[pygobject] (144 commits) ...Merge branch 'master' into invoke-rewrite

Summary of changes:

  f554cf6... first checkin of the new caching branch (*)
  8b5b3d2... add marshalling for basic types and add more skeleton code (*)
  43849c5... whitespace fixes (*)
  5f8f304... add sequence caching and array marshalling w/ item marshall (*)
  f4cdf0c... [gi]fix cache compile error - now compiles but cache still  (*)
  2ec4230... [gi] refactor cache structs so they inherit from ArgCache (*)
  c2bf1d4... [gi] fix some function names (*)
  f32b1f4... hooked up caching stage and fixed segfaults (*)
  441da4a... [gi] hook up invoke to the cache (*)
  88531c5... [gi] fix casting when marshaling a char to uint8 (*)
  369a75b... [gi] add object and interface in marshalling (*)
  4fcca85... [gi] flesh out interface in marshalling a bit more (*)
  c5c149b... [gi] implemented return marshalling and started on out mars (*)
  3b0eff8... [gi] implement out arg handling (*)
  d54d12c... [gi] fix marshalling fixed arrays (*)
  9baf324... [gi] handle allow_none for all args (*)
  e9166ba... [gi] support for GList and GSList in (*)
  cfca2f0... [gi] marshal in hashes (*)
  9be0f1f... [gi] implement aux arg handling for array lengths (*)
  0586a83... support callbacks (*)
  c96ca38... [gi] fix aux value offsets for methods and element size cra (*)
  1006df1... [gi] fix constructor invoking and add some support for inte (*)
  f660513... [gi] use correct union memeber when marshalling floats (*)
  329afb6... [gi] fix handling of garrays vs c arrays (*)
  f450338... [gi] set length for uint8 in arrays in new invoke marshalle (*)
  cbaba63... [gi] do arg counting in new invoke (*)
  762ccb3... [gi] return FALSE when setting errors in the marshaller (*)
  6ab3d8d... [gi] switch from using (*arg). to arg-> when referencing un (*)
  5f16df3... [gi] fix marshalling structs (*)
  93f1b78... [gi] add marshalling to some out values (*)
  f0b1760... [gi] allow marshalling None for hashes (*)
  093242a... [gi] make error messages more detailed (*)
  7f08fd5... [gi] allow marshalling strings as None (*)
  4f5d209... [gi] use correct format stings when setting errors (*)
  c5d7c73... [gi] fixed range checking and type conversion with unsigned (*)
  18b8476... [gi] fix out marshalling for a couple of int types (*)
  5b1db41... [gi] fix some transfer issues and test case failures (*)
  8efd14c... [gi] return NULL if out_marshaller fails (*)
  1239f37... [gi] add support for enum and flags (*)
  3133dc5... [gi] move to using type_info and interface_info instead of  (*)
  5eb7794... [gi] support struct out (*)
  58ff2b2... [gi] throw error for caller allocates until we can write co (*)
  e7699d9... [gi] error out if the constructor returns NULL (*)
  4c93bde... [gi] marshal unions (*)
  9f101ba... [gi] marshal out flags and enum (*)
  e62e706... [gi] fix sequence caching to support out (*)
  2b18536... [gi] marshal arrays out (*)
  c51447f... [gi] make inout marshalling work (*)
  1cdbd4b... [gi] added ugly aux arg counters (*)
  bd66af6... [gi] whitespace fixes (*)
  77d76df... [gi] allow caching and marshalling of ghash out (*)
  2fbfe41... [gi] handle the situation where an aux arg comes before its (*)
  4a67f45... [gi] handle hash being NULL (*)
  99d6e6c... [gi] fix container object reffing (*)
  d575005... [gi] make caller allocates work again (*)
  7332a1b... [gi] start of merge from master (*)
  17cb714... Merge branch 'master' into invoke-rewrite (*)
  cb30d00... [gi] revert pygi-argument.h and move the invoke-ng code to  (*)
  83c51bd... [gi] revert back to the type.py from master (*)
  35619fe... [gi] conditionalize invoke code paths (*)
  86c4369... [gi] make new invoke-ng codepath compile correctly (*)
  482553a... [gi] remove the class parameter from the argument list of c (*)
  af2ce40... [gi-invoke-ng] handle foreign types correctly (*)
  cf7f97e... [gi-invoke-ng] handle vfuncs and fix cosntrutors (*)
  37b14b2... [gi-invoke-ng] backport closure passing from invoke (*)
  3d5d9ff... [gi-invoke-rewrite] backport glib error handling (*)
  726a27c... [gi-invoke-ng] refactor FunctionCache to be more generic Ca (*)
  507b505... [gi-invoke-ng] marshal instances seperately since they diff (*)
  fd76423... [gi-invoke-ng] backport raw gvalue handling (*)
  4e4c184... [gi-invoke-ng] backport handling flags with no gtype (*)
  e8c8c37... [gi-invoke-ng] fix aux value caching (*)
  a456fc0... [gi-invoke-ng] return None when appropriate so we don't cra (*)
  81662fc... [gi-invoke-ng] don't decref value taken from a dict as it i (*)
  3580cd1... [gi-invoke-ng] code style space fixes (*)
  1d64c3d... [gi-invoke-ng] fix marshal header that is no longer part of (*)
  12aa4e6... [gi-invoke-ng] create new framework for cleaning up args (*)
  65aa040... [gi-invoke-ng] fix prototype (*)
  629d267... dsextras.py: remove \r as wel as \n character (*)
  58cfc3c... dsextras.py: ensure eol characters are preserved when writi (*)
  985f239... fix static ABI for setting string gvalues from python objec (*)
  138df27... [gi] Added support for GVariant arguments (*)
  bb4dce1... [gi] Added additional test case for GVariant handling (*)
  3b51d64... [gi] Removed hack to avoid using GLib.Variant.new_variant. (*)
  8d8a84e... pygi-convert.sh: Make sure the uppercase GObject module is  (*)
  399d06b... [gi] Don't create variant twice (*)
  3e93378... Updated DOAP file (*)
  83b7823... [python3] fix build. PYcairo_IMPORT doesn't exists anymore (*)
  d1f1f4c... use PyCapsule when importing pycairo/require pycairo 1.10.0 (*)
  cdbf57f... [gi-invoke-ng] refactor the cleanup code and add utf8 clean (*)
  dbe8c4f... [gi-invoke-ng] handle caller allocates cleanup (*)
  fcc5ea2... [gi-invoke-ng] handle filename cleanup with the utf8 cleanu (*)
  4f615c6... [gi-invoke-ng] tweek cleanup routines (*)
  198714d... [gi-invoke-ng] stub out a cleaner way of cleaning up after  (*)
  dbbcf4a... [gi-invoke-ng] revamp cleanup framework to be orthogonal to (*)
  990c608... [gi-invoke-ng] remove remaining bits of the invoke stage st (*)
  a986b2b... [gi-invoke-ng] add array cleanup for in arrays (*)
  e9ad442... [gi-invoke-ng] do not allocate null terminator for garray (*)
  601aec1... [gi-invoke-ng] add out array cleanup (*)
  2e542c3... indentation fix (*)
  b626c46... [gi-invoke-ng] add list cleanup routines (*)
  1954c75... [gi-invoke-ng] handle arrays with transfers of GI_TRANSFER_ (*)
  508b1b6... [gi-invoke-ng] add hash cleanup routines (*)
  2e4cfb8... [gi-invoke-ng] add code to clean up when input values fail  (*)
  4c9bced... [gi-invoke-ng] enable invoke-ng by default (*)
  499b68d... Merge branch 'master' into invoke-rewrite (*)
  fbf5382... Merge branch 'master' into invoke-rewrite (*)
  c1f5651... [gi-invoke-ng] do not try to clean up NULL arguments (*)
  9d56042... [gi-invoke-ng] handle gvariants now that they are not forei (*)
  902575d... [gi-invoke-ng] import pytypes so we get overrides (*)
  c611230... [gi-invoke-ng] actual code to import overrides (*)
  af7c93e... [gi-overrides] use new instead of init when constructing a  (*)
  6e8dc28... [gi] don't clean up arguments that weren't yet processed du (*)
  e32c2be... [gi-invoke-ng] fix array element offset calculations (*)
  df3911a... Adding GPtrArray tests (*)
  4fd957a... [gi-invoke-ng] handle in pointer array marshalling (*)
  05ed688... [gi-invoke-ng] only cache caller allocates for interfaces a (*)
  eff65cd... [gi-invoke-ng] Convert Overflow errors to ValueErrors when  (*)
  50cfccb... [gi-invoke-ng] use g_slice for allocating GValues that are  (*)
  dc62e67... Add support for enums in gobject.property (*)
  7c589c0... [gtk-overrides] allow the message_type keyword to be used f (*)
  8d60c0b... [gtk-override] print warning if user imports Gtk 2.0 (*)
  7fc9d45... [gi-invoke-ng] copy structs when transfer is full for array (*)
  b6842e4... [gtk-overrides] special case TreeModel columns of PYGOBJECT (*)
  9027e1a... [gi-tests] add test for PyGObject->PyObject TreeModel stora (*)
  db9419f... [gi-invoke-ng] fix NULL check to check before we access the (*)
  49dc98e... [gi] handle marshalling gerrors arguments for signals (*)
  d3ee40b... pass in the address of the gerror, not the gerror itself (*)
  9ae43fd... correctly initialize the _gi_cairo_functions array to be ze (*)
  433e0fb... Handle arguments that are flags correctly (*)
  ecc0974... [cache] remove refrence to default value as it is not imple (*)
  5c04fc5... use gssize instead of int for arg indexes (*)
  a606bab... Add override binding for Gtk.ListStore.prepend(). (*)
  b4ad91c... Fixed the cairo example (*)
  10e3100... rename aux arguments to child arguments to make their purpo (*)
  11b5784... use an enum instead of booleans to denote function type (*)
  c167a93... [overrides] deprecate the use of type keyword MessageDialog (*)
  bf7bb79... [caching] refactor function names to be less confusing (*)
  20aea4b... [caching] remove all inline compiler flags (*)
  c94bcf4... [invoke] don't hold on to the constructor class, just add a (*)
  fc8b8ce... [invoke] missed a bit when removing constructor_class usage (*)
  e024e83... [invoke] break out caller_allocates allocating into its own (*)
  bab7e88... split the marshalling routines into two source files (*)
  519e556... Merge branch 'master' into invoke-rewrite (*)
  2937cfe... Merge branch 'master' into invoke-rewrite (*)

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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