[pygtk] Created tag PYGTK_2_23_0

The unsigned tag 'PYGTK_2_23_0' was created.

Tagger: John Stowers <john stowers gmail com>
Date: Tue Feb 22 09:13:34 2011 +1300


Changes since the last tag 'PYGTK_2_22_0':

Behnam Esfahbod ZWNJ (1):
      Replace NotImplemented with NotImplementedError

Dieter Verfaillie (31):
      Add distutils generated build/dist directories and eclipse configuration files to .gitignore
      README.win32: update build instructions
      setup.py: rearrange imports
      setup.py: simplify sys.platform != 'win32' detection and error reporting
      setup.py: check python version, pygobject and pkgconfig availability before anything else
      setup.py: rearrange constants
      setup.py: install tests
      setup.py: add NUMPY_INCLUDE dir to gtk.include_dirs
      setup.py: install included .defs files into DEFS_INCLUDE_DIR
      setup.py: correct metadata (url, provides, requires, ...)
      setup.py: install documentation when available on build system
      setup.py: formatting cleanup, makes things readable
      pygtk_postinstall.py: remove shortcut creation
      pygtk_postinstall.py: remove pygtk-2.0.pc treatment from postinstall as pkg-config on windows figures out the correct prefix at runtime
      setup.py: don't install pygtk.pth here as we depend on pygobject at runtime which is already resposible for the installation of pygtk.pth and pygtk.py[c]
      setup.py: ease maintenance burden for tests installation
      Remove the last reference to the pygtk.pth file.
      Add gtk threading example, bug 461551
      Fix GtkAssistant.set_forward_page_func
      Fix GtkTreeView.set_drag_dest_row
      setup.py: use the same spaces-less format for all setup() parameters
      setup.py: fix the provides keyword argument
      Fix pygtk_main_watch_check, copied from pygobject/glib/pygmainloop.c:pyg_signal_watch_check.     Fixes bug 640738 and 638780.
      Revert "Bug 613341 - pygobject tests seem to require pygtk causing a circular"
      examples: gtk/treeview_dnd.py: comment the testing code specific to bug 637214
      examples: threading/gtk_threading.py: fix __gtype_name__
      setup.py: set user-access-control to auto in the options dict instead of relying on the build script to do it
      Add 'import pygtk; pygtk.require('2.0') statements where needed
      gtk.AboutDialog.set_program_name() should accept None just like gtk.AboutDialog.set_name()
      gtk.gdk.GC.set_clip_mask should accept None (bug 638994)
      NEWS: updates

John Stowers (18):
      Post release version bump
      Add myself to MAINTAINERS, AUTHORS
      Print gtk/pygtk version when running pygtk-demo
      Add Offscreen Window (GtkMirrorBind) example
      Fix response signal in pygtk-demo/print_editor
      Fix build on windows
      Require Python >= 2.6.0 for Windows build
      Dist all gtk defs on windows
      Build 2.22 API on windows
      Disable shortcut creation in windows installer
      Shortcut removal is not needed on post-uninstall
      NEWS updates
      Add gtk-2.24 autotools support
      Fix GtkPrintContext example, bug 637753
      NEWS Updates
      user-access-control is now set in setup.py
      Add GTK-2.24 API
      NEWS updates for 2.23.0

Mathias Doreille (1):
      Reference the surface in GtkPrintJob.get_surface

Olivier Aubert (1):
      Bind nsview/nswindow attributes

Rafael Villar Burke (1):
      docs/reference/pygtk-gtkcontainer.xml: remove repeated word

Usmar A Padow (1):
      Add updated gtk.Toolbar example, bug 597784

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