[seed] Revert "Introduce facilities for client DBus using GDbus: methods generation, signals and properties

commit eedae3e24b470b28951b9d303b65b94ad9613209
Author: Alan Knowles <alan akbkhome com>
Date:   Wed Aug 31 17:32:10 2011 +0800

    Revert "Introduce facilities for client DBus using GDbus: methods generation, signals and properties binding."
    Wait until we have API fixed.
    This reverts commit 9f4589a7f8eb24f755fd2931499a1d2a3346911c.

 extensions/Gio.js |  181 +----------------------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 178 deletions(-)
diff --git a/extensions/Gio.js b/extensions/Gio.js
index 78e75c1..cc3db2a 100644
--- a/extensions/Gio.js
+++ b/extensions/Gio.js
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
-GLib = imports.gi.GLib;
 Gio = imports.gi.Gio;
-Lang = imports.lang;
@@ -10,15 +8,15 @@ Lang = imports.lang;
 	    var stream = new Gio.DataInputStream.c_new(this);
 	    var line = stream.read_until("", 0);
-	return line;
+	    return line;	
     Gio.simple_write = function(file, name)
 	    var file = Gio.file_new_for_path(file);
 	    var fstream = file.replace();
 	    var dstream = new Gio.DataOutputStream.c_new(fstream);
@@ -34,177 +32,4 @@ Lang = imports.lang;
 	    return line;
-    Gio.DBusProxy.prototype._call = _call;
-    Gio.DBusProxy.prototype._callAsync = _callAsync;
-    Gio.DBusProxy.new = _simple_proxy_factory;
-/* Handler for GDBusProxy::g_properties_change
- * Invoke the javascript handler, if any, for each changed property
- * Property change handler should be declared as on($propertyName)Changed
- * field of the proxy instance.
- */
-function _dispatchPropertiesChanged (proxy,
-				     changedPropsVariant,
-				     invalidatedProps,
-				     userData)
-    var jsonRes = changedPropsVariant.toJSON();
-    for (var changedProperty in jsonRes)
-    {
-	handlerName = 'on'+changedProperty+'Changed';
-	if (proxy[handlerName])
-	    proxy[handlerName] (jsonRes[changedProperty]);
-    }
-/* Handler for GDBusProxy::g_signal
- * Invoke the javascript handler, if any, registered for the incoming
- * signal.
- * Signal handler should be declared as on($signalName) field of the proxy
- * instance.
- */
-function _dispatchSignal (proxy, senderName, signalName, parameters)
-    handlerName = 'on'+signalName;
-    if (!this[handlerName])
-	return;
-    var jsonRes = parameters.toJSON ();
-    proxy[handlerName] (jsonRes);
-/* Synchronous call of a remote DBus method
- */
-function _call (method, inSignature, outSignature, args)
-    var variantRes =
-	this.call_sync (method,
-			args ? GLib.Variant.new(inSignature, arg) : null,
-			Gio.DBusCallFlags.NONE, -1);
-    return  variantRes.toJSON ();
-/* Asynchronous call of a remote DBus method
- * The callback function must take arguments with the same signature
- * as the return value of the invoked method.
- */
-function _callAsync (method, inSignature, outSignature, callback, args)
-    var variantRes = this.call (method,
-				args || args != '' ? GLib.Variant.new(inSignature, args) : null,
-				Gio.DBusCallFlags.NONE,
-				-1,
-				null,
-				function (p, res) {
-				    var variantRes = p.call_finish (res);
-				    var jsonRes = variantRes.toJSON ();
-				    if (callback)
-					callback (jsonRes);
-				},
-				"");
-/* Create a DBus proxy for the given service
- * Two Javascript methods are created for each introspected
- * DBus method name $methodName:
- * - proxy.$methodName: sync version
- * - proxy.$methodNameAsync: asyn version
- */
-function _simple_proxy_factory (bus, name, object, iface) {
-    var res = new Gio.DBusProxy.for_bus_sync (bus,
-					      Gio.DBusProxyFlags.NONE,
-					      null,
-					      name,
-					      object,
-					      iface,
-					      null);
-    var introspectionProxy =
-	new Gio.DBusProxy.for_bus_sync (bus,
-					Gio.DBusProxyFlags.NONE,
-					null,
-					name,
-					object,
-					"org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable",
-					null);
-    var objectDescription = introspectionProxy._call ('Introspect',
-						      null, 's', null);
-    var parser = imports.libxml;
-    var xmlDoc = parser.parseString (objectDescription);
-    var objectDescription = xmlDoc.root.toJSON();
-    var interfacesArray = objectDescription['interface'];
-    var interfaces = {};
-    for (var i = 0; i < interfacesArray.length; i++)
-	interfaces[interfacesArray[i].name] = interfacesArray[i];
-    var requestedInterface = interfaces[iface];
-    for (var i = 0;i < requestedInterface.method.length; i++)
-    {
-	var methodDescription = requestedInterface.method[i];
-	var name = methodDescription.name;
-	var inSignature = _dbusInSignatureFromJSON (methodDescription);
-	var outSignature = _dbusOutSignatureFromJSON (methodDescription);
-	// capture name, inSignature, outSignature
-	res[name] = function(name, inSignature, outSignature) {
-	    return function () {
-		var args = Array.prototype.slice.call (arguments, 0);
-		return res._call (name, inSignature, outSignature, args)
-	    }
-	} (name, inSignature, outSignature);
-	res[name+'Async'] = function (name, inSignature, outSignature) {
-	    return function () {
-		var callback;
-		var args;
-		if (typeof (arguments[0]) == 'function')
-		{
-		    callback = arguments[0];
-		    args = Array.prototype.slice.call (arguments, 1);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		    callback = this['on'+name+'Returned'];
-		    args = Array.prototype.slice.call (arguments, 0);
-		}
-		res._callAsync(name,
-			       inSignature, outSignature, callback, args);
-	    }
-	} (name, inSignature, outSignature);
-    }
-    res.signal.connect ("g_properties_changed",
-			Lang.bind(res, _dispatchPropertiesChanged));
-    res.signal.connect ("g_signal",  Lang.bind(res, _dispatchSignal));
-    return res;
-/// Utils ///
-/* Generate the DBus/Variant signature from a json description of the method
- */
-function _dbusSignatureFromJSON (jsonMethodDescription, dir)
-    if (!jsonMethodDescription.arg)
-	return;
-    args = jsonMethodDescription.arg;
-    var res = '';
-    for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
-	if (args[i].direction == dir)
-	    res += args[i].type;
-    return '('+res+')';
-function _dbusOutSignatureFromJSON (json)
-{ return _dbusSignatureFromJSON(json, 'out'); }
-function _dbusInSignatureFromJSON (json)
-{ return _dbusSignatureFromJSON(json, 'in'); }

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