[tracker] (61 commits) Created branch class-signal

The branch 'class-signal' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  de5c6e2... libtracker-data, tracker-store: Change the class signal cal
  a0eae0e... libtracker-data, tracker-store: Fix Writeback support for n
  0e97bbe... tracker-store: Storage of signal events as they arrive
  225901c... tracker-store, data/dbus: Remove unused TrackerResourceClas
  fa0a393... tracker-store: Add class_id to tracker-events API
  4f194c4... tracker-store: Remove unused struct
  5420268... tracker-store: Connect tracker-resources with tracker-event
  a211d3f... tracker-store: Bugfix, class_id comes first
  a7302d2... tracker-store: Class-signal impl. without any sorting or op
  5d97b4b... tracker-store: Added sorting and a storage optimization for
  e0166ed... tracker-store: Avoid copying of arrays at class-signal emit
  a910ce8... libtracker-data, tracker-store: class-signal: Move the arra
  25ede6c... libtracker-data: Optimization, just return once it's insert
  a7a0dc2... tracker-store: Simplify tracker_events_* API, typo fix
  6c86d72... tracker-store: class-signals: Performance optimization at c
  fc65ee0... functional-tests: class-signal: Add functional test
  1e4cb9c... functional-tests: class-signal: Added some comments
  b7f59af... functional-tests: class-signal: More beautiful queries
  29646c8... functional-tests: class-signal: Use normal DBus to avoid bu
  df146ca... functional-tests: class-signal: Allow tweaking the test
  5dc07fa... functional-tests: class-signal: Allow tweaking of the data 
  4e39726... tracker-store, libtracker-data: Pending vs. ready arrays, t
  7922af7... tracker-store: Kill compiler warnings softly
  3943705... tracker-store, libtracker-data: class-signal: Cut at transa
  12b71ff... tracker-store: class-signal: Data limit for immediate emit 
  22b2730... functional-tests: class-signal: Improved the test a little 
  a49ea53... tracker-store: class-signal: Reset the total counter on eac
  5d30416... tracker-store: class-signal: Better names for the defines
  91d4344... tracker-writeback: Port tracker-writeback to libtracker-spa
  959f5c9... tracker-writeback: Fix memory leak in taglib writeback modu
  fd4fc02... tracker-writeback: Fix memory leak in XMP writeback module
  8c0e708... tracker-writeback: Fixes after Martyn's review
  0b5f25a... tracker-store, tracker-writeback: Changed the Writeback sig
  839e191... libtracker-data: Add support for tracker:subject() to SPARQ
  ceb3e31... tracker-store, tracker-writeback: Changed the subject of Wr
  9fd50b2... examples: class-signal: Add example in plain C
  d8e9627... examples: class-signal: Remove unneeded code
  bd2702c... functional-tests: class-signal: Removed unused variable
  3b23edf... Flickr miner: port writeback to new signal
  24116be... functional-tests: class-signal: Add performance test
  02e79bd... tracker-writeback: Fixed compilation errors
  4d3b090... tracker-store, libtracker-data: Workaround for graph not be
  fc9235e... tracker-store: class-signal: At on_committed the values are
  7656ace... tracker-store: writeback: Do the transaction trick for Writ
  08f80f8... libtracker-miner: Fixed GRAPH in IgnoreNextUpdate case
  689e608... tracker-writeback: Fix cursor leak
  13c34d7... tracker-store, libtracker-data: Resetting of events on roll
  f50bd82... tracker-store: Simplify reset of writeback, removed unused 
  7d5109b... tracker-store: Let's always first remove pending then ready
  147b9bc... tracker-store: The signal in tracker-resources.c is for bot
  a5c06a8... Rename tracker:subject() to tracker:uri()
  890bfe9... libtracker-data, tracker-store, etc: Add graph_id to the cl
  bcfffaa... tracker-store, examples, tests: Renamed ClassSignal to Grap
  0299dfe... tracker-store: graph_id and object_id where switched, fixed
  a67fff4... tracker-store: class-signal: Bugfix, the timer based emit w
  9bc3fa5... SPARQL: Change tracker:uri() to be the exact inverse of tra
  7a73752... tracker-store: class-signal: Timer should always be present
  d0e07eb... tracker-store: class-signal: Cleanup gboolean returns
  15e4a26... libtracker-data: Use binary search to insert instead of lin
  1779689... libtracker-data: class-signal: Simplify previous commit a b
  ce697bd... tracker-writeback: Fix distcheck

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