[tracker/NB217636] Temporary commit and branch

commit 00eeb4893e16ffe9432d17a82f4ea85fb072d3dc
Author: Philip Van Hoof <philip codeminded be>
Date:   Tue Jan 18 14:36:15 2011 +0100

    Temporary commit and branch

 tests/functional-tests/02-sparql-bugs.py |   59 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/functional-tests/02-sparql-bugs.py b/tests/functional-tests/02-sparql-bugs.py
index fe8f497..c7f3785 100755
--- a/tests/functional-tests/02-sparql-bugs.py
+++ b/tests/functional-tests/02-sparql-bugs.py
@@ -147,46 +147,83 @@ class TrackerStoreSparqlBugsTests (CommonTrackerStoreTest):
-        @expectedFailureBug ("NB#217636")
+#        @expectedFailureBug ("NB#217636")
         def test_02_NB217636_delete_statements (self):
                 Bug 217636 - Not able to delete contact using
                 DELETE {<contact:556> ?p ?v} WHERE {<contact:556> ?p ?v}.
-                data = """ INSERT {
-                   <contact:test-nb217636> a nco:PersonContact ;
-                          nco:fullname 'Testing bug 217636'
-                }
+                data = """
+    <telepathy:/org/freedesktop/fake/account/556!556 ovi com> a nco:IMAddress,
+INSERT INTO <telepathy:/org/freedesktop/fake/account/556!556 ovi com> {
+    <telepathy:/org/freedesktop/fake/account/556!556 ovi com> a nco:IMAddress,
+        nco:imID '556 ovi com';
+        nco:imNickname 'SomeGuy';
+        nco:imPresence nco:presence-status-available;
+        nco:imStatusMessage 'In Helsinki';
+        nco:imCapability nco:im-capability-text-chat,
+        nco:imAvatar [a nfo:FileDataObject; nie:url
+        nco:presenceLastModified '2011-01-10T06:22:15Z'^^xsd:dateTime.
+    <telepathy:/org/freedesktop/fake/account/556> a nco:IMAccount;
+        nco:imDisplayName 'ovi.com';
+        nco:hasIMContact
+<telepathy:/org/freedesktop/fake/account/556!556 ovi com>.
+INSERT INTO <telepathy:/org/freedesktop/fake/account/556!556 ovi com> {
+    <affiliation:/org/freedesktop/fake/account/556!556 ovi com> a
+    <affiliation:/org/freedesktop/fake/account/556!556 ovi com>
+nco:hasIMAddress <telepathy:/org/freedesktop/fake/account/556!556 ovi com>.
+    <contact:556> a nco:PersonContact;
+        nco:contactLocalUID '556';
+        nco:hasAffiliation [ a nco:Affiliation ; nco:hasIMAddress
+<telepathy:/org/freedesktop/fake/account/556!556 ovi com> ];
+        nco:nameGiven 'Some';
+        nco:nameFamily 'Guy';
+        nie:generator 'telepathy';
+        nco:hasAffiliation
+<affiliation:/org/freedesktop/fake/account/556!556 ovi com>.
                 self.tracker.update (data)
                 results = self.tracker.query ("""
                  SELECT ?u WHERE {
                     ?u a nco:PersonContact ;
-                      nco:fullname 'Testing bug 217636' .
+                      nco:nameGiven 'Some' .
                 self.assertEquals (len (results), 1)
                 self.assertEquals (len (results[0]), 1)
-                self.assertEquals (results[0][0], "contact:test-nb217636")
+                self.assertEquals (results[0][0], "contact:556")
                 problematic_delete = """
-                DELETE { <contact:test-nb217636> ?p ?v }
-                WHERE  { <contact:test-nb217636> ?p ?v }'
+DELETE {<contact:556> ?p ?v} WHERE {<contact:556> ?p ?v}
                 self.tracker.update (problematic_delete)
                 results_after = self.tracker.query ("""
                  SELECT ?u WHERE {
                     ?u a nco:PersonContact ;
-                      nco:fullname 'Testing bug 217636' .
+                      nco:nameGiven 'Some' .
                 self.assertEquals (len (results_after), 0)
                 # Safe deletion
                 delete = """
-                DELETE { <contact:test-nb217636> a rdfs:Resource. }
+                DELETE { <contact:556> a rdfs:Resource. }
                 self.tracker.update (delete)

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