[foundation-web] Committing the new and restyled application.wml. Old one moved to application-old.wml as backup.
- From: Andrea Veri <av src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [foundation-web] Committing the new and restyled application.wml. Old one moved to application-old.wml as backup.
- Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2011 22:43:16 +0000 (UTC)
commit d5ef50199ca5397dc0eb1d6d7c9bfc4dc1023075
Author: Andrea Veri <av src gnome org>
Date: Sun Jan 16 23:42:17 2011 +0100
Committing the new and restyled application.wml. Old one moved to application-old.wml as backup.
.../membership/application.old.wml | 320 ++++++++++++++++++++
foundation.gnome.org/membership/application.wml | 113 +++-----
2 files changed, 359 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)
diff --git a/foundation.gnome.org/membership/application.old.wml b/foundation.gnome.org/membership/application.old.wml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ba94ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/foundation.gnome.org/membership/application.old.wml
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+ <head>
+ <title>GNOME Foundation Membership Application</title>
+ <meta name="cvsdate" content="$Date$" />
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h1>GNOME Foundation Membership Application</h1>
+ $bad_elements = array();
+ $errors = array();
+ $submit = $_POST['submit'];
+ $name = $_POST['name'];
+ $email = $_POST['email'];
+ $summary = $_POST['summary'];
+ $details = $_POST['details'];
+ $contacts = $_POST['contacts'];
+ $pointers = $_POST['pointers'];
+ $comments = $_POST['comments'];
+ $ircnick = $_POST['ircnick'];
+ $cvsuser = $_POST['cvsuser'];
+ $previousmember = $_POST['previousmember'];
+ $spam = $_POST['spam'];
+ if ($submit) {
+ /* remove the slashes */
+ $name = trim(stripslashes($name));
+ $email = trim(stripslashes($email));
+ $summary = trim(stripslashes($summary));
+ $details = trim(stripslashes($details));
+ $contacts = trim(stripslashes($contacts));
+ $pointers = trim(stripslashes($pointers));
+ $comments = trim(stripslashes($comments));
+ if (!$name || $name == "") {
+ $bad_elements[] = "name";
+ $errors[] = "Please enter your name.";
+ }
+ if (!$email || !ereg("^[a-zA-Z0-9_ +-]+ [a-zA-Z0-9_ -]+\ [a-zA-Z]+$", $email)) {
+ $bad_elements[] = "email";
+ $errors[] = "Please enter an email address we can use to contact you.";
+ }
+ $obfuscated_email = preg_replace("/@/", " AT ", $email);
+ $obfuscated_contacts = preg_replace("/@/", " AT ", $contacts);
+ if (!$previousmember) {
+ if (!$summary || $summary == "") {
+ $bad_elements[] = "summary";
+ $errors[] = "Please enter a list of areas of GNOME to which you have made a non-trivial contribution.";
+ }
+ if (!$details || $details == "") {
+ $bad_elements[] = "details";
+ $errors[] = "Please enter a more detailed description of your contributions.";
+ }
+ if ((!$contacts || $contacts == "") && $pointers == "") {
+ $bad_elements[] = "contacts";
+ $errors[] = "Please enter a list of individuals with their e-mails who can confirm your contributions or indicate us how the membership committee can verify your contributions.";
+ }
+ if ($contacts && $contacts != "" && (strpos ($contacts, '@') === FALSE)) {
+ $bad_elements[] = "contacts";
+ $errors[] = "Please provide e-mails of the contacts you've provided.";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($spam != "not spam") {
+ $bad_elements[] = "spam";
+ $errors[] = "Please fill the \"not spam\" field.";
+ }
+ if (count($bad_elements) == 0) {
+ // make the mail
+ $formmail = "Contact Information:\n--------------------\n";
+ $formmail .= "Name: " . $name . "\n";
+ $formmail .= "E-mail: " . $obfuscated_email . "\n";
+ $formmail .= "irc.gnome.org nickname (if any): " . $ircnick . "\n";
+ $formmail .= "git.gnome.org username (if any): " . $cvsuser . "\n";
+ $formmail .= "\n";
+ $formmail .= "Previous GNOME Foundation member: ";
+ if ($previousmember) {
+ $formmail .= "yes\n";
+ } else {
+ $formmail .= "no\n";
+ }
+ $formmail .= "\n";
+ $formmail .= "GNOME contributions:\n--------------------\n";
+ $formmail .= "\n";
+ $formmail .= "Summary:\n" . $summary . "\n";
+ $formmail .= "\n";
+ $formmail .= "Detailed description:\n" . $details . "\n";
+ $formmail .= "\n";
+ $formmail .= "Contacts:\n" . $obfuscated_contacts . "\n";
+ $formmail .= "\n";
+ $formmail .= "Pointers:\n" . $pointers . "\n";
+ $formmail .= "\n";
+ $formmail .= "Other comments:\n---------------\n";
+ $formmail .= $comments . "\n";
+ $formmail .= "\n";
+ $formmail .= "[Application received at " . date("D M j G:i:s Y") . " (Eastern time)]\n";
+ $formmail .= "\n";
+ $formmail .= "If you have any questions, you can contact the membership committee by\nreplying to this mail. Please note that the delay for your application\nto be processed can be up to one month.";
+ $headers = "From: GNOME Foundation Membership Committee Script <membership-committee gnome org>\nCc: $email\n";
+ if ($previousmember) {
+ $subject = "[RENEWAL] Application received from $name ($obfuscated_email)";
+ } else {
+ $subject = "Application received from $name ($obfuscated_email)";
+ }
+ // send the mail
+ mail("membership-applications gnome org", $subject, $formmail, $headers);
+ // print the thank you page
+ print ("
+ <p>
+ Thank you for your submission. It has been forwarded to the
+ membership committee, which will inform you when it has been
+ processed. The membership committee tries to process applications
+ within a month after their reception.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ As a confirmation, you should receive your application by mail too.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ If you have any questions, please e-mail the <a
+ href=\"mailto:membership-committee@gnome.org\">Membership Committee</a>.
+ </p>
+ <br /><br />
+ <class div=\"center\">
+ <a href=\"../\">Return to the GNOME Foundation home page</a>
+ </div>
+ ");
+ }
+ }
+ if (! $submit || count($bad_elements) != 0) { ?>
+ <p>
+ To apply for membership in the GNOME Foundation, please complete the
+ following form as completely as possible. Your application will then be
+ reviewed by the Foundation's Membership and Elections Committee, which
+ will notify you when your application has been accepted or rejected; the
+ committee may also ask you for additional information. For details on the
+ standards used in evaluating applications, see the <a
+ href="index.html">GNOME Foundation membership policy</a>, adopted by the
+ Board of Directors.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Please consider reading <a href="http://live.gnome.org/MembershipCommittee/ApplicationTips">Application Tips</a> page so as to get informed about what kind of information is helpful to make your application processed faster.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Once you have applied, you will get a ticket number per email and
+ you can see the status of your application at <a
+ href="http://www.gnome.org/rt3-stats/membership.html">the stats page</a>.
+ If you have any questions regarding the application process, please feel
+ free to e-mail the committee at <a
+ href="mailto:membership-committee@gnome.org">membership-committee@gnome.org</a>.
+ </p>
+ <?php if (count($bad_elements) != 0) {
+ print("<font color=\"red\">");
+ foreach ($errors as $error) {
+ print("<li>$error</li>");
+ }
+ print("</font>");
+ }
+ ?>
+ <h3>Note about privacy</h3>
+ <p>
+ The GNOME Foundation tries to be as transparent as possible. This
+ includes making it easy to find out who is a member of the Foundation
+ and why an application is accepted or denied.
+ Thus, all the information you will submit through this form will be
+ publically available: the form will send an e-mail to a mailing list
+ whose archives are publically available on the Internet and your
+ application will be accessible through mail archives.
+ </p>
+ <form action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?>" method="POST">
+ <h3>Contact Information</h3>
+ <table summary="Membership form">
+ <tr>
+ <td>Full Name:</td>
+ <td>
+ <input type="text" name="name" size="40"
+ value="<?php if ($name) { echo $name; } ?>" />
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>E-mail address:</td>
+ <td>
+ <input type="text" name="email" size="40"
+ value="<?php if ($email) { echo $email; } ?>" />
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>irc.gnome.org nickname (if any):</td>
+ <td>
+ <input type="text" name="ircnick" size="20"
+ value="<?php if ($ircnick) { echo $ircnick; } ?>" />
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>git.gnome.org username (if any):</td>
+ <td>
+ <input type="text" name="cvsuser" size="20"
+ value="<?php if ($cvsuser) { echo $cvsuser; } ?>" />
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2"> </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2">
+ <input type="checkbox" name="previousmember"
+ <?php if ($previousmember) { ?> checked="checked" <?php } ?> />
+ Previous GNOME Foundation member
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <h3>GNOME Contributions</h3>
+ <p>
+ Membership in the GNOME Foundation requires that the candidate has
+ contributed to a non-trivial improvement in the GNOME Project. Please
+ use the following sections to explain how you have contributed to the
+ project, providing enough detail to allow the committee to verify your
+ application.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Please provide a short list of areas of GNOME to which you have made a
+ non-trivial contribution (for entry into the public membership list).
+ For example, "<i>Documentation, gnomecal, Debian packaging.</i>":
+ </p>
+ <textarea name="summary" rows="3" cols="72"><?php if ($summary) { echo $summary; } ?></textarea>
+ <p>
+ Please provide a more detailed description of your contributions to
+ help the membership committee determine your eligibility. In general,
+ anything listed above should be explained here, and additional
+ contributions can be included. For example: "<i>Wrote a chapter "How to
+ Use the GNOME Calendaring System" for the GNOME Users Guide. Several
+ patches for gnomecal related to color support. Packaged the 1.4 release
+ for Debian.</i>":
+ </p>
+ <textarea name="details" rows="10" cols="72"><?php if ($details) { echo $details; } ?></textarea>
+ <p>
+ Please list individuals (frequently, but not necessarily, project
+ maintainers and foundation members) who can help the membership
+ committee determine your eligibility. You should provide their
+ name, e-mail address, and a brief description of their role as a
+ reference. To continue the earlier example: "<i>Dan Mueth
+ (d-mueth@uchicago.edu) (GDP coordinator); Russell Steinthal
+ (rms39@columbia.edu) (gnome-pim maintainer)</i>".<br />
+ <b>Beware that applications without contacts take relatively
+ longer to process.</b>
+ </p>
+ <textarea name="contacts" rows="5" cols="72"><?php if ($contacts) { echo $contacts; } ?></textarea>
+ <p>
+ If there's nobody you can think of, please list pointers to your contributions here:
+ If there is nobody you can think of for contacts, feel free to
+ suggest another way for the membership committee to verify your
+ contributions clearly, such as a pointer to a project ChangeLog, etc.
+ For example: "<i>packaging logs at http://www.debian.org/packages/gnome/</i>"
+ </p>
+ <textarea name="pointers" rows="5" cols="72"><?php if ($pointers) { echo $pointers; } ?></textarea>
+ <h3>Other Comments</h3>
+ <p>
+ Please feel free to include any additional information which you
+ believe the membership committee should consider while reviewing your
+ application:
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <textarea name="comments" rows="10" cols="72"><?php if ($comments) { echo $comments; } ?></textarea>
+ </p>
+ <table summary="Antispam form">
+ <tr>
+ <td>Please type "not spam" here:</td>
+ <td>
+ <input type="text" name="spam" size="20" value="" />
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <p>
+ <div class="center">
+ <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit Application" />
+ <input type="reset" />
+ </div>
+ </p>
+ </form>
+<?php } ?>
+ </body>
diff --git a/foundation.gnome.org/membership/application.wml b/foundation.gnome.org/membership/application.wml
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 2ba94ff..e1b608e
--- a/foundation.gnome.org/membership/application.wml
+++ b/foundation.gnome.org/membership/application.wml
@@ -19,11 +19,8 @@
$name = $_POST['name'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$summary = $_POST['summary'];
- $details = $_POST['details'];
$contacts = $_POST['contacts'];
- $pointers = $_POST['pointers'];
$comments = $_POST['comments'];
- $ircnick = $_POST['ircnick'];
$cvsuser = $_POST['cvsuser'];
$previousmember = $_POST['previousmember'];
$spam = $_POST['spam'];
@@ -33,9 +30,7 @@
$name = trim(stripslashes($name));
$email = trim(stripslashes($email));
$summary = trim(stripslashes($summary));
- $details = trim(stripslashes($details));
$contacts = trim(stripslashes($contacts));
- $pointers = trim(stripslashes($pointers));
$comments = trim(stripslashes($comments));
if (!$name || $name == "") {
@@ -53,13 +48,9 @@
$bad_elements[] = "summary";
$errors[] = "Please enter a list of areas of GNOME to which you have made a non-trivial contribution.";
- if (!$details || $details == "") {
- $bad_elements[] = "details";
- $errors[] = "Please enter a more detailed description of your contributions.";
- }
- if ((!$contacts || $contacts == "") && $pointers == "") {
+ if ((!$contacts || $contacts == "") {
$bad_elements[] = "contacts";
- $errors[] = "Please enter a list of individuals with their e-mails who can confirm your contributions or indicate us how the membership committee can verify your contributions.";
+ $errors[] = "Please enter a list of individuals with their e-mails who can confirm your contributions or indicate us how the Membership Committee can verify your contributions.";
if ($contacts && $contacts != "" && (strpos ($contacts, '@') === FALSE)) {
$bad_elements[] = "contacts";
@@ -77,7 +68,6 @@
$formmail = "Contact Information:\n--------------------\n";
$formmail .= "Name: " . $name . "\n";
$formmail .= "E-mail: " . $obfuscated_email . "\n";
- $formmail .= "irc.gnome.org nickname (if any): " . $ircnick . "\n";
$formmail .= "git.gnome.org username (if any): " . $cvsuser . "\n";
$formmail .= "\n";
$formmail .= "Previous GNOME Foundation member: ";
@@ -91,18 +81,14 @@
$formmail .= "\n";
$formmail .= "Summary:\n" . $summary . "\n";
$formmail .= "\n";
- $formmail .= "Detailed description:\n" . $details . "\n";
- $formmail .= "\n";
$formmail .= "Contacts:\n" . $obfuscated_contacts . "\n";
$formmail .= "\n";
- $formmail .= "Pointers:\n" . $pointers . "\n";
- $formmail .= "\n";
$formmail .= "Other comments:\n---------------\n";
$formmail .= $comments . "\n";
$formmail .= "\n";
$formmail .= "[Application received at " . date("D M j G:i:s Y") . " (Eastern time)]\n";
$formmail .= "\n";
- $formmail .= "If you have any questions, you can contact the membership committee by\nreplying to this mail. Please note that the delay for your application\nto be processed can be up to one month.";
+ $formmail .= "If you have any questions, you can contact the Membership Committee by\nreplying to this mail. Please note that it usually takes up to a week for an application to be fully processed.";
$headers = "From: GNOME Foundation Membership Committee Script <membership-committee gnome org>\nCc: $email\n";
@@ -120,9 +106,9 @@
print ("
Thank you for your submission. It has been forwarded to the
- membership committee, which will inform you when it has been
- processed. The membership committee tries to process applications
- within a month after their reception.
+ Membership Committee, which will inform you when it has been
+ processed. The Membership Committee tries to process applications
+ within a week or two after their reception.
As a confirmation, you should receive your application by mail too.
@@ -159,7 +145,7 @@
you can see the status of your application at <a
href="http://www.gnome.org/rt3-stats/membership.html">the stats page</a>.
If you have any questions regarding the application process, please feel
- free to e-mail the committee at <a
+ free to e-mail the Committee at <a
@@ -173,6 +159,7 @@
<h3>Note about privacy</h3>
The GNOME Foundation tries to be as transparent as possible. This
includes making it easy to find out who is a member of the Foundation
@@ -184,6 +171,9 @@
<form action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?>" method="POST">
+ <h2>Application Form</h2>
<h3>Contact Information</h3>
<table summary="Membership form">
@@ -196,7 +186,7 @@
- <td>E-mail address:</td>
+ <td>Permanent E-mail address:</td>
<input type="text" name="email" size="40"
value="<?php if ($email) { echo $email; } ?>" />
@@ -204,25 +194,23 @@
- <td>irc.gnome.org nickname (if any):</td>
- <td>
- <input type="text" name="ircnick" size="20"
- value="<?php if ($ircnick) { echo $ircnick; } ?>" />
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
<td>git.gnome.org username (if any):</td>
<input type="text" name="cvsuser" size="20"
value="<?php if ($cvsuser) { echo $cvsuser; } ?>" />
+ </table>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2"> </td>
- </tr>
+ <h3>Renew Option</h3>
+ <p>
+ If you are an existing Foundation member and would like to renew your application,
+ check out the <b>"Previous GNOME Foundation member"</b> flag down here.
+ Please also remember to fill out the full form even if you are renewing your application.
+ (just a few details are usually fine, no need to be verbose)
+ </p>
+ <table>
<td colspan="2">
<input type="checkbox" name="previousmember"
@@ -230,65 +218,40 @@
Previous GNOME Foundation member
- </table>
+ </table>
<h3>GNOME Contributions</h3>
- Membership in the GNOME Foundation requires that the candidate has
- contributed to a non-trivial improvement in the GNOME Project. Please
- use the following sections to explain how you have contributed to the
- project, providing enough detail to allow the committee to verify your
- application.
- </p>
- <p>
- Please provide a short list of areas of GNOME to which you have made a
- non-trivial contribution (for entry into the public membership list).
- For example, "<i>Documentation, gnomecal, Debian packaging.</i>":
+ Please provide a detailed description of all your past and present
+ contributions to help the Membership Committee determine your
+ eligibility to join the Foundation. Remember that any contribution made
+ for the GNOME Foundation is valid, so either if you package GNOME software
+ for a certain distribution (like Debian, Ubuntu or Fedora), translate, develop,
+ write documentation or simply sponsor GNOME through talks and conferences,
+ you will be definitely welcome to join the GNOME Foundation.
<textarea name="summary" rows="3" cols="72"><?php if ($summary) { echo $summary; } ?></textarea>
- <p>
- Please provide a more detailed description of your contributions to
- help the membership committee determine your eligibility. In general,
- anything listed above should be explained here, and additional
- contributions can be included. For example: "<i>Wrote a chapter "How to
- Use the GNOME Calendaring System" for the GNOME Users Guide. Several
- patches for gnomecal related to color support. Packaged the 1.4 release
- for Debian.</i>":
- </p>
- <textarea name="details" rows="10" cols="72"><?php if ($details) { echo $details; } ?></textarea>
+ <h3>Vouchers / Contacts Informations</h3>
- Please list individuals (frequently, but not necessarily, project
- maintainers and foundation members) who can help the membership
- committee determine your eligibility. You should provide their
- name, e-mail address, and a brief description of their role as a
- reference. To continue the earlier example: "<i>Dan Mueth
- (d-mueth@uchicago.edu) (GDP coordinator); Russell Steinthal
- (rms39@columbia.edu) (gnome-pim maintainer)</i>".<br />
- <b>Beware that applications without contacts take relatively
- longer to process.</b>
+ Please list at least <b>two contacts</b> (project maintainers or most of all
+ existing Foundation members) who can confirm your contributions or indicate to
+ the Membership Committee the best way to verify your contributions. You should provide their
+ name, a valid e-mail address to contact them, and a brief description of their role as
+ a reference. <b>Remember that two contacts are mandatory for an application to be accepted.</b>
<textarea name="contacts" rows="5" cols="72"><?php if ($contacts) { echo $contacts; } ?></textarea>
- <p>
- If there's nobody you can think of, please list pointers to your contributions here:
- If there is nobody you can think of for contacts, feel free to
- suggest another way for the membership committee to verify your
- contributions clearly, such as a pointer to a project ChangeLog, etc.
- For example: "<i>packaging logs at http://www.debian.org/packages/gnome/</i>"
- </p>
- <textarea name="pointers" rows="5" cols="72"><?php if ($pointers) { echo $pointers; } ?></textarea>
<h3>Other Comments</h3>
Please feel free to include any additional information which you
- believe the membership committee should consider while reviewing your
+ believe the Membership Committee should consider while reviewing your
@@ -296,6 +259,8 @@
<textarea name="comments" rows="10" cols="72"><?php if ($comments) { echo $comments; } ?></textarea>
+ <h3>Anti-spam Measures</h3>
<table summary="Antispam form">
<td>Please type "not spam" here:</td>
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