[tracker] (12 commits) Created branch slo-onto

The branch 'slo-onto' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  d651328... NCO: Fixed maxCardinality for some properties
  34bcab6... NCAL: Fixed maxCardinality for some properties
  d4ba579... SLO: Fixed maxCardinality of some properties
  a9c37e1... MLO: Fixed maxCardinality and deprecated annotations
  b4d8a43... tracker-writeback: SLO ontology porting
  d62b627... SLO: Make SLO an ontology that is installed by default
  e3e16fa... tracker-extract: GIF: SLO ontology porting
  695f19a... tracker-extract: JPEG SLO ontology porting
  afcebf6... tracker-extract: PDF: SLO ontology porting
  48bf76b... tracker-extract: PNG: SLO ontology porting
  2bb11e0... tracker-extract: TIFF: SLO ontology porting
  de47c40... Indentation fix in Makefile.am

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