[orca/new-settings] Minor changes to solve some profiles loading issues.

commit c3cb48114a87af23168f8251cbfd26f51e1f158a
Author: Joanmarie Diggs <joanmarie diggs gmail com>
Date:   Thu Oct 14 15:07:05 2010 +0200

    Minor changes to solve some profiles loading issues.

 src/orca/orca_gui_prefs.py |   16 ++++++++++------
 1 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/orca/orca_gui_prefs.py b/src/orca/orca_gui_prefs.py
index 3bb14a6..39a2661 100644
--- a/src/orca/orca_gui_prefs.py
+++ b/src/orca/orca_gui_prefs.py
@@ -4504,8 +4504,9 @@ class OrcaSetupGUI(orca_gtkbuilder.GtkBuilderWrapper):
     def loadProfileButtonClicked(self, widget):
         """Load profile button clicked handler"""
-        if not self._isInitialSetup:
+        if self._isInitialSetup:
         # First of all, we give a chance of cancel profile change
         message = "You are about to change the active profile. If you\n" + \
                   "have just make changes in your preferences, it will\n" + \
@@ -4571,16 +4572,19 @@ class OrcaSetupGUI(orca_gtkbuilder.GtkBuilderWrapper):
         import gconf
         gclient = gconf.client_get_default()
-        activeItem = self.profilesCombo.get_active()
-        activeProfile = self.profilesComboModel[activeItem]
+        activeProfile = self.getComboBoxList(self.profilesCombo)
-        orca.loadUserSettings()
+        # TODO - JD/JO: Why is this call here? If it is not commented out,
+        # returning to the Orca Preferences dialog after making a change
+        # results in the original (non-changed) settings being displayed
+        # in the Preferences dialog, even though the changed values have
+        # correctly been written out.
+        #
+        #orca.loadUserSettings()
         self.prefsDict = _settingsManager.readPreferences() 

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