[gimp/gtk3-port: 176/237] port gtkrc files to CSS (incompletely and stuff commented out)

commit fb05a23ccb9554908122e34dd57cb28436aa77c4
Author: Michael Natterer <mitch gimp org>
Date:   Wed Dec 29 15:14:18 2010 +0100

    port gtkrc files to CSS (incompletely and stuff commented out)

 etc/Makefile.am            |    2 +-
 etc/gimp.css               |    9 +++
 etc/gtkrc                  |   24 -------
 themes/Default/Makefile.am |    2 +-
 themes/Default/gimp.css    |  102 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 themes/Default/gtkrc       |  142 -----------------------------------------
 themes/Small/Makefile.am   |    2 +-
 themes/Small/gimp.css      |  102 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 themes/Small/gtkrc         |  149 --------------------------------------------
 9 files changed, 216 insertions(+), 318 deletions(-)
diff --git a/etc/Makefile.am b/etc/Makefile.am
index 7ab896a..850b3ab 100644
--- a/etc/Makefile.am
+++ b/etc/Makefile.am
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 gimpsysconf_DATA = \
 	controllerrc	\
 	gimprc		\
-	gtkrc		\
+	gimp.css	\
 	menurc		\
 	sessionrc	\
 	templaterc	\
diff --git a/etc/gimp.css b/etc/gimp.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01d1365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/gimp.css
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+/* You can add your own GIMP-specific GTK styles here */
+/* Adjust the size of previews in plug-in dialogs */
+GimpPreview {
+  -GimpPreview-size: 256;
diff --git a/themes/Default/Makefile.am b/themes/Default/Makefile.am
index 003b09a..0dc3c1a 100644
--- a/themes/Default/Makefile.am
+++ b/themes/Default/Makefile.am
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ SUBDIRS = images
 themedatadir = $(gimpdatadir)/themes/Default
-themedata_DATA = gtkrc
+themedata_DATA = gimp.css
 EXTRA_DIST = $(themedata_DATA)
diff --git a/themes/Default/gimp.css b/themes/Default/gimp.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea875f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/Default/gimp.css
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+/* GIMP theme css file */
+* {
+  stock["gtk-dialog-error"] =
+    {
+      { "images/stock-error-64.png", *, *, "gtk-dialog" }
+    }
+  stock["gtk-dialog-info"] =
+    {
+      { "images/stock-info-64.png", *, *, "gtk-dialog" }
+    }
+  stock["gtk-dialog-question"] =
+    {
+      { "images/stock-question-64.png", *, *, "gtk-dialog" }
+    }
+  stock["gtk-dialog-warning"] =
+    {
+      { "images/stock-warning-64.png", *, *, "gtk-dialog" }
+    }
+  -GtkPaned-handle-size:             6;
+  -GimpDockWindow-default-height:    300;
+  -GimpDock-font-scale:              0.8333;
+  -GimpMenuDock-minimal-width:       200;
+  -GimpDockWindow-menu-preview-size: button;
+  -GimpToolPalette-tool-icon-size:   button;
+  -GimpToolPalette-button-relief:    none;
+  -GimpDockbook-tab-border:          0;
+  -GimpDockbook-tab-icon-size:       button;
+  -GimpColorNotebook-tab-border:     0;
+  -GimpColorNotebook-tab-icon-size:  button;
+  -GimpDeviceEditor-handle-size;     12;
+  -GimpDockable-content-border:      2;
+  -GimpEditor-content-spacing:       2;
+  -GimpEditor-button-spacing:        2;
+  -GimpEditor-button-icon-size:      menu;
+  -GimpDataEditor-minimal-height:    96;
+  -GtkDialog-content-area-border:    0;
+  -GtkDialog-button-spacing:         6;
+  -GtkDialog-action-area-border:     12;
+  -GimpUnitComboBox-appears-as-list: 0;
+GimpToolDialog {
+  -GtkDialog-action-area-border: 6;
+GimpDockable {
+  -GimpFrame-label-bold:       0;
+  -GimpFrame-label-spacing:    2;
+  -GtkButton-focus-line-width: 1;
+  -GtkButton-focus-padding:    0;
+GimpDisplayShell {
+  -GimpRuler-font-scale:          0.8333;
+  -GimpUnitComboBox-label-scale:  0.8333;
+  -GimpScaleComboBox-label-scale: 0.8333;
+  -GtkComboBox-arrow-size:        8;
+  -GtkButton-inner-border:        0 0 0 0;
+  -GtkButton-focus-line_width:    0;
+  -GtkButton-focus-padding:       0;
+GimpOverlayFrame {
+  -GtkButton-focus-line-width: 1;
+  color["fg_color"]          = "#E6E6E6"
+  color["bg_color"]          = "#555753"
+  color["base_color"]        = "#2E3436"
+  color["text_color"]        = "#D3D7CF"
+  color["selected_bg_color"] = "#3F403D"
+  color["selected_fg_color"] = "#7AA3CC"
+  fg[NORMAL]        = @fg_color
+  fg[PRELIGHT]      = @fg_color
+  fg[SELECTED]      = @selected_fg_color
+  fg[ACTIVE]        = @fg_color
+  fg[INSENSITIVE]   = darker (@bg_color)
+  bg[NORMAL]        = @bg_color
+  bg[PRELIGHT]      = shade (1.02, @bg_color)
+  bg[SELECTED]	    = @selected_bg_color
+  bg[INSENSITIVE]   = @bg_color
+  bg[ACTIVE]        = shade (0.9, @bg_color)
+  base[NORMAL]      = @base_color
+  base[PRELIGHT]    = shade (0.95, @bg_color)
+  base[ACTIVE]      = shade (0.9, @selected_bg_color)
+  base[SELECTED]    = @selected_bg_color
+  base[INSENSITIVE] = @bg_color
+  text[NORMAL]      = @text_color
+  text[PRELIGHT]    = @text_color
+  text[ACTIVE]      = @selected_fg_color
+  text[SELECTED]    = @selected_fg_color
+  text[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@bg_color)
diff --git a/themes/Small/Makefile.am b/themes/Small/Makefile.am
index 324db9d..d18de92 100644
--- a/themes/Small/Makefile.am
+++ b/themes/Small/Makefile.am
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
 themedatadir = $(gimpdatadir)/themes/Small
-themedata_DATA = gtkrc
+themedata_DATA = gimp.css
 EXTRA_DIST = $(themedata_DATA)
diff --git a/themes/Small/gimp.css b/themes/Small/gimp.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ddb67a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/Small/gimp.css
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+/* GIMP theme css file */
+* {
+  stock["gtk-dialog-error"] =
+    {
+      { "images/stock-error-64.png", *, *, "gtk-dialog" }
+    }
+  stock["gtk-dialog-info"] =
+    {
+      { "images/stock-info-64.png", *, *, "gtk-dialog" }
+    }
+  stock["gtk-dialog-question"] =
+    {
+      { "images/stock-question-64.png", *, *, "gtk-dialog" }
+    }
+  stock["gtk-dialog-warning"] =
+    {
+      { "images/stock-warning-64.png", *, *, "gtk-dialog" }
+    }
+  -GtkPaned-handle-size:             5;
+  -GimpDockWindow-default-height:    240;
+  -GimpDock-font-scale:              0.8333;
+  -GimpMenuDock-minimal-width:       200;
+  -GimpDockWindow-menu-preview-size: small-toolbar;
+  -GimpToolPalette-tool-icon-size:   menu;
+  -GimpToolPalette-button-relief:    none;
+  -GimpDockbook-tab-border:          0;
+  -GimpDockbook-tab-icon-size:       menu;
+  -GimpColorNotebook-tab-border:     0;
+  -GimpColorNotebook-tab-icon-size:  menu;
+  -GimpDeviceEditor-handle-size:     12;
+  -GimpDockable-content-border:      1;
+  -GimpEditor-content-spacing:       1;
+  -GimpEditor-button-spacing:        1;
+  -GimpEditor-button-icon-size:      menu;
+  -GimpDataEditor-minimal-height:    64;
+  -GtkDialog-content-area-border:    0;
+  -GtkDialog-button-spacing:         6;
+  -GtkDialog-action-area-border:     12;
+  -GimpUnitComboBox-appears-as-list: 0;
+GimpToolDialog {
+  -GtkDialog-action-area-border: 6;
+GimpDockable {
+  -GimpFrame-label-bold:       0;
+  -GimpFrame-label-spacing:    0;
+  -GtkButton-focus-line-width: 1;
+  -GtkButton-focus-padding:    0;
+GimpDisplayShell {
+  -GimpRuler-font-scale:          0.6444;
+  -GimpUnitComboBox-label-scale:  0.8333;
+  -GimpScaleComboBox-label-scale: 0.8333;
+  -GtkComboBox-arrow-size:        8;
+  -GtkButton-inner-border:        0 0 0 0;
+  -GtkButton-focus-line_width:    0;
+  -GtkButton-focus-padding:       0;
+GimpOverlayFrame {
+  -GtkButton-focus-line-width: 1;
+  color["fg_color"]          = "#E6E6E6"
+  color["bg_color"]          = "#555753"
+  color["base_color"]        = "#2E3436"
+  color["text_color"]        = "#D3D7CF"
+  color["selected_bg_color"] = "#3F403D"
+  color["selected_fg_color"] = "#7AA3CC"
+  fg[NORMAL]        = @fg_color
+  fg[PRELIGHT]      = @fg_color
+  fg[SELECTED]      = @selected_fg_color
+  fg[ACTIVE]        = @fg_color
+  fg[INSENSITIVE]   = darker (@bg_color)
+  bg[NORMAL]        = @bg_color
+  bg[PRELIGHT]      = shade (1.02, @bg_color)
+  bg[SELECTED]	    = @selected_bg_color
+  bg[INSENSITIVE]   = @bg_color
+  bg[ACTIVE]        = shade (0.9, @bg_color)
+  base[NORMAL]      = @base_color
+  base[PRELIGHT]    = shade (0.95, @bg_color)
+  base[ACTIVE]      = shade (0.9, @selected_bg_color)
+  base[SELECTED]    = @selected_bg_color
+  base[INSENSITIVE] = @bg_color
+  text[NORMAL]      = @text_color
+  text[PRELIGHT]    = @text_color
+  text[ACTIVE]      = @selected_fg_color
+  text[SELECTED]    = @selected_fg_color
+  text[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@bg_color)

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