[aravis/resend] (372 commits) ...viewer: start a feature editor widget.

Summary of changes:

  df47008... Genicam: start implementation. (*)
  5bc831e... Genicam: only insert node with a valid Name attribute. (*)
  7536a25... Genicam: integer and port node boilerplate. (*)
  152cf2b... Genicam: create dummy nodes for all know node types. (*)
  0805df9... Genicam: define an Integer interface. (*)
  9115848... LGPL v2+ licensing. (*)
  057e501... Genicam: more work. (*)
  46907e0... Ssshhh... (*)
  504b3f6... Add COPYING file. (*)
  a9313b0... Add AUTHORS file. (*)
  fc7e4b4... Add glib 2.22 compatibility defines. (*)
  6c0f45c... Fix compilation for glib < 2.23. (*)
  a942bc4... Add get/set for gvcp packet count value. (*)
  c8ae058... Implement retries for gvcp memory read/write. (*)
  d7ec0b4... Check for ack packet size in memory write function. (*)
  0a7f53d... Factorize GPollFD construction. (*)
  956947c... Implement retries for register read/write commands. (*)
  cba82ff... Add a callback to the image buffers. (*)
  9b94084... Add commented code for socket buffer size tuning. (*)
  32f425a... Implementation of ArvStatistic. (*)
  501cba5... Frame period statistic. (*)
  efe4fc2... GvStream: add an option for socket buffer tuning. (*)
  a368bfb... arv-test: infinite loop until ctr-C is pressed. (*)
  9f0a9b6... arv-test: add a -a option for auto tuning of stream socket  (*)
  4d3d183... tools: add string handling functions. (*)
  f62f2b7... expression: start implementation of an expression evaluator (*)
  1fc618f... evaluator: gobjectification. (*)
  12cd42f... evaluator: handle associativity. (*)
  9c99f21... evaluator: differentiate int64 and double constants. (*)
  6b802a6... evaluator: double and int64 arithmetic. (*)
  abdda2f... evaluator: more functions. (*)
  02ccb3a... Whitespaces cleanup. (*)
  4c35cc9... evaluator: implement ternary operator and fix equal and not (*)
  d8350a6... evaluator: rename StackItem to ArvValue. (*)
  2d671ac... evaluator: renaming for consistency. (*)
  b8034d7... evaluator: add variable setting functions. (*)
  22c2aaf... evaluator: actually lookup for the variable in expression e (*)
  3188c2d... evaluator: use variables for pi and e. (*)
  9f51874... evaluator: fix minus operator for double. (*)
  09db88d... evaluator: minor debugging fix. (*)
  69b6071... genicam: start SwissKnife implementation. (*)
  07248a9... swissknife: actually evaluate the expression. (*)
  f254c1d... genicam: define GcFloat interface and implement it in GcSwi (*)
  51d6adc... genicam: start implementation of IntegerNode. (*)
  56d5860... genicam: dump ArvGcUint64. (*)
  bf42c3e... genicam: move integer interface from guint64 to gint64. (*)
  45021b5... genicam: start iplementation of integer interface in Intege (*)
  a6acc5e... tools: fix cut'n paste error. (*)
  9e6359e... genicam: Woho ! Almost able to read the PayloadSize feature (*)
  a3d6bfe... genicam: correctly read an integer register. (*)
  55a7e10... Implement an endian aware copy function. (*)
  018bfb0... genicam: untested masked integer register support. (*)
  ec9ac38... genicam: begin implementation of GcCommand. (*)
  55ede32... tests: use genicam interface instead of direct register acc (*)
  4c9165d... genicam: working execute command function. (*)
  cb62ae9... tests: compilation fix. (*)
  0980c38... genicam: differentiate the different register node types. (*)
  43287f4... tests: read more feature values. (*)
  e91695f... genicam: Converter and IntConverter read implementation. (*)
  743e0fd... genicam: fix pVariable for SwissKnife and Converter. (*)
  5db6a0d... genicam: integer to converter to register writing success. (*)
  fb879c7... tests: arv-test is now generic. (*)
  58a226b... camera: begin implementation of a generic camera class. (*)
  f741fa7... tests: correctly get the payload size in arv-test. (*)
  6a2c0c4... Lookup camera by name, and don't instantiate unused devices (*)
  489428d... tools: new in memory zlib based decompress function. (*)
  1f34ce6... genicam: Float node implementation. (*)
  c22fd8c... tests: display more informations in arv-test. (*)
  97deeb7... build: switch to one header include for library users. (*)
  74bf91a... tools: fix decompress function. (*)
  4203dbe... tests: add camera name and debug ooptions to arv-load-xml. (*)
  44d29b5... tools: add code for zipped file extraction. (*)
  8f51798... genicam: use ArvZip for the extraction of the genicam xml f (*)
  7beebe7... genicam: read current register value before setting masked  (*)
  5c4e2a7... genicam: cast 1 to guint64 for the mask computation. (*)
  8c076e7... evaluator: a variable name may contain a'_' character. (*)
  b114f42... genicam: fix on IFloat handling. (*)
  ecf8418... camera: handle expsure_time and gain. (*)
  13215fc... tools: fix in the big endian to big endian case. (*)
  59935b9... tools: add an assertion on the impossible endianess combina (*)
  0fa4755... genicam: try to compute correctly lsb and msb from big endi (*)
  019cd40... genicam: sign mismatch fix. (*)
  fef1166... genicam: GcCategory boilerplate. (*)
  23ec424... genicam: GcEnumeration boilerplate. (*)
  1a0ced6... genicam: create GcEnumeration and GcCategory nodes. (*)
  ede6ab5... genicam: GcEnumEntry boilerplate. (*)
  9dbb93f... genicam: handle value element of EnumEntry. (*)
  e3249a6... genicam: handle Description and DisplayName in GcNode. (*)
  ceace09... stream: add a function for statistic informations. (*)
  0d10cbd... arv: change from debug level filter to debug domains. (*)
  78b0176... genicam: reduce the number of evaluator debug messages. (*)
  55d4d7c... evaluator: parse expression on first evaluation. (*)
  bb90bfa... build: add doap file. (*)
  1f9344b... genicam: implement child nodes. (*)
  8e8f134... genicam: Enumeration and EnumEntry implementation. (*)
  34f27f1... genicam: remove useless warning. (*)
  8e473d2... tests: display more informations in arv-test. (*)
  7c2e44e... genicam: implement Boolean node. (*)
  1bcdef0... genicam: actually use the Value or pValue element content. (*)
  6b87a71... tests: new test file based on the camera API. (*)
  a548504... device: rename get_stream to new_stream to reflect the fact (*)
  1c9631f... tests: remove unused code. (*)
  84f85a2... genicam: begin work on invalidators. (*)
  f9b8a1d... genicam: implement register read cache. (*)
  035e636... genicam: don't double free the adresses list. (*)
  3b5c159... genicam: fix debugging of register integer interface. (*)
  c0352f4... genicam: fix typo in EnumEntry Value attribute. (*)
  ed86c69... genicam: implement String interface in GcRegister for Strin (*)
  7db0bd5... camera: new function for device informations. (*)
  d12e4d4... genicam: add debugging informations related to interface li (*)
  5e65616... build: fix introspection prefix. (*)
  808009f... whitespace cleanup. (*)
  e78b8da... stream: pass callback at stream creation, instead of passin (*)
  2e7ac43... stream: remove _with_callback variants, and add callback pa (*)
  03daf0e... stream: increase statistic resolution. (*)
  f344109... camera: more trigger related functions. (*)
  c747e0e... camera: more trigger related funtcions. (*)
  9f27d67... tests: select acquisition_start trigger insted of frame_sta (*)
  4eee557... build: don't set -Werror -g -O0 in Makefile.am. (*)
  153ba2e... gst: basic gstreamer source plugin. (*)
  f9c76f9... gst: try to set the GstBuffer timestamp. (*)
  33e4591... gst: theora + udp test pipeline. (*)
  187e901... gst: minor test pipeline tweak. (*)
  9cef1b7... gst: renaming to be consistent with the other gstreamer plu (*)
  0c5edb3... gst: be consistent with gst-template autoconf setup. (*)
  97ea89b... gst: add a sample application. (*)
  3f4ed83... build: don't install test programs. (*)
  1411ec6... tests: add glib testing support. (*)
  0dc8355... build: make make distcheck pass. (*)
  a216bbe... build: silence gir scanner warnings during distcheck. (*)
  ad96e37... tests: start unit testing of ArvEvaluator. (*)
  0f5ff6e... tests: more evaluator tests. (*)
  8e35038... build: make it work with old autotools. (*)
  da39db2... gst: define the plugin path for gst-aravis-test. (*)
  346f056... gst: add v-binning and h-binning properties to aravissrc. (*)
  5719e6b... gst: use theora in the test pipeline. (*)
  13249a7... Ssshhh... (*)
  8a457ec... gst: add more capabilities to gst-aravis-test. (*)
  6b64f43... gst: add a pipeline launch script. (*)
  1562c4c... gst: simplification of gst-aravis-launch script. (*)
  2d6ce9d... gst: add some pipeline examples. (*)
  098c98d... gst: remove gst-aravis-test. (*)
  095efba... gst: add a rtp sample pipeline. (*)
  60754d5... gst: add the receviing pipeline for the rtp stream, along w (*)
  1f4e6e1... tests: add the beginning of genicam tests. (*)
  c4a1445... Start a fake device implementation. (*)
  6b0a21f... fake: add FakeInterface boilerplate. (*)
  732c09f... fake: begin implementation of a fake camera. (*)
  d2b44a4... fake: implement read/write functions. (*)
  2f05fad... fake: set register default values. (*)
  804875d... fake: genicam file tweaks. (*)
  4254f9f... fake: add exposure feature to the genicam file. (*)
  dbf72eb... fake: initialize and test ExposureTimeAbs feature. (*)
  a34045f... Comment cleanup. (*)
  72dd2bc... build: distribute arv-fake-camera.xml. (*)
  9b09d23... build: make distcheck pass. (*)
  9bff432... fake: add basic PayloadSize definition. (*)
  75b6430... genicam: gev bootstrap genicam description file. (*)
  6f4d5f6... genicam: define pixel format values. (*)
  3f72349... gv_stream: store region position and pixel format in buffer (*)
  d59e863... gv_stream: handle frame ledaer timestamp. (*)
  8f6d12d... buffer: rename x and y to x_offset and y_offset. (*)
  d476317... gv_stream: split thread function into smaller ones. (*)
  230c882... gv_stream: get ready to continue after missing blocks. (*)
  c4706ee... gv_stream: continue filling buffer even if there's missing  (*)
  cba90b9... buffer: minor renaming. (*)
  c11b2bc... gv_stream: try to implement the packet resend feature. (*)
  63147a6... gv_stream: fix missing blocks count. Count late blocks. (*)
  591c4f1... gst: fix buffer caps (width, height). Use camera timestamp. (*)
  c57b666... gv_stream: function for enable/disable packet resend featur (*)
  2efe510... device: add some convenience accessors for the genicam feat (*)
  0f83ea3... camera: API addition. (*)
  7e7f522... camera: add missing declaration in header file. (*)
  45a77f1... fake: add device related feature. (*)
  7d129f6... fake: allow fake device creation. (*)
  f28e452... fake: don't allocate camera memory in 2 places. (*)
  4e172e2... fake: more features. (*)
  85eb1c3... tests: uninteresting change. (*)
  cff12bf... gc_register: handle pIndex element. (*)
  ef1495a... tests: remove genicam test. (*)
  40b2258... fake: define trigger features in the genicam file. (*)
  6938ed7... tests: test trigger feature in fake. (*)
  a313145... fake: fill the buffer with a test pattern. (*)
  ef8a5e4... gst: allow to specify the camera name. (*)
  6b05e52... fake: fill stream statistics. (*)
  c13c388... gev: add more feature to the bootstrap genicam file. (*)
  51b44f8... fake: use defines for default feature values. (*)
  c0e3328... camera: quirk based implementation of frame rate get/set. (*)
  7993718... fake: add AcquisitionFrameRate feature. (*)
  8edac7a... genicam: create boolean nodes. (*)
  7ae26d7... genicam: move some debugging messages from genicam to parse (*)
  76b508c... camera: allow frame rate setting. (*)
  5e4f886... camera: simple use case based API. (*)
  f09c19c... fake: fix Payload computation in genicam file. (*)
  a254ef2... fake: increment n_failures on incorrectly filled buffers. (*)
  3feb92f... fake: fix a crash for not square images. (*)
  3b02cd5... gv_device: more debugging output. (*)
  f4015ec... gv_interface: fix g_socket_receive return check. (*)
  cad5461... camera: disable frame_rate limit whenusing external trigger (*)
  77d79e2... enums: use the right limit for arv_trigger_source_to_string (*)
  ca6621a... genicam: more debugging output. (*)
  c4b516d... enums: add missing copyright. (*)
  f536ffb... stream: rename _new_stream to _create_stream. (*)
  4431fef... camera: rename set_external_trigger to set_trigger. (*)
  13231a6... introspection: add annotations. (*)
  67ad599... introspection: add a simple javascript example. (*)
  09e9afd... camera: revert trigger source to string parameter. (*)
  8245996... introspection: minor tweak to the javascript example. (*)
  45523da... buffer: fix buffer_new annotation. (*)
  595c1da... introspection: tell how to launch the gjs script. (*)
  e12b8dc... gst: allow frame rate setting. (*)
  ab443ff... introspection: API rename fix. (*)
  5d5cc02... camera: document camera methods. (*)
  7778912... introspection: more annotations. Fix comment syntax. (*)
  24a277e... introspection: 2 more gjs scripts. (*)
  bfffa45... camera: more documentation. (*)
  bcb57b3... docs: add gtk-doc support. (*)
  51d3f30... build: make distcheck pass. (*)
  6b68ce3... doc: more work. (*)
  633cbde... doc: more work. (*)
  dc1d5fc... build: update NEWS file. (*)
  34453b9... build: post release bump. (*)
  0af3791... doc: overview section. (*)
  dd05cfa... build: Makefile.decl and gtk-doc.make both try to define EX (*)
  dbd341f... doc: build and debugging informations. (*)
  f093843... doc: uninteresting layout fix. (*)
  9b86ac1... gv_interface: allow loopback interface for discovery. (*)
  9afaefa... Ssshhh... (*)
  d43dcd7... fake: start the implementation of a fake ethernet camera ap (*)
  0f981a1... fake: allow setting of fake camera IP address. (*)
  bc0d02b... fake: answer to discovery command. (*)
  b4478fc... fake: add an option for camera IP configuration. (*)
  9ff50fa... fake: implement read memory in fake gv camera. (*)
  e4ad79a... gv_device: correctly check the write memory ack packet size (*)
  355260e... fake: implement read/write memory/register packets. (*)
  a846209... doc: fix warnings. (*)
  796e298... gvcp: limit read memory size to 16 bit values. (*)
  700f26c... gv_interface: debug broadcast address. (*)
  2680549... fake: make fake gv camera work with non local interface. (*)
  e245fdb... fake: start stream thread work. (*)
  d3ae85c... fake: gv_camera stream W.I.P. (*)
  168ff59... fake: fake gv camera stream mostly working. (*)
  9a596ae... fake-gv-camera: fix image timestamp. (*)
  da32aea... fake_gv_camera: implement heartbeat monitoring. (*)
  6f2821f... fake_gv_camera: add copyright comment. (*)
  a0c83de... fake_gv_camera: avoid criticals when bindings fail. (*)
  c9b125f... evaluator: more unit tests. (*)
  be9e5ea... genicam: add support for Group elements. (*)
  ad74a69... fake: add a way to customize the test pattern function. (*)
  57614ee... camera: add an accessor for the underlying device object. (*)
  7ac6cca... fake: add function for setting fake external trigger freque (*)
  16b64ce... fake: debugging output for the stream thread. (*)
  d1f18bb... fake: add missing image processing callback call. (*)
  0698dcc... fake: add missing buffer parameter in callback call. (*)
  11d6371... fake_device: add an accessor to the FakeCamera object. (*)
  c122d54... evaluator: fix token memleaks. (*)
  cade8ef... arvgvstream: callback call on start buffer. (*)
  5e5062d... arvstream: add an accessor to the stream queue lengths. (*)
  01fa66b... arvgvstream: statistic on buffer recption time. (*)
  ac9b60a... debug: remove unused enum. (*)
  134a450... arvcameratest: minor documentation fix. (*)
  94b0095... build: move unit tests to $(top_srcdir)/tests. (*)
  347cdd2... build: move sample programs to $(top_srcdir)/tests. (*)
  4657736... gv_stream: fix type mismatch. (*)
  c3cbb55... build: avoid warnings on 64bit platform. (*)
  fa296ee... gv_interface,fake_gv: fix mistake in new_from_native calls. (*)
  f38a13f... NEWS update. (*)
  407d72c... build: make distcheck pass. (*)
  5c08269... camera: ignore set_gain and set_exposure with obviously inv (*)
  5d86595... gst_aravis: add exposure and gain properties. (*)
  3fd2fd5... evaluator: debug evaluation error string. (*)
  62de44e... camera_test: add options for exposure and gain setting. (*)
  87dfc5f... evaluator: more debug infos. (*)
  b833462... gc_converter: fix a cut'n paste mistake. (*)
  d39cce5... genicam: fix typo in debugging output. (*)
  70266dc... gv_stream: add an accessor for specific GV statistics. (*)
  2a3ecd7... gv_stream: use ArvGvStream type in arv_gv_stream_get_statis (*)
  745c7f8... gv_stream: use value parameter when option is SOCKET_BUFFER (*)
  514a479... build: fix typo in typelibdir path. (*)
  6f128db... all: use _create_ instead of _new_ in function names that a (*)
  f02e035... Add a new arv-show-devices utility. (*)
  5754a79... Rename create_device functions to open_device. (*)
  df376e5... arvsystem: fix error in index comparison. (*)
  435e219... arvshowdevices: extra check for returned device id before s (*)
  3f7ad88... Rename of name parameter to device_id. (*)
  ac9be73... Post-release version bump, at last. (*)
  4eadc0b... NEWS file update. (*)
  6cf2bb3... Post release version bump. (*)
  5a9c22f... stream: implement new-buffer signal. (*)
  6af4b23... documentation: tell something about arv-fak-gv-camera. (*)
  0a37fac... arv-test: don't display snapshot option if cairo is not ava (*)
  095aae1... viewer: start implementation of a video stream viewer. (*)
  05e9d94... viewer: display something now. (*)
  738ec8a... viewer: code reorganisation. (*)
  aeeebc3... viewer: don't leak stream object. (*)
  9c810fe... viewer: connect combo box 'changed' signal. (*)
  fb6124d... viewer: only display valid buffers. (*)
  c562ec1... viewer: stop the pipeline before destroying it. (*)
  a6f59ca... viewer: reset timestamp variables after a camera change. (*)
  bc98ca8... viewer: start exposure setting work. (*)
  3ab7181... arv_camera: add helper functions for gain and exposure boun (*)
  388aa41... intl: make check pass. (*)
  1161506... viewer: update spin_button values for exposure and gain. (*)
  9b65d65... viewer: working exposure and gain controllers. (*)
  2b17430... viewer: working frame rate control, and log exposure slider (*)
  8b6c126... fake_camera: simulate gain and exposure time. (*)
  5c6d542... fake_camera: cut'n paste mistake fix. (*)
  428d400... arv_camera: fix the minimum value for the ROI offsets. (*)
  a99254e... evaluator: if asking for a double do float division. (*)
  63cfe58... gv: make aravis compile as part of a c++ application (*)
  9d4c486... gv_device: function for retrieving the genicam xml data. (*)
  26b24ac... viewer: 5 frames for the queue is enough. (*)
  2c6aa62... gv_device: register write instead of a memory write to ARV_ (*)
  7634f10... viewer: remove unused liststore in ui file. (*)
  530809a... Ssshhh... (*)
  ba6c4e1... debug: add a "all" debug domain. (*)
  e6559cc... camera: give access to the full exposure time range on Basl (*)
  adf765b... camera: really enable exposure time full range on Basler ca (*)
  04bb65f... Update NEWS file. (*)
  befef7f... viewer: add license. (*)
  8961be8... viewer: take pixel_format into account when setting gstapps (*)
  128a840... build: fix ARAVIS_EXTRA_REQUIRES default value. (*)
  a31c01b... build: fix include file path. (*)
  e5c4587... build: enable all aravis optional features for distcheck. (*)
  b66e80b... build: post-release version bump. (*)
  6da62f9... viewer: support for UYVY and YUY2 color formats. (*)
  9cf36cb... genicam: dump genicam xml in arv-show-devices. (*)
  8479521... camera: handle different series behaviour. (*)
  a32861f... camera: fix cut'n'paste mistake. (*)
  701ec9e... gc_register_node: don't validate cache on read if cachable= (*)
  b1dbf42... viewer: add auto gain and auto exposure button. (*)
  f8171a2... viewer: keep gain and exposure sensitive when auto is on. (*)
  0d2a3e4... NEWS file update. (*)
  cf02833... Post release version bump. (*)
  2f56681... Add RELEASING instructions. (*)
  104aada... viewer: fix exposure bounds for acA1300 Basler cameras. (*)
  448dc6d... evaluator: fix variable with digits in their name. (*)
  79d219c... gv_stream: use glib properties for packet resend and socket (*)
  701580a... gst: allow color caps. (*)
  cf85d47... buffer: add a per buffer user_data parameter. (*)
  008c450... documentation: warning fix. (*)
  2cb06ad... documentation: minor fix. (*)
  fcba54e... enums: more pixel formats. (*)
  a1d11fe... arv_gst: more pixel formats. (*)
  d0c5f96... gst: use raw-gray as format for MONO_8. (*)
  5e73e0b... enums: more pixel formats. (*)
  594fd94... gst: more debug infos. (*)
  09332d3... gst: use gst_element_class_set_details_simple. (*)
  3fb0ada... gst: add gst-aravis-inspect helper. (*)
  d784fe4... camera: add width and height get_bounds functions. (*)
  fe5fd7a... camera: add arv_camera_get_available_pixel_formats. (*)
  0941129... viewer: adapt to camera API change. (*)
  99be47a... camera: add missing function declaration. (*)
  df7a7e6... gst: add arv_pixel_format_from_gst_caps. (*)
  523b1a3... gst: use caps filter instead of object properties for pixel (*)
  d6ae059... documentation: minor fixes. (*)
  821d72f... stream: add arv_stream_timed_pop_buffer. (*)
  24549a0... buffer: add arv_buffer_new_full. (*)
  a83ecfb... gst: avoid buffer pop timeout for low framerate. (*)
  89e7b91... buffer: add unit tests. (*)
  2c403ea... NEWS file update. (*)
  0eb89d7... Post-release version bump. (*)
  c305916... camera: allow software trigger. (*)
  c458350... camera: some simplifications of the trigger configuration. (*)
  a22b494... gst: fix memory leak. (*)
  d3cb5e1... camera: remove arv_camera_set_software_trigger. (*)
  c8eca5e... documentation: more documentation. (*)
  a8cfa75... tests: add a frequency parameter to --software-trigger opti (*)
  000cd0b... camera: mor simplification in trigger configuration. (*)
  7981254... aravis: add arv_shutdown. (*)
  6fab16a... gv_device: remove unused define. (*)
  c66b8fb... viewer: start a feature editor widget. (*)

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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