[release-notes/gnome-2-32] add empathy, evince and nautilus user updates

commit 7b65a64689805156e6361487a9a9b2d7efcf0cb1
Author: Paul Cutler <pcutler gnome org>
Date:   Tue Sep 14 11:13:15 2010 -0500

    add empathy, evince and nautilus user updates

 help/C/rnusers.xml |  105 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 105 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/help/C/rnusers.xml b/help/C/rnusers.xml
index 4749920..17856b7 100644
--- a/help/C/rnusers.xml
+++ b/help/C/rnusers.xml
@@ -7,6 +7,111 @@
 <sect1 id="rnusers">
 	<title>What's New for Users</title>
+	<para>
+			The GNOME Project's focus on users and usability continues in GNOME &gnomeversion;
+			with its hundreds of bug fixes and user-requested improvements. The
+			sheer number of enhancements makes it impossible to list every change and
+			improvement made, but these notes aim to highlight some of the
+			more exciting, user-oriented features in this release.
+	</para>
+	<para>
+			GNOME 2.32 is the last planned major release in the GNOME 2.x series, with
+			only maintenance releases for GNOME 2.x planned going forward.  GNOME 2.32
+			 features a limited set of new features in some applications as GNOME 
+			 developers continue to focus on the upcoming GNOME 3.0 release scheduled
+			 for March, 2011.
+	 </para>
+	<sect2 id="rnusers.empathy">
+	 <title>Organize Your Contacts</title>
+	 <para>
+	  GNOME's instant messaging and communication application, 
+	  <application>Empathy</application>, built on the Telepathy communications 
+	  framework, has gained a number of new and important features 
+	  to help users communicate and manage their contacts.</para>
+	 <para>Empathy allows you to group a contact's information together using
+	 		metacontacts.  If one of your contacts uses multiple instant messaging
+	 		services, for example, you can now link the different services together
+	 		under one name for your contact.  Empathy also has added the ability to
+	 		easily find your contacts by adding live contact search.  You can type
+	 		in the contact list to quickly find a contact.
+	  </para>
+		<para>
+		Empathy has added options to disalbe logging as well as automically popup
+		incoming chats.  Other updates to Empathy include the ability to configure
+		IRCaccounts using the account assistant; allowing you to manually accept 
+		server certificates; using status icons from your current theme; improved
+		connection error messages; and the ability to accept or decline incoming 
+		events using buttons in the notification bubbles. You can also view 
+		technical information about your current call in the details pane of the
+		audio / video dialog and also re-open a closed tab using undo in the 
+		conversation window. 
+		</para>
+	</sect2>	 
+	<sect2 id="rnusers.evince">
+	 <title>Improved PDF Support</title>
+	 <para>
+	  The <application>Evince</application> document viewer has improved</para>
+	  accessibility support through the use of the AtkText interface, which allows
+	  <application>Orca</application>, the GNOME screen reader, to read
+	  documents in Evince.  The maximum zoom level has also been increased
+	  when viewing a document.
+	  </para> 
+	 <para>
+	   Annotation support has been improved and you can now add annotations
+	   from the side panel, change the default properties including author, 
+	   color, transparency and more.
+		</para>
+		<para>
+			SyncTeX support has been added to Evince.  SyncTex is a method that
+			enables synchronization between a TeX source file and the resulding
+			PDF or (DVI) output.  SyncTex support has been added to Evince and as
+			a new plug-in for <application>gedit</application>.  Backward Search, from
+			Evince to gedit, and Forward Search, from Gedit to Evince, are both
+			supported.
+		</para>
+	</sect2>	 	
+	<sect2 id="rnusers.nautilus">
+		<title>View More Files</title>
+		<para>
+		  GNOME &gnomeversion; includes updates to 
+		  <application>Nautilus</application>, the GNOME File Manager.
+			Nautilus has added a dialog to help you handle conflicts when
+			performing copy or move operations.  When cutting files to paste them
+			in another directory, Nautilus will now display the cut files
+			with transparent icons.
+		</para>
+		<para>
+		  Managing the files you delete that are moved to the Trash has seen 
+		  improvements.  When viewing the Trash folder, there is a new button
+		  in the information bar that allows you to restore selected files.  The
+		  Trash folder also shows the original location of the deleted file and
+		  the date it was deleted.
+		</para>
+		<figure id="fig.rnusers.nautilus">
+		 <title><application>Nautilus</application></title>
+		  <screenshot><mediaobject><imageobject>
+			  <imagedata fileref="&urlfiguresbase;rnusers.nautilus.png" format="PNG"/>
+			</imageobject></mediaobject></screenshot>
+		</figure>
+	</sect2>
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