[gnome-games] [gnome-sudoku/strategy] various edits to help clarify.

commit 41fe25d4d6920cc73d1553049752877a7d857360
Author: Tiffany Antopolski <tiffany antopolski gmail com>
Date:   Tue Dec 27 17:20:54 2011 -0500

    [gnome-sudoku/strategy] various edits to help clarify.

 gnome-sudoku/help/C/strategy.page |   82 +++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gnome-sudoku/help/C/strategy.page b/gnome-sudoku/help/C/strategy.page
index 3759aee..6d7d208 100644
--- a/gnome-sudoku/help/C/strategy.page
+++ b/gnome-sudoku/help/C/strategy.page
@@ -2,47 +2,49 @@
 	type="topic" style="task"
-		<revision version="0.1" date="2011-12-15" status="review"/>
-		<link type="guide" xref="index#play"/>
-		<credit type="author copyright">
-		<name>Radoslav Asparuhov</name>
-		<email>rasparuhov gmail com</email>
-		<years>2011</years>
-		</credit>
-		<license>
-			<p>Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0</p>
-		</license>
+          <revision version="0.1" date="2011-12-15" status="review"/>
+	  <link type="guide" xref="index#play"/>
+	  <credit type="author copyright">
+	    <name>Radoslav Asparuhov</name>
+	    <email>rasparuhov gmail com</email>
+	  <years>2011</years>
+	  </credit>
+	  <credit type="editor">
+	    <name>Tiffany Antopolski</name>
+	    <email>tiffany antopolski gmail com</email>
+	  </credit>	
+	  <license>
+		<p>Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0</p>
+	  </license>
-	<p>First strategy:</p>
-		<steps>
-		<item><p>Find the row with the most numbers.</p></item>
-		<item><p>Find which numbers in it are missing(If there are more than one, choose one).</p></item>
-		<item><p>Choose one cell and then see which of the missing numbers are in that column.</p></item>
-		<item><p>Then write in the upper field(see also <link xref="notes">Notes	</link>) which of the missing numbers aren't in the column
-		(that means which numbers could be in that cell) and in the bottom write the 
-		numbers that might be there.</p></item>
-		<item><p>5.Go to the next cell of the chosen row.
-		Repeat this for every row or column(it doesn't matter.)
-		Always look carefully for the numbers and don't forget the 3x3 boxes:)</p></item>
-		<item><p>If it doesn't help try with the strategy explained below.</p></item>
-		</steps>
-	<p>Second strategy:</p>
-		<steps>
-		<item><p>Find the number that appears the most.</p></item>
-		<item><p>Now look at the column of 3x3 boxes and find in which of the rows you see the chosen number.</p></item>
-		<item><p>Write in the upper field of every cell of the row of the 3x3 boxe in which you don't see the chosen number(if there is any,
-		if there isn't: look at the row in which this 3x3 boxe is and make that step again but insteed of columns look at the rows)
-		which means that the chosen number might be in that cell and in the other cells of that 3x3 boxe write in the bottom field 
-		the same number to know that this number can't be there.</p></item>
-		<item><p>If it doesn't help look at the upper strategy.</p></item>
-		</steps>
-	<p>Third strategy:</p>
-	<steps>
-	<item><p>If neither strategy explained above works, try this...</p></item>	
-	<item><p>Find the number which appears most often.</p></item>	
-	<item><p>Try the both strategies one after another.</p></item>	
-	<item><p>If the first chosen don't work try the other for the same cell you have chosen.</p></item>	
-	</steps>
+        <p>There is only one possibility for each cell in a Sudoku puzzle. The following strategies will help
+          you systematically discover the solution for every cell.</p>
+	<p>Strategy 1:</p>
+	  <steps>
+	    <item><p>Choose the row with the most numbers in it.</p>
+                  <note><p>You should choose the row or column with the most numbers.  For simplicity, these
+			instructions are written as if a row had the most numbers in it.
+                  </p></note>
+            </item>
+	    <item><p>Determine which numbers in the row are missing.</p></item>
+	    <item><p>Choose one of the cells with a missing number. Determine which of the missing numbers are in that column or in that 3x3 box.</p></item>
+	    <item><p> Using <link xref="notes">notes</link>, enter the missing numbers which are not in that column or 3x3 box, into the the upper field. These numbers are candidate solutions for that cell.</p></item>
+	    <item><p>Go to the next empty cell of the chosen row and repeat the above method. Repeat this for every row. Always look carefully for the numbers and don't forget the 3x3 boxes.</p></item>
+            <item><p>The strategy will help reveal the cells which have only one possible choice. At this point, you can fill those cells in with that choice, and repeat the strategy again until the entire puzzle is solved.</p></item>
+	  </steps>
+	<p>Strategy 2:</p>
+	  <steps>
+	    <item><p>Find the number which appears most often.</p></item>
+	    <item><p>Now look at the left vertical alignment of the 3x3 boxes and locate the columns in which this number appears.</p></item>
+  	    <item><p>In this alignment, go to a 3x3 box which does not contain this number in any of its cells.  Using <link xref="notes">notes</link>, enter this number in every empty cell of the column in whihc this number does not appear.</p></item>
+	    <item><p>Repeat the last two steps for the center and right vertical alignments, and then for the horizontal alignments.</p></item>
+            <item><p>Find the next number which appears most, and repeat until you have done this for all 9 numbers.</p></item>
+            <item><p>The strategy will help reveal the cells which have only one possible choice. At this point, you can fill those cells in with that choice, and repeat the strategy again until the entire puzzle is solved.</p></item>
+	  </steps>
+	   <note><p>If neither of the above strategies solves the puzzle on its own, you can alternate strategies. You can also combine the strategies.</p></note>	

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