[glom] Print Layout: Related records: Corrections for column sizes.

commit 31668ef98ee7517cf994dcaa91cee4448c0afe1c
Author: Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com>
Date:   Tue Aug 23 10:55:59 2011 +0200

    Print Layout: Related records: Corrections for column sizes.
    * glom/print_layout/canvas_layout_item.cc: create_canvas_item_for_layout_item():
    Related records table: Use an extra GooCanvasRect to make sure that the
    cell size is really what we want, avoiding GooCanvasText's and GooCanvasTable's
      attempts to be cleverer than we want.
      Also, make sure that the last column is expanded, regardless of any size
      specified, if all the other columnd had specified sizes.

 ChangeLog                               |   11 ++++++
 glom/print_layout/canvas_layout_item.cc |   58 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 2 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 92f4cfd..c83a564 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
+2011-08-23  Murray Cumming  <murrayc murrayc com>
+	Print Layout: Related records: Corrections for column sizes.
+	* glom/print_layout/canvas_layout_item.cc: create_canvas_item_for_layout_item():
+	Related records table: Use an extra GooCanvasRect to make sure that the 
+	cell size is really what we want, avoiding GooCanvasText's and GooCanvasTable's 
+  attempts to be cleverer than we want.
+  Also, make sure that the last column is expanded, regardless of any size 
+  specified, if all the other columnd had specified sizes.
 2011-08-22  Murray Cumming  <murrayc murrayc com>
 	Print Layout: Related Records: Set the row height.
diff --git a/glom/print_layout/canvas_layout_item.cc b/glom/print_layout/canvas_layout_item.cc
index e3c7b81..7ad456d 100644
--- a/glom/print_layout/canvas_layout_item.cc
+++ b/glom/print_layout/canvas_layout_item.cc
@@ -297,6 +297,8 @@ Glib::RefPtr<CanvasItemMovable> CanvasLayoutItem::create_canvas_item_for_layout_
             for(guint row = 0; row < (guint)max_rows; ++row)
               guint col = 0;
+              const guint num_cols = child_items.size();
+              bool something_expanded = false;
               for(LayoutGroup::type_list_items::const_iterator iter = child_items.begin(); iter != child_items.end(); ++iter)
                 sharedptr<LayoutItem> layout_item = *iter;
@@ -306,24 +308,56 @@ Glib::RefPtr<CanvasItemMovable> CanvasLayoutItem::create_canvas_item_for_layout_
                 //but goocanvas cannot yet support Groups inside Tables. murrayc.
                 //TODO: Bug number.
                 Glib::RefPtr<CanvasItemMovable> cell = create_canvas_item_for_layout_item(layout_item);
-                if(cell)
+                Glib::RefPtr<Goocanvas::Item> cell_as_item = CanvasItemMovable::cast_to_item(cell);
+                if(cell && cell_as_item)
-                  //Make sure that the width is sensible:
+                  const guint width = layout_item->get_display_width();
+                  bool expand = (width == 0);
-                  guint width = layout_item->get_display_width();
-                  width = std::max(width, (guint)10);
-                  //cell->set_width_height(width, row_height);
-                  //TODO: Add/Remove rows when resizing, instead of resizing the rows:
-                  cell->set_width_height(width, row_height);
-                  Glib::RefPtr<Goocanvas::Item> cell_as_item = CanvasItemMovable::cast_to_item(cell);
-                  if(cell_as_item)
+                  //If this is the last item, and no other item has expanded,
+                  //let this one expand,
+                  //Otherwise, we could allocate less space than the table has left.
+                  //TODO: Prevent the user from allocating _more_ space than the table has.
+                  if(!something_expanded && (col == (num_cols - 1)))
+                  {
+                    expand = true;
+                  }
+                  if(expand)
+                  {
+                    //Let the table allocate the width automatically:
+                    cell->set_width_height(-1, row_height);
+                    canvas_item->attach(cell_as_item,
+                      col /* left_attach */, col + 1 /* right_attach */,
+                      row /* top_attach */, row + 1 /* right_attach */,
+                      (Gtk::AttachOptions)(Gtk::FILL | Gtk::EXPAND), (Gtk::AttachOptions)(Gtk::FILL | Gtk::EXPAND));
+                    something_expanded = true;
+                  }
+                  else
+                    //Enforce a width:
+                    //TODO: Add/Remove rows when resizing, instead of resizing the rows:
+                    cell->set_width_height(width, row_height);
                       col /* left_attach */, col + 1 /* right_attach */,
                       row /* top_attach */, row + 1 /* right_attach */,
-                      Gtk::FILL, (Gtk::AttachOptions)Gtk::FILL | Gtk::EXPAND);
+                      (Gtk::FILL), (Gtk::AttachOptions)(Gtk::FILL | Gtk::EXPAND));
+                    //Add a second item (an invisible rect) to make sure that the size is really used:
+                    Glib::RefPtr<Goocanvas::Rect> rect = 
+                      Goocanvas::Rect::create(0, 0, width, row_height);
+                    //TODO: Find out why this doesn't work: rect->property_stroke_pattern() = Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Pattern>();
+                    g_object_set(rect->gobj(), "stroke-pattern", (void*)0, (void*)0);
+                    canvas_item->attach(rect,
+                      col /* left_attach */, col + 1 /* right_attach */,
+                      row /* top_attach */, row + 1 /* right_attach */,
+                      Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK);

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