[orca/orca-gnome3: 5/23] Added a gsettings backend

commit 18b0e4b4b4f9899c6bed22d4b6069fe1734af10e
Author: Javier Hernández Antúnez <jhernandez emergya es>
Date:   Tue Feb 22 19:09:13 2011 +0100

    Added a gsettings backend

 src/orca/backends/gsettings_backend.py |  408 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 408 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/orca/backends/gsettings_backend.py b/src/orca/backends/gsettings_backend.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e258642
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/orca/backends/gsettings_backend.py
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+# Orca
+# Copyright 2011 Consorcio Fernando de los Rios.
+# Author: Javier Hernandez Antunez <jhernandez emergya es>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston MA  02110-1301 USA.
+"""GSettings backend for Orca settings"""
+__id__        = "$Id$"
+__version__   = "$Revision$"
+__date__      = "$Date$"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2011 Consorcio Fernando de los Rios."
+__license__   = "LGPL"
+import os
+from orca import settings
+from gi.repository.Gio import Settings as GSettings
+# Orca Application Schemas
+BASE_SCHEMA           = 'org.gnome.Orca'
+SETTINGS_SCHEMA       = 'org.gnome.Orca.Settings'
+VOICES_SCHEMA         = 'org.gnome.Orca.Settings.Voices'
+FAMILY_SCHEMA         = 'org.gnome.Orca.Settings.Voices.Family'
+KEYBINDINGS_SCHEMA    = 'org.gnome.Orca.Settings.Keybindings'
+PRONUNCIATIONS_SCHEMA = 'org.gnome.Orca.Settings.Pronunciations'
+# Orca Application paths
+BASE_PATH     = '/apps/gnome/Orca/'
+PROFILES_PATH = '/apps/gnome/Orca/Profiles/'
+class Backend:
+    def __init__(self):
+        """ Initialize the GSettings Backend.
+        """ 
+        self.general = {}
+        self.pronunciations = {}
+        self.keybindings = {}
+        self.profiles = {}
+    def saveDefaultSettings(self, general, pronunciations, keybindings):
+        """ Save default settings for all the properties from
+            orca.settings. """
+        defaultProfiles = {'default': { 'profile':  settings.profile,
+                                                    'pronunciations': {},
+                                                    'keybindings': {}
+                                      }
+                          }
+        prefs = {'general': general,
+                 'profiles': defaultProfiles,
+                 'pronunciations': pronunciations,
+                 'keybindings': keybindings}
+        self.general = general
+        self.profiles = defaultProfiles
+        self.pronunciations = pronunciations
+        self.keybindings = keybindings
+        base_dict = {}
+        for key in ['activeProfile', 'startingProfile', \
+                    'availableProfiles', 'firstStart']:
+            if general.has_key(key): 
+                value = general.pop(key)
+                base_dict[key] = value
+        voices_dict = general['voices']
+        self._set_schema_to_path(BASE_SCHEMA, None, base_dict)
+        self._set_schema_to_path(SETTINGS_SCHEMA, BASE_PATH, general)
+        self._set_voices(BASE_PATH, voices_dict)
+        self._set_profiles_dict(defaultProfiles)
+        self._set_pronunciations_dict(BASE_PATH, pronunciations)
+        self._set_keybindings_dict(BASE_PATH, keybindings)
+    def saveProfileSettings(self, profile, general,
+                                  pronunciations, keybindings):
+        """ Save minimal subset defined in the profile against current 
+            defaults. """
+        if profile is None:
+            profile = 'default'
+        general['pronunciations'] = pronunciations
+        general['keybindings'] = keybindings
+        profiles = self._get_profiles_dict()
+        profiles[profile] = general
+        self._set_profiles_dict(profiles)
+    def _getSettings(self):
+        """ Load from GSettings all settings """
+        settings_dict = self._get_dict_path(BASE_SCHEMA)
+        settings_dict.update(self._get_dict_path(SETTINGS_SCHEMA, BASE_PATH))
+        #settings_dict['voices'] = self._get_dict_path(VOICES_SCHEMA, BASE_PATH)
+        for key in ['availableProfiles', 'availableKeybindings', 'availablePronunciations']:
+            settings_dict.pop(key)
+        self.general = settings_dict.copy()
+        self.pronunciations = self._get_pronunciations_dict(BASE_PATH)
+        self.keybindings = self._get_keybindings_dict(BASE_PATH)
+        profiles_dict = self._get_profiles_dict()
+        self.profiles = profiles_dict.copy()
+    def getGeneral(self, profile='default'):
+        """ Get general settings from default settings and
+            override with profile values. """
+        self._getSettings()
+        generalSettings = self.general.copy()
+        profileSettings = self.profiles[profile].copy()
+        for key, value in profileSettings.items():
+            if key not in settings.excludeKeys:
+                generalSettings[key] = value
+        generalSettings['activeProfile'] = profileSettings['profile']
+        return generalSettings
+    def getPronunciations(self, profile='default'):
+        """ Get pronunciation settings from default settings and
+            override with profile values. """
+        self._getSettings()
+        pronunciations = self.pronunciations.copy()
+        profileSettings = self.profiles[profile].copy()
+        if profileSettings.has_key('pronunciations'):
+            pronunciations = profileSettings['pronunciations']
+        return pronunciations
+    def getKeybindings(self, profile='default'):
+        """ Get keybindings settings from default settings and
+            override with profile values. """
+        self._getSettings()
+        keybindings = self.keybindings.copy()
+        profileSettings = self.profiles[profile].copy()
+        if profileSettings.has_key('keybindings'):
+            keybindings = profileSettings['keybindings']
+        return keybindings
+    def isFirstStart(self):
+        """ Check if we're in first start. """
+#        if not os.path.exists(self.settingsFile):
+#            return True
+        self._getSettings()
+        return self.general.get('firstStart', True)
+    def _setProfileKey(self, key, value):
+        self.general[key] = value
+        self.__set_key_value(BASE_SCHEMA, BASE_PATH, key, value)
+    def setFirstStart(self, value=False):
+        """Set firstStart. This user-configurable settting is primarily
+        intended to serve as an indication as to whether or not initial
+        configuration is needed."""
+        self.general['firstStart'] = value
+        self.__set_key_value(BASE_SCHEMA, None, 'firstStart', value)
+    def availableProfiles(self):
+        """ List available profiles. """
+        profileDict = self._get_profiles_dict()
+        profiles = []
+        for profileName in profileDict.keys(): 
+            profiles.append(profileDict[profileName].get('profile'))
+        return profiles
+# GSettings-related methods
+    def _get_dict_path(self, schema, path=None):
+        """ Get a dictionary object from a given schema.
+        This method returns a dictionary from a given schema and from an
+        optionally path. We assume that we only call this method
+        without a path when we want to get org.gnome.Orca schema. """
+        out_dict = {}
+        g_settings = GSettings(schema=schema, path=path)
+        for key in g_settings.list_keys():
+            value = self.__get_key_value(schema, path, key)
+            out_dict[key] = value
+        return out_dict
+    def _set_schema_to_path(self, schema, path=None, dict_in=None):
+        g_settings = GSettings(schema=schema, path=path)
+        for key in g_settings.list_keys():
+            if key not in dict_in.keys(): continue
+            self.__set_key_value(schema, path, \
+                    key, dict_in[key])
+    def __get_key_value(self, schema, path, key):
+        """ Get a key value from a given"""
+        g_settings = GSettings(schema = schema, \
+                                  path = path)
+        g_value_get = { \
+            's' : g_settings.get_string, \
+            'i' : g_settings.get_int, \
+            'd' : g_settings.get_double, \
+            'b' : g_settings.get_boolean, \
+            'as': g_settings.get_strv, \
+        }
+        g_value = g_settings.get_value(key)
+        value_type = g_value.get_type_string()
+        value = g_value_get[value_type](key)
+        return value
+    def __set_key_value(self, schema, path, key, value):
+        """ Get a key value from a given"""
+        g_settings = GSettings(schema = schema, \
+                                  path = path)
+        if isinstance(value, dict) or isinstance(value, type(None)): return
+        g_value_set = { \
+            str   : g_settings.set_string, \
+            int   : g_settings.set_int, \
+            bool  : g_settings.set_boolean, \
+            list  : g_settings.set_strv, \
+            tuple : g_settings.set_strv, \
+            float : g_settings.set_double, \
+        }
+        g_value_set[type(value)](key, value)
+    def _get_profiles_dict(self):
+        g_settings = GSettings(schema=BASE_SCHEMA)
+        out_dict = {}
+        for profile in g_settings.get_strv('availableProfiles'):
+            path = '%s%s/' % (PROFILES_PATH, profile)
+            value = self._get_dict_path(SETTINGS_SCHEMA, path)
+            for key in ['availableKeybindings', 'availablePronunciations']:
+                value.pop(key)
+            out_dict[profile] = value
+            value = self._get_voices(path)
+            out_dict[profile]['voices'] = value
+            value = self._get_pronunciations_dict(path)
+            out_dict[profile]['pronunciations'] = value
+            value = self._get_keybindings_dict(path)
+            out_dict[profile]['keybindings'] = value
+        return out_dict
+    def _set_profiles_dict(self, dict_in):
+        g_settings = GSettings(schema=BASE_SCHEMA)
+        for profile in dict_in.keys():
+            availableProfiles = g_settings.get_strv('availableProfiles')
+            if not profile in availableProfiles:
+                availableProfiles.append(profile)
+                g_settings.set_strv('availableProfiles', availableProfiles)
+            path = '%s%s/' % (PROFILES_PATH, profile)
+            self._set_schema_to_path(SETTINGS_SCHEMA, path, dict_in[profile])
+            if dict_in[profile].has_key('voices'):
+                self._set_voices(path, dict_in[profile]['voices'])
+            self._set_pronunciations_dict(path, dict_in[profile]['pronunciations'])
+            self._set_keybindings_dict(path, dict_in[profile]['keybindings'])
+    def _get_voices(self, path=None):
+        out_dict = {}
+        for voice in ['default', 'hyperlink', 'system', 'uppercase']:
+            voice_path = '%sVoices/%s/' % (path, voice)
+            value = self._get_dict_path(VOICES_SCHEMA, voice_path)
+            out_dict[voice] = value
+            family_path = '%sfamily/' % voice_path
+            family = self._get_dict_path(FAMILY_SCHEMA, family_path)
+            out_dict[voice]['family'] = family
+        return out_dict
+    def _set_voices(self, path, dict_in):
+        root_path = path
+        voices_dict = self._get_voices(path)
+        voices_dict.update(dict_in)
+        for voice in ['default', 'hyperlink', 'system', 'uppercase']:
+            path = '%sVoices/%s/' % (root_path, voice)
+            self._set_schema_to_path(VOICES_SCHEMA, path, dict_in[voice])
+            if 'family' in dict_in[voice]:
+                path = '%sfamily/' % path
+                self._set_schema_to_path(FAMILY_SCHEMA, path, dict_in[voice]['family'])
+    def _get_pronunciations_dict(self, path):
+        g_settings = GSettings(schema=SETTINGS_SCHEMA, path=path)
+        root_path = path
+        out_dict = {}
+        for pronunciation in g_settings.get_strv('availablePronunciations'):
+            path = '%sPronunciations/%s/' % (root_path, pronunciation)
+            value = self._get_dict_path(schema, path)
+            out_dict[pronunciation] = [value['word'], value['pronunciation']]
+        return out_dict
+    def _set_pronunciations_dict(self, path, dict_in):
+        g_settings = GSettings(schema=SETTINGS_SCHEMA, path=path)
+        root_path = path
+        for pronunciation in dict_in.keys():
+            path = '%sPronunciations/%s/' % (root_path, pronunciation)
+            pron_dict = {'word': dict_in[pronunciation][0],
+                    'pronunciation': dict_in[pronunciation][1]}
+            self._set_schema_to_path(schema, path, pron_dict)
+        pronunciations = dict_in.keys()
+        g_settings.set_strv('availablePronunciations', pronunciations)
+    def _get_keybindings_dict(self, path=None):
+        g_settings = GSettings(schema=SETTINGS_SCHEMA, path=path)
+        schema = KEYBINDINGS_SCHEMA
+        root_path = path
+        out_dict = {}
+        for keybinding in g_settings.get_strv('availableKeybindings'):
+            path = '%sKeybindings/%s/' % (root_path, keybinding)
+            value = self._get_dict_path(schema, path)
+            out_dict[keybinding] = [(value['modifierMask'], \
+                                    value['defaultModifierMask'], \
+                                    value['handler'], \
+                                    value['click']), \
+                                    (value['modifierMaskAlt'], \
+                                    value['defaultModifierMaskAlt'], \
+                                    value['handlerAlt'], \
+                                    value['clickAlt'])]
+        return out_dict
+    def _set_keybindings_dict(self, path, dict_in):
+        g_settings = GSettings(schema=SETTINGS_SCHEMA, path=path)
+        schema = KEYBINDINGS_SCHEMA
+        root_path = path
+        keybindings = []
+        for keybinding in dict_in.keys():
+            if dict_in[keybinding][0] == '' and dict_in[keybinding][1] == '': continue
+            path = '%sKeybindings/%s/' % (root_path, keybinding)
+            keybs_dict = {'modifierMask' : dict_in[keybinding][0][0], \
+                          'defaultModifierMask': dict_in[keybinding][0][1], \
+                          'handler': dict_in[keybinding][0][2], \
+                          'click': dict_in[keybinding][0][3], \
+                          'modifierMaskAlt' : dict_in[keybinding][1][0], \
+                          'defaultModifierMaskAlt': dict_in[keybinding][1][1], \
+                          'handlerAlt': dict_in[keybinding][1][2], \
+                          'clickAlt': dict_in[keybinding][1][3]}
+            self._set_schema_to_path(schema, path, keybs_dict)
+            keybindings.append(keybinding)
+        g_settings.set_strv('availableKeybindings', keybindings)

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