[gnome3-web] Updated Slovenian translation
- From: Matej Urbančič <mateju src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gnome3-web] Updated Slovenian translation
- Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2011 16:36:07 +0000 (UTC)
commit 00f942d6772269c779add432d06632e88bf3fdaf
Author: Matej UrbanÄ?iÄ? <mateju svn gnome org>
Date: Tue Apr 5 18:36:04 2011 +0200
Updated Slovenian translation
po/sl.po | 167 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
1 files changed, 89 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/sl.po b/po/sl.po
index adff4a3..206d2f7 100644
--- a/po/sl.po
+++ b/po/sl.po
@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gnome3-web master\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-04-04 17:50+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-04 20:53+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-04-05 06:18+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-05 14:14+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Matej UrbanÄ?iÄ? <mateju svn gnome org>\n"
"Language-Team: Slovenian GNOME Translation Team <gnome-si googlegroups com>\n"
-"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: \n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 3 : 0);\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Slovenian\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: SLOVENIA\n"
@@ -27,26 +27,26 @@ msgid "GNOME 3 - Made of Easy"
msgstr "GNOME 3 - Ustvarjanje enostavnosti"
#: ../tryit.html:21(a)
-#: ../index.html:28(a)
+#: ../index.html:27(a)
#: ../faq.html:21(a)
msgid "Home"
msgstr "ZaÄ?etna stran"
#: ../tryit.html:21(a)
-#: ../index.html:28(a)
+#: ../index.html:27(a)
#: ../faq.html:21(a)
#: ../faq.html:30(h1)
msgid "Common questions and answers"
msgstr "Pogosta vprašanja in odgovori"
#: ../tryit.html:22(a)
-#: ../index.html:29(a)
+#: ../index.html:28(a)
#: ../faq.html:22(a)
msgid "Try it out!"
msgstr "Preizkusite GNOME3!"
#: ../tryit.html:23(div)
-#: ../index.html:30(div)
+#: ../index.html:29(div)
#: ../faq.html:23(div)
msgid "Releasing awesome in: <span id=\"countbox\"/>"
msgstr "Do izida Å¡e: <span id=\"countbox\"/>"
@@ -129,25 +129,25 @@ msgid "<placeholder-1/> To run the GNOME 3 from a USB stick: <placeholder-2/><pl
msgstr "<placeholder-1/> Za zagon namizja GNOME 3 iz USB nosilca: <placeholder-2/><placeholder-3/><br/>"
#: ../tryit.html:87(a)
-#: ../index.html:100(a)
+#: ../index.html:105(a)
#: ../faq.html:77(a)
msgid "The GNOME Project"
msgstr "Projekt GNOME"
#: ../tryit.html:88(a)
-#: ../index.html:101(a)
+#: ../index.html:106(a)
#: ../faq.html:78(a)
msgid "Creative Commons CC-BY"
msgstr "Dovoljenje Creative Commons - priznanje avtorstva"
#: ../tryit.html:89(a)
-#: ../index.html:102(a)
+#: ../index.html:107(a)
#: ../faq.html:79(a)
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr "Facebook"
#: ../tryit.html:89(a)
-#: ../index.html:102(a)
+#: ../index.html:107(a)
#: ../faq.html:79(a)
msgid "Twitter"
msgstr "Twitter"
@@ -168,188 +168,200 @@ msgstr "Namizje GNOME 3 je bilo objavljeno 6. aprila, 2011. V kolikor si želite
msgid "GNOME 3 was released on 6th April 2011 and will be available via popular distributions after that time. See the <a href=\"tryit.html\">Try It</a> page for more details and for links to live demos."
msgstr "Namizje GNOME 3 je bilo izdano 6. aprila 2011 in bo na voljo pri veÄ?ini distribucij. Za veÄ? podrobnosti si oglejte spletno stran <a href=\"tryit.html\">živih in namestitvenih razliÄ?ic</a>."
-#: ../index.html:38(h1)
+#: ../index.html:37(h1)
msgid "Introducing the next generation GNOME desktop"
msgstr "Predstavljamo najnovejÅ¡o razliÄ?ico namizja GNOME"
-#: ../index.html:45(p)
+#: ../index.html:40(p)
msgid "For GNOME 3, the GNOME Project has started from scratch and created a completely new, modern desktop designed for today's users and technologies. Here are some of the things that you can expect from the new GNOME:"
msgstr "Razvoj namizja GNOME 3 je bil zaÄ?et znova, s popolnim pregledom obstojeÄ?e kode in programskih reÅ¡itev. Rezultat je popolnoma novo, moderno namizje, ki podpira delovanje razliÄ?nih sodobnih tehnologij in ponuja novo, boljÅ¡o uporabniÅ¡ko izkuÅ¡njo. Namizje GNOME 3 ponuja:"
-#: ../index.html:53(h2)
+#: ../index.html:48(div)
+msgid "<a href=\"video-appsearch.html\" rel=\"fancybox\"><img src=\"img/video-appsearch.png\"/></a><br/>Access apps faster"
+msgstr "<a href=\"video-appsearch.html\" rel=\"fancybox\"><img src=\"img/video-appsearch.png\"/></a><br/>Hitrejši dostop do programov"
+#: ../index.html:49(div)
+msgid "<a href=\"video-windows.html\" rel=\"fancybox\"><img src=\"img/video-windows.png\"/></a><br/>Easier window managment"
+msgstr "<a href=\"video-windows.html\" rel=\"fancybox\"><img src=\"img/video-windows.png\"/></a><br/>Enostavnejše upravljanje z okni"
+#: ../index.html:50(div)
+msgid "<a href=\"video-workspaces.html\" rel=\"fancybox\"><img src=\"img/video-workspaces.png\"/></a><br/>Create workspaces"
+msgstr "<a href=\"video-workspaces.html\" rel=\"fancybox\"><img src=\"img/video-workspaces.png\"/></a><br/>Ustvarjanje delovnih površin"
+#: ../index.html:58(h2)
msgid "Simply beautiful"
msgstr "Enostavno lepo"
-#: ../index.html:55(p)
+#: ../index.html:60(p)
msgid "GNOME's new desktop takes elegance to a new level. We've swept away the clutter and made a simple and easy-to-use desktop, and we've made this the most beautiful GNOME desktop ever, with a new visual theme, a refined new font and carefully crafted animations."
msgstr "Namizje GNOME 3 ponuja za uporabnika enostaven in Ä?ist uporabniÅ¡ki vmesnik brez odveÄ?nosti. Nedvomno je z novo obliko postalo najlepÅ¡e zasnovano namizje GNOME, z novo temo, z izboljÅ¡ano obliko pisave namizja in s skrbno oblikovanimi animacijami."
-#: ../index.html:57(h2)
+#: ../index.html:62(h2)
msgid "An overview at a glance"
msgstr "Preglednost v vsakem trenutku"
-#: ../index.html:59(p)
+#: ../index.html:64(p)
msgid "The activities view provides an easy way to access all your windows and applications. It is also a great way to keep track of all your activities. We have provided several fast and convenient ways to access the activities view, including the activities keyboard key (often known as the Windows key) and the activities hot corner."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pogled dejavnosti omogoÄ?a enostaven dostop do vseh odprtih programov. Prav tako je to odliÄ?en naÄ?in sledenja lastnemu delu. Programske reÅ¡itve omogoÄ?ajo veÄ? hitrih in priroÄ?nih naÄ?inov za dostop do te posebne vrste pogleda, vkljuÄ?no z izbrano tipkovniÄ?no tipko in z miÅ¡ko. "
-#: ../index.html:64(h2)
+#: ../index.html:69(h2)
msgid "Messaging built-in"
msgstr "Vgrajeno hipno sporoÄ?anje"
-#: ../index.html:66(p)
+#: ../index.html:71(p)
msgid "Communication is an important part of the modern desktop, but it's a hassle when you have to switch windows to reply to a message. That's why GNOME 3 will let you continue your conversations without changing focus. The ability to enter a reply straight into messaging notifications makes instant messaging quick and effortless."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "SporoÄ?anje in povezljivost s prijatelji, znanci in poslovnimi partnerji sta pomembni sestavini modernega namizja. Neprestano preklapljanje oken za odgovarjanje na prispela hipna sporoÄ?ila, je Ä?asovno potratno in predvsem neuÄ?inkovito. Namizje GNOME 3 omogoÄ?a nadaljevanje pogovorov, neposredno v opomniku prispelega novega sporoÄ?ila, hitro in brez dodatnega dela."
-#: ../index.html:68(h2)
+#: ../index.html:73(h2)
msgid "Distraction-free computing"
msgstr "Nevsiljivo obveÅ¡Ä?anje"
-#: ../index.html:70(p)
+#: ../index.html:75(p)
msgid "GNOME 3 is designed to reduce distraction and interruption and to put you in control. Our new notifications system subtly presents messages and will save them until you are ready for them, and the GNOME 3 panel has been styled so that it is part of the background, not the foreground. These changes allow you to focus on your creative tasks."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Namizje GNOME 3 je zasnovano z zamislijo, da morajo biti sistemski opomniki in programska sporoÄ?ila nevsiljiva in nemoteÄ?a, hkrati pa mora biti nadzor nad delovanjem Å¡e vedno v rokah uporabnika. Nov obvestilni sistem nevsiljivo prikaže sporoÄ?ila in jih shrani do pregleda. Pult namizja, kjer so ta prikazana, je zasnovan kot del ozadja in ne moti programov, ki so trenutno v žariÅ¡Ä?u."
-#: ../index.html:76(h2)
+#: ../index.html:81(h2)
msgid "Everything at your fingertips"
msgstr "Hitra dostopnost"
-#: ../index.html:78(p)
+#: ../index.html:83(p)
msgid "With the new GNOME desktop, everything can be quickly accessed from the keyboard. Press the activities key and search: it's as simple as that. You'll love this feature if you're a user who likes things to happen fast."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Z novim namizjem GNOME 3 je ponovno v ospredju hiter dostop do predmetov tudi s tipkovnico. S tipko dejavnosti se odpre programsko okno in hkrati z njim tudi polje za vnos iskanja. Možnost bo navdušila predvsem uporabnike, ki si želijo dejavnosti in programe izvajati hitro."
-#: ../index.html:80(h2)
+#: ../index.html:85(h2)
msgid "Redesigned system settings"
msgstr "Preoblikovane nastavitve sistema"
-#: ../index.html:82(p)
+#: ../index.html:87(p)
msgid "Our system settings have been completely redesigned for GNOME 3, making them easier to use than ever before. GNOME 3 also provides a new way to browse your settings, and our settings categories have been reorganised, making it quick and straightforward to find the setting that you want."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sistemske nastavitve namizja GNOME 3 so bile predelane z namenom, da postane dostop do razliÄ?nih sistemskih možnosti enostaven in pregleden. Med možnostmi je omogoÄ?en nov naÄ?in brskanja po kljuÄ?nih besedah. Z novim naÄ?inom so vse nastavitve le nekaj tipk stran."
-#: ../index.html:87(h2)
+#: ../index.html:92(h2)
msgid "And much, much more"
msgstr "In veliko, veliko veÄ?"
-#: ../index.html:89(p)
+#: ../index.html:94(p)
msgid "GNOME 3 is crammed full of new features. Here are some of the other things that you can look forward to from GNOME 3:"
msgstr "Namizje GNOME 3 prinaša veliko novosti. Med najpomembnejšimi so:"
-#: ../index.html:91(li)
+#: ../index.html:96(li)
msgid "Side-by-side window tiling to make using several windows simple and easy"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Skladanje oken na namizju za enostavnejši dostop do programov"
-#: ../index.html:92(li)
+#: ../index.html:97(li)
msgid "A redesigned file manager"
msgstr "Predelan upravljalnik datotek"
-#: ../index.html:93(li)
+#: ../index.html:98(li)
msgid "Redesigned workspaces so you can easily organise your windows"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Predelane delovne površine za hitrejše upravljanje oken na namizju"
-#: ../index.html:94(li)
+#: ../index.html:99(li)
msgid "Major changes under the hood to give you a faster, smoother experience"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pomembnejše izboljšave za hitrejše in bolj gladko delovanje sistema"
-#: ../index.html:95(li)
+#: ../index.html:100(li)
msgid "A satisfying experience, whatever kind of computer you use: GNOME 3 will feel right at home on netbooks as well as larger machines"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Delovanje na vseh vrstah raÄ?unalnikov: GNOME 3 deluje na malih prenosnikih in na veÄ?jih delovnih sistemih"
-#: ../index.html:104(span)
+#: ../index.html:109(span)
msgid "This website is available in many languages:"
msgstr "SpletiÅ¡Ä?e je na voljo tudi v:"
-#: ../index.html:105(a)
+#: ../index.html:110(a)
msgid "English"
msgstr "angleÅ¡Ä?ini"
-#: ../index.html:106(a)
+#: ../index.html:111(a)
msgid "اÙ?عربÙ?Ø©"
msgstr "arabÅ¡Ä?ini"
-#: ../index.html:107(a)
+#: ../index.html:112(a)
msgid "Afrikaans"
msgstr "afriÅ¡Ä?ini"
-#: ../index.html:108(a)
+#: ../index.html:113(a)
msgid "Ä?eÅ¡tina"
msgstr "Ä?eÅ¡Ä?ini"
-#: ../index.html:109(a)
+#: ../index.html:114(a)
msgid "Î?λληνικά"
msgstr "grÅ¡Ä?ini"
-#: ../index.html:110(a)
+#: ../index.html:115(a)
msgid "Español"
msgstr "Å¡panÅ¡Ä?ini"
-#: ../index.html:111(a)
+#: ../index.html:116(a)
msgid "Persian"
msgstr "perzijÅ¡Ä?ini"
-#: ../index.html:112(a)
+#: ../index.html:117(a)
msgid "Galego"
msgstr "galÅ¡Ä?ini"
-#: ../index.html:113(a)
+#: ../index.html:118(a)
msgid "Italiano"
msgstr "italijanÅ¡Ä?ini"
-#: ../index.html:114(a)
+#: ../index.html:119(a)
msgid "���"
msgstr "japonÅ¡Ä?ini"
-#: ../index.html:115(a)
+#: ../index.html:120(a)
msgid "Latvian"
msgstr "latvijÅ¡Ä?ini"
-#: ../index.html:116(a)
+#: ../index.html:121(a)
msgid "í??êµì?´"
msgstr "korejÅ¡Ä?ini"
-#: ../index.html:117(a)
+#: ../index.html:122(a)
msgid "Polski"
msgstr "poljÅ¡Ä?ini"
-#: ../index.html:118(a)
+#: ../index.html:123(a)
msgid "Português do Brasil"
msgstr "brazilski portugalÅ¡Ä?ini"
-#: ../index.html:119(a)
+#: ../index.html:124(a)
msgid "RomânÄ?"
msgstr "romunÅ¡Ä?ini"
-#: ../index.html:120(a)
+#: ../index.html:125(a)
msgid "SlovenÅ¡Ä?ina"
msgstr "slovenÅ¡Ä?ini"
-#: ../index.html:121(a)
+#: ../index.html:126(a)
msgid "Svenska"
msgstr "Å¡vedÅ¡Ä?ini"
-#: ../index.html:122(a)
+#: ../index.html:127(a)
msgid "Turkish"
msgstr "turÅ¡Ä?ini"
-#: ../index.html:123(a)
+#: ../index.html:128(a)
msgid "Uyghur"
msgstr "ujgurÅ¡Ä?ini"
-#: ../index.html:124(a)
+#: ../index.html:129(a)
msgid "ä¸æ?? (ä¸å?½å¤§é??)"
msgstr "kitajÅ¡Ä?ini"
-#: ../index.html:125(a)
+#: ../index.html:130(a)
msgid "ä¸æ?? (é¦?港)"
msgstr "hongkonÅ¡ki kitajÅ¡Ä?ini"
-#: ../index.html:126(a)
+#: ../index.html:131(a)
msgid "ä¸æ?? (å?°ç?£)"
msgstr "tajvanski kitajÅ¡Ä?ini"
-#: ../index.html:103(div)
+#: ../index.html:108(div)
msgid "<placeholder-1/><placeholder-2/> | <placeholder-3/> | <placeholder-4/> | <placeholder-5/> | <placeholder-6/> | <placeholder-7/> | <placeholder-8/> | <placeholder-9/> | <placeholder-10/> | <placeholder-11/> | <placeholder-12/> | <placeholder-13/> | <placeholder-14/> | <placeholder-15/> | <placeholder-16/> | <placeholder-17/> | <placeholder-18/> | <placeholder-19/> | <placeholder-20/> | <placeholder-21/> | <placeholder-22/> | <placeholder-23/>"
-msgstr "<placeholder-1/><placeholder-2/> | <placeholder-3/> | <placeholder-4/> | <placeholder-5/> | <placeholder-6/> | <placeholder-7/> | <placeholder-8/> | <placeholder-9/> | <placeholder-10/> | <placeholder-11/> | <placeholder-12/> | <placeholder-13/> | <placeholder-14/> | <placeholder-15/> | <placeholder-16/> | <placeholder-17/> | <placeholder-18/> | <placeholder-19/> | <placeholder-20/> | <placeholder-21/> | <placeholder-22/> | <placeholder-23/>"
+msgstr "<placeholder-1/><placeholder-2/>, <placeholder-3/>, <placeholder-4/>, <placeholder-5/>, <placeholder-6/>, <placeholder-7/>, <placeholder-8/>, <placeholder-9/>, <placeholder-10/>, <placeholder-11/>, <placeholder-12/>, <placeholder-13/>, <placeholder-14/>, <placeholder-15/>, <placeholder-16/>, <placeholder-17/>, <placeholder-18/>, <placeholder-19/>, <placeholder-20/>, <placeholder-21/>, <placeholder-22/>, <placeholder-23/>"
#. grid_16
-#: ../index.html:99(div)
+#: ../index.html:104(div)
msgid "Copyright © 2011 <placeholder-1/><br/> Free to share and remix: <placeholder-2/><br/> Share on: <placeholder-3/> | <placeholder-4/><placeholder-5/><br/> �"
msgstr "Avtorske pravice © 2011 <placeholder-1/><br/> Prosto za izmenjavo: <placeholder-2/><br/> Objavi na: <placeholder-3/> | <placeholder-4/><br/> �"
@@ -359,7 +371,7 @@ msgstr "Kako preizkusiti GNOME 3?"
#: ../faq.html:40(p)
msgid "GNOME 3 is scheduled for release on 6th April 2011 and will be available via popular distributions after that time. See the <a href=\"tryit.html\">Try It</a> page for more details and for links to a live demos."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Namizje GNOME 3 bo pripravljeno za objavo 06. 04. 2011 in bo na voljo na vseh modernih distribucijah sistema Linux. Za veÄ? podrobnosti si oglejte spletne strani <a href=\"tryit.html\">preizkusnih razliÄ?ih</a>, kjer najdete tudi povezave do živih distribucij."
#: ../faq.html:42(h2)
msgid "What is the GNOME Project, anyway?"
@@ -367,7 +379,7 @@ msgstr "Kaj sploh je Projekt GNOME?"
#: ../faq.html:44(p)
msgid "The GNOME Project is an international community which comes together to make great software. GNOME software is <a href=\"http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html\">Free Software</a>: all our work is free to use, modify and redistribute. Everyone is welcome to participate in its development. See <a href=\"http://www.gnome.org/about/\">the GNOME About page</a> for more information."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "V okvirju Projekta GNOME je zbrana mednarodna skupnost, zavezana k cilju odliÄ?ne programske opreme. Programska oprema za namizje GNOME je <a href=\"http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html\">prosta programska oprema</a>, kar pomeni, da je dovoljeno uporabljati, spreminjati in razÅ¡irjati programsko in avtorsko opremo. Znotraj posameznih projektov sodelujejo posamezniki, ki se strinjajo z idejo odprtosti. Za veÄ? podrobnosti si oglejte spletne strani <a href=\"http://www.gnome.org/about/\">Projekta GNOME</a>."
#: ../faq.html:46(h2)
msgid "Will my computer be able to run GNOME 3?"
@@ -375,7 +387,7 @@ msgstr "Ali bo raÄ?unalnik dovolj zmogljiv za GNOME 3?"
#: ../faq.html:48(p)
msgid "Computers purchased in the last 4 or 5 years should be more than capable of running GNOME 3. The GNOME 3 desktop does require hardware accelerated graphics in order to provide a cutting-edge experience however, and the complete GNOME 3 experience will only be available on computers capable of this. Do not worry though: GNOME 3 will come complete with a fallback interface which will provide an excellent experience in the absence of hardware acceleration, and which incorporates many of the improvements that can be found in GNOME 3. Furthermore, the GNOME project and its partners are working hard to ensure that the complete GNOME 3 experience is available to as many people as possible, and aim to ensure that users who are initially unable to have this experience will be able to in the future."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "RaÄ?unalniÅ¡ka oprema kupljena v zadnjih 4 ali 5 letih je dovolj zmogljiva za zagon namizja GNOME 3. Namizje zahteva strojno pospeÅ¡evanje grafike za prikaz animiranih uÄ?inkov, vendar pa namizje deluje tudi na sistemih, ki grafiÄ?nega pospeÅ¡evanja ne podpirajo. Razlika je le v naÄ?inu predoÄ?enja posameznih animacij in ne vpliva na kakovost dela uporabnika. Sistem je zasnovan tako, da deluje na Ä?im veÄ?jem naboru razliÄ?ne strojne opreme, ki bo tudi v prihodnje ena izmed najpomembnejÅ¡ih toÄ?k razvoja."
#: ../faq.html:50(h2)
msgid "Will I be able to use my favourite GNOME apps in GNOME 3?"
@@ -383,7 +395,7 @@ msgstr "Ali bo mogoÄ?e uporabljati vse dosedanje GNOME programe tudi na namizju
#: ../faq.html:52(p)
msgid "Yes! Existing GNOME applications will work just fine in GNOME 3. GNOME 3 does provide facilities to make applications even better though, so look out for new and improved GNOME 3 versions of those trusty apps you've learnt to love."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Da! ObstojeÄ?a programska oprema za namizje GNOME deluje brezhibno tudi na novem namizju GNOME 3. Pri razvoju jedrnih paketov GNOME 3, so razvijalci skrbno naÄ?rtovali tudi podporo starejÅ¡im razliÄ?icam programske opreme, ki bo na novih temeljih delovala celo bolj stabilno in hitreje. Å e veÄ?jo razliko pa boste opazili pri delu z novejÅ¡imi razliÄ?icami programov, ki že upoÅ¡tevajo smernice delovanja novega sistema."
#: ../faq.html:54(h2)
msgid "What will happen to the old version of GNOME?"
@@ -391,7 +403,7 @@ msgstr "Kaj se bo zgodilo s starejÅ¡imi razliÄ?icami namizja GNOME?"
#: ../faq.html:56(p)
msgid "The GNOME 2 desktop had a long life, and parts of it became difficult to maintain over that period. As a result, continued releases of the entire GNOME 2 desktop was never a practical option for the GNOME Project, and several parts of the old GNOME 2 desktop will not receive new releases after GNOME 3 is released. The traditional GNOME 2 desktop will not disappear overnight, however: releases of GNOME 2 will continue to be supported by distributions for years to come."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Namizje GNOME 2 je postalo v letih delovanja težko obvladljivo. Prav zaradi velikosti sistema stara razliÄ?ica namizja nikoli ni bila izbrana za trajnejÅ¡o podporo in posodobljen razvoj. Po izidu namizja GNOME 3, nekateri deli predhodne razliÄ?ice ne bodo veÄ? deležni pozornosti in se ne bodo veÄ? posodabljali. Podporo bodo ohranile skupine, ki pripravljajo in posodabljajo posamezne distribucije z namizjem GNOME Å¡e leta naprej."
#: ../faq.html:58(h2)
msgid "Why is the GNOME 3 desktop designed the way it is?"
@@ -399,7 +411,7 @@ msgstr "Zakaj je namizje GNOME 3 zasnovano na tak naÄ?in?"
#: ../faq.html:60(p)
msgid "A huge amount of work has gone into the design of GNOME 3, and each of the design decisions behind it has a carefully considered rationale. If you have a specific question about one of these design decisions, try reading our <a href=\"http://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell/Design/FAQ\">answers to common GNOME 3 design questions</a>. Alternatively, more extensive details about the design of the GNOME 3 desktop can be found on the <a href=\"http://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell/Design/\">GNOME 3 desktop design wiki page</a>."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pomemben del razvoja je bil namenjen oblikovnem in uporabniÅ¡kem reÅ¡itvam namizja GNOME 3, vse odloÄ?itve pa so temeljile na raziskavah uporabe sistema. V kolikor imate vpraÅ¡anje o zasnovi oblike in uporabe, preberite <a href=\"http://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell/Design/FAQ\">pogosta vpraÅ¡anja o oblikovni zasnovi namizja GNOME 3</a>. VeÄ? podrobnosti pa si lahko preberete tudi na <a href=\"http://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell/Design/\">wiki straneh</a>."
#: ../faq.html:62(h2)
msgid "What are GNOME's plans after GNOME 3 is released?"
@@ -407,7 +419,7 @@ msgstr "Kaj GNOME pripravlja po izidu namizja GNOME3?"
#: ../faq.html:64(p)
msgid "We are going to have a huge party to celebrate the release, and then we're going to get back to work improving our desktop, so that GNOME 3 will get better and better with subsequent releases. We have lots of plans for new features which will make GNOME even easier and more satisfying to use, such as document search and an exciting new desktop extensions framework."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ob izidu bodo po svetu organizirane zabave v Ä?ast novemu namizju, po tem pa bodo razvijalci znova zavihali rokave in poskuÅ¡ali Å¡e dopolniti in izboljÅ¡ati izkuÅ¡njo, ki jo namizje GNOME 3 ponuja. Plan dela je že dolgo znan in prepriÄ?ani smo, da bomo z vsakim novim izidom dokazali, da GNOME ponuja najboljÅ¡o uporabniÅ¡ko izkuÅ¡njo."
#: ../faq.html:66(h2)
msgid "How can I get involved or help with GNOME 3?"
@@ -415,16 +427,15 @@ msgstr "Kako se lahko prikljuÄ?im sodelovanju pri razvoju GNOME 3?"
#: ../faq.html:68(p)
msgid "Spreading the word about GNOME 3 is a great way to help out. A positive tweet, dent, status update or post is always appreciated. You can also join our <a href=\"http://www.facebook.com/GNOMEDesktop\">Facebook group</a> or become a <a href=\"http://www.gnome.org/friends/\">Friend of GNOME</a>. Additionally, you can help out with one of the many varied tasks involved in producing GNOME. Just check out our <a href=\"http://live.gnome.org/JoinGnome\">contribution page</a> for more details."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "RazÅ¡irjanje besede o namizju GNOME 3 je odliÄ?en naÄ?in kako pomagati. S pozitivnim sporoÄ?ilom na tweeterju ali facebooku lahko naredite veliko. Lahko se pridružite tudi <a href=\"http://www.facebook.com/GNOMEDesktop\">Facebook skupini</a> ali pa postanete <a href=\"http://www.gnome.org/friends/\">Prijatelj namizja GNOME</a>. Seveda pa vse vabimo, da se pridružite razvoju namizja na razliÄ?nih delovnih podroÄ?jih. VeÄ? podrobnosti najdete na spletnih straneh <a href=\"http://live.gnome.org/JoinGnome\">Projekta GNOME</a>."
#: ../faq.html:70(h2)
msgid "I want to write about GNOME 3. How do I get more information?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kje je mogoÄ?e najti veÄ? podrobnosti za pisanje o namizju GNOME?"
#: ../faq.html:72(p)
msgid "Further information about the release can be found on the <a href=\"http://live.gnome.org/ThreePointZero\">GNOME 3 wiki page</a>. Press queries should be sent to <a href=\"mailto:gnome-press-contact gnome org\">gnome-press-contact gnome org</a>."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "VeÄ? podrobnosti o izdaji namizja, si je mogoÄ?e ogledati na <a href=\"http://live.gnome.org/ThreePointZero\">wiki straneh GNOME 3</a>. Novinarska vpraÅ¡anja pa lahko poÅ¡ljete na elektronski naslov <a href=\"mailto:gnome-press-contact gnome org\">gnome-press-contact gnome org</a>."
#~ msgid "Â "
#~ msgstr "Â "
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