[pygobject] Created tag PYGOBJECT_2_27_90

The signed tag 'PYGOBJECT_2_27_90' was created.

Tagger: John (J5) Palmieri <johnp redhat com>
Date: Fri Feb 11 11:07:44 2011 -0500

    release 2.27.90 (2.28 pre-release)

Changes since the last tag 'PYGOBJECT_2_26_0':

Arnaud Charlet (1):
      Disable calls to PyGILState_* when threads are disabled

Damien Caliste (2):
      Add __path__ attributes.
      Correct a bug in the freeing of memory in pygi-invoke.c.

Deepankar Sharma (1):
      [gi] dir() now works for modules

Dieter Verfaillie (30):
      Add distutils generated build/dist directories and eclipse configuration files to .gitignore
      dsextras.py: rearrange imports
      dsextras.py: use True/False instead of 1/0
      dsextras.py: PEP8: Comparisons to singletons like None should always be done with 'is' or 'is not', never the equality operators.
      dsextras.py: add pkgc_get_version and pkgc_get_defs_dir functions
      dsextras.py: use the pkgc_ functions instead of repeating pgk-config incantations all over the place
      dsextras.py: add ggc4 to MSVC compatible struct packing comment
      dsextras.py: formatting cleanup, makes things readable
      README.win32: update build instructions
      setup.py: rearrange imports
      setup.py: simplify sys.platform != 'win32' detection and error reporting
      setup.py: check python version and pkgconig availability before anything else
      setup.py: rearrange constants
      setup.py: install fixxref.py script
      setup.py: install pygobject-codegen script
      setup.py: install documentation when available on build system
      setup.py: build and install tests
      setup.py: formatting cleanup, makes things readable
      pygobject_postinstall.py: remove shortcut creation
      pygobject_postinstall.py: remove pygobject-2.0.pc treatment from postinstall as pkg-config on windows figures out the correct prefix at runtime
      tests: add runtests-windows.py script
      setup.py: ease maintenance burden for tests installation
      setup.py: fix another case of use True/False instead of 1/0
      dsextras.py: use distutils.spawn.find_executable for have_pkgconfig()
      dsextras.py: add have_gcc() function
      dsextras.py: be consistent in how distutils imports are done
      dsextras.py: check if gcc is there when platform is win32 and compiler is mingw32
      setup.py: use the same spaces-less format for all setup() parameters
      setup.py: fix the provides keyword argument
      Merge branch 'windows-setup-fixes'

Dmitrijs Ledkovs (1):
      Override Adjustment constructor to behave like pygtk

Dmitry Morozov (1):
      Container should be iterable.

Eitan Isaacson (1):
      Respect different type lengths when assigning out-argument pointers.

Emilio Pozuelo Monfort (1):
      Bump the minimum gio dependency

Ignacio Casal Quinteiro (11):
      Fix warnings.
      Add override for gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags
      The tags can be Empty not None.
      [gi] set length when marshalling guint8 erases
      [gi] use the right argument type for callback
      [gi] set the gtype GValue correctly
      Remove .gitignore files and use git.mk
      [gi] return PYGLIB_MODULE_ERROR_RETURN on error
      [gi] return PYGLIB_MODULE_ERROR_RETURN on error and use pygobject_init
      [python 3] use the right syntaxis to raise exceptions

Jesse van den Kieboom (1):
      Allow comparing Gtk.TreePath to None

Johan Dahlin (1):
      Gtk: add an override for Gtk.main_quit

John (J5) Palmieri (45):
      post release bump to 2.27.0 unstable
      Python 3 fixes for dsextras and the python.m4 distribution files
      fix commit 7fe83108 which didn't use the compat functions for string handling
      add compat functions for the deprecated PyCObject api
      return NULL instead of -1 which fixes crash when introspection is turned off
      Revert "add compat functions for the deprecated PyCObject api"
      add compat functions for the deprecated PyCObject api
      overrides for all subclasses of dialog
      [gi] make parameter check less strict when dealing with GValue params
      [gi] make overrides work for python 3.x protocols and alias for python 2.x
      include Python.h so that PY_VERSION_HEX gets defined
      Release GIL when calling into C functions
      [gi] add tests for calling dir on a dynamic module
      fix inheritence issues in overrides
      Add a overrides registry so we can refrence overrides inside the module
      fix dialogs overrides which were relying on broken inheritance behavior
      add overrides for the insert* apis of list_store and tree_store
      [gi] handle virtual invokers
      [gi] add overrides to Gtk.Editable
      add a foreign type for cairo_rectangle_int_t and allow it to be caller-allocated
      [gi] add the rectangle_int_t forign cairo type
      update news for release
      [gi] when converting to UTF-8 accept Python Unicode objects as input (Python 2)
      [gi] fix actiongroup test since actions are hashed
      [gi] when encountering guint8 arrays treat them as byte arrays
      [gi] overrides for treeview Drag and Drop
      [gi] switch to using sequences/tuples when marshalling cairo_rectangle_int_t
      [gi] require the name parameter when creatin a Gtk.ActionGroup
      [gi] fix ActionGroup constructor to allow other keyword properties to be set
      [gi] add check for UNICHAR
      add test for inout argument count
      moved dynamic and base modules outside of gtk-2.0 directory
      add a profiling torture test for when we fix up invoke
      refactor Jonathan Matthew recurse vfunc patch so it applys and clean up a bit
      [gi] handle subtypes when inserting into tree models
      [gi] make sure Gtk.Button override passes all keywords to parent constructor
      [gi] get rid of some debug prints and fix error messages
      add secondary_text apis to MessageDialog
      handle unicode objects in properties
      [gi] fix try/except blocks using depricated raise format
      [gi] python 3 fixes
      [gi] fix Gio.FileEnumerator to reflect the Python 3 iter protocol
      [gi] in python 3 an array of uint8 can be bytes but not string
      fix build to correctly use python-config
      bump version and edit NEWS for release

John Stowers (9):
      Broken dsextras.py pkg-config check error message
      Remove obsolete comments in dsextras.py
      Fix build on windows
      Fix depreciation warning in dsextras.py
      Require Python >= 2.6.0 for Windows build
      Correctly build GIO on windows
      Disable shortcut creation in windows installer
      Shortcut removal is not needed on post-uninstall
      Merge remote branch 'dieterv/setup-fixes-for-merge'

Jonathan Matthew (2):
      Implement richcompare for GIBaseInfo
      Recurse up through base classes when setting up vfuncs

José Alburquerque (1):
      Doc Extractor: Print the gtk-doc blocks sorted by function name.

José Aliste (1):
      _gi.Repository : Implement missing info bindings.

Laszlo Pandy (14):
      Change __dir__() to report all the attributes that __getattr__ supports
      Add a __repr__() method to DynamicModule.
      Fix the __dir__() methods on DynamicModule and IntrospectionModule
      Fix wrapping of enums: Create new Python type for each non-gtype enum.
      Amend previous enum wrapping commit to remove redundant setting of __info__ attribute.
      In IntrospectionModule and DynamicModule classes, make all instance attributes start with an underscore.
      Remove trailing whitespace from gi/overrides/Gtk.py
      Fix attributes 2BUTTON_PRESS and 3BUTTON_PRESS of Gdk.EventType.
      [gi] Convert GErrors to GObject.GError exceptions, and throw them upon returning from calling the C function.
      Modify override for Gtk.Adjustment to allow position or keyword arguments in __init__().
      Speed up class creation: rewrite _setup_vfuncs() to be much more efficient.
      Speed up _setup_native_vfuncs()
      [GI] Add tests for Gtk.Widget.drag_* methods.
      Fix vfunc search bug when using GInterfaces and a do_* method.

Martin Pitt (48):
      pygi-convert.sh: Cover Message and Buttons types
      pygi-convert.sh: Remove sugar specifics, and allow command line file list
      pygi-convert.sh: Add pynotify -> Notify
      pygi-convert.sh: Don't change the name of "gtk" submodules
      pygi-convert.sh: Convert Pango.WrapMode
      pygi-convert.sh: Don't change the name of "glib" submodules
      pygi-convert.sh: Generalize Gtk.Settings migration
      pygi-convert.sh: Handle Gdk.DragAction
      pygi-convert.sh: Handle GdkPixbuf.InterpType
      Fix handling of unicode for GtkTreeModels
      pygi-convert.sh: Handle gtk.combo_box_new_text()
      Add GLib.Variant.unpack()
      Add Pythonic iterators and indexing to GVariant
      GLib overrides: Add test case for array variant building
      pygi-convert.sh: Handle keysyms
      tests: Respect existing $GI_TYPELIB_PATH
      Fix Pango FontDescription override
      pygi-convert.sh: Fix Gtk.Label handling to be idempotent
      pygi-convert.sh: Fix match for adding missing imports
      pygi-convert.sh: Do not comment out set_cell_data_func() calls; these should be ported properly
      Revert "Fix Pango FontDescription override"
      pygi-convert.sh: Don't convert glib -> GLib for now
      pygi-convert.sh: Handle .window attributes
      pygi-convert.sh: Migrate Gdk.Cursor constructor, and some cursor names
      [gi] Add pythonic iterator and indexing for string GVariants
      [gi] Fix small typo in previous commit
      pygi-convert.sh: Move some glib bits which are better handled by gobject
      Fix typo in previous commit to actually convert glib.GError
      pygi-convert.sh: Convert glib.source_remove()
      [gi] Update TreeView.enable_model_drag_{source,dest} to current GTK
      [gi] Support nested objects and empty sequences in GLib.Variant building
      [gi] Add Variant construction/unpack support for boxed Variants
      [gi] Add test cases for GDBus client operations
      [gi] Accept only a single object in GLib.Variant constructor
      [gi] update gdbus test cases for previous GVariant change
      [gi] Add docstring to GLib.Variant constructor
      pygi-convert.sh: Don't convert self.window assignments
      pygi-convert.sh: Drop window -> get_window() conversion
      pygi-convert.sh: Convert Pango.TabAlign.*
      [gi] Support tag names in GtkTextBuffer.insert_with_tags()
      [gi] Provide GtkTextBuffer.insert_with_tags_by_name()
      [gi] Add GSettings tests
      Ship tests/org.gnome.test.gschema.xml in dist tarballs
      [gi] Provide comfortable GSettings API
      Fix test_gdbus.py to be Python3 friendly
      Run test suite under dbus-launch
      Revert "Remove gio static bindings"
      Run gio tests separately when enabled

Michael Culbertson (1):
      Support for GCC4 in Windows distutils build - bug 626548

Mike Gorse (2):
      Release GIValueInfo when checking an enum argument
      Release allocated array of arguments when handling closures

Paolo Borelli (46):
      Make TreeSelection.get_selected_rows compatible with PyGtk
      Override TreeModel.get() to return a tuple
      Override UIManager.insert_action_group
      Fix TextBuffer.get_selection_bounds() override
      Override TextBuffer.create_mark()
      Override TextBuffer.set_text() to make length optional
      Override TextIter (begins|ends|toggles)_tag()
      pygi-convert.sh: add some Pango special cases
      pygi-convert.sh: handle "from gtk import gdk"
      pygi-convert.sh: gtk.accel_map -> Gtk.AccelMap._
      Support gunichar
      Override Container to behave like a sequence
      Override TreePath.__new__
      Override TreeSelection.select_path and TreeView.scroll_to_cell
      Update Gdk overrides to work with latest Gtk+ 3
      pygi-convert.sh: convert MovementStep
      Override GtkTable constructor to behave like pygtk
      Override Label constructor to behave like pygtk
      pygi-convert.sh: handle TextWindowType
      Fix cut&paste error in the Label override
      Remove semicolumns
      No need to import Gdk
      Override LinkButton constructor to make 'uri' mandatory
      Fix typo when raising an exception
      Fix Gtk.Label(label="Foo")
      Fix usage of TreeIter api that is now an override.
      Override Pango.FontDescription.
      Fix demo for override changes.
      Override GtkAction and GtkRadioAction constructors.
      Remove Pango.FontDescription() conversion.
      Override Pango.Layout constructor.
      pygi-convert.sh: convert Gdk.ScrollDirection.
      pygi-convert.sh: start handling Gio and GLib
      pygi-convert.sh: Fix 'find' syntax
      Override Gtk.ScrolledWindow constructor
      pygi-convert.sh: remove two cases handled by overrides
      pygi-convert.sh: more GLib conversion
      pygi-convert.sh: convert a few more Gio types
      pygi-convert.sh: convert Atk
      pygi-convert.sh: add more Gtk conversions and sort
      pygi-convert.sh: Gtk.DialogFlags conversion
      pygi-convert.sh: improve GtkSourceView conversion
      pygi-convert.sh: handle ReliefStyle
      Override Table.attach() to behave like pygtk
      Plug a small memory leak.
      Plug another memory leak

Sebastian Pölsterl (29):
      Override Gtk.TreeSelection.get_selected to not return success value.
      Make TreeModel behave like in GTK-2.x
      Override Gtk.ComboBox.get_active_iter to not return success value
      Override Gtk.Container.get_focus_chain to not return success value
      Override get_item_at_pos, get_visible_range, get_dest_item_at_pos of Gtk.IconView to not return success value
      Override Gtk.IMContext.get_surrounding to not return success value
      Override Gtk.RecentInfo.get_application_info to not return success value
      Override Gtk.TextBuffer.get_selection_bounds to not return success value
      Override forward_search and backward_search of Gtk.TextIter to not return success value
      Override Gtk.TreeSortable.get_sort_column_id to not return success value
      Override get_path_at_pos and get_dest_row_at_pos of Gtk.TreeView to not return success value
      Override Gtk.TreeViewColumn.cell_get_position to not return success value
      Override Gtk.Widget.translate_coordinates to not return success value
      pygi-convert.sh: Added more conversions
      Override Gtk.Box.pack_start and pack_end to set default values to be compliant with pygtk
      Override Gtk.Paned pack1 and pack2 to add default values to be compliant with pygtk
      Override Gtk.CellLayout.pack_start and pack_end to add default values to be compliant with pygtk
      Override Gtk.TreeViewColumn.pack_start, pack_end and set_cell_data_func to add default values to be compliant with pygtk
      Override TreeSortable.set_sort_func and set_default_sort_func to add default values to be pygtk compliant
      Revert "Override Gtk.TreeViewColumn.pack_start, pack_end and set_cell_data_func to add default values to be compliant with pygtk"
      Revert "Override Gtk.CellLayout.pack_start and pack_end to add default values to be compliant with pygtk"
      Revert "Override Gtk.Box.pack_start and pack_end to set default values to be compliant with pygtk"
      GTK overrides: Do type conversion to column types of ListStore and TreeStore in set_value
      Merge branch 'value'
      Convert Gdk.Pixbuf to GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf
      [gi] Enable handling of Gdk.EventType.2BUTTON_PRESS and 3BUTTON_PRESS
      [gi] Fixed typo in exception
      pygi-convert.sh: Convert gdk.GRAB_*
      pygi-convert.sh: Convert gtk.UI_MANAGER_*

Simon Schampijer (1):
      Gdk.Window: Map the standard constructor to the *new* constructor

Simon van der Linden (5):
      Don't call getattr again in gi.overrides.Gdk.Event.__getattr__
      Move pyglib_{main_context, option_context, option_group}_new into _PyGLib_API
      Deduce PYTHON_LIBS in addition to PYTHON_INCLUDES
      Raise required versions of GLib and GObject-Introspection

Simón Pena (1):
      Don't check the inner type when comparing gpointers

Steve Frécinaux (14):
      Handle GObject subclasses in the property helper.
      Always register a new GType when a GObject class is subclassed
      Fix a typo in a private symbol name.
      Add a test to check for regular object reference count
      Add tests for refcount of a GObject owned by a library
      Fix reference leaks for GInitiallyUnowned objects
      Factor out parameter marshalling from construction functions.
      Add some tests for the number of python refs held at creation time
      Fix leaked python reference in python-defined subclasses
      Fix wrong refcount when calling introspected widget constructors
      Revert "Fix reference leaks for GInitiallyUnowned objects"
      Revert "Fix wrong refcount when calling introspected widget constructors"
      Ensure the sink functions are only ran once.
      Decrease the refcount for GInitiallyUnowned constructors.

Thomas Hindoe Paaboel Andersen (2):
      pygi-convert.sh: Gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB
      pygi-convert.sh: GdkPixbuf methods

Tomeu Vizoso (15):
      Stop checking that all vfuncs are implemented
      Use suppresion file when running valgrind
      Comment out tests that require SRV lookups
      Add /usr/share to XDG_DATA_DIRS when running the tests
      Fix stupid name clash
      Add test for incorrect attributes in Gdk.Event
      Go back to using getattr() in DynamicModule.__getattr__
      Use g_vfunc_info_invoke for chaining up in vfuncs
      Dont try to guess the transfer if its a boxed
      Remove cairo.RectangleInt from the foreign module
      Remove gio static bindings
      Link libregress.so to GIO_LIBS again
      Also deal with foreign boxed structs
      Construct structs using default API constructor
      Uncomment test_gi.TestInterfaceClash

Tony Young (1):
      Python iterator interface support for GFileEnumerator.

Vincent Untz (1):
      Make row optional in Gtk.TreeStore/ListStore.append override

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