[gnome-documents] sidebar: move the source model to Sources

commit bddac88964d361fd3115e424d1fc3b165799c941
Author: Cosimo Cecchi <cosimoc gnome org>
Date:   Thu Aug 25 13:17:26 2011 -0400

    sidebar: move the source model to Sources
    And turn the sidebar into a more manageable GtkNotebook widget while
    we're at it.

 src/sidebar.js |  163 +++++++++++--------------------------------------------
 src/sources.js |  123 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 156 insertions(+), 130 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/sidebar.js b/src/sidebar.js
index 105196d..a7d1183 100644
--- a/src/sidebar.js
+++ b/src/sidebar.js
@@ -22,127 +22,46 @@
 const Gd = imports.gi.Gd;
 const Goa = imports.gi.Goa;
 const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk;
-const Pango = imports.gi.Pango;
 const _ = imports.gettext.gettext;
 const Lang = imports.lang;
 const Signals = imports.signals;
 const Global = imports.global;
+const Sources = imports.sources;
-const SidebarModelColumns = {
-    ID: 0,
-    NAME: 1,
-    HEADING: 2
-function SidebarModel() {
-    this._init();
-SidebarModel.prototype = {
-    _init: function() {
-        this.model = Gd.create_sidebar_store();
-        this._sourceManager = Global.sourceManager;
-        this.model.clear();
-        let iter = this.model.append();
-        Gd.sidebar_store_set(this.model, iter,
-                             '', _("Sources"), true);
-        let sources = this._sourceManager.sources;
-        sources.forEach(Lang.bind(this,
-            function(source) {
-                iter = this.model.append();
-                Gd.sidebar_store_set(this.model, iter,
-                                     source.id, source.name, false);
-            }));
-    }
 function SidebarView() {
 SidebarView.prototype = {
     _init: function() {
-        this._model = new SidebarModel();
-        this._sourceManager = Global.sourceManager;
+        this.widget = new Gtk.Grid({ orientation: Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL,
+                                    border_width: 6,
+                                    width_request: _SIDEBAR_WIDTH_REQUEST,
+                                    column_homogeneous: true });
-        this._treeView = new Gtk.TreeView({ headers_visible: false,
-                                            no_show_all: true });
-        Gd.gtk_tree_view_set_activate_on_single_click(this._treeView, true);
-        this.widget = this._treeView;
-        this._treeView.set_model(this._model.model);
-        let selection = this._treeView.get_selection();
-        selection.set_mode(Gtk.SelectionMode.SINGLE);
-        this._treeView.connect('row-activated', Lang.bind(this,
-            function(view, path) {
-                let iter = this._model.model.get_iter(path)[1];
-                let id = this._model.model.get_value(iter, SidebarModelColumns.ID);
-                let name = this._model.model.get_value(iter, SidebarModelColumns.NAME);
-                this._sourceManager.setActiveSourceId(id);
-            }));
-        let col = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
-        this._treeView.append_column(col);
-        // headings
-        this._rendererHeading = new Gtk.CellRendererText({ weight: Pango.Weight.BOLD,
-                                                           weight_set: true });
-        col.pack_start(this._rendererHeading, false);
-        col.add_attribute(this._rendererHeading,
-                          'text', SidebarModelColumns.NAME);
-        col.set_cell_data_func(this._rendererHeading,
-            Lang.bind(this, this._visibilityForHeading, true));
-        // radio selection
-        this._rendererRadio = new Gtk.CellRendererToggle({ radio: true,
-                                                           mode: Gtk.CellRendererMode.INERT });
-        col.pack_start(this._rendererRadio, false);
-        col.set_cell_data_func(this._rendererRadio,
-            Lang.bind(this, this._visibilityForHeading, false,
-                      Lang.bind(this,
-                          function(col, cell, model, iter) {
-                              let id = model.get_value(iter, SidebarModelColumns.ID);
-                              if (id == this._sourceManager.getActiveSourceId())
-                                  cell.active = true;
-                              else
-                                  cell.active = false;
-                          })));
-        // source name
-        this._rendererText = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
-        col.pack_start(this._rendererText, true);
-        col.add_attribute(this._rendererText,
-                          'text', SidebarModelColumns.NAME);
-        col.set_cell_data_func(this._rendererText,
-            Lang.bind(this, this._visibilityForHeading, false));
-        // arrow
-        this._rendererArrow = new Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf({ icon_name: 'go-next-symbolic',
-                                                           follow_state: true });
-        col.pack_start(this._rendererArrow, false);
-        col.set_cell_data_func(this._rendererArrow,
-            Lang.bind(this, this._visibilityForHeading, false));
-    },
+        let buttonContent = new Gtk.Grid({ orientation: Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL,
+                                           row_spacing: 6 });
+        // FIXME: setting yalign here seems wrong, but why are those not aligned
+        // otherwise?
+        buttonContent.add(new Gtk.Image({ icon_size: Gtk.IconSize.MENU,
+                                          icon_name: 'go-previous-symbolic',
+                                          yalign: 0.75 }));
+        this._buttonLabel = new Gtk.Label({ label: _("Sources") });
+        buttonContent.add(this._buttonLabel);
-    _visibilityForHeading: function(col, cell, model, iter, visible, additionalFunc) {
-        let heading = model.get_value(iter, SidebarModelColumns.HEADING);
+        this._sourcesButton = new Gtk.Button({ child: buttonContent });
+        this.widget.add(this._sourcesButton);
+        this._sourcesButton.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this, this._onSourcesButtonClicked));
-        if ((visible && heading) || (!visible && !heading))
-            cell.visible = true;
-        else
-            cell.visible = false;
+        this.widget.show_all();
+    },
-        if (additionalFunc)
-            additionalFunc(col, cell, model, iter);
+    _onSourcesButtonClicked: function() {
+        this.emit('sources-button-clicked');
@@ -157,42 +76,26 @@ Sidebar.prototype = {
                                     Lang.bind(this, this._onSourceFilterChanged));
-        this.widget = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow({ hscrollbar_policy: Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER });
+        this.widget = new Gtk.Notebook({ show_tabs: false });
-        this._grid = new Gtk.Grid({ orientation: Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL,
-                                    border_width: 6,
-                                    width_request: _SIDEBAR_WIDTH_REQUEST,
-                                    column_homogeneous: true });
-        this.widget.add_with_viewport(this._grid);
-        let buttonContent = new Gtk.Grid({ orientation: Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL,
-                                           row_spacing: 6 });
-        // FIXME: setting yalign here seems wrong, but why are those not aligned
-        // otherwise?
-        buttonContent.add(new Gtk.Image({ icon_size: Gtk.IconSize.MENU,
-                                          icon_name: 'go-previous-symbolic',
-                                          yalign: 0.75 }));
-        this._buttonLabel = new Gtk.Label({ label: _("Sources") });
-        buttonContent.add(this._buttonLabel);
-        this._sourcesButton = new Gtk.Button({ child: buttonContent });
-        this._grid.add(this._sourcesButton);
-        this._sourcesButton.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this, this._onSourcesButtonClicked));
+        this._sourceView = new Sources.SourceView();
+        this.widget.insert_page(this._sourceView.widget, null, 0);
         this._sidebarView = new SidebarView();
-        this._grid.add(this._sidebarView.widget);
+        this.widget.insert_page(this._sidebarView.widget, null, 1);
+        this._sidebarView.connect('sources-button-clicked',
+                                  Lang.bind(this, this._onSourcesButtonClicked));
+        this.widget.set_current_page(1);
-    _onSourcesButtonClicked: function() {
-        this._sourcesButton.hide();
-        this._sidebarView.widget.show();
+    _onSourceFilterChanged: function(sourcePage, id, name) {
+        this.widget.set_current_page(1);
-    _onSourceFilterChanged: function(sourcePage, id, name) {
-        this._sidebarView.widget.hide();
-        this._sourcesButton.show();
+    _onSourcesButtonClicked: function() {
+        this.widget.set_current_page(0);
diff --git a/src/sources.js b/src/sources.js
index 8e29e39..552cccd 100644
--- a/src/sources.js
+++ b/src/sources.js
@@ -23,7 +23,10 @@ const Lang = imports.lang;
 const Mainloop = imports.mainloop;
 const Signals = imports.signals;
+const Gd = imports.gi.Gd;
 const Goa = imports.gi.Goa;
+const Gtk = imports.gi.Gtk;
+const Pango = imports.gi.Pango;
 const _ = imports.gettext.gettext;
 const Global = imports.global;
@@ -140,3 +143,123 @@ SourceManager.prototype = {
+// GTK+ implementations
+const SourceModelColumns = {
+    ID: 0,
+    NAME: 1,
+    HEADING: 2
+function SourceModel() {
+    this._init();
+SourceModel.prototype = {
+    _init: function() {
+        this.model = Gd.create_sidebar_store();
+        this._sourceManager = Global.sourceManager;
+        this.model.clear();
+        let iter = this.model.append();
+        Gd.sidebar_store_set(this.model, iter,
+                             '', _("Sources"), true);
+        let sources = this._sourceManager.sources;
+        sources.forEach(Lang.bind(this,
+            function(source) {
+                iter = this.model.append();
+                Gd.sidebar_store_set(this.model, iter,
+                                     source.id, source.name, false);
+            }));
+    }
+function SourceView() {
+    this._init();
+SourceView.prototype = {
+    _init: function() {
+        this._model = new SourceModel();
+        this._sourceManager = Global.sourceManager;
+        this._treeView = new Gtk.TreeView({ headers_visible: false });
+        Gd.gtk_tree_view_set_activate_on_single_click(this._treeView, true);
+        this._treeView.set_model(this._model.model);
+        this.widget = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow({ hscrollbar_policy: Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER });
+        this.widget.add(this._treeView);
+        let selection = this._treeView.get_selection();
+        selection.set_mode(Gtk.SelectionMode.SINGLE);
+        this._treeView.connect('row-activated', Lang.bind(this,
+            function(view, path) {
+                let iter = this._model.model.get_iter(path)[1];
+                let id = this._model.model.get_value(iter, SourceModelColumns.ID);
+                let name = this._model.model.get_value(iter, SourceModelColumns.NAME);
+                this._sourceManager.setActiveSourceId(id);
+            }));
+        let col = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
+        this._treeView.append_column(col);
+        // headings
+        this._rendererHeading = new Gtk.CellRendererText({ weight: Pango.Weight.BOLD,
+                                                           weight_set: true });
+        col.pack_start(this._rendererHeading, false);
+        col.add_attribute(this._rendererHeading,
+                          'text', SourceModelColumns.NAME);
+        col.set_cell_data_func(this._rendererHeading,
+            Lang.bind(this, this._visibilityForHeading, true));
+        // radio selection
+        this._rendererRadio = new Gtk.CellRendererToggle({ radio: true,
+                                                           mode: Gtk.CellRendererMode.INERT });
+        col.pack_start(this._rendererRadio, false);
+        col.set_cell_data_func(this._rendererRadio,
+            Lang.bind(this, this._visibilityForHeading, false,
+                      Lang.bind(this,
+                          function(col, cell, model, iter) {
+                              let id = model.get_value(iter, SourceModelColumns.ID);
+                              if (id == this._sourceManager.getActiveSourceId())
+                                  cell.active = true;
+                              else
+                                  cell.active = false;
+                          })));
+        // source name
+        this._rendererText = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+        col.pack_start(this._rendererText, true);
+        col.add_attribute(this._rendererText,
+                          'text', SourceModelColumns.NAME);
+        col.set_cell_data_func(this._rendererText,
+            Lang.bind(this, this._visibilityForHeading, false));
+        // arrow
+        this._rendererArrow = new Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf({ icon_name: 'go-next-symbolic',
+                                                           follow_state: true });
+        col.pack_start(this._rendererArrow, false);
+        col.set_cell_data_func(this._rendererArrow,
+            Lang.bind(this, this._visibilityForHeading, false));
+        this.widget.show_all();
+    },
+    _visibilityForHeading: function(col, cell, model, iter, visible, additionalFunc) {
+        let heading = model.get_value(iter, SourceModelColumns.HEADING);
+        if ((visible && heading) || (!visible && !heading))
+            cell.visible = true;
+        else
+            cell.visible = false;
+        if (additionalFunc)
+            additionalFunc(col, cell, model, iter);
+    }

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