[latexila] CMake: ITS Tool function

commit 8dac06c63c01aa9ccabc228c94181fc3587b1daf
Author: SÃbastien Wilmet <swilmet src gnome org>
Date:   Mon Jul 18 03:00:09 2011 +0200

    CMake: ITS Tool function

 CMakeLists.txt                  |    9 +++---
 cmake/itstool.cmake             |   43 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 cmake/{ => vala}/README.rst     |    0
 data/build_tools/CMakeLists.txt |   39 ++++++-----------------------
 help/CMakeLists.txt             |   52 ++++++---------------------------------
 src/build_tools.vala            |    1 -
 6 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 71626da..dd00a9e 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -71,13 +71,14 @@ link_libraries (
-include_directories (vapi src/C ${latexila_BINARY_DIR}/src)
+add_subdirectory (data)
+add_subdirectory (help)
 add_subdirectory (man)
+add_subdirectory (src/ui)
+include_directories (vapi src/C ${latexila_BINARY_DIR}/src)
 	add_subdirectory (src)
 else ()
 	add_subdirectory (src/C)
 endif ()
-add_subdirectory (src/ui)
-add_subdirectory (data)
-add_subdirectory (help)
diff --git a/cmake/itstool.cmake b/cmake/itstool.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3db65a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmake/itstool.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+function (itstool target_name src_dir tmp_dir install_dir)
+	install (DIRECTORY "${src_dir}/C" DESTINATION ${install_dir})
+	# Get list of XML files
+	file (GLOB path_files "${src_dir}/C/*")
+	set (list_files)
+	foreach (path_file ${path_files})
+		get_filename_component (file ${path_file} NAME)
+		set (list_files ${list_files} ${file})
+	endforeach ()
+	set (all_new_files)
+	# Foreach language
+	file (GLOB po_files "${src_dir}/*.po")
+	foreach (po_file ${po_files})
+		# Get the language name
+		get_filename_component (lang ${po_file} NAME_WE)
+		# Get the paths of the new files
+		set (lang_files)
+		foreach (file ${list_files})
+			set (lang_files ${lang_files} "${tmp_dir}/${lang}/${file}")
+		endforeach ()
+		# Generate the new files from the .po
+		set (mo_file "${tmp_dir}/${lang}.mo")
+		add_custom_command (
+			OUTPUT ${lang_files}
+			COMMAND ${GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE} -o ${mo_file} ${po_file}
+			COMMAND mkdir ${tmp_dir}/${lang}
+			COMMAND itstool -m ${mo_file} -o ${tmp_dir}/${lang}/ ${path_files}
+			DEPENDS ${po_file}
+		)
+		# Install the directory (which contains only the XML files)
+		install (DIRECTORY ${tmp_dir}/${lang} DESTINATION ${install_dir})
+		set (all_new_files ${all_new_files} ${lang_files})
+	endforeach ()
+	add_custom_target (${target_name} ALL DEPENDS ${all_new_files})
+endfunction ()
diff --git a/cmake/README.rst b/cmake/vala/README.rst
similarity index 100%
rename from cmake/README.rst
rename to cmake/vala/README.rst
diff --git a/data/build_tools/CMakeLists.txt b/data/build_tools/CMakeLists.txt
index 0ef195e..61942d3 100644
--- a/data/build_tools/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/data/build_tools/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,31 +1,8 @@
-set (bt_dir ${DATA_DIR}/build_tools)
-set (tmp_bt_dir "${latexila_BINARY_DIR}/data/build_tools")
-install (DIRECTORY "C" DESTINATION ${bt_dir})
-set (all_new_bt)
-# Foreach language
-file (GLOB po_files *.po)
-foreach (po_file ${po_files})
-	# Get the language name
-	get_filename_component (lang ${po_file} NAME_WE)
-	# Generate the new XML file
-	set (mo_file "${tmp_bt_dir}/${lang}.mo")
-	set (new_bt "${tmp_bt_dir}/${lang}/build_tools.xml")
-	add_custom_command (
-		OUTPUT ${new_bt}
-		COMMAND ${GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE} -o ${mo_file} ${po_file}
-		COMMAND mkdir ${tmp_bt_dir}/${lang}
-		COMMAND itstool -m ${mo_file} -o ${tmp_bt_dir}/${lang}/ ${latexila_SOURCE_DIR}/data/build_tools/C/build_tools.xml
-		DEPENDS ${po_file}
-	)
-	# Install the directory (which contains only the pages)
-	install (DIRECTORY ${tmp_bt_dir}/${lang} DESTINATION ${bt_dir})
-	set (all_new_bt ${all_new_bt} ${new_bt})
-endforeach ()
-add_custom_target (build_tools ALL DEPENDS ${all_new_bt})
+include ("${latexila_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/itstool.cmake")
+itstool (
+	"build_tools" # target name
+	"${latexila_SOURCE_DIR}/data/build_tools" # src dir
+	"${latexila_BINARY_DIR}/data/build_tools" # tmp dir
+	"${DATA_DIR}/build_tools" # install dir
diff --git a/help/CMakeLists.txt b/help/CMakeLists.txt
index 0d8e913..ff3c462 100644
--- a/help/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/help/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,44 +1,8 @@
-set (help_dir "share/gnome/help/latexila")
-set (tmp_help_dir "${latexila_BINARY_DIR}/help")
-install (DIRECTORY "C" DESTINATION ${help_dir})
-# Get list of pages
-file (GLOB path_pages "C/*.page")
-set (list_pages)
-foreach (path_page ${path_pages})
-	get_filename_component (page ${path_page} NAME)
-	set (list_pages ${list_pages} ${page})
-endforeach ()
-set (all_new_pages)
-# Foreach language
-file (GLOB po_files *.po)
-foreach (po_file ${po_files})
-	# Get the language name
-	get_filename_component (lang ${po_file} NAME_WE)
-	# Get the paths of the new pages
-	set (lang_pages)
-	foreach (page ${list_pages})
-		set (lang_pages ${lang_pages} "${tmp_help_dir}/${lang}/${page}")
-	endforeach ()
-	# Generate the new pages from the .po
-	set (mo_file "${tmp_help_dir}/${lang}.mo")
-	add_custom_command (
-		OUTPUT ${lang_pages}
-		COMMAND ${GETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE} -o ${mo_file} ${po_file}
-		COMMAND mkdir ${tmp_help_dir}/${lang}
-		COMMAND itstool -m ${mo_file} -o ${tmp_help_dir}/${lang}/ ${latexila_SOURCE_DIR}/help/C/*.page
-		DEPENDS ${po_file}
-	)
-	# Install the directory (which contains only the pages)
-	install (DIRECTORY ${tmp_help_dir}/${lang} DESTINATION ${help_dir})
-	set (all_new_pages ${all_new_pages} ${lang_pages})
-endforeach ()
-add_custom_target (documentation ALL DEPENDS ${all_new_pages})
+include ("${latexila_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/itstool.cmake")
+itstool (
+	"documentation" # target name
+	"${latexila_SOURCE_DIR}/help" # src dir
+	"${latexila_BINARY_DIR}/help" # tmp dir
+	"${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/gnome/help/latexila" # install dir
diff --git a/src/build_tools.vala b/src/build_tools.vala
index e420db8..b34caf9 100644
--- a/src/build_tools.vala
+++ b/src/build_tools.vala
@@ -258,7 +258,6 @@ public class BuildTools
         unowned string[] language_names = Intl.get_language_names ();
         foreach (string language_name in language_names)
-            stdout.printf ("language_name: %s\n", language_name);
             files += File.new_for_path (Path.build_filename (Config.DATA_DIR,
                 "build_tools", language_name, "build_tools.xml"));

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