[epiphany] (12 commits) Created branch downloads

The branch 'downloads' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  3203bb4... ephy-download: new EphyDownload goodness
  e1f2ad9... port: ephy-embed to ephy-download
  721d520... port: popup-commands
  04d4dbd... embed-persist: downloader-view: removed
  1253b12... ephy-file-helpers: only one downloads_dir function
  b2188bd... ephy-file-helpers: allow desktop in ephy_file_browse_to
  1bb9cca... ephy-file-helpers: add uninstalled ui/ in ephy_file
  57327d0... ephy-window: add new downloads UI
  7befb75... e-window: make construct_confirm_close_dialog reusable
  ae04c4c... e-window: confirm close with downloads
  023318c... totem-glow-button: a glow button derived from libwnck
  f415573... e-d-widget: new widget

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