[gtk+] (251 commits) Created branch gtk-style-context

The branch 'gtk-style-context' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  ddd6343... Add GTK_STATE_LAST to mark the end of GtkState enum.
  75b8ee0... Add GtkStyleSet, a store of style properties.
  7d9f58e... Add GtkStyleProvider, an interface to provide style details
  8d75d5e... GtkStyleSet: Implement GtkStyleProvider.
  359b893... gtkstyleset.h: Add declaration for gtk_style_set_merge().
  898bdb7... Add GtkStyleContext.
  4f1f568... GtkStyleSet: Add style property registration funcs.
  d82361e... GtkStyleSet: Use property GQuark as store keys.
  a15010b... GtkStyleSet: Add valist and varargs getters/setters.
  24af2f5... GtkStyleSet: Return default value if value is not set.
  6152072... GtkStyleContext: Add methods to query composed style.
  64f3c0e... GtkStyleSet: Add method to register font properties.
  fd69980... GtkStyleSet: Add method to register border property.
  43089a3... GtkStyleContext: Fix typo.
  646d1c7... GtkStateType: Add inconsistent and focused state.
  91ae65e... Add GtkStateFlags.
  9a552fb... GtkWidget: Add gtk_widget_get_style_context().
  c468121... GtkStyleContext: Add getters and setter for state.
  3bef4f8... Add GtkWidgetPath.
  08bba8e... GtkWidget: Add gtk_widget_get_path().
  fab2624... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_[gs]et_path()
  dc61c4a... Add GtkThemingEngine.
  758e851... GtkThemingEngine: Add module loading capabilities.
  73abd2e... GtkStyleContext: Relate to a GtkThemingEngine.
  cf28fbd... GtkStyleContext: Add style classes.
  24405bf... GtkStyleContext: Add child style classes.
  8c5e242... GtkWidget: Add widget path to style context.
  45a3777... GtkThemingEngine: Add accessors to style classes.
  c50daad... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render checkboxes.
  aebf4c5... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_check().
  b548869... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render radio buttons.
  48a7415... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_option().
  0c84306... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render arrows.
  b752a61... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_arrow().
  fd9acf0... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render backgrounds.
  9866f88... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_background().
  0ac4cb9... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render frames.
  14c3fbf... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_frame().
  968fe5c... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render expanders.
  6bc67be... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_expander().
  1c30408... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render focus indicator.
  1471b34... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_focus().
  646edc7... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render layouts.
  3edf59c... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_layout().
  9264b66... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render lines.
  4686239... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_line().
  ae2ec93... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render sliders.
  1e18cad... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_slider().
  ed67987... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render frames with a gap.
  145504d... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_frame_gap().
  85b2656... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render an extension.
  27d8b38... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_extension().
  2e3d10e... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render a handle area.
  0e9ce6a... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_handle().
  4756cc7... GtkStyleContext: Fix typo.
  b7683d6... GtkStyleContext: Fix compiler warning.
  80adcf6... GtkStyleContext: allow late set_path() calls.
  588e76d... GtkStyleSet: Make property registration take const GValues.
  dea91b9... GtkStyleSet: Add method to lookup property default settings
  5be02eb... Add GtkWidgetPath parameter to gtk_style_provider_get_style
  7309c01... Added GtkCssProvider.
  664ee39... GtkStyleProvider: Add defines for most common priorities.
  5a9cac2... GtkWidget: Create GtkCssProvider for user modifications.
  fefab76... GtkCssProvider: Add state parsing.
  845bc5a... GtkCssProvider: Allow '*' selectors.
  0a6baed... GtkCssProvider: Allow empty selector.
  df2d557... GtkCssProvider: Fix typo freeing SelectorElements.
  69ae6e5... GtkCssProvider: Add support for child/descendant combinator
  d781b3d... Move GtkChildClassFlags to gtkenums.h.
  f5cd8c9... Refurbish GtkWidgetPath API.
  e58fe3c... GtkWidgetPath: Add API for named regions.
  408082c... GtkCssProvider: Parse named regions.
  232ef13... GtkCssProvider: Add named regions to selector path.
  a35944d... GtkCssProvider: free selector path on parse_rule().
  32e1316... GtkCssProvider: move to next selector element on match or c
  a69350a... GtkCssProvider: fix parsing of consecutive pseudo-classes.
  c7152fb... GtkCssProvider: Compare GtkWidgetPath regions with css.
  21a934b... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_list_child_classes()
  72dbae2... GtkStyleContext: fix typos in code.
  364f9b6... Add region details in gtk_widget_get_path().
  1467c74... GtkStyle: Use new render methods underneath.
  cb4ba05... GtkStyleContext: Fix compiler warning.
  7f415fa... GtkStyleSet: Add gtk_style_set_set_default().
  85eb7c8... GtkCssProvider: Set default value if no state pseudo-class 
  06d2fcb... GtkNotebook: Set GtkChildClassFlags for tabs.
  c8c851c... Fix compilation.
  87449e8... GtkStyleSet: Remove default value for registered properties
  5f94a73... GtkWidget: Generate GtkWidgetPath on set_parent.
  546db4f... GtkStyleSet: Register GtkThemingEngine type.
  084b6cc... Fix compile warning.
  97b09a3... GtkCssProvider: Make additions to parse_value() less error 
  91e3312... GtkCssProvider: Parse boolean values.
  b5fc216... GtkCssProvider: Ensure each scope has its parser config.
  3f71330... GtkCssProvider: refactor out selector matching.
  93c1ee1... GtkStyleProvider: Add method to get widget style properties
  12a3957... GtkWidgetPath: Add methods to check topmost widget type.
  024feec... GtkCssProvider: Implement GtkStyleProvider->get_style_prope
  adc8e7d... GtkStyleContext: Add methods to get style property values.
  39a844d... GtkWidget: Hook up widget style property querying to style 
  401c3b9... GtkWidget: Do not reset GtkStyleContext per get_style_conte
  4799edc... GtkCssProvider: set scanner->input_name.
  f7df0be... GtkCssProvider: Fix compile warning.
  c145b99... GtkCssProvider: Plug memory leak.
  6649983... GtkWidgetPath: Add to gtkalias.
  be50500... Add GtkSymbolicColor.
  f9981e0... GtkStyleSet: Add API to map symbolic colors.
  ddbc46c... GtkSymbolicColor: Add method to resolve to a GdkColor.
  9da0f67... GtkStyleSet: Optionally take GtkSymbolicColors.
  ad8a2e6... GtkCssProvider: Parse color mappings.
  691420f... GtkCssProvider: Allow symbolic colors when parsing style ru
  f7ea135... GtkStyleProvider: Add gtk_style_provider_get_icon_factory()
  ab929fc... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_lookup_icon_set().
  ccb09ae... Fix include.
  126c47f... GtkCssProvider: Add priv pointer to object struct.
  2e6e9be... GtkStyleSet: Add priv pointer to object struct.
  033a80b... GtkStyleContext: Add priv pointer to object struct.
  97c4518... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_[gs]et_screen()
  7dcb3c2... GtkWidget: Set screen info in GtkStyleContext.
  5a4826c... GtkThemingEngine: Add gtk_theming_engine_get_screen().
  bc60ebb... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_save/restore().
  2827ffe... GtkThemingEngine: Use GdkPangoRenderer when painting layout
  234583f... GtkStyleContext: Don crash on empty class sets.
  0536c64... GtkThemingEngine: Take checkbox rendering from GtkStyle.
  8b8d12f... GtkThemingEngine: Take option rendering from GtkStyle.
  8e60574... GtkThemingEngine: Cairo-ify handle rendering from GtkStyle.
  63fee20... GtkThemingEngine: Add cairo-ified rendering primitives.
  2aa2afb... GtkThemingEngine: Unify code to render lines.
  5a39384... GtkThemingEngine: Make render_background use drawing primit
  7ba13da... GtkThemingEngine: Cairo-ify extension rendering from GtkSty
  925c78b... GtkThemingEngine: Cairo-ify frame_gap rendering from GtkSty
  80fefbd... GtkThemingEngine: Cairo-ify frame rendering from GtkStyle.
  ee2f4cf... GtkThemingEngine: Improve slider rendering.
  ac624c4... GtkCssProvider: Allow '_' in the middle of symbolic color n
  fb1b3b1... GtkStyleContext: ensure class lookup return the correct ins
  df8209c... GtkStyleContext: Ensure style rebuilds after adding/removin
  45a9835... GtkStyleContext: Add varargs functions for getting widget s
  3e85e60... GtkStyleSet: Allow setting default value when registering p
  e36efa9... GtkThemingEngine: Add methods to retrieve widget style prop
  5078dd4... GtkThemingEngine: Improve pixel alignment in arrows.
  11e185f... GtkThemingEngine: Improve background rendering.
  7415f20... GtkThemingEngine: Render frames and spinbutton boxes proper
  199b9a8... GtkThemingEngine: Rip out expander rendering from old code.
  c22c1fe... GtkThemingEngine: Rip out focus rendering from old code.
  22ad7eb... GtkThemingEngine: Obey active/selected when rendering text.
  272d7f1... GtkThemingEngine: Add code to render GtkFrame frame with ga
  fca614e... GtkStyle: Optionally construct above a GtkStyleContext.
  0de46bd... GtkWidget: Construct style for partial widget hierarchies.
  bad1351... GtkWidget: Create GtkStyle on top of GtkStyleContext.
  18c6fdd... GtkStyle: Move gtk_render_* calls to default vmethod implem
  cac9d3e... GtkCssProvider: Add gtk_css_provider_get_default().
  a7fb7f0... GtkWidget: Add the default CSS provider to all style contex
  7d49dd4... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_[gs]et_direction().
  1fe9896... GtkWidget: Set style context direction.
  bcc7104... GtkThemingEngine: Add gtk_theming_engine_get_direction().
  9d27c23... GtkThemingEngine: fix typo in function declaration.
  624f176... GtkStyleSet: Register the "border" property.
  af6c98f... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_lookup_color().
  0daefb7... Add GtkJunctionSides flags.
  1aa5873... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_[gs]et_junction_side
  a5c63d3... GtkThemingEngine: Add gtk_theming_engine_get_junction_sides
  8dfe7df... GtkStyle: set junction details in spinbutton buttons.
  b052981... GtkThemingEngine: Render correctly spinbutton buttons.
  2b602ee... GtkWidgetPath: properly use const
  04b7bee... GtkCssProvider: don't ignore custom attributes
  57c5f8d... GtkCssProvider: Small optimization.
  11acc69... GtkCssProvider: Immediately bail out if GType couldn't be r
  dd7d418... GtkCssProvider: Don't jump too eagerly to the next element 
  17f974e... GtkCssProvider: Parse and compare widget names.
  9e9cf56... GtkCssProvider: Set child combinators in default CSS.
  d9f54b1... Compare region names as quarks in style matching.
  1ee9bde... GtkWidgetPath: Make API more consistent.
  2b265b5... Compare widget names as GQuarks in style matching.
  b505b4d... GtkCssProvider: Parse correctly widget types with a name.
  34dafab... GtkStyleSet: Allow custom parsers on registered properties.
  6ddc5bf... GtkStyleSet: Fix compiler warning.
  84f6f59... GtkThemingEngine: Add gtk_theming_engine_register_property(
  5600e6b... GtkStyleContext: Rename internal struct.
  93b6fd2... s/child class/region/ everywhere.
  f933546... GtkWidgetPath: Add methods to include class info in paths.
  b00981a... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_list_classes().
  670bc92... Set classes info in GtkWidgetPath.
  01e8e91... GtkCssProvider: Parse and match class info.
  f238060... GtkCssProvider: Use class for tooltips.
  c3a768d... GtkStyle: set the active flag depending on shadow_type in d
  b91d5aa... GtkStyleContext: Return insertion position if not found whe
  80d9b0d... Move all theming stack to use GtkStateFlags.
  e434f5a... Add GtkTimeline as a private object.
  afe07f8... Add GtkAnimationDescription as a private boxed object.
  aee1676... GtkStyleSet: Register the "transition" property.
  e5ce6bc... GtkCssProvider: Parse properties of type GtkAnimationDescri
  ea52e3e... GtkStyleContext: Declare gtk_style_context_list_classes() i
  faf503f... GtkStyleContext: Add animation machinery.
  d06ef72... GtkWidget: Update GtkStyleContext animation regions on allo
  3495dce... GtkThemingEngine: Add progress arg to gtk_theming_engine_is
  b815073... GtkThemingEngine: Animate checkboxes activation.
  634911f... GtkButton: Notify on active state when (un)depressed
  0566fca... Plug a bunch of leaks.
  5432f8d... GtkCssProvider: Add gtk_css_provider_load_from_path()
  108c578... Remove gtkalias from style context code.
  0fa9529... Replace GdkRegion and GdkRectangle with their cairo counter
  aaeedf3... Get rid of GdkPangoRenderer code in GtkThemingEngine.
  2232062... GtkNotebook: invert tab drawing order so region flags are s
  e4fc7e0... GtkStyle: Allow GTK_ARROW_NONE.
  a4f0f82... Add basic parser for GtkBorder properties.
  7f8e9d3... GtkStyleSet: Register "margin" property.
  93473dd... GtkStyle: Fill in x/ythickness and font_desc from the style
  cc54d93... GtkSettings: implement GtkStyleProvider
  47515db... Add a boxed type for cairo_pattern_t.
  e3f1395... Allow linefeeds in property values.
  fdc591f... GtkCssProvider: strip whitespaces in symbolic color values.
  8e86252... GtkStyleSet: Set an empty default_value if none is provided
  919a7f6... Add GtkGradient.
  00f542a... GtkCssProvider: Add a parser for gradients.
  cb73a7b... GtkStyleSet: Handle GtkGradients as a replacement for cairo
  7426c04... GtkStyleSet: Register a "background-image" property.
  10cb48f... GtkThemingEngine: use background-image in render_background
  1002c12... GtkStyleSet: Fix typo
  56374dc... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_invalidate().
  250d351... GtkStyle: Protect against padding being NULL
  e483653... GtkWidget: Add the style-updated signal
  e35e525... GtkWidget: Add gtk_widget_reset_style().
  f0041e4... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_[add|remove]_provide
  a9fc2eb... GtkWidget: Set style context's screen before the widget_pat
  c7e05c6... GtkStyleContext: invalidate context when setting the screen
  57cd151... Add generic providers per-screen.
  4028142... GtkCssProvider: Add gtk_css_provider_get_named()
  8486992... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_reset_widgets()
  f7807a3... GtkSettings: Add a new provider for the theme CSS file.
  50c548d... Add Gtk9Slice
  91e4a9e... Register the border-image property
  7f68edf... GtkCssProvider: Add a parser for 9slice typed properties.
  ff6b64a... GtkThemingEngine: Use border-image to render borders if an 
  3de55cb... GtkCssProvider: unset filename on load_from_data()
  5241187... GtkCssProvider: use mapped file to read CSS files.
  fb12d24... GtkStyleContext: Invalidate whole window if no invalidation
  f6767bc... GtkStyleContext: Store animation region for a bunch of pain
  4bd4d9d... GtkSymbolicColor: Use G_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE
  dc19b74... GtkThemingEngine: Implement animations between gradients/co
  1eae88c... GtkButton: Notify on prelight state change.
  6810a46... Fix typo in the Gtk9Slice parser.
  57c9ea9... Plug some leaks.
  c48fd9c... GtkThemingEngine: Do not return a const GtkThemingEngine on
  a031dbf... GtkCssProvider: Transform custom colors to a @define-color 
  30da77c... GtkCssProvider: improve file paths parser.
  5095274... GtkCssProvider: no need for resetting the parser prior to p
  ea7d281... GtkCssProvider: Add support for @import rules
  04b1080... GtkStyleContext: Fix animation framework to work with the n
  f8084a1... GtkContainer: Add method to get the GtkWidgetPath for a chi
  bb4ecd4... GtkStyleContext: Cache style properties accross class/regio
  f15c3f5... GtkWidget: Store GtkStyleContext in private struct.
  7d7b60a... Gtk9Slice: Fix stretch case.

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