[libgsf] Updated debianisation

commit 75ad39ffe93360e3c3f999e2c7a61e42b0ebe40c
Author: J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) <jdassen debian org>
Date:   Sat Oct 16 13:17:56 2010 +0200

    Updated debianisation

 debian/changelog                  |   10 ++
 debian/libgsf-1-114.symbols       |  285 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/libgsf-gnome-1-114.symbols |   13 ++
 debian/rules                      |    3 +
 4 files changed, 311 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 8b26d9e..64c7cd1 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+libgsf (1.14.19-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * [debian/libgsf-1-114.symbols, debian/libgsf-gnome-1-114.symbols] New.
+    Symbols going back to lenny.
+  * [debian/rules]
+    * Default to strict dpkg-gensymbols checks.
+    * Generate a .pot file as requested for Ubuntu. (Closes: #587359)
+ -- J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) <jdassen debian org>  Sat, 16 Oct 2010 12:36:48 +0200
 libgsf (1.14.19-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
diff --git a/debian/libgsf-1-114.symbols b/debian/libgsf-1-114.symbols
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00bb11a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libgsf-1-114.symbols
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+libgsf-1.so.114 libgsf-1-114 #MINVER#
+ get_gsf_odf_version Base 1.14.15
+ get_gsf_odf_version_string Base 1.14.15
+ get_gsf_ooo_ns Base 1.14.15
+ gsf_base64_decode_simple Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_base64_decode_step Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_base64_encode_close Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_base64_encode_simple Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_base64_encode_step Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_blob_get_size Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_blob_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_blob_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_blob_peek_data Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_clip_data_get_data_blob Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_clip_data_get_format Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_clip_data_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_clip_data_get_windows_clipboard_format Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_clip_data_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_clip_data_peek_real_data Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_debug_flag Base 1.14.19
+ gsf_doc_meta_data_foreach Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_doc_meta_data_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_doc_meta_data_insert Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_doc_meta_data_lookup Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_doc_meta_data_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_doc_meta_data_remove Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_doc_meta_data_size Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_doc_meta_data_steal Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_doc_meta_data_store Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_doc_meta_dump Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_doc_prop_dump Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_doc_prop_free Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_doc_prop_get_link Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_doc_prop_get_name Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_doc_prop_get_val Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_doc_prop_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_doc_prop_set_link Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_doc_prop_set_val Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_doc_prop_swap_val Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_docprop_vector_append Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_docprop_vector_as_string Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_docprop_vector_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_docprop_vector_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_error_quark Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_extension_pointer Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_filename_to_utf8 Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_iconv_close Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_infile_child_by_aname Base 1.14.9
+ gsf_infile_child_by_index Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_infile_child_by_name Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_infile_child_by_vaname Base 1.14.9
+ gsf_infile_child_by_vname Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_infile_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_infile_msole_get_class_id Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_infile_msole_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_infile_msole_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_infile_msvba_get_modules Base 1.14.9
+ gsf_infile_msvba_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_infile_msvba_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_infile_msvba_steal_modules Base 1.14.9
+ gsf_infile_name_by_index Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_infile_num_children Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_infile_stdio_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_infile_stdio_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_infile_tar_get_type Base 1.14.10
+ gsf_infile_tar_new Base 1.14.10
+ gsf_infile_zip_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_infile_zip_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_init Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_init_dynamic Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_container Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_copy Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_dump Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_dup Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_eof Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_error Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_error_id Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_find_vba Base 1.14.9
+ gsf_input_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_gio_get_type Base 1.14.9
+ gsf_input_gio_new Base 1.14.9
+ gsf_input_gio_new_for_path Base 1.14.9
+ gsf_input_gio_new_for_uri Base 1.14.9
+ gsf_input_gzip_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_gzip_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_http_get_content_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_http_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_http_get_url Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_http_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_memory_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_memory_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_memory_new_clone Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_memory_new_from_bzip Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_memory_new_from_iochannel Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_mmap_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_name Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_proxy_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_proxy_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_proxy_new_section Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_read Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_remaining Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_seek Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_seek_emulate Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_set_container Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_set_name Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_set_name_from_filename Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_set_size Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_sibling Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_size Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_stdio_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_stdio_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_stdio_new_FILE Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_tell Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_textline_ascii_gets Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_textline_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_textline_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_textline_utf8_gets Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_uncompress Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_le_get_double Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_le_get_float Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_le_get_guint64 Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_le_set_double Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_le_set_float Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_mem_dump Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_msole_codepage_to_lid Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_msole_iconv_open_codepage_for_export Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_msole_iconv_open_codepage_for_import Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_msole_iconv_open_codepages_for_export Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_msole_iconv_open_for_export Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_msole_iconv_open_for_import Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_msole_iconv_win_codepage Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_msole_inflate Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_msole_language_for_lid Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_msole_lid_for_language Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_msole_lid_to_codepage Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_msole_lid_to_codepage_str Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_msole_metadata_read Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_msole_metadata_write Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_ooo_ns Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_open_pkg_error_id Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_open_pkg_foreach_rel Base 1.14.9
+ gsf_open_pkg_get_rel_by_id Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_open_pkg_get_rel_by_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_open_pkg_lookup_rel_by_id Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_open_pkg_lookup_rel_by_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_open_pkg_open_rel Base 1.14.9
+ gsf_open_pkg_open_rel_by_id Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_open_pkg_open_rel_by_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_open_pkg_parse_rel_by_id Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_open_pkg_rel_get_target Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_open_pkg_rel_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_open_pkg_rel_is_extern Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_opendoc_metadata_read Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_opendoc_metadata_subtree Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_opendoc_metadata_write Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_outfile_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_outfile_msole_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_outfile_msole_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_outfile_msole_new_full Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_outfile_msole_set_class_id Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_outfile_new_child Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_outfile_new_child_full Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_outfile_new_child_varg Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_outfile_open_pkg_add_extern_rel Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_outfile_open_pkg_add_rel Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_outfile_open_pkg_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_outfile_open_pkg_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_outfile_open_pkg_relate Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_outfile_open_pkg_set_content_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_outfile_open_pkg_set_sink Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_outfile_stdio_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_outfile_stdio_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_outfile_stdio_new_full Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_outfile_stdio_new_valist Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_outfile_zip_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_outfile_zip_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_outfile_zip_set_compression_method Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_bzip_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_bzip_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_close Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_container Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_csv_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_csv_quoting_mode_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_csv_write_eol Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_csv_write_field Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_error Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_error_id Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_gio_get_type Base 1.14.9
+ gsf_output_gio_new Base 1.14.9
+ gsf_output_gio_new_for_path Base 1.14.9
+ gsf_output_gio_new_for_uri Base 1.14.9
+ gsf_output_gzip_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_gzip_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_iconv_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_iconv_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_iochannel_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_iochannel_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_is_closed Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_memory_get_bytes Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_memory_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_memory_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_name Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_printf Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_puts Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_seek Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_set_container Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_set_error Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_set_name Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_set_name_from_filename Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_size Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_stdio_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_stdio_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_stdio_new_FILE Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_stdio_new_full Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_stdio_new_valist Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_tell Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_unwrap Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_vprintf Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_wrap Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_write Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_property_settings_collect Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_property_settings_collect_valist Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_property_settings_free Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_shared_memory_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_shared_memory_mmapped_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_shared_memory_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_shutdown Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_shutdown_dynamic Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_structured_blob_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_structured_blob_read Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_structured_blob_write Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_timestamp_as_string Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_timestamp_copy Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_timestamp_equal Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_timestamp_free Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_timestamp_from_string Base 1.14.12
+ gsf_timestamp_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_timestamp_hash Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_timestamp_new Base 1.14.15
+ gsf_timestamp_parse Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_timestamp_set_time Base 1.14.15
+ gsf_value_get_docprop_varray Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_value_get_docprop_vector Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_value_set_timestamp Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_vdir_add_child Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_vdir_free Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_vdir_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xmlDocFormatDump Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_gvalue_from_str Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_in_check_ns Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_in_doc_add_nodes Base 1.14.9
+ gsf_xml_in_doc_free Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_in_doc_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_in_doc_parse Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_in_doc_set_unknown_handler Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_in_get_input Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_in_namecmp Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_in_push_state Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_out_add_base64 Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_out_add_bool Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_out_add_color Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_out_add_cstr Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_out_add_cstr_unchecked Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_out_add_enum Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_out_add_float Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_out_add_gvalue Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_out_add_int Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_out_add_uint Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_out_end_element Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_out_get_output Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_out_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_out_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_out_set_doc_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_out_simple_element Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_out_simple_float_element Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_out_simple_int_element Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_out_start_element Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_parser_context Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_xml_probe Base 1.14.11
+ gsf_zip_dirent_free Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_zip_dirent_new Base 1.14.8
+ libgsf_major_version Base 1.14.8
+ libgsf_micro_version Base 1.14.8
+ libgsf_minor_version Base 1.14.8
diff --git a/debian/libgsf-gnome-1-114.symbols b/debian/libgsf-gnome-1-114.symbols
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c17e07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libgsf-gnome-1-114.symbols
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+libgsf-gnome-1.so.114 libgsf-gnome-1-114 #MINVER#
+ gsf_input_bonobo_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_bonobo_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_input_gnomevfs_get_type Base 1.14.11
+ gsf_input_gnomevfs_new Base 1.14.11
+ gsf_input_gnomevfs_new_uri Base 1.14.11
+ gsf_output_bonobo_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_bonobo_new Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_output_gnomevfs_get_type Base 1.14.11
+ gsf_output_gnomevfs_new Base 1.14.11
+ gsf_output_gnomevfs_new_uri Base 1.14.11
+ gsf_shared_bonobo_stream_get_type Base 1.14.8
+ gsf_shared_bonobo_stream_new Base 1.14.8
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 50c4aba..ddf659c 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -76,6 +76,8 @@ else
 	confflags += --build $(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE) --host $(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE)
 	# Update files/links generated by autotools
@@ -111,6 +113,7 @@ config-stamp:
 build: build-stamp
 build-stamp:  config-stamp
+	cd po; intltool-update -p
 	$(MAKE) -C build

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