[nautilus] (9 commits) Created branch freedesktop-dbus

The branch 'freedesktop-dbus' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  a3c3870... Add declaration for the org.freedesktop.FileManager1 DBus i
  aa01e30... Generate the org.freedesktop DBus code
  456afcb... DBus boilerplate for handling the org.freedesktop.FileManag
  e1a2bce... Pass the NautilusApplication to the freedesktop DBus manage
  e7dc7a2... Initialize the freedesktop DBus manager from NautilusApplic
  08b590a... Implement ShowItems()
  5f3b007... Implement ShowFolders()
  f65bd26... Allow creating a properties window with a NULL parent widge
  ecf70ad... Implement ShowItemProperties()

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