[gcompris/gcomprismusic] added one more level, play button, separated lyrics and notes into activity.desktop

commit b39ffec73be2cdceb010fc40cd240e1e3ce65ad9
Author: Karthik Subramanian <itskarthik s gmail com>
Date:   Sat Jul 9 17:28:37 2011 +0530

    added one more level, play button, separated lyrics and notes into activity.desktop

 .../resources/singalong/play_button.png            |  Bin 0 -> 43272 bytes
 src/singalong-activity/singalong.py                |   79 +++++++++++++++++---
 2 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/singalong-activity/resources/singalong/play_button.png b/src/singalong-activity/resources/singalong/play_button.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fba990
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/singalong-activity/resources/singalong/play_button.png differ
diff --git a/src/singalong-activity/singalong.py b/src/singalong-activity/singalong.py
index 86b5fc1..9eedabd 100644
--- a/src/singalong-activity/singalong.py
+++ b/src/singalong-activity/singalong.py
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import gcompris.sound
 import gobject
 import time
 import goocanvas
+import ConfigParser
 import pango
 from gcompris import gcompris_gettext as _
@@ -52,22 +53,23 @@ class Gcompris_singalong:
     # Set the buttons we want in the bar
+    self.gcomprisBoard.level = 1
+    self.gcomprisBoard.maxlevel = 3
+    self.gcomprisBoard.sublevel = 1
+    self.gcomprisBoard.number_of_sublevel = 1
+    gcompris.bar_set_level(self.gcomprisBoard)
     # Set a background image
     # Create our rootitem. We put each canvas item in it so at the end we
     # only have to kill it. The canvas deletes all the items it contains
     # automaticaly.
-    self.rootitem = goocanvas.Group(parent =
-                                    self.gcomprisBoard.canvas.get_root_item())
+    self.rootitem = goocanvas.Group(parent =                self.gcomprisBoard.canvas.get_root_item())
     self.mapping = { 'C' : 310, 'D' : 340 , 'E' : 370, 'F' : 400, 'G' : 430, 'A' : 460, 'C3': 490 }
+    self.currentsong = "twinkle"
-    self.mapping1 = { 'C' : 'singalong/c.wav', 'D' : 'singalong/d.wav' , 'E' : 'singalong/e.wav', 'F' : 'singalong/f.wav', 'G' : 'singalong/g.wav', 'A' :'singalong/a.wav', 'C3':'singalong/c3.wav' }
-    self.twinkle = ['X','C', 'C', 'G', 'G', 'A', 'A', 'G', 'X', 'F', 'F', 'E', 'E', 'D', 'D', 'C', 'X', 'G', 'G', 'F', 'F', 'E', 'E', 'D', 'X', 'G', 'G', 'F', 'F', 'E', 'E', 'D', 'X', 'C', 'C', 'G', 'G', 'A', 'A', 'G', 'X', 'F', 'F', 'E', 'E', 'D', 'D', 'C']
-    self.twinklelyrics = ["","Twinkle", "Twinkle", "Twinkle", "Twinkle", "Little","Little", "Star", "", "How I", "How I", "Wonder", "Wonder","What you", "What You", "Are", "", "Up above the", "Up above the", "Up above the","Up above the", "World so", "World so", "High", "", "Like a", "Like a", "Diamond", "Diamond", "in the", "in the", "sky","", "Twinkle", "Twinkle", "Twinkle", "Twinkle", "Little","Little", "Star","", "How I", "How I", "Wonder", "Wonder","What you", "What You", "Are"]
     self.notecount = 0
     self.count = 0
@@ -92,6 +94,18 @@ class Gcompris_singalong:
         height = 60,
         pixbuf = gcompris.utils.load_pixmap("singalong/ball.svg")
+    self.play_button = goocanvas.Image(
+        parent = self.rootitem,
+        x = 600,
+        y = 400,
+        width = 50,
+        height = 50,
+        pixbuf = gcompris.utils.load_pixmap("singalong/play_button.png")
+        )
+    gcompris.utils.item_focus_init(self.play_button, None)
+    self.play_button.connect("button-press-event", self.play_again)
     self.notetext = goocanvas.Text(
       parent = self.rootitem,
@@ -115,31 +129,61 @@ class Gcompris_singalong:
       alignment = pango.ALIGN_CENTER
     self.status_timer = self.delay
+    self.lyrics_dataset = self.read_data()
+  def play_again(self, item, event, attr):
+    self.count = 0
+    self.play_song()
+  def read_data(self):
+    '''Load the activity data'''
+    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+    p = gcompris.get_properties()
+    filename = gcompris.DATA_DIR + '/' + self.gcomprisBoard.name + '/activity.desktop'
+    try:
+      gotit = config.read(filename)
+      if not gotit:
+         gcompris.utils.dialog(_("Cannot find the file '{filename}'").format(filename=filename),None)
+         return False
+    except ConfigParser.Error as error:
+      gcompris.utils.dialog(_("Failed to parse data set '{filename}'"
+                              " with error:\n{error}").\
+                              format(filename=filename, error=error),
+                            None)
+      return False
+    return config
   def play_song(self):
    self.timer_inc  = gobject.timeout_add(self.status_timer, self.timer_loop)    
   def timer_loop(self):
     self.status_timer = self.status_timer - 1
-    if(self.status_timer == 0 and self.count < len(self.twinkle) - 1):
+    length = int(self.lyrics_dataset.get(self.currentsong+'notes','len'))
+    if(self.status_timer == 0 and self.count < length-1):
       self.status_timer = self.delay
-      note = self.twinkle[self.count]
+      note = self.lyrics_dataset.get(self.currentsong+'notes',str(self.count))
       if note != 'X':     
         self.notetext.props.text = note
         self.notetext.props.x = int(self.mapping[note]) + 30
         self.ball.props.visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_INVISIBLE
         self.ball.props.x = int(self.mapping[note])
-        self.songlyrics.props.text = self.twinklelyrics [self.count]
+        self.songlyrics.props.text = self.lyrics_dataset.get(self.currentsong+"song",str(self.count))
         print self.ball.props.x
         self.ball.props.visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_VISIBLE
     print self.status_timer
     self.timer_inc  = gobject.timeout_add(self.status_timer, self.timer_loop)
@@ -176,4 +220,17 @@ class Gcompris_singalong:
   def set_level(self, level):
     print("singalong set level. %i" % level)
+    self.gcomprisBoard.level = level
+    gcompris.bar_set_level(self.gcomprisBoard);
+    if level == 2 :
+        self.currentsong = "london"
+        self.delay = 40
+        self.count = 0
+        self.play_song()
+    elif level == 1 : 
+        self.delay = 30
+        self.currentsong = "twinkle"
+        self.count = 0
+        self.play_song()

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