[gthumb: 42/129] adjust colors: use the cairo_surface directly instead of converting to/from a GdkPixbuf
- From: Paolo Bacchilega <paobac src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gthumb: 42/129] adjust colors: use the cairo_surface directly instead of converting to/from a GdkPixbuf
- Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2011 20:53:54 +0000 (UTC)
commit 6e59438759605ae0b454f7d819cae0b62bcb89c3
Author: Paolo Bacchilega <paobac src gnome org>
Date: Mon Apr 18 23:28:29 2011 +0200
adjust colors: use the cairo_surface directly instead of converting to/from a GdkPixbuf
.../file_tools/gth-file-tool-adjust-colors.c | 368 +++++++++++---------
gthumb/cairo-utils.c | 3 +
gthumb/cairo-utils.h | 4 +
gthumb/gth-histogram.c | 5 +-
4 files changed, 209 insertions(+), 171 deletions(-)
diff --git a/extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-adjust-colors.c b/extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-adjust-colors.c
index f031b7a..2eca2da 100644
--- a/extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-adjust-colors.c
+++ b/extensions/file_tools/gth-file-tool-adjust-colors.c
@@ -34,45 +34,48 @@ static gpointer parent_class = NULL;
struct _GthFileToolAdjustColorsPrivate {
- GdkPixbuf *src_pixbuf;
- GdkPixbuf *dest_pixbuf;
- GtkBuilder *builder;
- GtkAdjustment *gamma_adj;
- GtkAdjustment *brightness_adj;
- GtkAdjustment *contrast_adj;
- GtkAdjustment *saturation_adj;
- GtkAdjustment *cyan_red_adj;
- GtkAdjustment *magenta_green_adj;
- GtkAdjustment *yellow_blue_adj;
- GtkWidget *histogram_view;
- GthHistogram *histogram;
- GthTask *pixbuf_task;
- guint apply_event;
+ cairo_surface_t *source;
+ cairo_surface_t *destination;
+ GtkBuilder *builder;
+ GtkAdjustment *gamma_adj;
+ GtkAdjustment *brightness_adj;
+ GtkAdjustment *contrast_adj;
+ GtkAdjustment *saturation_adj;
+ GtkAdjustment *cyan_red_adj;
+ GtkAdjustment *magenta_green_adj;
+ GtkAdjustment *yellow_blue_adj;
+ GtkWidget *histogram_view;
+ GthHistogram *histogram;
+ GthTask *image_task;
+ guint apply_event;
typedef struct {
- GtkWidget *viewer_page;
- double gamma;
- double brightness;
- double contrast;
- double saturation;
- double color_level[3];
- PixbufCache *cache;
- double midtone_distance[256];
+ GthFileToolAdjustColors *self;
+ cairo_surface_t *source;
+ cairo_surface_t *destination;
+ GtkWidget *viewer_page;
+ double gamma;
+ double brightness;
+ double contrast;
+ double saturation;
+ double color_level[3];
+ PixbufCache *cache;
+ double midtone_distance[256];
} AdjustData;
static void
-adjust_colors_init (GthPixbufTask *pixop)
+adjust_colors_before (GthAsyncTask *task,
+ gpointer user_data)
- AdjustData *data = pixop->data;
+ AdjustData *adjust_data = user_data;
int i;
- copy_source_to_destination (pixop);
- data->cache = pixbuf_cache_new ();
+ adjust_data->cache = pixbuf_cache_new ();
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
- data->midtone_distance[i] = 0.667 * (1 - SQR (((double) i - 127.0) / 127.0));
+ adjust_data->midtone_distance[i] = 0.667 * (1 - SQR (((double) i - 127.0) / 127.0));
@@ -81,7 +84,7 @@ interpolate_value (guchar original,
guchar reference,
double distance)
- return CLAMP((distance * reference) + ((1.0 - distance) * original), 0, 255);
+ return CLAMP ((distance * reference) + ((1.0 - distance) * original), 0, 255);
@@ -104,86 +107,145 @@ gamma_correction (guchar original,
-static void
-adjust_colors_step (GthPixbufTask *pixop)
+static gpointer
+adjust_colors_exec (GthAsyncTask *task,
+ gpointer user_data)
- AdjustData *data = pixop->data;
- int channel;
- if (pixop->has_alpha)
- pixop->dest_pixel[ALPHA_PIX] = pixop->src_pixel[ALPHA_PIX];
- /* gamma correction / brightness / contrast */
- for (channel = RED_PIX; channel <= BLUE_PIX; channel++) {
- guchar v;
- v = pixop->src_pixel[channel];
- if (! pixbuf_cache_get (data->cache, channel + 1, &v)) {
- int i;
- v = gamma_correction (v, data->gamma);
- if (data->brightness > 0)
- v = interpolate_value (v, 0, data->brightness);
- else
- v = interpolate_value (v, 255, - data->brightness);
- if (data->contrast < 0)
- v = interpolate_value (v, 127, tan (data->contrast * G_PI_2) /*data->contrast*/);
- else
- v = interpolate_value (v, 127, data->contrast);
- i = v + data->color_level[channel] * data->midtone_distance[v];
- v = CLAMP(i, 0, 255);
- pixbuf_cache_set (data->cache, channel + 1, pixop->src_pixel[channel], v);
+ AdjustData *adjust_data = user_data;
+ cairo_format_t format;
+ int width;
+ int height;
+ int source_stride;
+ int destination_stride;
+ unsigned char *p_source_line;
+ unsigned char *p_destination_line;
+ unsigned char *p_source;
+ unsigned char *p_destination;
+ gboolean cancelled;
+ double progress;
+ gboolean terminated;
+ int x, y;
+ unsigned char values[4];
+ int channel;
+ unsigned char value;
+ format = cairo_image_surface_get_format (adjust_data->source);
+ width = cairo_image_surface_get_width (adjust_data->source);
+ height = cairo_image_surface_get_height (adjust_data->source);
+ source_stride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride (adjust_data->source);
+ adjust_data->destination = cairo_image_surface_create (format, width, height);
+ destination_stride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride (adjust_data->destination);
+ p_source_line = cairo_image_surface_get_data (adjust_data->source);
+ p_destination_line = cairo_image_surface_get_data (adjust_data->destination);
+ for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
+ gth_async_task_get_data (task, NULL, &cancelled, NULL);
+ if (cancelled)
+ return NULL;
+ progress = (double) y / height;
+ gth_async_task_set_data (task, NULL, NULL, &progress);
+ p_source = p_source_line;
+ p_destination = p_destination_line;
+ for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
+ CAIRO_GET_RGBA (p_source, values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3]);
+ /* gamma correction / brightness / contrast */
+ for (channel = 0; channel < 3; channel++) {
+ value = values[channel];
+ if (! pixbuf_cache_get (adjust_data->cache, channel + 1, &value)) {
+ int i;
+ value = gamma_correction (value, adjust_data->gamma);
+ if (adjust_data->brightness > 0)
+ value = interpolate_value (value, 0, adjust_data->brightness);
+ else
+ value = interpolate_value (value, 255, - adjust_data->brightness);
+ if (adjust_data->contrast < 0)
+ value = interpolate_value (value, 127, tan (adjust_data->contrast * G_PI_2));
+ else
+ value = interpolate_value (value, 127, adjust_data->contrast);
+ i = value + adjust_data->color_level[channel] * adjust_data->midtone_distance[value];
+ value = CLAMP (i, 0, 255);
+ pixbuf_cache_set (adjust_data->cache, channel + 1, values[channel], value);
+ }
+ values[channel] = value;
+ }
+ /* saturation */
+ if (adjust_data->saturation != 0.0) {
+ guchar min, max, lightness;
+ double saturation;
+ max = MAX (MAX (values[0], values[1]), values[2]);
+ min = MIN (MIN (values[0], values[1]), values[2]);
+ lightness = (max + min) / 2;
+ if (adjust_data->saturation < 0)
+ saturation = tan (adjust_data->saturation * G_PI_2);
+ else
+ saturation = adjust_data->saturation;
+ values[0] = interpolate_value (values[0], lightness, saturation);
+ values[1] = interpolate_value (values[1], lightness, saturation);
+ values[2] = interpolate_value (values[2], lightness, saturation);
+ }
+ CAIRO_SET_RGBA (p_destination, values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3]);
+ p_source += 4;
+ p_destination += 4;
- pixop->dest_pixel[channel] = v;
+ p_source_line += source_stride;
+ p_destination_line += destination_stride;
- /* saturation */
+ terminated = TRUE;
+ gth_async_task_set_data (task, &terminated, NULL, NULL);
- if (data->saturation != 0.0) {
- guchar min, max, lightness;
- double saturation;
- max = MAX (pixop->dest_pixel[RED_PIX], pixop->dest_pixel[GREEN_PIX]);
- max = MAX (max, pixop->dest_pixel[BLUE_PIX]);
- min = MIN (pixop->dest_pixel[RED_PIX], pixop->dest_pixel[GREEN_PIX]);
- min = MIN (min, pixop->dest_pixel[BLUE_PIX]);
- lightness = (max + min) / 2;
- if (data->saturation < 0)
- saturation = tan (data->saturation * G_PI_2);
- else
- saturation = data->saturation;
- pixop->dest_pixel[RED_PIX] = interpolate_value (pixop->dest_pixel[RED_PIX], lightness, saturation);
- pixop->dest_pixel[GREEN_PIX] = interpolate_value (pixop->dest_pixel[GREEN_PIX], lightness, saturation);
- pixop->dest_pixel[BLUE_PIX] = interpolate_value (pixop->dest_pixel[BLUE_PIX], lightness, saturation);
- }
+ return NULL;
static void
-adjust_colors_release (GthPixbufTask *pixop,
- GError *error)
+adjust_colors_after (GthAsyncTask *task,
+ GError *error,
+ gpointer user_data)
- AdjustData *data = pixop->data;
+ AdjustData *adjust_data = user_data;
+ if (error == NULL) {
+ GthFileToolAdjustColors *self = adjust_data->self;
+ cairo_surface_destroy (self->priv->destination);
+ self->priv->destination = cairo_surface_reference (adjust_data->destination);
+ gth_image_viewer_page_set_image (GTH_IMAGE_VIEWER_PAGE (adjust_data->viewer_page), self->priv->destination, FALSE);
+ gth_histogram_calculate_for_image (self->priv->histogram, self->priv->destination);
+ }
- pixbuf_cache_free (data->cache);
+ pixbuf_cache_free (adjust_data->cache);
static void
-adjust_colors_destroy_data (gpointer user_data)
+adjust_data_free (gpointer user_data)
- AdjustData *data = user_data;
+ AdjustData *adjust_data = user_data;
- g_object_unref (data->viewer_page);
- g_free (data);
+ cairo_surface_destroy (adjust_data->destination);
+ cairo_surface_destroy (adjust_data->source);
+ g_object_unref (adjust_data->viewer_page);
+ g_free (adjust_data);
@@ -203,16 +265,18 @@ gth_file_tool_adjust_colors_update_sensitivity (GthFileTool *base)
static void
-ok_button_clicked_cb (GtkButton *button,
- GthFileToolAdjustColors *self)
+ok_button_clicked_cb (GtkButton *button,
+ gpointer user_data)
- if (self->priv->dest_pixbuf != NULL) {
+ GthFileToolAdjustColors *self = user_data;
+ if (self->priv->destination != NULL) {
GtkWidget *window;
GtkWidget *viewer_page;
window = gth_file_tool_get_window (GTH_FILE_TOOL (self));
viewer_page = gth_browser_get_viewer_page (GTH_BROWSER (window));
- gth_image_viewer_page_set_pixbuf (GTH_IMAGE_VIEWER_PAGE (viewer_page), self->priv->dest_pixbuf, TRUE);
+ gth_image_viewer_page_set_image (GTH_IMAGE_VIEWER_PAGE (viewer_page), self->priv->destination, TRUE);
gth_file_tool_hide_options (GTH_FILE_TOOL (self));
@@ -220,11 +284,12 @@ ok_button_clicked_cb (GtkButton *button,
static void
-cancel_button_clicked_cb (GtkButton *button,
- GthFileToolAdjustColors *self)
+cancel_button_clicked_cb (GtkButton *button,
+ gpointer user_data)
- GtkWidget *window;
- GtkWidget *viewer_page;
+ GthFileToolAdjustColors *self = user_data;
+ GtkWidget *window;
+ GtkWidget *viewer_page;
if (self->priv->apply_event != 0) {
g_source_remove (self->priv->apply_event);
@@ -240,9 +305,11 @@ cancel_button_clicked_cb (GtkButton *button,
static void
-reset_button_clicked_cb (GtkButton *button,
- GthFileToolAdjustColors *self)
+reset_button_clicked_cb (GtkButton *button,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ GthFileToolAdjustColors *self = user_data;
gtk_adjustment_set_value (self->priv->gamma_adj, 0.0);
gtk_adjustment_set_value (self->priv->brightness_adj, 0.0);
gtk_adjustment_set_value (self->priv->contrast_adj, 0.0);
@@ -253,74 +320,41 @@ reset_button_clicked_cb (GtkButton *button,
-static void
-task_completed_cb (GthTask *task,
- GError *error,
- GthFileToolAdjustColors *self)
- if (self->priv->pixbuf_task == task)
- self->priv->pixbuf_task = NULL;
- if (error == NULL) {
- GtkWidget *window;
- GtkWidget *viewer_page;
- _g_object_unref (self->priv->dest_pixbuf);
- self->priv->dest_pixbuf = g_object_ref (GTH_PIXBUF_TASK (task)->dest);
- window = gth_file_tool_get_window (GTH_FILE_TOOL (self));
- viewer_page = gth_browser_get_viewer_page (GTH_BROWSER (window));
- gth_image_viewer_page_set_pixbuf (GTH_IMAGE_VIEWER_PAGE (viewer_page), self->priv->dest_pixbuf, FALSE);
- gth_histogram_calculate_for_pixbuf (self->priv->histogram, self->priv->dest_pixbuf);
- }
- g_object_unref (task);
static gboolean
apply_cb (gpointer user_data)
GthFileToolAdjustColors *self = user_data;
GtkWidget *window;
- AdjustData *data;
+ AdjustData *adjust_data;
if (self->priv->apply_event != 0) {
g_source_remove (self->priv->apply_event);
self->priv->apply_event = 0;
- if (self->priv->pixbuf_task != NULL)
- gth_task_cancel (self->priv->pixbuf_task);
+ if (self->priv->image_task != NULL)
+ gth_task_cancel (self->priv->image_task);
window = gth_file_tool_get_window (GTH_FILE_TOOL (self));
- data = g_new0 (AdjustData, 1);
- data->viewer_page = g_object_ref (gth_browser_get_viewer_page (GTH_BROWSER (window)));
- data->gamma = pow (10, - (gtk_adjustment_get_value (self->priv->gamma_adj) / 100.0));
- data->brightness = gtk_adjustment_get_value (self->priv->brightness_adj) / 100.0 * -1.0;
- data->contrast = gtk_adjustment_get_value (self->priv->contrast_adj) / 100.0 * -1.0;
- data->saturation = gtk_adjustment_get_value (self->priv->saturation_adj) / 100.0 * -1.0;
- data->color_level[0] = gtk_adjustment_get_value (self->priv->cyan_red_adj);
- data->color_level[1] = gtk_adjustment_get_value (self->priv->magenta_green_adj);
- data->color_level[2] = gtk_adjustment_get_value (self->priv->yellow_blue_adj);
- self->priv->pixbuf_task = gth_pixbuf_task_new (_("Applying changes"),
- adjust_colors_init,
- adjust_colors_step,
- adjust_colors_release,
- data,
- adjust_colors_destroy_data);
- gth_pixbuf_task_set_source (GTH_PIXBUF_TASK (self->priv->pixbuf_task),
- self->priv->src_pixbuf);
- g_signal_connect (self->priv->pixbuf_task,
- "completed",
- G_CALLBACK (task_completed_cb),
- self);
- gth_browser_exec_task (GTH_BROWSER (window), self->priv->pixbuf_task, FALSE);
+ adjust_data = g_new0 (AdjustData, 1);
+ adjust_data->self = self;
+ adjust_data->viewer_page = g_object_ref (gth_browser_get_viewer_page (GTH_BROWSER (window)));
+ adjust_data->source = cairo_surface_reference (self->priv->source);
+ adjust_data->gamma = pow (10, - (gtk_adjustment_get_value (self->priv->gamma_adj) / 100.0));
+ adjust_data->brightness = gtk_adjustment_get_value (self->priv->brightness_adj) / 100.0 * -1.0;
+ adjust_data->contrast = gtk_adjustment_get_value (self->priv->contrast_adj) / 100.0 * -1.0;
+ adjust_data->saturation = gtk_adjustment_get_value (self->priv->saturation_adj) / 100.0 * -1.0;
+ adjust_data->color_level[0] = gtk_adjustment_get_value (self->priv->cyan_red_adj);
+ adjust_data->color_level[1] = gtk_adjustment_get_value (self->priv->magenta_green_adj);
+ adjust_data->color_level[2] = gtk_adjustment_get_value (self->priv->yellow_blue_adj);
+ self->priv->image_task = gth_async_task_new (adjust_colors_before,
+ adjust_colors_exec,
+ adjust_colors_after,
+ adjust_data,
+ adjust_data_free);
+ gth_browser_exec_task (GTH_BROWSER (window), self->priv->image_task, FALSE);
return FALSE;
@@ -354,15 +388,15 @@ gth_file_tool_adjust_colors_get_options (GthFileTool *base)
if (! GTH_IS_IMAGE_VIEWER_PAGE (viewer_page))
return NULL;
- _g_object_unref (self->priv->src_pixbuf);
- _g_object_unref (self->priv->dest_pixbuf);
+ cairo_surface_destroy (self->priv->source);
+ cairo_surface_destroy (self->priv->destination);
viewer = gth_image_viewer_page_get_image_viewer (GTH_IMAGE_VIEWER_PAGE (viewer_page));
- self->priv->src_pixbuf = gth_image_viewer_get_current_pixbuf (GTH_IMAGE_VIEWER (viewer));
- if (self->priv->src_pixbuf == NULL)
+ self->priv->source = cairo_surface_reference (gth_image_viewer_get_current_image (GTH_IMAGE_VIEWER (viewer)));
+ if (self->priv->source == NULL)
return NULL;
- self->priv->dest_pixbuf = NULL;
+ self->priv->destination = NULL;
self->priv->builder = _gtk_builder_new_from_file ("adjust-colors-options.ui", "file_tools");
options = _gtk_builder_get_widget (self->priv->builder, "options");
@@ -435,7 +469,7 @@ gth_file_tool_adjust_colors_get_options (GthFileTool *base)
G_CALLBACK (value_changed_cb),
- gth_histogram_calculate_for_pixbuf (self->priv->histogram, self->priv->src_pixbuf);
+ gth_histogram_calculate_for_image (self->priv->histogram, self->priv->source);
return options;
@@ -453,11 +487,11 @@ gth_file_tool_adjust_colors_destroy_options (GthFileTool *base)
self->priv->apply_event = 0;
- _g_object_unref (self->priv->src_pixbuf);
- _g_object_unref (self->priv->dest_pixbuf);
+ cairo_surface_destroy (self->priv->source);
+ cairo_surface_destroy (self->priv->destination);
_g_object_unref (self->priv->builder);
- self->priv->src_pixbuf = NULL;
- self->priv->dest_pixbuf = NULL;
+ self->priv->source = NULL;
+ self->priv->destination = NULL;
self->priv->builder = NULL;
@@ -490,8 +524,8 @@ gth_file_tool_adjust_colors_finalize (GObject *object)
self = (GthFileToolAdjustColors *) object;
- _g_object_unref (self->priv->src_pixbuf);
- _g_object_unref (self->priv->dest_pixbuf);
+ cairo_surface_destroy (self->priv->source);
+ cairo_surface_destroy (self->priv->destination);
_g_object_unref (self->priv->builder);
_g_object_unref (self->priv->histogram);
diff --git a/gthumb/cairo-utils.c b/gthumb/cairo-utils.c
index 98c8e91..575f9ae 100644
--- a/gthumb/cairo-utils.c
+++ b/gthumb/cairo-utils.c
@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@
#include "cairo-utils.h"
+const unsigned char cairo_channel[4] = { CAIRO_RED, CAIRO_GREEN, CAIRO_BLUE, CAIRO_ALPHA };
typedef struct {
gboolean has_alpha;
} cairo_surface_metadata_t;
diff --git a/gthumb/cairo-utils.h b/gthumb/cairo-utils.h
index d4c38ca..b97b813 100644
--- a/gthumb/cairo-utils.h
+++ b/gthumb/cairo-utils.h
@@ -115,6 +115,10 @@ typedef struct {
guchar a;
} cairo_color_255_t;
+extern const unsigned char cairo_channel[4];
/* colors */
void _gdk_color_to_cairo_color (GdkColor *g_color,
diff --git a/gthumb/gth-histogram.c b/gthumb/gth-histogram.c
index c107d6c..220a483 100644
--- a/gthumb/gth-histogram.c
+++ b/gthumb/gth-histogram.c
@@ -255,10 +255,7 @@ gth_histogram_calculate_for_image (GthHistogram *self,
pixel = line;
for (j = 0; j < width; j++) {
- if (has_alpha)
- CAIRO_GET_RGBA (pixel, red, green, blue, alpha);
- else
- CAIRO_GET_RGB (pixel, red, green, blue);
+ CAIRO_GET_RGBA (pixel, red, green, blue, alpha);
/* count values for each RGB channel */
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