[evolution] Bug #499739 - "Flag for follow-up" should be easier to set

commit 282100c65653293258d0f8471427be1ca54204e6
Author: Milan Crha <mcrha redhat com>
Date:   Fri Jul 1 14:05:14 2011 +0200

    Bug #499739 - "Flag for follow-up" should be easier to set

 mail/message-list.c |   28 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mail/message-list.c b/mail/message-list.c
index be7dda6..3e04fb0 100644
--- a/mail/message-list.c
+++ b/mail/message-list.c
@@ -3969,12 +3969,38 @@ on_click (ETree *tree, gint row, ETreePath path, gint col, GdkEvent *event, Mess
 	else if (col == COL_FLAGGED)
-	else
+	else if (col != COL_FOLLOWUP_FLAG_STATUS)
 		return FALSE;
 	if (!(info = get_message_info (list, path)))
 		return FALSE;
+		const gchar *tag, *cmp;
+		tag = camel_message_info_user_tag (info, "follow-up");
+		cmp = camel_message_info_user_tag (info, "completed-on");
+		if (tag && tag[0]) {
+			if (cmp && cmp[0]) {
+				camel_message_info_set_user_tag (info, "follow-up", NULL);
+				camel_message_info_set_user_tag (info, "due-by", NULL);
+				camel_message_info_set_user_tag (info, "completed-on", NULL);
+			} else {
+				gchar *text;
+				text = camel_header_format_date (time (NULL), 0);
+				camel_message_info_set_user_tag (info, "completed-on", text);
+				g_free (text);
+			}
+		} else {
+			/* default follow-up flag name to use when clicked in the message list column */
+			camel_message_info_set_user_tag (info, "follow-up", _("Follow-up"));
+			camel_message_info_set_user_tag (info, "completed-on", NULL);
+		}
+		return TRUE;
+	}
 	flags = camel_message_info_flags (info);
 	folder_is_trash =

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