[gtk+/gtk-2-24-quartz] (6 commits) ...Merge branch 'gtk-2-24' into gtk-2-24-quartz

Summary of changes:

  737941b... Added GtkBuilder support for "menu" child type of GtkMenuTo (*)
  ff780aa... Added GtkBuildable support to add "tag" children to GtkText (*)
  cc44561... Added GtkBuildable support for specifying <items> in GtkCom (*)
  e48f5b4... Backport a lot of GI transfer annotations (*)
  f40a129... gtk_tree_model_iter_next's iter is (in), not (inout) (*)
  402ee3b... Merge branch 'gtk-2-24' into gtk-2-24-quartz

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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