[gnome3-web] Same alignment issues here.

commit 345a8ba7d76658427be3ee1f10c80518cfd2e26a
Author: Jakub Steiner <jimmac gmail com>
Date:   Wed Jan 19 15:56:06 2011 +0100

    Same alignment issues here.

 tryit.html |   26 +++++++++++++-------------
 1 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tryit.html b/tryit.html
index fb623c5..fb58619 100644
--- a/tryit.html
+++ b/tryit.html
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
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@@ -22,17 +22,17 @@
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-<h2>Coming soon!</h2>
-<p>GNOME 3 is under active development and will not be completed until April 2011. We hope to be able to provide live USB images really soon. Watch this space!</p>
-<p>If you really, really want to try it today in order to help out with development and filing bugs, you can compile it using GNOME's JHBuild sandboxing tool. Just follow the instructions found on <a href="http://live.gnome.org/Jhbuild";>this page</a>. Note that this is unreleased code that is under very heavy development.</p>
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+    <h2>Coming soon!</h2>
+    <p>GNOME 3 is under active development and will not be completed until April 2011. We hope to be able to provide live USB images really soon. Watch this space!</p>
+    <p>If you really, really want to try it today in order to help out with development and filing bugs, you can compile it using GNOME's JHBuild sandboxing tool. Just follow the instructions found on <a href="http://live.gnome.org/Jhbuild";>this page</a>. Note that this is unreleased code that is under very heavy development.</p>
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