove_all_postal_addresses ();
 		public void remove_all_relations ();
 		public void remove_all_websites ();
 		public void remove_group (string href);
-		public void set_birthday (GLib.Date birthday, bool birthday_has_year);
-		public bool set_extended_property (string name, string value);
+		public void set_billing_information (string? billing_information);
+		public void set_birthday (GLib.Date? birthday, bool birthday_has_year);
+		public void set_directory_server (string? directory_server);
+		public bool set_extended_property (string name, string? value);
+		public void set_gender (string? gender);
+		public void set_initials (string? initials);
+		public void set_maiden_name (string? maiden_name);
+		public void set_mileage (string? mileage);
 		public void set_name (GData.GDName name);
-		public void set_nickname (string nickname);
-		public bool set_photo (GData.Service service, string data, size_t length, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public void set_nickname (string? nickname);
+		public void set_occupation (string? occupation);
+		public bool set_photo (GData.ContactsService service, uint8? data, size_t length, string? content_type, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async bool set_photo_async (GData.ContactsService service, uint8? data, size_t length, string? content_type, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
+		public void set_priority (string? priority);
+		public void set_sensitivity (string? sensitivity);
+		public void set_short_name (string? short_name);
+		public void set_subject (string? subject);
+		public void set_user_defined_field (string name, string? value);
+		public string billing_information { get; set; }
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
 		public GLib.Date birthday { get; set; }
 		public bool birthday_has_year { get; set; }
 		public bool deleted { get; }
-		public GLib.TimeVal edited { get; }
+		public string directory_server { get; set; }
+		public int64 edited { get; }
+		public string gender { get; set; }
 		public bool has_photo { get; }
+		public string initials { get; set; }
+		public string maiden_name { get; set; }
+		public string mileage { get; set; }
 		public GData.GDName name { get; set; }
 		public string nickname { get; set; }
+		public string occupation { get; set; }
+		public string priority { get; set; }
+		public string sensitivity { get; set; }
+		public string short_name { get; set; }
+		public string subject { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_contacts_group_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class ContactsGroup : GData.Entry {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public ContactsGroup (string? id);
+		public int64 get_edited ();
+		public unowned GLib.HashTable<void*,void*> get_extended_properties ();
+		public unowned string get_extended_property (string name);
+		public unowned string get_system_group_id ();
+		public bool is_deleted ();
+		public bool set_extended_property (string name, string? value);
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public bool deleted { get; }
+		public int64 edited { get; }
+		public string system_group_id { get; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_contacts_query_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class ContactsQuery : GData.Query {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public ContactsQuery (string q);
+		public ContactsQuery (string? q);
 		public unowned string get_group ();
 		public unowned string get_order_by ();
 		public unowned string get_sort_order ();
-		public void set_group (string group);
-		public void set_order_by (string order_by);
+		public void set_group (string? group);
+		public void set_order_by (string? order_by);
 		public void set_show_deleted (bool show_deleted);
-		public void set_sort_order (string sort_order);
+		public void set_sort_order (string? sort_order);
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public ContactsQuery.with_limits (string q, int start_index, int max_results);
+		public ContactsQuery.with_limits (string? q, uint start_index, uint max_results);
 		public string group { get; set; }
 		public string order_by { get; set; }
 		public bool show_deleted { get; set; }
 		public string sort_order { get; set; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class ContactsService : GData.Service {
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_contacts_service_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class ContactsService : GData.Service, GData.Batchable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
 		public ContactsService (string client_id);
-		public unowned GData.ContactsContact insert_contact (GData.ContactsContact contact, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
-		public unowned GData.Feed query_contacts (GData.Query query, GLib.Cancellable cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, void* progress_user_data) throws GLib.Error;
-		public async void query_contacts_async (GData.Query query, GLib.Cancellable cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, void* progress_user_data);
-		public unowned GData.ContactsContact update_contact (GData.ContactsContact contact, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public GData.ContactsContact insert_contact (GData.ContactsContact contact, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async void insert_contact_async (GData.ContactsContact contact, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null);
+		public GData.ContactsGroup insert_group (GData.ContactsGroup group, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async void insert_group_async (GData.ContactsGroup group, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null);
+		public GData.Feed query_contacts (GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, [CCode (delegate_target_pos = 3.1)] GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async void query_contacts_async (GData.Query? query, [CCode (pos = 3, array_length_pos = 3.1, delegate_target_pos = 3.1)] GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, [CCode (pos = 2)] GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null);
+		public GData.Feed query_groups (GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, [CCode (delegate_target_pos = 3.1)] GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async void query_groups_async (GData.Query? query, [CCode (pos = 3, array_length_pos = 3.1, delegate_target_pos = 3.1)] GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, [CCode (pos = 2)] GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null);
+	}
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_documents_document_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public abstract class DocumentsDocument : GData.DocumentsEntry, GData.AccessHandler {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		protected DocumentsDocument ();
+		public GData.DownloadStream download (GData.DocumentsService service, string export_format, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public string get_download_uri (string export_format);
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class DocumentsEntry : GData.Entry, GData.AccessHandler {
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_documents_entry_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public abstract class DocumentsEntry : GData.Entry, GData.AccessHandler {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
 		protected DocumentsEntry ();
 		public unowned string get_document_id ();
-		public void get_edited (GLib.TimeVal edited);
+		public int64 get_edited ();
 		public unowned GData.Author get_last_modified_by ();
-		public void get_last_viewed (GLib.TimeVal last_viewed);
-		public unowned string get_path ();
+		public int64 get_last_viewed ();
+		public string get_path ();
 		public void set_writers_can_invite (bool writers_can_invite);
 		public string document_id { get; }
-		public GLib.TimeVal edited { get; }
+		public int64 edited { get; }
 		public bool is_deleted { get; set; }
 		public GData.Author last_modified_by { get; }
-		public GLib.TimeVal last_viewed { get; }
+		public int64 last_viewed { get; }
 		public bool writers_can_invite { get; set; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_documents_feed_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class DocumentsFeed : GData.Feed {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
 		protected DocumentsFeed ();
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_documents_folder_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class DocumentsFolder : GData.DocumentsEntry, GData.AccessHandler {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public DocumentsFolder (string id);
+		public DocumentsFolder (string? id);
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class DocumentsPresentation : GData.DocumentsEntry, GData.AccessHandler {
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_documents_presentation_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class DocumentsPresentation : GData.DocumentsDocument, GData.AccessHandler {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public DocumentsPresentation (string id);
-		public unowned GLib.File download_document (GData.DocumentsService service, string content_type, GData.DocumentsPresentationFormat export_format, GLib.File destination_file, bool replace_file_if_exists, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
-		public unowned string get_download_uri (GData.DocumentsPresentationFormat export_format);
+		public DocumentsPresentation (string? id);
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_documents_query_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class DocumentsQuery : GData.Query {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public DocumentsQuery (string q);
+		public DocumentsQuery (string? q);
 		public void add_collaborator (string email_address);
 		public void add_reader (string email_address);
-		public unowned GLib.List get_collaborator_addresses ();
+		public unowned GLib.List<GData.GDEmailAddress> get_collaborator_addresses ();
 		public bool get_exact_title ();
 		public unowned string get_folder_id ();
-		public unowned GLib.List get_reader_addresses ();
+		public unowned GLib.List<GData.GDEmailAddress> get_reader_addresses ();
 		public unowned string get_title ();
-		public void set_folder_id (string folder_id);
+		public void set_folder_id (string? folder_id);
 		public void set_show_deleted (bool show_deleted);
 		public void set_show_folders (bool show_folders);
-		public void set_title (string title, bool exact_title);
+		public void set_title (string? title, bool exact_title);
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public DocumentsQuery.with_limits (string q, int start_index, int max_results);
+		public DocumentsQuery.with_limits (string? q, uint start_index, uint max_results);
 		public bool exact_title { get; set; }
 		public string folder_id { get; set; }
@@ -341,86 +513,90 @@ namespace GData {
 		public bool show_deleted { get; set; }
 		public bool show_folders { get; set; }
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
 		public string title { get; set; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class DocumentsService : GData.Service {
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_documents_service_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class DocumentsService : GData.Service, GData.Batchable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
 		public DocumentsService (string client_id);
-		public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-		public static unowned string get_upload_uri (GData.DocumentsFolder folder);
-		public unowned GData.DocumentsEntry move_document_to_folder (GData.DocumentsEntry document, GData.DocumentsFolder folder, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
-		public unowned GData.DocumentsFeed query_documents (GData.DocumentsQuery query, GLib.Cancellable cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, void* progress_user_data) throws GLib.Error;
-		public async void query_documents_async (GData.DocumentsQuery query, GLib.Cancellable cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, void* progress_user_data);
-		public unowned GData.DocumentsEntry remove_document_from_folder (GData.DocumentsEntry document, GData.DocumentsFolder folder, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
-		public unowned GData.DocumentsEntry update_document (GData.DocumentsEntry document, GLib.File document_file, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
-		public unowned GData.DocumentsEntry upload_document (GData.DocumentsEntry document, GLib.File document_file, GData.DocumentsFolder folder, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public GData.DocumentsEntry add_entry_to_folder (GData.DocumentsEntry entry, GData.DocumentsFolder folder, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async GData.DocumentsEntry add_entry_to_folder_async (GData.DocumentsEntry entry, GData.DocumentsFolder folder, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
+		public GData.DocumentsDocument finish_upload (GData.UploadStream upload_stream) throws GLib.Error;
+		public static string get_upload_uri (GData.DocumentsFolder? folder);
+		public GData.DocumentsFeed query_documents (GData.DocumentsQuery? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, [CCode (delegate_target_pos = 3.1)] GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async void query_documents_async (GData.DocumentsQuery? query, [CCode (pos = 3, array_length_pos = 3.1, delegate_target_pos = 3.1)] GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, [CCode (pos = 2)] GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null);
+		public GData.DocumentsEntry remove_entry_from_folder (GData.DocumentsEntry entry, GData.DocumentsFolder folder, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async GData.DocumentsEntry remove_entry_from_folder_async (GData.DocumentsEntry entry, GData.DocumentsFolder folder, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
+		public GData.UploadStream update_document (GData.DocumentsDocument document, string slug, string content_type, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public GData.UploadStream upload_document (GData.DocumentsDocument? document, string slug, string content_type, GData.DocumentsFolder? folder, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
 		public GData.Service spreadsheet_service { owned get; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class DocumentsSpreadsheet : GData.DocumentsEntry, GData.AccessHandler {
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_documents_spreadsheet_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class DocumentsSpreadsheet : GData.DocumentsDocument, GData.AccessHandler {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public DocumentsSpreadsheet (string id);
-		public unowned GLib.File download_document (GData.DocumentsService service, string content_type, GData.DocumentsSpreadsheetFormat export_format, int gid, GLib.File destination_file, bool replace_file_if_exists, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
-		public unowned string get_download_uri (GData.DocumentsSpreadsheetFormat export_format, int gid);
+		public DocumentsSpreadsheet (string? id);
+		public string get_download_uri (string export_format, int gid);
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class DocumentsText : GData.DocumentsEntry, GData.AccessHandler {
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_documents_text_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class DocumentsText : GData.DocumentsDocument, GData.AccessHandler {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public DocumentsText (string id);
-		public unowned GLib.File download_document (GData.DocumentsService service, string content_type, GData.DocumentsTextFormat export_format, GLib.File destination_file, bool replace_file_if_exists, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
-		public unowned string get_download_uri (GData.DocumentsTextFormat export_format);
+		public DocumentsText (string? id);
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_download_stream_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class DownloadStream : GLib.InputStream, GLib.Seekable {
 		[CCode (type = "GInputStream*", has_construct_function = false)]
-		public DownloadStream (GData.Service service, string download_uri);
+		public DownloadStream (GData.Service service, string download_uri, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable);
+		public unowned GLib.Cancellable get_cancellable ();
 		public ssize_t get_content_length ();
 		public unowned string get_content_type ();
 		public unowned string get_download_uri ();
 		public unowned GData.Service get_service ();
+		public GLib.Cancellable cancellable { get; construct; }
 		public long content_length { get; }
 		public string content_type { get; }
 		public string download_uri { get; construct; }
 		public GData.Service service { get; construct; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_entry_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class Entry : GData.Parsable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public Entry (string id);
+		public Entry (string? id);
 		public void add_author (GData.Author author);
 		public void add_category (GData.Category category);
-		public void add_link (GData.Link link);
-		public unowned GLib.List get_categories ();
+		public void add_link (GData.Link _link);
+		public unowned GLib.List<GData.Author> get_authors ();
+		public unowned GLib.List<GData.Category> get_categories ();
 		public unowned string get_content ();
-		[NoWrapper]
-		public virtual unowned string get_entry_uri (string id);
+		public unowned string get_content_uri ();
 		public unowned string get_etag ();
 		public unowned string get_id ();
-		public void get_published (GLib.TimeVal published);
+		public int64 get_published ();
 		public unowned string get_rights ();
 		public unowned string get_summary ();
 		public unowned string get_title ();
-		public void get_updated (GLib.TimeVal updated);
+		public int64 get_updated ();
 		public unowned GData.Link look_up_link (string rel);
-		public unowned GLib.List look_up_links (string rel);
-		public void set_content (string content);
-		public void set_rights (string rights);
-		public void set_summary (string summary);
-		public void set_title (string title);
+		public GLib.List<weak GData.Link> look_up_links (string rel);
+		public void set_content (string? content);
+		public void set_content_uri (string? content_uri);
+		public void set_rights (string? rights);
+		public void set_summary (string? summary);
+		public void set_title (string? title);
 		public string content { get; set; }
+		public string content_uri { get; set; }
 		public string etag { get; construct; }
 		public string id { get; construct; }
 		public bool is_inserted { get; }
-		public GLib.TimeVal published { get; }
+		public int64 published { get; }
 		public string rights { get; set; }
 		public string summary { get; set; }
 		public string title { get; set; }
-		public GLib.TimeVal updated { get; }
+		public int64 updated { get; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_feed_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class Feed : GData.Parsable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
 		protected Feed ();
@@ -432,13 +608,14 @@ namespace GData {
 		public unowned string get_icon ();
 		public unowned string get_id ();
 		public uint get_items_per_page ();
-		public unowned GLib.List get_links ();
+		public unowned GLib.List<GData.Link> get_links ();
 		public unowned string get_logo ();
+		public unowned string get_rights ();
 		public uint get_start_index ();
 		public unowned string get_subtitle ();
 		public unowned string get_title ();
 		public uint get_total_results ();
-		public void get_updated (GLib.TimeVal updated);
+		public int64 get_updated ();
 		public unowned GData.Entry look_up_entry (string id);
 		public unowned GData.Link look_up_link (string rel);
 		public string etag { get; }
@@ -447,23 +624,23 @@ namespace GData {
 		public string id { get; }
 		public uint items_per_page { get; }
 		public string logo { get; }
+		public string rights { get; }
 		public uint start_index { get; }
 		public string subtitle { get; }
 		public string title { get; }
 		public uint total_results { get; }
-		public GLib.TimeVal updated { get; }
+		public int64 updated { get; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class GContactCalendar : GData.Parsable {
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_gcontact_calendar_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class GContactCalendar : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public GContactCalendar (string uri, string relation_type, string label, bool is_primary);
-		public int compare (GData.GContactCalendar b);
+		public GContactCalendar (string uri, string? relation_type, string? label, bool is_primary);
 		public unowned string get_label ();
 		public unowned string get_relation_type ();
 		public unowned string get_uri ();
 		public void set_is_primary (bool is_primary);
-		public void set_label (string label);
-		public void set_relation_type (string relation_type);
+		public void set_label (string? label);
+		public void set_relation_type (string? relation_type);
 		public void set_uri (string uri);
 		public bool is_primary { get; set; }
@@ -471,21 +648,35 @@ namespace GData {
 		public string relation_type { get; set; }
 		public string uri { get; set; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_gcontact_event_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class GContactEvent : GData.Parsable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public GContactEvent (GLib.Date date, string relation_type, string label);
-		public void get_date (GLib.Date date);
+		public GContactEvent (GLib.Date date, string? relation_type, string? label);
+		public GLib.Date get_date ();
 		public unowned string get_label ();
 		public unowned string get_relation_type ();
 		public void set_date (GLib.Date date);
-		public void set_label (string label);
-		public void set_relation_type (string relation_type);
+		public void set_label (string? label);
+		public void set_relation_type (string? relation_type);
 		public GLib.Date date { get; set; }
 		public string label { get; set; }
 		public string relation_type { get; set; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_gcontact_external_id_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class GContactExternalID : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public GContactExternalID (string value, string? relation_type, string? label);
+		public unowned string get_label ();
+		public unowned string get_relation_type ();
+		public unowned string get_value ();
+		public void set_label (string? label);
+		public void set_relation_type (string? relation_type);
+		public void set_value (string value);
+		public string label { get; set; }
+		public string relation_type { get; set; }
+		public string value { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_gcontact_jot_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class GContactJot : GData.Parsable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
 		public GContactJot (string content, string relation_type);
@@ -496,30 +687,40 @@ namespace GData {
 		public string content { get; set; }
 		public string relation_type { get; set; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_gcontact_language_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class GContactLanguage : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public GContactLanguage (string? code, string? label);
+		public unowned string get_code ();
+		public unowned string get_label ();
+		public void set_code (string? code);
+		public void set_label (string? label);
+		public string code { get; set; }
+		public string label { get; set; }
+	}
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_gcontact_relation_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class GContactRelation : GData.Parsable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public GContactRelation (string name, string relation_type, string label);
+		public GContactRelation (string name, string? relation_type, string? label);
 		public unowned string get_label ();
 		public unowned string get_name ();
 		public unowned string get_relation_type ();
-		public void set_label (string label);
-		public void set_name (string name);
-		public void set_relation_type (string relation_type);
+		public void set_label (string? label);
+		public void set_name (string? name);
+		public void set_relation_type (string? relation_type);
 		public string label { get; set; }
 		public string name { get; set; }
 		public string relation_type { get; set; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class GContactWebsite : GData.Parsable {
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_gcontact_website_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class GContactWebsite : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public GContactWebsite (string uri, string relation_type, string label, bool is_primary);
-		public int compare (GData.GContactWebsite b);
+		public GContactWebsite (string uri, string relation_type, string? label, bool is_primary);
 		public unowned string get_label ();
 		public unowned string get_relation_type ();
 		public unowned string get_uri ();
 		public void set_is_primary (bool is_primary);
-		public void set_label (string label);
+		public void set_label (string? label);
 		public void set_relation_type (string relation_type);
 		public void set_uri (string uri);
@@ -528,20 +729,19 @@ namespace GData {
 		public string relation_type { get; set; }
 		public string uri { get; set; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class GDEmailAddress : GData.Parsable {
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_gd_email_address_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class GDEmailAddress : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public GDEmailAddress (string address, string relation_type, string label, bool is_primary);
-		public int compare (GData.GDEmailAddress b);
+		public GDEmailAddress (string address, string? relation_type, string? label, bool is_primary);
 		public unowned string get_address ();
 		public unowned string get_display_name ();
 		public unowned string get_label ();
 		public unowned string get_relation_type ();
 		public void set_address (string address);
-		public void set_display_name (string display_name);
+		public void set_display_name (string? display_name);
 		public void set_is_primary (bool is_primary);
-		public void set_label (string label);
-		public void set_relation_type (string relation_type);
+		public void set_label (string? label);
+		public void set_relation_type (string? relation_type);
 		public string address { get; set; }
 		public string display_name { get; set; }
@@ -549,41 +749,19 @@ namespace GData {
 		public string label { get; set; }
 		public string relation_type { get; set; }
-	[Compact]
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class GDFeedLink {
-		public uint count_hint;
-		public weak string href;
-		public bool read_only;
-		public weak string rel;
+	[CCode (cprefix = "gdata_gd_im_address_", type_id = "gdata_gd_im_address_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class GDIMAddress : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public GDFeedLink (string href, string rel, uint count_hint, bool read_only);
-		public int compare (GData.GDFeedLink b);
-	}
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class GDIMAddress : GData.Parsable {
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_gd_im_address_new", has_construct_function = false)]
-		public GDIMAddress (string address, string protocol, string relation_type, string label, bool is_primary);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_gd_im_address_compare")]
-		public int compare (GData.GDIMAddress b);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_gd_im_address_get_address")]
+		public GDIMAddress (string address, string? protocol, string? relation_type, string? label, bool is_primary);
 		public unowned string get_address ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_gd_im_address_get_label")]
 		public unowned string get_label ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_gd_im_address_get_protocol")]
 		public unowned string get_protocol ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_gd_im_address_get_relation_type")]
 		public unowned string get_relation_type ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_gd_im_address_set_address")]
 		public void set_address (string address);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_gd_im_address_set_is_primary")]
 		public void set_is_primary (bool is_primary);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_gd_im_address_set_label")]
-		public void set_label (string label);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_gd_im_address_set_protocol")]
-		public void set_protocol (string protocol);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_gd_im_address_set_relation_type")]
-		public void set_relation_type (string relation_type);
+		public void set_label (string? label);
+		public void set_protocol (string? protocol);
+		public void set_relation_type (string? relation_type);
 		public string address { get; set; }
 		public bool is_primary { get; set; }
@@ -591,23 +769,22 @@ namespace GData {
 		public string protocol { get; set; }
 		public string relation_type { get; set; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class GDName : GData.Parsable {
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_gd_name_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class GDName : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public GDName (string given_name, string family_name);
-		public int compare (GData.GDName b);
+		public GDName (string? given_name, string? family_name);
 		public unowned string get_additional_name ();
 		public unowned string get_family_name ();
 		public unowned string get_full_name ();
 		public unowned string get_given_name ();
 		public unowned string get_prefix ();
 		public unowned string get_suffix ();
-		public void set_additional_name (string additional_name);
-		public void set_family_name (string family_name);
-		public void set_full_name (string full_name);
-		public void set_given_name (string given_name);
-		public void set_prefix (string prefix);
-		public void set_suffix (string suffix);
+		public void set_additional_name (string? additional_name);
+		public void set_family_name (string? family_name);
+		public void set_full_name (string? full_name);
+		public void set_given_name (string? given_name);
+		public void set_prefix (string? prefix);
+		public void set_suffix (string? suffix);
 		public string additional_name { get; set; }
 		public string family_name { get; set; }
 		public string full_name { get; set; }
@@ -615,11 +792,10 @@ namespace GData {
 		public string prefix { get; set; }
 		public string suffix { get; set; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class GDOrganization : GData.Parsable {
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_gd_organization_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class GDOrganization : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public GDOrganization (string name, string title, string relation_type, string label, bool is_primary);
-		public int compare (GData.GDOrganization b);
+		public GDOrganization (string? name, string? title, string? relation_type, string? label, bool is_primary);
 		public unowned string get_department ();
 		public unowned string get_job_description ();
 		public unowned string get_label ();
@@ -628,15 +804,15 @@ namespace GData {
 		public unowned string get_relation_type ();
 		public unowned string get_symbol ();
 		public unowned string get_title ();
-		public void set_department (string department);
+		public void set_department (string? department);
 		public void set_is_primary (bool is_primary);
-		public void set_job_description (string job_description);
-		public void set_label (string label);
-		public void set_location (GData.GDWhere location);
-		public void set_name (string name);
-		public void set_relation_type (string relation_type);
-		public void set_symbol (string symbol);
-		public void set_title (string title);
+		public void set_job_description (string? job_description);
+		public void set_label (string? label);
+		public void set_location (GData.GDWhere? location);
+		public void set_name (string? name);
+		public void set_relation_type (string? relation_type);
+		public void set_symbol (string? symbol);
+		public void set_title (string? title);
 		public string department { get; set; }
 		public bool is_primary { get; set; }
@@ -648,20 +824,19 @@ namespace GData {
 		public string symbol { get; set; }
 		public string title { get; set; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class GDPhoneNumber : GData.Parsable {
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_gd_phone_number_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class GDPhoneNumber : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public GDPhoneNumber (string number, string relation_type, string label, string uri, bool is_primary);
-		public int compare (GData.GDPhoneNumber b);
+		public GDPhoneNumber (string number, string? relation_type, string? label, string? uri, bool is_primary);
 		public unowned string get_label ();
 		public unowned string get_number ();
 		public unowned string get_relation_type ();
 		public unowned string get_uri ();
 		public void set_is_primary (bool is_primary);
-		public void set_label (string label);
+		public void set_label (string? label);
 		public void set_number (string number);
-		public void set_relation_type (string relation_type);
-		public void set_uri (string uri);
+		public void set_relation_type (string? relation_type);
+		public void set_uri (string? uri);
 		public bool is_primary { get; set; }
 		public string label { get; set; }
@@ -669,11 +844,10 @@ namespace GData {
 		public string relation_type { get; set; }
 		public string uri { get; set; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class GDPostalAddress : GData.Parsable {
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_gd_postal_address_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class GDPostalAddress : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public GDPostalAddress (string relation_type, string label, bool is_primary);
-		public int compare (GData.GDPostalAddress b);
+		public GDPostalAddress (string? relation_type, string? label, bool is_primary);
 		public unowned string get_address ();
 		public unowned string get_agent ();
 		public unowned string get_city ();
@@ -690,22 +864,22 @@ namespace GData {
 		public unowned string get_street ();
 		public unowned string get_subregion ();
 		public unowned string get_usage ();
-		public void set_address (string address);
-		public void set_agent (string agent);
-		public void set_city (string city);
-		public void set_country (string country, string country_code);
-		public void set_house_name (string house_name);
+		public void set_address (string? address);
+		public void set_agent (string? agent);
+		public void set_city (string? city);
+		public void set_country (string? country, string? country_code);
+		public void set_house_name (string? house_name);
 		public void set_is_primary (bool is_primary);
-		public void set_label (string label);
-		public void set_mail_class (string mail_class);
-		public void set_neighborhood (string neighborhood);
-		public void set_po_box (string po_box);
-		public void set_postcode (string postcode);
-		public void set_region (string region);
-		public void set_relation_type (string relation_type);
-		public void set_street (string street);
-		public void set_subregion (string subregion);
-		public void set_usage (string usage);
+		public void set_label (string? label);
+		public void set_mail_class (string? mail_class);
+		public void set_neighborhood (string? neighborhood);
+		public void set_po_box (string? po_box);
+		public void set_postcode (string? postcode);
+		public void set_region (string? region);
+		public void set_relation_type (string? relation_type);
+		public void set_street (string? street);
+		public void set_subregion (string? subregion);
+		public void set_usage (string? usage);
 		public string address { get; set; }
 		public string agent { get; set; }
 		public string city { get; set; }
@@ -725,93 +899,73 @@ namespace GData {
 		public string subregion { get; set; }
 		public string usage { get; set; }
-	[Compact]
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class GDRating {
-		public double average;
-		public uint max;
-		public uint min;
-		public uint num_raters;
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_gd_reminder_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class GDReminder : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public GDRating (uint min, uint max, uint num_raters, double average);
-		public int compare (GData.GDRating b);
-	}
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class GDReminder : GData.Parsable {
-		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public GDReminder (string method, GLib.TimeVal absolute_time, int relative_time);
-		public int compare (GData.GDReminder b);
-		public void get_absolute_time (GLib.TimeVal absolute_time);
+		public GDReminder (string? method, int64 absolute_time, int relative_time);
+		public int64 get_absolute_time ();
 		public unowned string get_method ();
 		public int get_relative_time ();
-		public void set_absolute_time (GLib.TimeVal absolute_time);
-		public void set_method (string method);
+		public void set_absolute_time (int64 absolute_time);
+		public void set_method (string? method);
 		public void set_relative_time (int relative_time);
-		public GLib.TimeVal absolute_time { get; set; }
+		public int64 absolute_time { get; set; }
 		public bool is_absolute_time { get; }
 		public string method { get; set; }
 		public int relative_time { get; set; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class GDWhen : GData.Parsable {
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_gd_when_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class GDWhen : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public GDWhen (GLib.TimeVal start_time, GLib.TimeVal end_time, bool is_date);
+		public GDWhen (int64 start_time, int64 end_time, bool is_date);
 		public void add_reminder (GData.GDReminder reminder);
-		public int compare (GData.GDWhen b);
-		public void get_end_time (GLib.TimeVal end_time);
-		public unowned GLib.List get_reminders ();
-		public void get_start_time (GLib.TimeVal start_time);
+		public int64 get_end_time ();
+		public unowned GLib.List<GData.GDReminder> get_reminders ();
+		public int64 get_start_time ();
 		public unowned string get_value_string ();
-		public void set_end_time (GLib.TimeVal end_time);
+		public void set_end_time (int64 end_time);
 		public void set_is_date (bool is_date);
-		public void set_start_time (GLib.TimeVal start_time);
-		public void set_value_string (string value_string);
-		public GLib.TimeVal end_time { get; set; }
+		public void set_start_time (int64 start_time);
+		public void set_value_string (string? value_string);
+		public int64 end_time { get; set; }
 		public bool is_date { get; set; }
-		public GLib.TimeVal start_time { get; set; }
+		public int64 start_time { get; set; }
 		public string value_string { get; set; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class GDWhere : GData.Parsable {
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_gd_where_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class GDWhere : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public GDWhere (string relation_type, string value_string, string label);
-		public int compare (GData.GDWhere b);
+		public GDWhere (string? relation_type, string? value_string, string? label);
 		public unowned string get_label ();
 		public unowned string get_relation_type ();
 		public unowned string get_value_string ();
-		public void set_label (string label);
-		public void set_relation_type (string relation_type);
-		public void set_value_string (string value_string);
+		public void set_label (string? label);
+		public void set_relation_type (string? relation_type);
+		public void set_value_string (string? value_string);
 		public string label { get; set; }
 		public string relation_type { get; set; }
 		public string value_string { get; set; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class GDWho : GData.Parsable {
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_gd_who_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class GDWho : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public GDWho (string relation_type, string value_string, string email_address);
-		public int compare (GData.GDWho b);
+		public GDWho (string? relation_type, string? value_string, string? email_address);
 		public unowned string get_email_address ();
 		public unowned string get_relation_type ();
 		public unowned string get_value_string ();
-		public void set_email_address (string email_address);
-		public void set_relation_type (string relation_type);
-		public void set_value_string (string value_string);
+		public void set_email_address (string? email_address);
+		public void set_relation_type (string? relation_type);
+		public void set_value_string (string? value_string);
 		public string email_address { get; set; }
 		public string relation_type { get; set; }
 		public string value_string { get; set; }
-	[Compact]
-	[CCode (type_id = "GDATA_TYPE_GTIME_VAL", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class GTimeVal {
-	}
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class Generator : GData.Parsable {
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_generator_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class Generator : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public Generator (string name, string uri, string version);
-		public int compare (GData.Generator b);
+		protected Generator ();
 		public unowned string get_name ();
 		public unowned string get_uri ();
 		public unowned string get_version ();
@@ -819,22 +973,21 @@ namespace GData {
 		public string uri { get; }
 		public string version { get; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class Link : GData.Parsable {
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_link_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class Link : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public Link (string uri, string relation_type);
-		public int compare (GData.Link b);
+		public Link (string uri, string? relation_type);
 		public unowned string get_content_type ();
 		public unowned string get_language ();
 		public int get_length ();
 		public unowned string get_relation_type ();
 		public unowned string get_title ();
 		public unowned string get_uri ();
-		public void set_content_type (string content_type);
-		public void set_language (string language);
+		public void set_content_type (string? content_type);
+		public void set_language (string? language);
 		public void set_length (int length);
-		public void set_relation_type (string relation_type);
-		public void set_title (string title);
+		public void set_relation_type (string? relation_type);
+		public void set_title (string? title);
 		public void set_uri (string uri);
 		public string content_type { get; set; }
 		public string language { get; set; }
@@ -843,25 +996,25 @@ namespace GData {
 		public string title { get; set; }
 		public string uri { get; set; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_media_category_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class MediaCategory : GData.Parsable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public MediaCategory (string category, string scheme, string label);
+		public MediaCategory (string category, string? scheme, string? label);
 		public unowned string get_category ();
 		public unowned string get_label ();
 		public unowned string get_scheme ();
 		public void set_category (string category);
-		public void set_label (string label);
-		public void set_scheme (string scheme);
+		public void set_label (string? label);
+		public void set_scheme (string? scheme);
 		public string category { get; set; }
 		public string label { get; set; }
 		public string scheme { get; set; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_media_content_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class MediaContent : GData.Parsable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public MediaContent (string uri, string type, bool is_default, GData.MediaExpression expression, int duration, int format);
-		public unowned GLib.File download (GData.Service service, string default_filename, GLib.File target_dest_file, bool replace_file_if_exists, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		protected MediaContent ();
+		public GData.DownloadStream download (GData.Service service, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
 		public unowned string get_content_type ();
 		public int64 get_duration ();
 		public GData.MediaExpression get_expression ();
@@ -881,10 +1034,10 @@ namespace GData {
 		public string uri { get; }
 		public uint width { get; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_media_credit_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class MediaCredit : GData.Parsable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public MediaCredit (string credit, bool partner);
+		protected MediaCredit ();
 		public unowned string get_credit ();
 		public unowned string get_role ();
 		public unowned string get_scheme ();
@@ -892,107 +1045,72 @@ namespace GData {
 		public string role { get; }
 		public string scheme { get; }
-	[Compact]
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class MediaRating {
-		public weak string country;
-		public weak string scheme;
-		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public MediaRating (string scheme, string country);
-	}
-	[Compact]
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class MediaRestriction {
-		public weak string countries;
-		public bool relationship;
-		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public MediaRestriction (string countries, bool relationship);
-	}
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_media_thumbnail_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class MediaThumbnail : GData.Parsable {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public MediaThumbnail (string uri, uint width, uint height, int64 _time);
-		public static unowned string build_time (int64 _time);
-		public unowned GLib.File download (GData.Service service, string default_filename, GLib.File target_dest_file, bool replace_file_if_exists, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		protected MediaThumbnail ();
+		public GData.DownloadStream download (GData.Service service, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
 		public uint get_height ();
 		public int64 get_time ();
 		public unowned string get_uri ();
 		public uint get_width ();
-		public static int64 parse_time (string time_string);
 		public uint height { get; }
 		public int64 time { get; }
 		public string uri { get; }
 		public uint width { get; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class Parsable : GLib.Object {
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_parsable_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public abstract class Parsable : GLib.Object {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
 		protected Parsable ();
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
 		public Parsable.from_xml (GLib.Type parsable_type, string xml, int length) throws GLib.Error;
-		public virtual void get_namespaces (GLib.HashTable namespaces);
-		public virtual void get_xml ();
+		public virtual void get_namespaces (GLib.HashTable<void*,void*> namespaces);
+		[NoWrapper]
+		public virtual void get_xml (GLib.StringBuilder xml_string);
 		public virtual bool parse_xml (Xml.Doc doc, Xml.Node node) throws GLib.Error;
-		public virtual bool post_parse_xml (void* user_data) throws GLib.Error;
+		public virtual bool post_parse_xml () throws GLib.Error;
 		public virtual void pre_get_xml (GLib.StringBuilder xml_string);
 		public virtual bool pre_parse_xml (Xml.Doc doc, Xml.Node root_node) throws GLib.Error;
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public bool constructed_from_xml { get; construct; }
-	[CCode (type_check_function = "GDATA_IS_PICASAWEB_ALBUM",cprefix="gdata_picasaweb_album_", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (cprefix = "gdata_picasaweb_album_", type_id = "gdata_picasaweb_album_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class PicasaWebAlbum : GData.Entry {
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_album_new", has_construct_function = false)]
-		public PicasaWebAlbum (string id);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_album_get_bytes_used")]
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public PicasaWebAlbum (string? id);
 		public long get_bytes_used ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_album_get_comment_count")]
 		public uint get_comment_count ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_album_get_contents")]
-		public unowned GLib.List get_contents ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_album_get_coordinates")]
-		public void get_coordinates (double latitude, double longitude);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_album_get_edited")]
-		public void get_edited (GLib.TimeVal edited);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_album_get_id")]
+		public unowned GLib.List<GData.MediaContent> get_contents ();
+		public void get_coordinates (out double latitude, out double longitude);
+		public int64 get_edited ();
 		public unowned string get_id ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_album_get_location")]
 		public unowned string get_location ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_album_get_nickname")]
 		public unowned string get_nickname ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_album_get_num_photos")]
 		public uint get_num_photos ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_album_get_num_photos_remaining")]
 		public uint get_num_photos_remaining ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_album_get_tags")]
-		public unowned string get_tags ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_album_get_thumbnails")]
-		public unowned GLib.List get_thumbnails ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_album_get_timestamp")]
-		public void get_timestamp (GLib.TimeVal timestamp);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_album_get_user")]
+		[CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+		public unowned string[] get_tags ();
+		public unowned GLib.List<GData.MediaThumbnail> get_thumbnails ();
+		public int64 get_timestamp ();
 		public unowned string get_user ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_album_get_visibility")]
 		public GData.PicasaWebVisibility get_visibility ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_album_set_coordinates")]
 		public void set_coordinates (double latitude, double longitude);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_album_set_is_commenting_enabled")]
 		public void set_is_commenting_enabled (bool is_commenting_enabled);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_album_set_location")]
-		public void set_location (string location);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_album_set_tags")]
-		public void set_tags (string tags);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_album_set_timestamp")]
-		public void set_timestamp (GLib.TimeVal timestamp);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_album_set_visibility")]
+		public void set_location (string? location);
+		public void set_tags ([CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[]? tags);
+		public void set_timestamp (int64 timestamp);
 		public void set_visibility (GData.PicasaWebVisibility visibility);
 		public string album_id { owned get; construct; }
 		public long bytes_used { get; }
 		public uint comment_count { get; }
-		public GLib.TimeVal edited { get; }
+		public int64 edited { get; }
 		public bool is_commenting_enabled { get; set; }
@@ -1005,105 +1123,62 @@ namespace GData {
 		public uint num_photos_remaining { get; }
 		[CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
 		public string[] tags { get; set; }
-		public GLib.TimeVal timestamp { get; set; }
+		public int64 timestamp { get; set; }
 		public string user { get; }
 		public GData.PicasaWebVisibility visibility { get; set; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (cprefix = "gdata_picasaweb_feed_", type_id = "gdata_picasaweb_feed_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class PicasaWebFeed : GData.Feed {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
 		protected PicasaWebFeed ();
-	[CCode (type_check_function = "GDATA_IS_PICASAWEB_FILE",cprefix="gdata_picasaweb_file_",type_id="GDATA_TYPE_PICASAWEB_FILE", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (cprefix = "gdata_picasaweb_file_", type_id = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class PicasaWebFile : GData.Entry {
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_new", has_construct_function = false)]
-		public PicasaWebFile (string id);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_album_id")]
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public PicasaWebFile (string? id);
 		public unowned string get_album_id ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_caption")]
 		public unowned string get_caption ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_checksum")]
 		public unowned string get_checksum ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_client")]
-		public unowned string get_client ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_comment_count")]
 		public uint get_comment_count ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_contents")]
-		public unowned GLib.List get_contents ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_coordinates")]
-		public void get_coordinates (double latitude, double longitude);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_credit")]
+		public unowned GLib.List<GData.MediaContent> get_contents ();
+		public void get_coordinates (out double latitude, out double longitude);
 		public unowned string get_credit ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_distance")]
 		public double get_distance ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_edited")]
-		public void get_edited (GLib.TimeVal edited);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_exposure")]
+		public int64 get_edited ();
 		public double get_exposure ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_flash")]
 		public bool get_flash ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_focal_length")]
 		public double get_focal_length ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_fstop")]
 		public double get_fstop ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_height")]
 		public uint get_height ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_id")]
 		public unowned string get_id ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_image_unique_id")]
 		public unowned string get_image_unique_id ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_iso")]
 		public int get_iso ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_make")]
 		public unowned string get_make ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_model")]
 		public unowned string get_model ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_position")]
-		public double get_position ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_rotation")]
 		public uint get_rotation ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_size")]
 		public size_t get_size ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_tags")]
-		public unowned string get_tags ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_thumbnails")]
-		public unowned GLib.List get_thumbnails ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_timestamp")]
-		public void get_timestamp (GLib.TimeVal timestamp);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_version")]
+		[CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+		public unowned string[] get_tags ();
+		public unowned GLib.List<GData.MediaThumbnail> get_thumbnails ();
+		public int64 get_timestamp ();
 		public unowned string get_version ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_video_status")]
 		public unowned string get_video_status ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_width")]
 		public uint get_width ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_set_album_id")]
 		public void set_album_id (string album_id);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_set_caption")]
-		public void set_caption (string caption);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_set_checksum")]
-		public void set_checksum (string checksum);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_set_client")]
-		public void set_client (string client);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_set_coordinates")]
+		public void set_caption (string? caption);
+		public void set_checksum (string? checksum);
 		public void set_coordinates (double latitude, double longitude);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_set_is_commenting_enabled")]
 		public void set_is_commenting_enabled (bool is_commenting_enabled);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_set_position")]
-		public void set_position (double position);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_set_rotation")]
 		public void set_rotation (uint rotation);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_set_tags")]
-		public void set_tags (string tags);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_file_set_timestamp")]
-		public void set_timestamp (GLib.TimeVal timestamp);
+		public void set_tags ([CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[]? tags);
+		public void set_timestamp (int64 timestamp);
 		public string album_id { get; set; }
 		public string caption { get; set; }
 		public string checksum { get; set; }
-		public string client { get; set; }
 		public uint comment_count { get; }
 		public string credit { get; }
 		public double distance { get; }
-		public GLib.TimeVal edited { get; }
+		public int64 edited { get; }
 		public double exposure { get; }
 		public string file_id { owned get; construct; }
@@ -1121,86 +1196,62 @@ namespace GData {
 		public double longitude { get; set; }
 		public string make { get; }
 		public string model { get; }
-		public double position { get; set; }
 		public uint rotation { get; set; }
 		public ulong size { get; }
 		[CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
 		public string[] tags { get; set; }
-		public GLib.TimeVal timestamp { get; set; }
+		public int64 timestamp { get; set; }
 		public string version { get; construct; }
 		public string video_status { get; }
 		public uint width { get; }
-	[CCode (type_check_function = "GDATA_IS_PICASAWEB_QUERY", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (cprefix = "gdata_picasaweb_query_", type_id = "gdata_picasaweb_query_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class PicasaWebQuery : GData.Query {
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_query_new", has_construct_function = false)]
-		public PicasaWebQuery (string q);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_query_get_bounding_box")]
-		public void get_bounding_box (double north, double east, double south, double west);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_query_get_image_size")]
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public PicasaWebQuery (string? q);
+		public void get_bounding_box (out double north, out double east, out double south, out double west);
 		public unowned string get_image_size ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_query_get_location")]
 		public unowned string get_location ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_query_get_tag")]
 		public unowned string get_tag ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_query_get_thumbnail_size")]
 		public unowned string get_thumbnail_size ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_query_get_visibility")]
 		public GData.PicasaWebVisibility get_visibility ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_query_set_bounding_box")]
 		public void set_bounding_box (double north, double east, double south, double west);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_query_set_image_size")]
-		public void set_image_size (string image_size);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_query_set_location")]
-		public void set_location (string location);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_query_set_tag")]
-		public void set_tag (string tag);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_query_set_thumbnail_size")]
-		public void set_thumbnail_size (string thumbnail_size);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_query_set_visibility")]
+		public void set_image_size (string? image_size);
+		public void set_location (string? location);
+		public void set_tag (string? tag);
+		public void set_thumbnail_size (string? thumbnail_size);
 		public void set_visibility (GData.PicasaWebVisibility visibility);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_query_new_with_limits", has_construct_function = false)]
-		public PicasaWebQuery.with_limits (string q, int start_index, int max_results);
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public PicasaWebQuery.with_limits (string? q, uint start_index, uint max_results);
 		public string image_size { get; set; }
 		public string location { get; set; }
 		public string tag { get; set; }
 		public string thumbnail_size { get; set; }
 		public int visibility { get; set; }
-	[CCode (type_check_function = "GDATA_IS_PICASAWEB_SERVICE", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (cprefix = "gdata_picasaweb_service_", type_id = "gdata_picasaweb_service_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class PicasaWebService : GData.Service {
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_service_new", has_construct_function = false)]
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
 		public PicasaWebService (string client_id);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_service_get_user")]
-		public unowned GData.PicasaWebUser get_user (string username, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_service_insert_album")]
-		public unowned GData.PicasaWebAlbum insert_album (GData.PicasaWebAlbum album, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_service_query_all_albums")]
-		public unowned GData.Feed query_all_albums (GData.Query? query, string? username, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_service_query_all_albums_async", finish_name = "gdata_picasa_web_service_query_all_albums_finish")]
-		public async void query_all_albums_async (GData.Query? query, string username, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_service_query_files")]
-		public unowned GData.Feed query_files (GData.PicasaWebAlbum album, GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_service_upload_file")]
-		public unowned GData.PicasaWebFile upload_file (GData.PicasaWebAlbum album, GData.PicasaWebFile file_entry, GLib.File file_data, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_service_upload_file_async", finish_name = "gdata_picasa_web_service_upload_file_finish")]
-		public async GData.PicasaWebFile upload_file_async (GData.PicasaWebAlbum album, GData.PicasaWebFile file_entry, GLib.File file_data, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
-	}
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+		public GData.PicasaWebFile finish_file_upload (GData.UploadStream upload_stream) throws GLib.Error;
+		public GData.PicasaWebUser get_user (string? username, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public GData.PicasaWebAlbum insert_album (GData.PicasaWebAlbum album, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async void insert_album_async (GData.PicasaWebAlbum album, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null);
+		public GData.Feed query_all_albums (GData.Query? query, string? username, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, [CCode (delegate_target_pos = 4.1)] GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async void query_all_albums_async (GData.Query? query, string? username, [CCode (pos = 4, array_length_pos = 4.1, delegate_target_pos = 4.1)] GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, [CCode (pos = 3)] GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null);
+		public GData.Feed query_files (GData.PicasaWebAlbum? album, GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, [CCode (delegate_target_pos = 4.1)] GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async void query_files_async (GData.PicasaWebAlbum? album, GData.Query? query, [CCode (pos = 4, array_length_pos = 4.1, delegate_target_pos = 4.1)] GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, [CCode (pos = 3)] GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null);
+		public GData.UploadStream upload_file (GData.PicasaWebAlbum? album, GData.PicasaWebFile file_entry, string slug, string content_type, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+	}
+	[CCode (cprefix = "gdata_picasaweb_user_", type_id = "gdata_picasaweb_user_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class PicasaWebUser : GData.Entry {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
 		protected PicasaWebUser ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_user_get_max_photos_per_album")]
 		public int get_max_photos_per_album ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_user_get_nickname")]
 		public unowned string get_nickname ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_user_get_quota_current")]
 		public int64 get_quota_current ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_user_get_quota_limit")]
 		public int64 get_quota_limit ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_user_get_thumbnail_uri")]
 		public unowned string get_thumbnail_uri ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_picasaweb_user_get_user")]
 		public unowned string get_user ();
 		public int max_photos_per_album { get; }
 		public string nickname { get; }
@@ -1209,157 +1260,157 @@ namespace GData {
 		public string thumbnail_uri { get; }
 		public string user { get; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_query_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class Query : GLib.Object {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public Query (string q);
+		public Query (string? q);
 		public unowned string get_author ();
 		public unowned string get_categories ();
 		public unowned string get_etag ();
-		public int get_max_results ();
-		public void get_published_max (GLib.TimeVal published_max);
-		public void get_published_min (GLib.TimeVal published_min);
+		public uint get_max_results ();
+		public int64 get_published_max ();
+		public int64 get_published_min ();
 		public unowned string get_q ();
-		public virtual void get_query_uri (string feed_uri);
-		public int get_start_index ();
-		public void get_updated_max (GLib.TimeVal updated_max);
-		public void get_updated_min (GLib.TimeVal updated_min);
+		[NoWrapper]
+		public virtual void get_query_uri (string feed_uri, GLib.StringBuilder query_uri, bool params_started);
+		public uint get_start_index ();
+		public int64 get_updated_max ();
+		public int64 get_updated_min ();
 		public void next_page ();
 		public bool previous_page ();
-		public void set_author (string author);
-		public void set_categories (string categories);
-		public void set_etag (string etag);
+		public void set_author (string? author);
+		public void set_categories (string? categories);
+		public void set_etag (string? etag);
 		public void set_is_strict (bool is_strict);
-		public void set_max_results (int max_results);
-		public void set_published_max (GLib.TimeVal published_max);
-		public void set_published_min (GLib.TimeVal published_min);
-		public void set_q (string q);
-		public void set_start_index (int start_index);
-		public void set_updated_max (GLib.TimeVal updated_max);
-		public void set_updated_min (GLib.TimeVal updated_min);
-		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
-		public Query.with_limits (string q, int start_index, int max_results);
+		public void set_max_results (uint max_results);
+		public void set_published_max (int64 published_max);
+		public void set_published_min (int64 published_min);
+		public void set_q (string? q);
+		public void set_start_index (uint start_index);
+		public void set_updated_max (int64 updated_max);
+		public void set_updated_min (int64 updated_min);
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public Query.with_limits (string? q, uint start_index, uint max_results);
 		public string author { get; set; }
 		public string categories { get; set; }
 		public string etag { get; set; }
 		public bool is_strict { get; set; }
-		public int max_results { get; set; }
-		public GLib.TimeVal published_max { get; set; }
-		public GLib.TimeVal published_min { get; set; }
+		public uint max_results { get; set; }
+		public int64 published_max { get; set; }
+		public int64 published_min { get; set; }
 		public string q { get; set; }
-		public int start_index { get; set; }
-		public GLib.TimeVal updated_max { get; set; }
-		public GLib.TimeVal updated_min { get; set; }
+		public uint start_index { get; set; }
+		public int64 updated_max { get; set; }
+		public int64 updated_min { get; set; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_service_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class Service : GLib.Object {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
 		protected Service ();
 		public virtual void append_query_headers (Soup.Message message);
 		public bool authenticate (string username, string password, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
-		public async bool authenticate_async (string username, string password, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
-		public bool delete_entry (GData.Entry entry, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
-		public async bool delete_entry_async (GData.Entry entry, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
-		public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
+		public async bool authenticate_async (string username, string password, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
+		public bool delete_entry (GData.Entry entry, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async bool delete_entry_async (GData.Entry entry, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
 		public unowned string get_client_id ();
+		public unowned string get_locale ();
 		public unowned string get_password ();
 		public unowned Soup.URI get_proxy_uri ();
+		public uint get_timeout ();
 		public unowned string get_username ();
-		public unowned GData.Entry insert_entry (string upload_uri, GData.Entry entry, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
-		public async unowned GData.Entry insert_entry_async (string upload_uri, GData.Entry entry, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public GData.Entry insert_entry (string upload_uri, GData.Entry entry, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async GData.Entry insert_entry_async (string upload_uri, GData.Entry entry, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
 		public bool is_authenticated ();
 		public virtual bool parse_authentication_response (uint status, string response_body, int length) throws GLib.Error;
 		public virtual void parse_error_response (GData.OperationType operation_type, uint status, string reason_phrase, string response_body, int length) throws GLib.Error;
-		public unowned GData.Feed query (string feed_uri, GData.Query query, GLib.Type entry_type, GLib.Cancellable cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, void* progress_user_data) throws GLib.Error;
-		public async unowned GData.Feed query_async (string feed_uri, GData.Query query, GLib.Type entry_type, GLib.Cancellable cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, void* progress_user_data) throws GLib.Error;
-		public unowned GData.Entry query_single_entry (string entry_id, GData.Query query, GLib.Type entry_type, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
-		public async unowned GData.Entry query_single_entry_async (string entry_id, GData.Query query, GLib.Type entry_type, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
-		public void set_proxy_uri (Soup.URI proxy_uri);
-		public unowned GData.Entry update_entry (GData.Entry entry, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
-		public async unowned GData.Entry update_entry_async (GData.Entry entry, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public GData.Feed query (string feed_uri, GData.Query? query, GLib.Type entry_type, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, [CCode (delegate_target_pos = 5.1)] GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async GData.Feed query_async (string feed_uri, GData.Query? query, GLib.Type entry_type, [CCode (pos = 5, array_length_pos = 5.1, delegate_target_pos = 5.1)] GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, [CCode (pos = 4)] GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
+		public GData.Entry query_single_entry (string entry_id, GData.Query? query, GLib.Type entry_type, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async GData.Entry query_single_entry_async (string entry_id, GData.Query? query, GLib.Type entry_type, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
+		public void set_locale (string? locale);
+		public void set_proxy_uri (Soup.URI? proxy_uri);
+		public void set_timeout (uint timeout);
+		public GData.Entry update_entry (GData.Entry entry, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async GData.Entry update_entry_async (GData.Entry entry, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
 		public bool authenticated { get; }
 		public string client_id { get; construct; }
+		public string locale { get; set; }
 		public string password { get; }
 		public Soup.URI proxy_uri { get; set; }
+		public uint timeout { get; set; }
 		public string username { get; }
-		public virtual signal unowned string captcha_challenge (string p0);
+		public signal string captcha_challenge (string object);
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (type_id = "gdata_upload_stream_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class UploadStream : GLib.OutputStream {
 		[CCode (type = "GOutputStream*", has_construct_function = false)]
-		public UploadStream (GData.Service service, string method, string upload_uri, GData.Entry entry, string slug, string content_type);
+		public UploadStream (GData.Service service, string method, string upload_uri, GData.Entry? entry, string slug, string content_type, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable);
+		public unowned GLib.Cancellable get_cancellable ();
 		public unowned string get_content_type ();
 		public unowned GData.Entry get_entry ();
-		public unowned string get_response (ssize_t length);
+		public unowned string get_method ();
+		public unowned string get_response (out ssize_t length);
 		public unowned GData.Service get_service ();
 		public unowned string get_slug ();
 		public unowned string get_upload_uri ();
+		public GLib.Cancellable cancellable { get; construct; }
 		public string content_type { get; construct; }
 		public GData.Entry entry { get; construct; }
+		public string method { get; construct; }
 		public GData.Service service { get; construct; }
 		public string slug { get; construct; }
 		public string upload_uri { get; construct; }
-	[CCode (type_check_function = "GDATA_IS_YOUTUBE_CONTENT", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (cprefix = "gdata_youtube_category_", type_id = "gdata_youtube_category_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class YouTubeCategory : GData.Category, GData.Comparable {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		protected YouTubeCategory ();
+		public bool is_browsable (string region);
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public bool is_assignable { get; }
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public bool is_deprecated { get; }
+	}
+	[CCode (cprefix = "gdata_youtube_content_", type_id = "gdata_youtube_content_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class YouTubeContent : GData.MediaContent {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
 		protected YouTubeContent ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_content_get_format")]
 		public GData.YouTubeFormat get_format ();
 		public GData.YouTubeFormat format { get; }
-	[CCode (type_check_function = "GDATA_IS_YOUTUBE_CREDIT", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (cprefix = "gdata_youtube_credit_", type_id = "gdata_youtube_credit_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class YouTubeCredit : GData.MediaCredit {
 		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
 		protected YouTubeCredit ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_credit_get_entity_type")]
 		public unowned string get_entity_type ();
 		public string entity_type { get; }
-	[CCode (type_check_function = "GDATA_IS_YOUTUBE_QUERY", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (cprefix = "gdata_youtube_query_", type_id = "gdata_youtube_query_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class YouTubeQuery : GData.Query {
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_query_new", has_construct_function = false)]
-		public YouTubeQuery (string q);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_query_get_age")]
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public YouTubeQuery (string? q);
 		public GData.YouTubeAge get_age ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_query_get_format")]
 		public GData.YouTubeFormat get_format ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_query_get_language")]
 		public unowned string get_language ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_query_get_location")]
-		public void get_location (double latitude, double longitude, double radius, bool has_location);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_query_get_order_by")]
+		public void get_location (out double latitude, out double longitude, out double radius, out bool has_location);
 		public unowned string get_order_by ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_query_get_restriction")]
 		public unowned string get_restriction ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_query_get_safe_search")]
 		public GData.YouTubeSafeSearch get_safe_search ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_query_get_sort_order")]
 		public GData.YouTubeSortOrder get_sort_order ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_query_get_uploader")]
 		public GData.YouTubeUploader get_uploader ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_query_set_age")]
 		public void set_age (GData.YouTubeAge age);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_query_set_format")]
 		public void set_format (GData.YouTubeFormat format);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_query_set_language")]
-		public void set_language (string language);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_query_set_location")]
+		public void set_language (string? language);
 		public void set_location (double latitude, double longitude, double radius, bool has_location);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_query_set_order_by")]
-		public void set_order_by (string order_by);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_query_set_restriction")]
-		public void set_restriction (string restriction);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_query_set_safe_search")]
+		public void set_order_by (string? order_by);
+		public void set_restriction (string? restriction);
 		public void set_safe_search (GData.YouTubeSafeSearch safe_search);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_query_set_sort_order")]
 		public void set_sort_order (GData.YouTubeSortOrder sort_order);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_query_set_uploader")]
 		public void set_uploader (GData.YouTubeUploader uploader);
 		public GData.YouTubeAge age { get; set; }
 		public GData.YouTubeFormat format { get; set; }
@@ -1378,112 +1429,73 @@ namespace GData {
 		public GData.YouTubeSortOrder sort_order { get; set; }
 		public GData.YouTubeUploader uploader { get; set; }
-	[CCode (type_check_function = "GDATA_IS_YOUTUBE_SERVICE", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public class YouTubeService : GData.Service {
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_service_new", has_construct_function = false)]
+	[CCode (cprefix = "gdata_youtube_service_", type_id = "gdata_youtube_service_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public class YouTubeService : GData.Service, GData.Batchable {
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
 		public YouTubeService (string developer_key, string client_id);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_service_error_quark")]
 		public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_service_get_developer_key")]
+		public GData.YouTubeVideo finish_video_upload (GData.UploadStream upload_stream) throws GLib.Error;
+		public GData.APPCategories get_categories (GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async GData.APPCategories get_categories_async (GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
 		public unowned string get_developer_key ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_service_get_youtube_user")]
-		public unowned string get_youtube_user ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_service_query_related")]
-		public unowned GData.Feed query_related (GData.YouTubeVideo video, GData.Query query, GLib.Cancellable cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, void* progress_user_data) throws GLib.Error;
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_service_query_related_async")]
-		public async void query_related_async (GData.YouTubeVideo video, GData.Query query, GLib.Cancellable cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, void* progress_user_data);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_service_query_standard_feed")]
-		public unowned GData.Feed query_standard_feed (GData.YouTubeStandardFeedType feed_type, GData.Query query, GLib.Cancellable cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, void* progress_user_data) throws GLib.Error;
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_service_query_standard_feed_async")]
-		public async void query_standard_feed_async (GData.YouTubeStandardFeedType feed_type, GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_service_query_videos")]
-		public unowned GData.Feed query_videos (GData.Query query, GLib.Cancellable cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, void* progress_user_data) throws GLib.Error;
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_service_query_videos_async")]
-		public async void query_videos_async (GData.Query query, GLib.Cancellable cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, void* progress_user_data);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_service_upload_video")]
-		public unowned GData.YouTubeVideo upload_video (GData.YouTubeVideo video, GLib.File video_file, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public GData.Feed query_related (GData.YouTubeVideo video, GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, [CCode (delegate_target_pos = 4.1)] GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async void query_related_async (GData.YouTubeVideo video, GData.Query? query, [CCode (pos = 4, array_length_pos = 4.1, delegate_target_pos = 4.1)] GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, [CCode (pos = 3)] GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null);
+		public GData.Feed query_standard_feed (GData.YouTubeStandardFeedType feed_type, GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, [CCode (delegate_target_pos = 4.1)] GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async void query_standard_feed_async (GData.YouTubeStandardFeedType feed_type, GData.Query? query, [CCode (pos = 4, array_length_pos = 4.1, delegate_target_pos = 4.1)] GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, [CCode (pos = 3)] GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null);
+		public GData.Feed query_videos (GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, [CCode (delegate_target_pos = 3.1)] GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async void query_videos_async (GData.Query? query, [CCode (pos = 3, array_length_pos = 3.1, delegate_target_pos = 3.1)] GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, [CCode (pos = 2)] GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null);
+		public GData.UploadStream upload_video (GData.YouTubeVideo video, string slug, string content_type, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
 		public string developer_key { get; construct; }
-		public string youtube_user { get; }
-	[CCode (type_check_function = "GDATA_IS_YOUTUBE_STATE", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (cprefix = "gdata_youtube_state_", type_id = "gdata_youtube_state_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class YouTubeState : GData.Parsable {
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_state_new", has_construct_function = false)]
-		public YouTubeState (string name, string message, string reason_code, string help_uri);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_state_get_help_uri")]
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		protected YouTubeState ();
 		public unowned string get_help_uri ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_state_get_message")]
 		public unowned string get_message ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_state_get_name")]
 		public unowned string get_name ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_state_get_reason_code")]
 		public unowned string get_reason_code ();
 		public string help_uri { get; }
 		public string message { get; }
 		public string name { get; }
 		public string reason_code { get; }
-	[CCode (type_check_function = "GDATA_IS_YOUTUBE_VIDEO", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (cprefix = "gdata_youtube_video_", type_id = "gdata_youtube_video_get_type ()", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public class YouTubeVideo : GData.Entry {
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_new", has_construct_function = false)]
-		public YouTubeVideo (string id);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_get_access_control")]
+		[CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+		public YouTubeVideo (string? id);
 		public GData.YouTubePermission get_access_control (string action);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_get_aspect_ratio")]
 		public unowned string get_aspect_ratio ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_get_category")]
 		public unowned GData.MediaCategory get_category ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_get_credit")]
+		public void get_coordinates (out double latitude, out double longitude);
 		public unowned GData.YouTubeCredit get_credit ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_get_description")]
 		public unowned string get_description ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_get_duration")]
 		public uint get_duration ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_get_favorite_count")]
 		public uint get_favorite_count ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_get_keywords")]
-		public unowned string get_keywords ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_get_location")]
+		[CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+		public unowned string[] get_keywords ();
 		public unowned string get_location ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_get_player_uri")]
 		public unowned string get_player_uri ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_get_rating")]
-		public void get_rating (uint min, uint max, uint count, double average);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_get_recorded")]
-		public void get_recorded (GLib.TimeVal recorded);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_get_state")]
+		public void get_rating (out uint min, out uint max, out uint count, out double average);
+		public int64 get_recorded ();
 		public unowned GData.YouTubeState get_state ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_get_thumbnails")]
-		public unowned GLib.List get_thumbnails ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_get_uploaded")]
-		public void get_uploaded (GLib.TimeVal uploaded);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_get_video_id")]
+		public unowned GLib.List<GData.MediaThumbnail> get_thumbnails ();
+		public int64 get_uploaded ();
 		public unowned string get_video_id ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_get_video_id_from_uri")]
-		public static unowned string get_video_id_from_uri (string video_uri);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_get_view_count")]
+		public static string get_video_id_from_uri (string video_uri);
 		public uint get_view_count ();
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_is_restricted_in_country")]
 		public bool is_restricted_in_country (string country);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_look_up_content")]
 		public unowned GData.YouTubeContent look_up_content (string type);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_set_access_control")]
 		public void set_access_control (string action, GData.YouTubePermission permission);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_set_aspect_ratio")]
-		public void set_aspect_ratio (string aspect_ratio);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_set_category")]
+		public void set_aspect_ratio (string? aspect_ratio);
 		public void set_category (GData.MediaCategory category);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_set_description")]
-		public void set_description (string description);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_set_is_draft")]
+		public void set_coordinates (double latitude, double longitude);
+		public void set_description (string? description);
 		public void set_is_draft (bool is_draft);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_set_is_private")]
 		public void set_is_private (bool is_private);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_set_keywords")]
-		public void set_keywords (string keywords);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_set_location")]
-		public void set_location (string location);
-		[CCode (cname = "gdata_youtube_video_set_recorded")]
-		public void set_recorded (GLib.TimeVal recorded);
+		public void set_keywords ([CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[] keywords);
+		public void set_location (string? location);
+		public void set_recorded (int64 recorded);
 		public string aspect_ratio { get; set; }
 		public double average_rating { get; }
@@ -1498,28 +1510,46 @@ namespace GData {
 		public bool is_private { get; set; }
 		[CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
 		public string[] keywords { get; set; }
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
+		public double latitude { get; set; }
 		public string location { get; set; }
+		public double longitude { get; set; }
+		[NoAccessorMethod]
 		public uint max_rating { get; }
 		public uint min_rating { get; }
 		public string player_uri { get; }
 		public uint rating_count { get; }
-		public GLib.TimeVal recorded { get; set; }
+		public int64 recorded { get; set; }
 		public GData.YouTubeState state { get; }
-		public GLib.TimeVal uploaded { get; }
+		public int64 uploaded { get; }
 		public string video_id { get; }
 		public uint view_count { get; }
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_access_handler_get_type ()")]
 	public interface AccessHandler : GData.Entry {
-		public bool delete_rule (GData.Service service, GData.AccessRule rule, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
-		public unowned GData.Feed get_rules (GData.Service service, GLib.Cancellable cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, void* progress_user_data) throws GLib.Error;
-		public unowned GData.AccessRule insert_rule (GData.Service service, GData.AccessRule rule, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public GData.Feed get_rules (GData.Service service, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, [CCode (delegate_target_pos = 3.1)] GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
+		public async void get_rules_async (GData.Service service, [CCode (pos = 3, array_length_pos = 3.1, delegate_target_pos = 3.1)] GData.QueryProgressCallback progress_callback, [CCode (pos = 2)] GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null);
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_batchable_get_type ()")]
+	public interface Batchable : GData.Service {
+		public GData.BatchOperation create_operation (string feed_uri);
+	}
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_comparable_get_type ()")]
+	public interface Comparable : GLib.Object {
+		public int compare (GData.Comparable? other);
-		public abstract bool is_owner_rule (GData.AccessRule rule);
-		public unowned GData.AccessRule update_rule (GData.Service service, GData.AccessRule rule, GLib.Cancellable cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
+		public abstract int compare_with (GData.Comparable other);
+	}
+	[CCode (type_id = "GDATA_TYPE_COLOR", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public struct Color {
+		public uint16 red;
+		public uint16 green;
+		public uint16 blue;
+		public static bool from_hexadecimal (string hexadecimal, out GData.Color color);
+		public string to_hexadecimal ();
 	[CCode (cprefix = "GDATA_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public enum AuthenticationError {
@@ -1529,39 +1559,21 @@ namespace GData {
+		public static GLib.Quark quark ();
-	[CCode (cprefix = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_PRESENTATION_", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public enum DocumentsPresentationFormat {
-		PDF,
-		PNG,
-		PPT,
-		SWF,
-		TXT
+	[CCode (cprefix = "GDATA_BATCH_OPERATION_", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public enum BatchOperationType {
 	[CCode (cprefix = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_SERVICE_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT_", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public enum DocumentsServiceError {
-	}
-	[CCode (cprefix = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_SPREADSHEET_", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public enum DocumentsSpreadsheetFormat {
-		XLS,
-		CSV,
-		PDF,
-		ODS,
-		TSV,
-	}
-	[CCode (cprefix = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_TEXT_", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public enum DocumentsTextFormat {
-		DOC,
-		HTML,
-		ODT,
-		PDF,
-		PNG,
-		RTF,
-		TXT,
-		ZIP
+		TYPE;
+		public static GLib.Quark quark ();
 	[CCode (cprefix = "GDATA_MEDIA_EXPRESSION_", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public enum MediaExpression {
@@ -1586,12 +1598,14 @@ namespace GData {
 	[CCode (cprefix = "GDATA_PARSER_ERROR_", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public enum ParserError {
+		public static GLib.Quark quark ();
 	[CCode (cprefix = "GDATA_PICASAWEB_", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public enum PicasaWebVisibility {
@@ -1609,7 +1623,9 @@ namespace GData {
+		public static GLib.Quark quark ();
 	[CCode (cprefix = "GDATA_YOUTUBE_AGE_", cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public enum YouTubeAge {
@@ -1666,7 +1682,9 @@ namespace GData {
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", instance_pos = 4.9)]
+	public delegate void BatchOperationCallback (uint operation_id, GData.BatchOperationType operation_type, GData.Entry entry, GLib.Error error);
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", instance_pos = 3.9)]
 	public delegate void QueryProgressCallback (GData.Entry entry, uint entry_key, uint entry_count);
 	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public const string ACCESS_ROLE_NONE;
@@ -1703,6 +1721,14 @@ namespace GData {
 	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public const string GCONTACT_EVENT_OTHER;
 	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public const string GCONTACT_EXTERNAL_ID_ACCOUNT;
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public const string GCONTACT_EXTERNAL_ID_CUSTOMER;
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public const string GCONTACT_EXTERNAL_ID_NETWORK;
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public const string GCONTACT_JOT_HOME;
 	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public const string GCONTACT_JOT_KEYWORDS;
@@ -1885,8 +1911,12 @@ namespace GData {
 	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public const string GD_WHO_EVENT_SPEAKER;
 	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public const string LINK_ACCESS_CONTROL_LIST;
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public const string LINK_ALTERNATE;
 	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
+	public const string LINK_BATCH;
+	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public const string LINK_EDIT;
 	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public const string LINK_EDIT_MEDIA;
@@ -1922,8 +1952,4 @@ namespace GData {
 	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
 	public const string YOUTUBE_CREDIT_ENTITY_PARTNER;
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public static GLib.Quark authentication_error_quark ();
-	[CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h")]
-	public static GLib.Quark parser_error_quark ();
diff --git a/vapi/metadata/GData-0.0.metadata b/vapi/metadata/GData-0.0.metadata
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d501e37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vapi/metadata/GData-0.0.metadata
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Color struct
+*.*_async skip=false
+*.*_finish skip=false
+ContactsContact.get_photo type="uint8[]" array_length_idx=2
+DOCUMENTS_PRESENTATION_* name="DOCUMENTS_PRESENTATION_(.+)" parent="GData.DocumentsPresentationFormat"
+DOCUMENTS_TEXT_* name="DOCUMENTS_TEXT_(.+)" parent="GData.DocumentsTextFormat"
+DOCUMENTS_SPREADSHEET_* name="DOCUMENTS_SPREADSHEET_(.+)" parent="GData.DocumentsSpreadsheetFormat"
+CONTACTS_GENDER_* name="CONTACTS_GENDER_(.+)" parent="GData.ContactsGender"
+CONTACTS_GROUP_* name="CONTACTS_GROUP_(.+)" parent="GData.ContactsGroupType"
+CONTACTS_PRIORITY_* name="CONTACTS_PRIORITY_(.+)" parent="GData.ContactsPriority"
+CONTACTS_SENSITIVITY_* name="CONTACTS_SENSITIVITY_(.+)" parent="GData.ContactsSensitivity"

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