[longomatch/redesign3: 140/156] Add widgets for tags

commit aeb6b4ab89cf486fcd7582a78640dae46d56ac21
Author: Andoni Morales Alastruey <ylatuya gmail com>
Date:   Thu Jun 2 00:02:57 2011 +0200

    Add widgets for tags

 LongoMatch/Gui/Component/PlayersTaggerWidget.cs    |   86 +++++++++++
 LongoMatch/Gui/Component/StringTaggerWidget.cs     |   83 +++++++++++
 LongoMatch/Gui/Component/SubCategoryTagsEditor.cs  |   30 ++++
 LongoMatch/Gui/Component/TaggerWidget.cs           |   92 ++-----------
 LongoMatch/Gui/Component/TagsTreeWidget.cs         |   19 ++-
 LongoMatch/Gui/Dialog/SubCategoryEditor.cs         |  108 ++++++++++++++
 LongoMatch/Gui/Dialog/TaggerDialog.cs              |   17 ++-
 LongoMatch/Handlers/EventsManager.cs               |    2 +
 LongoMatch/LongoMatch.mdp                          |    4 +
 ...LongoMatch.Gui.Component.PlayersTaggerWidget.cs |   39 +++++
 .../LongoMatch.Gui.Component.StringTaggerWidget.cs |   46 ++++++
 .../LongoMatch.Gui.Component.TaggerWidget.cs       |   75 +---------
 .../gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.TaggerDialog.cs  |    2 -
 LongoMatch/gtk-gui/gui.stetic                      |  148 ++++++++++++--------
 14 files changed, 534 insertions(+), 217 deletions(-)
diff --git a/LongoMatch/Gui/Component/PlayersTaggerWidget.cs b/LongoMatch/Gui/Component/PlayersTaggerWidget.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91f2c0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LongoMatch/Gui/Component/PlayersTaggerWidget.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+//  Copyright (C) 2011 Andoni Morales Alastruey
+//  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+//  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+//  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+//  (at your option) any later version.
+//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+//  GNU General Public License for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+//  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+//  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using Gtk;
+using LongoMatch.Store;
+using LongoMatch.Store.Templates;
+namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Component
+	[System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItem(true)]
+	public partial class PlayersTaggerWidget : Gtk.Bin
+	{
+		TeamTemplate template;
+		Dictionary<CheckButton, Player> checkButtonsDict;
+		public PlayersTaggerWidget ()
+		{
+			this.Build ();
+			checkButtonsDict = new Dictionary<CheckButton, Player>();
+		}
+		public void SetPlayersInfo(TeamTemplate template) {
+			CheckButton button;
+			List<Player> playersList;
+			int i=0;
+			if(this.template != null)
+				return;
+			this.template = template;
+			playersList = template.PlayingPlayersList;
+			table1.NColumns =(uint)(playersList.Count/10);
+			table1.NRows =(uint) 10;
+			foreach(Player player in playersList) {
+				button = new CheckButton();
+				button.Label = player.Number + "-" + player.Name;
+				button.Name = i.ToString();
+				button.Show();
+				uint row_top =(uint)(i%table1.NRows);
+				uint row_bottom = (uint) row_top+1 ;
+				uint col_left = (uint) i/table1.NRows;
+				uint col_right = (uint) col_left+1 ;
+				table1.Attach(button,col_left,col_right,row_top,row_bottom);
+				checkButtonsDict.Add(button, player);
+				i++;
+			}
+		}
+		public List<Player> PlayersChecked {
+			set {
+				foreach(var pair in checkButtonsDict)
+					pair.Key.Active = value.Contains(pair.Value);
+			}
+			get {
+				List<Player> playersList = new List<Player>();
+				foreach(var pair in checkButtonsDict) {
+					if(pair.Key.Active)
+						playersList.Add(pair.Value);
+				}
+				return playersList;
+			}
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/LongoMatch/Gui/Component/StringTaggerWidget.cs b/LongoMatch/Gui/Component/StringTaggerWidget.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62c44db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LongoMatch/Gui/Component/StringTaggerWidget.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+//  Copyright (C) 2011 Andoni Morales Alastruey
+//  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+//  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+//  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+//  (at your option) any later version.
+//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+//  GNU General Public License for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+//  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+//  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using Gtk;
+using LongoMatch.Store;
+namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Component
+	[System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItem(true)]
+	public partial class StringTaggerWidget : Gtk.Bin
+	{
+		private Dictionary<StringTag, CheckButton> dict;
+		private List<StringTag> tags;
+		string subcategory;
+		public StringTaggerWidget ()
+		{
+			this.Build ();
+			dict = new Dictionary<StringTag, CheckButton>();
+		}
+		public TagSubCategory SubCategory {
+			set {
+				subcategory = value.Name;
+				Title = subcategory;
+				foreach (string tag in value)
+					AddTagWidget(new StringTag{Value=tag});
+			}
+		}
+		public List<StringTag> Tags {
+			set{
+				tags = value;
+				foreach (var tag in tags) {
+					if (dict.ContainsKey(tag)) 	
+						dict[tag].Active = true;
+				}
+			}
+			get {
+				return tags;
+			}
+		}
+		private void AddTagWidget (StringTag tag){
+			var button = new CheckButton(tag.Value);
+			button.Toggled += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) {
+				if (button.Active) {
+					if (tags.Contains(tag))
+					tags.Add(tag);
+				} else
+					tags.Remove(tag);
+			};
+			dict.Add(tag, button);
+			buttonsbox.PackStart(button, true, false, 0);
+			button.ShowAll();
+		} 
+		private string Title {
+			set {
+				titlelabel.Markup = "<b>" + value + "</b>";
+			}
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/LongoMatch/Gui/Component/SubCategoryTagsEditor.cs b/LongoMatch/Gui/Component/SubCategoryTagsEditor.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6108a6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LongoMatch/Gui/Component/SubCategoryTagsEditor.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+//  Copyright (C) 2011 Andoni Morales Alastruey
+//  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+//  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+//  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+//  (at your option) any later version.
+//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+//  GNU General Public License for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+//  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+//  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+using System;
+namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Component
+	[System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItem(true)]
+	public partial class SubCategoryTagsEditor : Gtk.Bin
+	{
+		public SubCategoryTagsEditor ()
+		{
+			this.Build ();
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/LongoMatch/Gui/Component/TaggerWidget.cs b/LongoMatch/Gui/Component/TaggerWidget.cs
index 86c15b3..141639b 100644
--- a/LongoMatch/Gui/Component/TaggerWidget.cs
+++ b/LongoMatch/Gui/Component/TaggerWidget.cs
@@ -29,91 +29,21 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Component
 	public partial class TaggerWidget : Gtk.Bin
-		private Dictionary<Tag, CheckButton> tagsDict;
 		public TaggerWidget()
-			tagsDict = new Dictionary<Tag, CheckButton>();
-			table1.NColumns = 5;
-		}
-		public List<Tag> Tags {
-			set {
-				CheckButton button = null;
-				foreach(Tag tag in value) {
-					if(tagsDict.TryGetValue(tag, out button))
-						button.Active = true;
-				}
-			}
-			get {
-				List<Tag> list = new List<Tag>();
-				foreach(KeyValuePair<Tag, CheckButton> pair in tagsDict) {
-					if(pair.Value.Active)
-						list.Add(pair.Key);
-				}
-				return list;
-			}
-		}
-		private void AddTag(string text, bool check) {
-			Tag tag = new Tag {
-				Value = text,
-			};
-			if(tagsDict.ContainsKey(tag))
-				return;
-			AddTagWidget(tag, check);
-		}
-		private void AddTagWidget(Tag tag, bool check) {
-			CheckButton button = new CheckButton(tag.Value.ToString());
-			button.Name = tag.Value.ToString();
-			AddElementToTable(button);
-			button.Active = check;
-			tagsDict.Add(tag, button);
-		}
-		private void AddElementToTable(CheckButton button) {
-			uint row_top,row_bottom,col_left,col_right;
-			int index = tagsDict.Count;
-			table1.NRows =(uint)(index/5 + 1);
-			row_top =(uint)(index/table1.NColumns);
-			row_bottom = (uint) row_top+1 ;
-			col_left = (uint) index%table1.NColumns;
-			col_right = (uint) col_left+1 ;
-			table1.Attach(button,col_left,col_right,row_top,row_bottom);
-			button.Show();
+			table1.NColumns = 1;
+			table1.NRows = 1;
-		protected virtual void OnTagbuttonClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
-		{
-			Tag tag;
-			CheckButton button;
-			// Don't allow tags with void strings
-			if(entry1.Text == "")
-				return;
-			// Check if it's the first tag and show the tags table
-			if(tagsDict.Count == 0) {
-				scrolledwindow1.Visible = true;
-				label1.Visible = false;
-			}
-			tag = new Tag {
-				Value = entry1.Text,
-			};
-			if(tagsDict.TryGetValue(tag, out button))
-				button.Active = true;
-			else
-				AddTag(entry1.Text, true);
-			entry1.Text = "";
-		}
-		protected virtual void OnEntry1Activated(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
-		{
-			tagbutton.Click();
+		public void AddSubCategory(TagSubCategory subcat, List<StringTag> tags){
+			StringTaggerWidget tagger = new StringTaggerWidget();
+			tagger.SubCategory = subcat;
+			tagger.Tags = tags;
+			table1.Attach(tagger,0, 1, table1.NRows-1, table1.NRows);
+			table1.NRows ++;
+			tagger.Show();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/LongoMatch/Gui/Component/TagsTreeWidget.cs b/LongoMatch/Gui/Component/TagsTreeWidget.cs
index 9fec3b4..fba92a6 100644
--- a/LongoMatch/Gui/Component/TagsTreeWidget.cs
+++ b/LongoMatch/Gui/Component/TagsTreeWidget.cs
@@ -33,6 +33,17 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Component
 		AND = 1
+	public class Tag:List<string> 
+	{
+		public string Value {
+			set {
+			}
+			get {
+				return "";
+			}
+		}
+	}
@@ -135,8 +146,8 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Component
 		public void UpdateTagsList() {
 			(tagscombobox.Model as ListStore).Clear();
-			foreach(Tag tag in project.Tags)
-				tagscombobox.AppendText(tag.Value.ToString());
+			//foreach(Tag tag in project.Tags)
+			//	tagscombobox.AppendText(tag.Value.ToString());
 		private void AddFilterWidget(Tag tag) {
@@ -203,13 +214,13 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Component
 			if(filterType == FilterType.OR) {
 				foreach(Tag tag in filterTags) {
-					if(tNode.Tags.Contains(tag))
+				//	if(tNode.Tags.Contains(tag))
 						return true;
 				return false;
 			} else {
 				foreach(Tag tag in filterTags) {
-					if(! tNode.Tags.Contains(tag))
+					//if(! tNode.Tags.Contains(tag))
 						return false;
 				return true;
diff --git a/LongoMatch/Gui/Dialog/SubCategoryEditor.cs b/LongoMatch/Gui/Dialog/SubCategoryEditor.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63aa028
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LongoMatch/Gui/Dialog/SubCategoryEditor.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+//  Copyright (C) 2011 Andoni Morales Alastruey
+//  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+//  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+//  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+//  (at your option) any later version.
+//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+//  GNU General Public License for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+//  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+//  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+using System;
+using Gtk;
+using Mono.Unix;
+using LongoMatch.Store;
+namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog
+	public partial class SubCategoryEditor : Gtk.Dialog
+	{
+		private TagSubCategory subcat;
+		public SubCategoryEditor ()
+		{
+			this.Build ();
+		}
+		public TagSubCategory SubCategory{
+			set {
+				ListStore store = new ListStore(typeof (string));
+				foreach (string tag in value.Options)
+					store.AppendValues(tag);
+				subcat = value;
+			}
+			get {
+				return subcat;
+			}
+		}
+		protected virtual void OnDeletebuttonClicked (object sender, System.EventArgs e)
+		{
+			TreeIter iter;
+			string tag;
+			if (!treeview1.Selection.GetSelected(out iter))
+				return;
+			tag = (string)treeview1.Model.GetValue(iter, 0);
+			SubCategory.Options.Remove(tag);
+			(treeview1.Model as ListStore).Remove(ref iter);
+		}		
+		protected virtual void OnEditbuttonClicked (object sender, System.EventArgs e)
+		{
+			EntryDialog nameDialog;
+			string old_option, new_option;
+			TreeIter iter;
+			if (!treeview1.Selection.GetSelected(out iter))
+				return;
+			old_option = (string)treeview1.Model.GetValue(iter, 0);
+			nameDialog = new EntryDialog();
+			nameDialog.ShowCount = false;
+			nameDialog.Text = old_option;
+			if (nameDialog.Run() == (int)ResponseType.Ok) {
+				new_option = nameDialog.Text;
+				if (new_option != old_option) {
+					SubCategory.Options.Remove(old_option);
+					SubCategory.Options.Add(new_option);
+					old_option = new_option;
+				}
+			}
+			nameDialog.Dispose();
+		}
+		protected virtual void OnAddbuttonClicked (object sender, System.EventArgs e)
+		{
+			EntryDialog nameDialog = new EntryDialog();
+			nameDialog.ShowCount = false;
+			if (nameDialog.Run() == (int)ResponseType.Ok) {
+				SubCategory.Options.Add(nameDialog.Text);
+				(treeview1.Model as ListStore).AppendValues(nameDialog.Text);
+			}
+			nameDialog.Dispose();
+		}
+		protected virtual void OnEntry1Changed (object sender, System.EventArgs e)
+		{
+			SubCategory.Name = nameentry.Text;
+		}
+		protected virtual void OnTreeview1RowActivated (object o, Gtk.RowActivatedArgs args)
+		{
+		}
+		protected virtual void OnTreeview1CursorChanged (object sender, System.EventArgs e)
+		{
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/LongoMatch/Gui/Dialog/TaggerDialog.cs b/LongoMatch/Gui/Dialog/TaggerDialog.cs
index 85824e0..8304f3b 100644
--- a/LongoMatch/Gui/Dialog/TaggerDialog.cs
+++ b/LongoMatch/Gui/Dialog/TaggerDialog.cs
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 using System;
+using System.Linq;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using LongoMatch.Store;
 using LongoMatch.Store.Templates;
@@ -28,11 +29,23 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog
 	public partial class TaggerDialog : Gtk.Dialog
-		public TaggerDialog()
+		public TaggerDialog(Category cat, StringTagStore tags)
 			buttonOk.Visible = false;
+			foreach (var subcat in cat.SubCategories) {
+				if (subcat is TagSubCategory) {
+					var tagcat = subcat as TagSubCategory;
+					if (!tags.Contains(tagcat))
+						continue;
+					AddSubcategory(tagcat, tags.GetTags(tagcat));
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		public void AddSubcategory (TagSubCategory subcat, List<StringTag> tags){
+			taggerwidget1.AddSubCategory(subcat, tags);
diff --git a/LongoMatch/Handlers/EventsManager.cs b/LongoMatch/Handlers/EventsManager.cs
index 5eabbb5..54f0c1e 100644
--- a/LongoMatch/Handlers/EventsManager.cs
+++ b/LongoMatch/Handlers/EventsManager.cs
@@ -195,6 +195,8 @@ namespace LongoMatch
 				miniature = null;
 			var play = openedProject.AddPlay(category, start, stop,miniature);
+			TaggerDialog tg = new TaggerDialog(category, play.Tags);
+			tg.Run();
diff --git a/LongoMatch/LongoMatch.mdp b/LongoMatch/LongoMatch.mdp
index 1412d96..ff2ab02 100644
--- a/LongoMatch/LongoMatch.mdp
+++ b/LongoMatch/LongoMatch.mdp
@@ -193,6 +193,10 @@
     <File subtype="Directory" buildaction="Compile" name="Utils" />
     <File subtype="Code" buildaction="Compile" name="Gui/Dialog/SubCategoryTagsEditor.cs" />
     <File subtype="Code" buildaction="Compile" name="gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.SubCategoryTagsEditor.cs" />
+    <File subtype="Code" buildaction="Compile" name="Gui/Component/PlayersTaggerWidget.cs" />
+    <File subtype="Code" buildaction="Compile" name="gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Component.PlayersTaggerWidget.cs" />
+    <File subtype="Code" buildaction="Compile" name="Gui/Component/StringTaggerWidget.cs" />
+    <File subtype="Code" buildaction="Compile" name="gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Component.StringTaggerWidget.cs" />
     <ProjectReference type="Gac" localcopy="True" refto="Mono.Posix, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0738eb9f132ed756" />
diff --git a/LongoMatch/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Component.PlayersTaggerWidget.cs b/LongoMatch/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Component.PlayersTaggerWidget.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4225eaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LongoMatch/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Component.PlayersTaggerWidget.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// This file has been generated by the GUI designer. Do not modify.
+namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Component
+	public partial class PlayersTaggerWidget
+	{
+		private global::Gtk.ScrolledWindow scrolledwindow1;
+		private global::Gtk.Table table1;
+		protected virtual void Build ()
+		{
+			global::Stetic.Gui.Initialize (this);
+			// Widget LongoMatch.Gui.Component.PlayersTaggerWidget
+			global::Stetic.BinContainer.Attach (this);
+			this.Name = "LongoMatch.Gui.Component.PlayersTaggerWidget";
+			// Container child LongoMatch.Gui.Component.PlayersTaggerWidget.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
+			this.scrolledwindow1 = new global::Gtk.ScrolledWindow ();
+			this.scrolledwindow1.CanFocus = true;
+			this.scrolledwindow1.Name = "scrolledwindow1";
+			this.scrolledwindow1.ShadowType = ((global::Gtk.ShadowType)(1));
+			// Container child scrolledwindow1.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
+			global::Gtk.Viewport w1 = new global::Gtk.Viewport ();
+			w1.ShadowType = ((global::Gtk.ShadowType)(0));
+			// Container child GtkViewport.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
+			this.table1 = new global::Gtk.Table (((uint)(3)), ((uint)(3)), false);
+			this.table1.Name = "table1";
+			this.table1.RowSpacing = ((uint)(6));
+			this.table1.ColumnSpacing = ((uint)(6));
+			w1.Add (this.table1);
+			this.scrolledwindow1.Add (w1);
+			this.Add (this.scrolledwindow1);
+			if ((this.Child != null)) {
+				this.Child.ShowAll ();
+			}
+			this.Hide ();
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/LongoMatch/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Component.StringTaggerWidget.cs b/LongoMatch/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Component.StringTaggerWidget.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec3758a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LongoMatch/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Component.StringTaggerWidget.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// This file has been generated by the GUI designer. Do not modify.
+namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Component
+	public partial class StringTaggerWidget
+	{
+		private global::Gtk.Frame frame;
+		private global::Gtk.Alignment GtkAlignment;
+		private global::Gtk.HButtonBox buttonsbox;
+		private global::Gtk.Label titlelabel;
+		protected virtual void Build ()
+		{
+			global::Stetic.Gui.Initialize (this);
+			// Widget LongoMatch.Gui.Component.StringTaggerWidget
+			global::Stetic.BinContainer.Attach (this);
+			this.Name = "LongoMatch.Gui.Component.StringTaggerWidget";
+			// Container child LongoMatch.Gui.Component.StringTaggerWidget.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
+			this.frame = new global::Gtk.Frame ();
+			this.frame.Name = "frame";
+			this.frame.ShadowType = ((global::Gtk.ShadowType)(0));
+			// Container child frame.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
+			this.GtkAlignment = new global::Gtk.Alignment (0f, 0f, 1f, 1f);
+			this.GtkAlignment.Name = "GtkAlignment";
+			this.GtkAlignment.LeftPadding = ((uint)(12));
+			// Container child GtkAlignment.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
+			this.buttonsbox = new global::Gtk.HButtonBox ();
+			this.buttonsbox.Name = "buttonsbox";
+			this.GtkAlignment.Add (this.buttonsbox);
+			this.frame.Add (this.GtkAlignment);
+			this.titlelabel = new global::Gtk.Label ();
+			this.titlelabel.Name = "titlelabel";
+			this.titlelabel.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("<b>GtkFrame</b>");
+			this.titlelabel.UseMarkup = true;
+			this.frame.LabelWidget = this.titlelabel;
+			this.Add (this.frame);
+			if ((this.Child != null)) {
+				this.Child.ShowAll ();
+			}
+			this.Hide ();
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/LongoMatch/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Component.TaggerWidget.cs b/LongoMatch/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Component.TaggerWidget.cs
index 2942355..0fb880e 100644
--- a/LongoMatch/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Component.TaggerWidget.cs
+++ b/LongoMatch/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Component.TaggerWidget.cs
@@ -6,18 +6,10 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Component
 		private global::Gtk.VBox vbox2;
-		private global::Gtk.Label label1;
 		private global::Gtk.ScrolledWindow scrolledwindow1;
 		private global::Gtk.Table table1;
-		private global::Gtk.HBox hbox1;
-		private global::Gtk.Entry entry1;
-		private global::Gtk.Button tagbutton;
 		protected virtual void Build ()
 			global::Stetic.Gui.Initialize (this);
@@ -29,84 +21,29 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Component
 			this.vbox2.Name = "vbox2";
 			this.vbox2.Spacing = 6;
 			// Container child vbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-			this.label1 = new global::Gtk.Label ();
-			this.label1.Name = "label1";
-			this.label1.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("<b>You haven't tagged any play yet.</b>\nYou can add new tags using the text entry and clicking \"Add Tag\"");
-			this.label1.UseMarkup = true;
-			this.label1.Justify = ((global::Gtk.Justification)(2));
-			this.vbox2.Add (this.label1);
-			global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w1 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox2[this.label1]));
-			w1.Position = 0;
-			// Container child vbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
 			this.scrolledwindow1 = new global::Gtk.ScrolledWindow ();
 			this.scrolledwindow1.CanFocus = true;
 			this.scrolledwindow1.Name = "scrolledwindow1";
 			this.scrolledwindow1.ShadowType = ((global::Gtk.ShadowType)(1));
 			// Container child scrolledwindow1.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-			global::Gtk.Viewport w2 = new global::Gtk.Viewport ();
-			w2.ShadowType = ((global::Gtk.ShadowType)(0));
+			global::Gtk.Viewport w1 = new global::Gtk.Viewport ();
+			w1.ShadowType = ((global::Gtk.ShadowType)(0));
 			// Container child GtkViewport.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
 			this.table1 = new global::Gtk.Table (((uint)(3)), ((uint)(3)), false);
 			this.table1.Name = "table1";
 			this.table1.RowSpacing = ((uint)(6));
 			this.table1.ColumnSpacing = ((uint)(6));
-			w2.Add (this.table1);
-			this.scrolledwindow1.Add (w2);
+			w1.Add (this.table1);
+			this.scrolledwindow1.Add (w1);
 			this.vbox2.Add (this.scrolledwindow1);
-			global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w5 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox2[this.scrolledwindow1]));
-			w5.Position = 1;
-			// Container child vbox2.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-			this.hbox1 = new global::Gtk.HBox ();
-			this.hbox1.Name = "hbox1";
-			this.hbox1.Spacing = 6;
-			// Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-			this.entry1 = new global::Gtk.Entry ();
-			this.entry1.CanFocus = true;
-			this.entry1.Name = "entry1";
-			this.entry1.IsEditable = true;
-			this.entry1.InvisibleChar = 'â';
-			this.hbox1.Add (this.entry1);
-			global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w6 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox1[this.entry1]));
-			w6.Position = 0;
-			// Container child hbox1.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
-			this.tagbutton = new global::Gtk.Button ();
-			this.tagbutton.CanFocus = true;
-			this.tagbutton.Name = "tagbutton";
-			this.tagbutton.UseUnderline = true;
-			// Container child tagbutton.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-			global::Gtk.Alignment w7 = new global::Gtk.Alignment (0.5f, 0.5f, 0f, 0f);
-			// Container child GtkAlignment.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-			global::Gtk.HBox w8 = new global::Gtk.HBox ();
-			w8.Spacing = 2;
-			// Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-			global::Gtk.Image w9 = new global::Gtk.Image ();
-			w9.Pixbuf = global::Stetic.IconLoader.LoadIcon (this, "gtk-add", global::Gtk.IconSize.Dialog);
-			w8.Add (w9);
-			// Container child GtkHBox.Gtk.Container+ContainerChild
-			global::Gtk.Label w11 = new global::Gtk.Label ();
-			w11.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("Add Tag");
-			w11.UseUnderline = true;
-			w8.Add (w11);
-			w7.Add (w8);
-			this.tagbutton.Add (w7);
-			this.hbox1.Add (this.tagbutton);
-			global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w15 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.hbox1[this.tagbutton]));
-			w15.Position = 1;
-			w15.Expand = false;
-			w15.Fill = false;
-			this.vbox2.Add (this.hbox1);
-			global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w16 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox2[this.hbox1]));
-			w16.Position = 2;
-			w16.Expand = false;
-			w16.Fill = false;
+			global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w4 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(this.vbox2[this.scrolledwindow1]));
+			w4.Position = 0;
 			this.Add (this.vbox2);
 			if ((this.Child != null)) {
 				this.Child.ShowAll ();
 			this.scrolledwindow1.Hide ();
 			this.Hide ();
-			this.entry1.Activated += new global::System.EventHandler (this.OnEntry1Activated);
-			this.tagbutton.Clicked += new global::System.EventHandler (this.OnTagbuttonClicked);
diff --git a/LongoMatch/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.TaggerDialog.cs b/LongoMatch/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.TaggerDialog.cs
index 239fa45..1b4ae12 100644
--- a/LongoMatch/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.TaggerDialog.cs
+++ b/LongoMatch/gtk-gui/LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.TaggerDialog.cs
@@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ namespace LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog
 			w1.Add (this.taggerwidget1);
 			global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w2 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1[this.taggerwidget1]));
 			w2.Position = 0;
-			w2.Expand = false;
-			w2.Fill = false;
 			// Internal child LongoMatch.Gui.Dialog.TaggerDialog.ActionArea
 			global::Gtk.HButtonBox w3 = this.ActionArea;
 			w3.Name = "dialog1_ActionArea";
diff --git a/LongoMatch/gtk-gui/gui.stetic b/LongoMatch/gtk-gui/gui.stetic
index 250933e..afbe107 100644
--- a/LongoMatch/gtk-gui/gui.stetic
+++ b/LongoMatch/gtk-gui/gui.stetic
@@ -5402,19 +5402,6 @@ Show-&gt;&lt;b&gt; S&lt;/b&gt;
         <property name="MemberName" />
         <property name="Spacing">6</property>
-          <widget class="Gtk.Label" id="label1">
-            <property name="MemberName" />
-            <property name="LabelProp" translatable="yes">&lt;b&gt;You haven't tagged any play yet.&lt;/b&gt;
-You can add new tags using the text entry and clicking "Add Tag"</property>
-            <property name="UseMarkup">True</property>
-            <property name="Justify">Center</property>
-          </widget>
-          <packing>
-            <property name="Position">0</property>
-            <property name="AutoSize">False</property>
-          </packing>
-        </child>
-        <child>
           <widget class="Gtk.ScrolledWindow" id="scrolledwindow1">
             <property name="MemberName" />
             <property name="Visible">False</property>
@@ -5464,50 +5451,8 @@ You can add new tags using the text entry and clicking "Add Tag"</property>
-            <property name="Position">1</property>
-            <property name="AutoSize">True</property>
-          </packing>
-        </child>
-        <child>
-          <widget class="Gtk.HBox" id="hbox1">
-            <property name="MemberName" />
-            <property name="Spacing">6</property>
-            <child>
-              <widget class="Gtk.Entry" id="entry1">
-                <property name="MemberName" />
-                <property name="CanFocus">True</property>
-                <property name="IsEditable">True</property>
-                <property name="InvisibleChar">â</property>
-                <signal name="Activated" handler="OnEntry1Activated" />
-              </widget>
-              <packing>
-                <property name="Position">0</property>
-                <property name="AutoSize">True</property>
-              </packing>
-            </child>
-            <child>
-              <widget class="Gtk.Button" id="tagbutton">
-                <property name="MemberName" />
-                <property name="CanFocus">True</property>
-                <property name="Type">TextAndIcon</property>
-                <property name="Icon">stock:gtk-add Dialog</property>
-                <property name="Label" translatable="yes">Add Tag</property>
-                <property name="UseUnderline">True</property>
-                <signal name="Clicked" handler="OnTagbuttonClicked" />
-              </widget>
-              <packing>
-                <property name="Position">1</property>
-                <property name="AutoSize">True</property>
-                <property name="Expand">False</property>
-                <property name="Fill">False</property>
-              </packing>
-            </child>
-          </widget>
-          <packing>
-            <property name="Position">2</property>
+            <property name="Position">0</property>
             <property name="AutoSize">True</property>
-            <property name="Expand">False</property>
-            <property name="Fill">False</property>
@@ -5531,9 +5476,7 @@ You can add new tags using the text entry and clicking "Add Tag"</property>
             <property name="Position">0</property>
-            <property name="AutoSize">True</property>
-            <property name="Expand">False</property>
-            <property name="Fill">False</property>
+            <property name="AutoSize">False</property>
@@ -6321,4 +6264,91 @@ You can continue with the current capture, cancel it or save your project.
+  <widget class="Gtk.Bin" id="LongoMatch.Gui.Component.PlayersTaggerWidget" design-size="300 300">
+    <property name="MemberName" />
+    <property name="Visible">False</property>
+    <child>
+      <widget class="Gtk.ScrolledWindow" id="scrolledwindow1">
+        <property name="MemberName" />
+        <property name="CanFocus">True</property>
+        <property name="ShadowType">In</property>
+        <child>
+          <widget class="Gtk.Viewport" id="GtkViewport">
+            <property name="MemberName" />
+            <property name="ShadowType">None</property>
+            <child>
+              <widget class="Gtk.Table" id="table1">
+                <property name="MemberName" />
+                <property name="NRows">3</property>
+                <property name="NColumns">3</property>
+                <property name="RowSpacing">6</property>
+                <property name="ColumnSpacing">6</property>
+                <child>
+                  <placeholder />
+                </child>
+                <child>
+                  <placeholder />
+                </child>
+                <child>
+                  <placeholder />
+                </child>
+                <child>
+                  <placeholder />
+                </child>
+                <child>
+                  <placeholder />
+                </child>
+                <child>
+                  <placeholder />
+                </child>
+                <child>
+                  <placeholder />
+                </child>
+                <child>
+                  <placeholder />
+                </child>
+                <child>
+                  <placeholder />
+                </child>
+              </widget>
+            </child>
+          </widget>
+        </child>
+      </widget>
+    </child>
+  </widget>
+  <widget class="Gtk.Bin" id="LongoMatch.Gui.Component.StringTaggerWidget" design-size="300 98">
+    <property name="MemberName" />
+    <property name="Visible">False</property>
+    <child>
+      <widget class="Gtk.Frame" id="frame">
+        <property name="MemberName" />
+        <property name="ShadowType">None</property>
+        <child>
+          <widget class="Gtk.Alignment" id="GtkAlignment">
+            <property name="MemberName" />
+            <property name="Xalign">0</property>
+            <property name="Yalign">0</property>
+            <property name="LeftPadding">12</property>
+            <child>
+              <widget class="Gtk.HButtonBox" id="buttonsbox">
+                <property name="MemberName" />
+                <property name="Size">0</property>
+              </widget>
+            </child>
+          </widget>
+        </child>
+        <child>
+          <widget class="Gtk.Label" id="titlelabel">
+            <property name="MemberName" />
+            <property name="LabelProp" translatable="yes">&lt;b&gt;GtkFrame&lt;/b&gt;</property>
+            <property name="UseMarkup">True</property>
+          </widget>
+          <packing>
+            <property name="type">label_item</property>
+          </packing>
+        </child>
+      </widget>
+    </child>
+  </widget>

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