[tracker/functional-tests-applications: 4/4] functional tests: Improved camera simulation tests, including writeback+geotags
- From: Aleksander Morgado <aleksm src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [tracker/functional-tests-applications: 4/4] functional tests: Improved camera simulation tests, including writeback+geotags
- Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2011 18:44:50 +0000 (UTC)
commit da46bbedce8e6fdaccceed6cce0ab0f713281570
Author: Aleksander Morgado <aleksander lanedo com>
Date: Thu Jan 20 19:41:05 2011 +0100
functional tests: Improved camera simulation tests, including writeback+geotags
tests/functional-tests/600-applications.py | 128 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--
1 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/functional-tests/600-applications.py b/tests/functional-tests/600-applications.py
index e9bc31c..741c0c5 100755
--- a/tests/functional-tests/600-applications.py
+++ b/tests/functional-tests/600-applications.py
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ SRC_IMAGE_DIR = os.path.join (cfg.DATADIR,
class TrackerApplicationTests (CommonTrackerApplicationTest):
@@ -48,9 +49,7 @@ class TrackerApplicationTests (CommonTrackerApplicationTest):
select = """
SELECT ?u WHERE { ?u nie:url \"%s\" }
""" % (url)
- result = self.tracker.query (select)
- print "SELECT returned %d results: %s" % (len(result),result)
- return len (result)
+ return len (self.tracker.query (select))
def test_camera_insert_01 (self):
@@ -69,26 +68,135 @@ class TrackerApplicationTests (CommonTrackerApplicationTest):
print "Storing new image in '%s'..." % (filepath)
- # Insert new resource in the store
+ # Insert new resource in the store, including nie:mimeType and nie:url
insert = """
- INSERT { <%s> a nie:InformationElement, nie:DataObject, nfo:Image ;
- nie:title \"test camera insert 01\" ;
- nie:url \"%s\" }
- """ % (fileurn, fileuri)
+ INSERT { <%s> a nie:InformationElement,
+ nie:DataObject,
+ nfo:Image,
+ nfo:Media,
+ nfo:Visual,
+ nmm:Photo
+ }
+ DELETE { <%s> nie:mimeType ?_1 }
+ WHERE { <%s> nie:mimeType ?_1 }
+ INSERT { <%s> a rdfs:Resource ;
+ nie:mimeType \"image/jpeg\"
+ }
+ DELETE { <%s> nie:url ?_2 }
+ WHERE { <%s> nie:url ?_2 }
+ INSERT { <%s> a rdfs:Resource ;
+ nie:url \"%s\"
+ }
+ """ % (fileurn, fileurn, fileurn, fileurn, fileurn, fileurn, fileurn, fileuri)
self.tracker.update (insert)
+ self.assertEquals (self.__get_urn_count_by_url (fileuri), 1)
+ # Copy the image to the dest path, simulating the camera writting
+ slowcopy (SRC_IMAGE_PATH, filepath, 1024)
+ assert os.path.exists (filepath)
+ self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle (MINER_FS_IDLE_TIMEOUT)
+ self.assertEquals (self.__get_urn_count_by_url (fileuri), 1)
+ # Clean the new file so the test directory is as before
+ print "Remove and wait"
+ os.remove (filepath)
+ self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle (MINER_FS_IDLE_TIMEOUT)
+ self.assertEquals (self.__get_urn_count_by_url (fileuri), 0)
+ def test_camera_insert_02 (self):
+ """
+ Camera simulation:
+ 1. Create resource in the store for the new file
+ 2. Set nlo:location
+ 2. Write the file
+ 3. Wait for miner-fs to index it
+ 4. Ensure no duplicates are found
+ """
+ fileurn = "tracker://test_camera_insert_02/" + str(random.randint (0,100))
+ filepath = path (TEST_IMAGE)
+ fileuri = uri (TEST_IMAGE)
+ geolocationurn = "tracker://test_camera_insert_02_geolocation/" + str(random.randint (0,100))
+ postaladdressurn = "tracker://test_camera_insert_02_postaladdress/" + str(random.randint (0,100))
+ print "Storing new image in '%s'..." % (filepath)
+ # Insert new resource in the store, including nie:mimeType and nie:url
+ insert = """
+ INSERT { <%s> a nie:InformationElement,
+ nie:DataObject,
+ nfo:Image,
+ nfo:Media,
+ nfo:Visual,
+ nmm:Photo
+ }
+ DELETE { <%s> nie:mimeType ?_1 }
+ WHERE { <%s> nie:mimeType ?_1 }
+ INSERT { <%s> a rdfs:Resource ;
+ nie:mimeType \"image/jpeg\"
+ }
+ DELETE { <%s> nie:url ?_2 }
+ WHERE { <%s> nie:url ?_2 }
+ INSERT { <%s> a rdfs:Resource ;
+ nie:url \"%s\"
+ }
+ """ % (fileurn, fileurn, fileurn, fileurn, fileurn, fileurn, fileurn, fileuri)
+ self.tracker.update (insert)
self.assertEquals (self.__get_urn_count_by_url (fileuri), 1)
# Copy the image to the dest path, simulating the camera writting
slowcopy (SRC_IMAGE_PATH, filepath, 1024)
assert os.path.exists (filepath)
- self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle ()
+ self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle (MINER_FS_IDLE_TIMEOUT)
self.assertEquals (self.__get_urn_count_by_url (fileuri), 1)
+ # Add slo:location to the new resource...
+ location_insert = """
+ INSERT { <%s> a nco:PostalAddress ;
+ nco:country \"SPAIN\" ;
+ nco:locality \"Tres Cantos\"
+ }
+ INSERT { <%s> a slo:GeoLocation ;
+ slo:postalAddress <%s>
+ }
+ INSERT { <%s> a rdfs:Resource ;
+ slo:location <%s>
+ }
+ """ % (postaladdressurn, geolocationurn, postaladdressurn, fileurn, geolocationurn)
+ self.tracker.update (location_insert)
+ self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle (MINER_FS_IDLE_TIMEOUT)
+ self.assertEquals (self.__get_urn_count_by_url (fileuri), 1)
+ query = """
+ SELECT ?locality ?country
+ WHERE { ?o a nie:DataObject ;
+ nie:url \"%s\" ;
+ slo:location ?u .
+ ?u nco:country ?country ;
+ nco:locality ?locality }
+ """ % fileuri
+ result = self.tracker.query (query)
+ print "RESULTS: %s" % (result)
# Clean the new file so the test directory is as before
print "Remove and wait"
os.remove (filepath)
- self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle ()
+ self.system.tracker_miner_fs_wait_for_idle (MINER_FS_IDLE_TIMEOUT)
self.assertEquals (self.__get_urn_count_by_url (fileuri), 0)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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