[tracker] (7 commits) Created branch lru-stmt-cache

The branch 'lru-stmt-cache' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  bf6987a... libtracker-data: Don't cache stmt if the query contains a r
  6679fda... libtracker-data: LRU ring for the TrackerDBStatement cache
  32a4b6d... libtracker-data: Different LRU-cache for INSERT/DELETE v. S
  417dee4... libtracker-data, -direct, tests: Make it possible to set th
  719e2ad... libtracker-data: Fix crash when first query thread is creat
  f8872fe... tracker-store: Use private threads for the query thread poo
  34194e7... libtracker-data, tracker-store: Make statement cache sizes 

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