[sawfish: 9/13] Indent fix.

commit 78216b96ea22f0551843594eec1355f25b30e536
Author: Teika kazura <teika lavabit com>
Date:   Sat Oct 9 17:47:05 2010 +0900

    Indent fix.
    Let-loop and let-fluids are correctly indented, making them more readable.

 lisp/sawfish/cfg/group.jl                 |   11 +-
 lisp/sawfish/cfg/layouts/keymaps.jl       |   39 +++--
 lisp/sawfish/cfg/slot.jl                  |   45 +++---
 lisp/sawfish/cfg/utils.jl                 |   13 +-
 lisp/sawfish/cfg/widgets/command.jl       |    6 +-
 lisp/sawfish/cfg/widgets/match-window.jl  |   38 ++--
 lisp/sawfish/cfg/widgets/modifier-list.jl |    6 +-
 lisp/sawfish/gtk/widget.jl                |   38 ++--
 lisp/sawfish/wm/commands.jl               |   66 ++++----
 lisp/sawfish/wm/custom.jl                 |    4 +-
 lisp/sawfish/wm/ext/apps-menu.jl          |   34 ++--
 lisp/sawfish/wm/frames.jl                 |   34 ++--
 lisp/sawfish/wm/menus.jl                  |   14 +-
 lisp/sawfish/wm/misc.jl                   |   40 +++---
 lisp/sawfish/wm/session/init.jl           |   18 +-
 lisp/sawfish/wm/stacking.jl               |  264 ++++++++++++++--------------
 lisp/sawfish/wm/state/transient.jl        |   18 +-
 lisp/sawfish/wm/state/wm-spec.jl          |  112 ++++++------
 lisp/sawfish/wm/tabs/tabgroup.jl          |   32 ++--
 lisp/sawfish/wm/user.jl                   |   14 +-
 lisp/sawfish/wm/util/font.jl              |   66 ++++----
 lisp/sawfish/wm/util/keymap-diff.jl       |   54 +++---
 lisp/sawfish/wm/util/ping.jl              |   18 +-
 lisp/sawfish/wm/util/recolor-image.jl     |   22 ++--
 lisp/sawfish/wm/util/rects.jl             |   14 +-
 lisp/sawfish/wm/util/window-order.jl      |   10 +-
 lisp/sawfish/wm/util/workarea.jl          |   24 ++--
 lisp/sawfish/wm/windows.jl                |    6 +-
 28 files changed, 532 insertions(+), 528 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/cfg/group.jl b/lisp/sawfish/cfg/group.jl
index fcfcba6..a5f8978 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/cfg/group.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/cfg/group.jl
@@ -253,8 +253,9 @@
   ;; return the union of lists X and Y, using `eq' for comparisons
   (define (unionq x y)
-    (let loop ((rest x)
-	       (out '()))
-         (cond ((null rest) (nreverse out))
-               ((memq (car rest) y) (loop (cdr rest) (cons (car rest) out)))
-               (t (loop (cdr rest) out))))))
+    (let loop
+	((rest x)
+	 (out '()))
+      (cond ((null rest) (nreverse out))
+	    ((memq (car rest) y) (loop (cdr rest) (cons (car rest) out)))
+	    (t (loop (cdr rest) out))))))
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/cfg/layouts/keymaps.jl b/lisp/sawfish/cfg/layouts/keymaps.jl
index 2822bd8..34ce6a9 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/cfg/layouts/keymaps.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/cfg/layouts/keymaps.jl
@@ -55,25 +55,26 @@
 	(gtk-widget-relate-label omenu label-ptr)
 	(gtk-box-pack-start vbox hbox)
-	(let loop ((rest keymap-slots)
-		   (last nil))
-             (when rest
-               (let* ((slot (car rest))
-                      (button (gtk-radio-menu-item-new-with-label-from-widget
-                               last (beautify-keymap-name (slot-name slot)))))
-                 (gtk-menu-shell-append menu button)
-                 (gtk-widget-show button)
-                 (g-signal-connect button "toggled"
-                                   (lambda (w)
-                                     (when (gtk-check-menu-item-active w)
-                                       (when active
-                                         (gtk-container-remove
-                                          km-vbox (slot-gtk-widget active)))
-                                       (setq active slot)
-                                       (gtk-box-pack-start
-                                        km-vbox (slot-gtk-widget active) t t))))
-                 (set-slot-layout slot (slot-gtk-widget slot))
-                 (loop (cdr rest) button))))
+	(let loop
+	    ((rest keymap-slots)
+	     (last nil))
+	  (when rest
+	    (let* ((slot (car rest))
+		   (button (gtk-radio-menu-item-new-with-label-from-widget
+			    last (beautify-keymap-name (slot-name slot)))))
+	      (gtk-menu-shell-append menu button)
+	      (gtk-widget-show button)
+	      (g-signal-connect button "toggled"
+				(lambda (w)
+				  (when (gtk-check-menu-item-active w)
+				    (when active
+				      (gtk-container-remove
+				       km-vbox (slot-gtk-widget active)))
+				    (setq active slot)
+				    (gtk-box-pack-start
+				     km-vbox (slot-gtk-widget active) t t))))
+	      (set-slot-layout slot (slot-gtk-widget slot))
+	      (loop (cdr rest) button))))
 	(gtk-option-menu-set-menu omenu menu)
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/cfg/slot.jl b/lisp/sawfish/cfg/slot.jl
index 0cc8691..15b75c1 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/cfg/slot.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/cfg/slot.jl
@@ -122,31 +122,32 @@
     ;; the nil spaces.
     (define (merge slots extra)
       (let loop ((rest slots))
-           (if (null rest)
-               slots
-             (when (null (car rest))
-               (rplaca rest (apply make-slot (car extra)))
-               (setq extra (cdr extra)))
-             (loop (cdr rest)))))
+	(if (null rest)
+	    slots
+	  (when (null (car rest))
+	    (rplaca rest (apply make-slot (car extra)))
+	    (setq extra (cdr extra)))
+	  (loop (cdr rest)))))
     ;; find which slots still need to be loaded
     (let ((slots (mapcar get-slot names)))
-      (let loop ((names-rest names)
-		 (slots-rest slots)
-		 (to-fetch '()))
-           (if (null names-rest)
-               (if to-fetch
-                   ;; load and merge the required slots
-                   (merge slots (wm-load-slots (nreverse to-fetch)))
-                 slots)
-             (if (null (car slots-rest))
-                 ;; slot not loaded yet
-                 (loop (cdr names-rest)
-                       (cdr slots-rest)
-                       (cons (car names-rest) to-fetch))
-               (loop (cdr names-rest)
-                     (cdr slots-rest)
-                     to-fetch))))))
+      (let loop
+	  ((names-rest names)
+	   (slots-rest slots)
+	   (to-fetch '()))
+	(if (null names-rest)
+	    (if to-fetch
+		;; load and merge the required slots
+		(merge slots (wm-load-slots (nreverse to-fetch)))
+	      slots)
+	  (if (null (car slots-rest))
+	      ;; slot not loaded yet
+	      (loop (cdr names-rest)
+		    (cdr slots-rest)
+		    (cons (car names-rest) to-fetch))
+	    (loop (cdr names-rest)
+		  (cdr slots-rest)
+		  to-fetch))))))
 ;;; misc
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/cfg/utils.jl b/lisp/sawfish/cfg/utils.jl
index a43fc7e..1a6f9e4 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/cfg/utils.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/cfg/utils.jl
@@ -38,9 +38,10 @@
 	     (_ name)))))
   (define (remove-newlines string)
-    (let loop ((point 0)
-	       (out '()))
-         (if (string-match "\n" string point)
-             (loop (match-end)
-                   (list* #\space (substring string point (match-start)) out))
-           (apply concat (nreverse (cons (substring string point) out)))))))
+    (let loop
+	((point 0)
+	 (out '()))
+      (if (string-match "\n" string point)
+	  (loop (match-end)
+		(list* #\space (substring string point (match-start)) out))
+	(apply concat (nreverse (cons (substring string point) out)))))))
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/cfg/widgets/command.jl b/lisp/sawfish/cfg/widgets/command.jl
index a9a147d..82b39b2 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/cfg/widgets/command.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/cfg/widgets/command.jl
@@ -159,6 +159,6 @@
   (define (command-index lst x)
     (let loop ((i 0) (rest lst))
-         (cond ((null rest) nil)
-               ((eq (or (caar rest) (car rest)) x) i)
-               (t (loop (1+ i) (cdr rest)))))))
+      (cond ((null rest) nil)
+	    ((eq (or (caar rest) (car rest)) x) i)
+	    (t (loop (1+ i) (cdr rest)))))))
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/cfg/widgets/match-window.jl b/lisp/sawfish/cfg/widgets/match-window.jl
index 0f9ddcc..cd3f614 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/cfg/widgets/match-window.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/cfg/widgets/match-window.jl
@@ -95,19 +95,19 @@
 	   (lambda ()
 	     (let loop ((cells widgets)
 			(out '()))
-                  (if (null cells)
-                      (nreverse out)
-                    (let ((name (gtk-entry-get-text
-                                 (gtk-combo-entry (caar cells))))
-                          (value (gtk-entry-get-text (cdar cells))))
-                      (if (or (string= name "") (string= value ""))
-                          (loop (cdr cells) out)
-                        (let ((prop (rassoc name l10n-x-properties)))
-                          (if prop
-                              (setq name (car prop))
-                            (setq name (intern name))))
-                        (loop (cdr cells)
-                              (cons (cons name value) out))))))))
+	       (if (null cells)
+		   (nreverse out)
+		 (let ((name (gtk-entry-get-text
+			      (gtk-combo-entry (caar cells))))
+		       (value (gtk-entry-get-text (cdar cells))))
+		   (if (or (string= name "") (string= value ""))
+		       (loop (cdr cells) out)
+		     (let ((prop (rassoc name l10n-x-properties)))
+		       (if prop
+			   (setq name (car prop))
+			 (setq name (intern name))))
+		     (loop (cdr cells)
+			   (cons (cons name value) out))))))))
 	  ((validp) listp)))))
   (define-widget-type 'match-window:matchers make-match-window:matchers)
@@ -166,12 +166,12 @@
 	   (lambda ()
 	     (let loop ((rest widgets)
 			(out '()))
-                  (if (null rest)
-                      (nreverse out)
-                    (let ((value (widget-ref (cdar rest))))
-                      (if value
-                          (loop (cdr rest) (cons (cons (caar rest) value) out))
-                        (loop (cdr rest) out)))))))))))
+	       (if (null rest)
+		   (nreverse out)
+		 (let ((value (widget-ref (cdar rest))))
+		   (if value
+		       (loop (cdr rest) (cons (cons (caar rest) value) out))
+		     (loop (cdr rest) out)))))))))))
   (define-widget-type 'match-window:actions make-match-window:actions)
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/cfg/widgets/modifier-list.jl b/lisp/sawfish/cfg/widgets/modifier-list.jl
index bd6eeec..2ec27ba 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/cfg/widgets/modifier-list.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/cfg/widgets/modifier-list.jl
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@
     (and (listp x)
 	 (not (null x))
 	 (let loop ((rest x))
-              (cond ((null rest) t)
-                    ((not (memq (car rest) modifiers)) nil)
-                    (t (loop (cdr rest)))))))
+	   (cond ((null rest) t)
+		 ((not (memq (car rest) modifiers)) nil)
+		 (t (loop (cdr rest)))))))
   (define (make-item changed-callback)
     (let (base)
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/gtk/widget.jl b/lisp/sawfish/gtk/widget.jl
index b85154a..d3e244b 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/gtk/widget.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/gtk/widget.jl
@@ -145,11 +145,11 @@
   (define (widget-set item value)
     (let-fluids ((callback-enabled nil))
-                ((item 'set) value)))
+      ((item 'set) value)))
   (define (widget-clear item)
     (let-fluids ((callback-enabled nil))
-                ((item 'clear))))
+      ((item 'clear))))
   (define (widget-gtk-widget item) (item 'gtk-widget))
@@ -192,18 +192,18 @@
 	  (value (or (caar options) (car options))))
       (let loop ((rest options)
 		 (last nil))
-           (when rest
-             (let ((button (gtk-radio-menu-item-new-with-label-from-widget
-                            last (_ (or (cadar rest)
-                                        (symbol-name (car rest)))))))
-               (gtk-menu-shell-append menu button)
-               (gtk-widget-show button)
-               (g-signal-connect button "toggled"
-                                 (lambda (w)
-                                   (when (gtk-check-menu-item-active w)
-                                     (setq value (or (caar rest) (car rest)))
-                                     (call-callback changed-callback))))
-               (loop (cdr rest) button))))
+	(when rest
+	  (let ((button (gtk-radio-menu-item-new-with-label-from-widget
+			 last (_ (or (cadar rest)
+				     (symbol-name (car rest)))))))
+	    (gtk-menu-shell-append menu button)
+	      (gtk-widget-show button)
+	      (g-signal-connect button "toggled"
+				(lambda (w)
+				  (when (gtk-check-menu-item-active w)
+				    (setq value (or (caar rest) (car rest)))
+				    (call-callback changed-callback))))
+	      (loop (cdr rest) button))))
       (gtk-option-menu-set-menu omenu menu)
       (gtk-widget-show-all omenu)
       (lambda (op)
@@ -431,11 +431,11 @@
   (define-widget-type 'h-and (lambda (#!rest args)
 			       (let-fluids ((and-direction 'horizontal))
-                                           (apply make-and-item args))))
+				 (apply make-and-item args))))
   (define-widget-type 'v-and (lambda (#!rest args)
 			       (let-fluids ((and-direction 'vertical))
-                                           (apply make-and-item args))))
+				 (apply make-and-item args))))
   (define (make-labelled-item changed-callback label item)
     (let ((box (gtk-hbox-new nil box-spacing)))
@@ -523,6 +523,6 @@
   (define (option-index lst x)
     (let loop ((i 0) (rest lst))
-         (cond ((null rest) nil)
-               ((eq (or (caar rest) (car rest)) x) i)
-               (t (loop (1+ i) (cdr rest)))))))
+      (cond ((null rest) nil)
+	    ((eq (or (caar rest) (car rest)) x) i)
+	    (t (loop (1+ i) (cdr rest)))))))
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/wm/commands.jl b/lisp/sawfish/wm/commands.jl
index 85ffef2..ec56d41 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/commands.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/commands.jl
@@ -204,36 +204,36 @@ command called NAME (optionally whose arguments have custom-type TYPE)."
     (cond ((stringp spec)
 	   (let loop ((args '())
 		      (point 0))
-                (cond ((>= point (length spec)) (nreverse args))
-                      ((eql (aref spec point) #\newline)
-                       (loop (cons nil args) (1+ point)))
-                      (t
-                       (let ((local nil)
-                             (code nil)
-                             (prompt nil))
-                         (if (eql (aref spec point) #\%)
-                             (progn
-                               (setq local t)
-                               (setq code (aref spec (1+ point)))
-                               (setq point (+ point 2)))
-                           (setq code (aref spec point))
-                           (setq point (1+ point)))
-                         (let ((end (if (string-match "(\n|$)" spec point)
-                                        (match-start)
-                                      (length spec))))
-                           (unless (= point end)
-                             (setq prompt (substring spec point end)))
-                           (setq point (1+ end)))
-                         (let (arg)
-                           (let-fluids ((arg-can-be-nil nil))
-                                       (setq arg (if local
-                                                     (local-codes code prompt)
-                                                   (global-codes code prompt)))
-                                       (when (and (not (fluid arg-can-be-nil))
-                                                  (null arg))
-                                         (error "Null argument to command: %s"
-                                                name)))
-                           (loop (cons arg args) point)))))))
+	     (cond ((>= point (length spec)) (nreverse args))
+		   ((eql (aref spec point) #\newline)
+		    (loop (cons nil args) (1+ point)))
+		   (t
+		    (let ((local nil)
+			  (code nil)
+			  (prompt nil))
+		      (if (eql (aref spec point) #\%)
+			  (progn
+			    (setq local t)
+			    (setq code (aref spec (1+ point)))
+			    (setq point (+ point 2)))
+			(setq code (aref spec point))
+			(setq point (1+ point)))
+			(let ((end (if (string-match "(\n|$)" spec point)
+				       (match-start)
+				     (length spec))))
+			  (unless (= point end)
+			    (setq prompt (substring spec point end)))
+			    (setq point (1+ end)))
+			(let (arg)
+			  (let-fluids ((arg-can-be-nil nil))
+			    (setq arg (if local
+					  (local-codes code prompt)
+					(global-codes code prompt)))
+			    (when (and (not (fluid arg-can-be-nil))
+				       (null arg))
+			      (error "Null argument to command: %s"
+				     name)))
+			    (loop (cons arg args) point)))))))
 	  ((functionp spec) (spec))
 	  ((consp spec) (user-eval spec))))
@@ -340,9 +340,9 @@ command called NAME (optionally whose arguments have custom-type TYPE)."
 		 ((eq (car body) 'lambda)
 		  ;; search for interactive decl at head of body
 		  (let loop ((rest (cddr body)))
-                       (cond ((stringp (car rest)) (loop (cdr rest)))
-                             ((eq (caar rest) 'interactive) (car rest))
-                             (t nil))))))))
+		    (cond ((stringp (car rest)) (loop (cdr rest)))
+			  ((eq (caar rest) 'interactive) (car rest))
+			  (t nil))))))))
   (define (command-documentation name)
     "Return the documentation associated with the command called NAME."
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/wm/custom.jl b/lisp/sawfish/wm/custom.jl
index 1182a01..e04994c 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/custom.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/custom.jl
@@ -444,12 +444,12 @@ the user."
   (define (custom-serialize value type)
     "Convert VALUE of TYPE to a printable value."
     (let-fluids ((custom-converter-property 'custom-serializer))
-                (custom-convert value type)))
+      (custom-convert value type)))
   (define (custom-deserialize value type)
     "Convert VALUE of TYPE back from a printable value."
     (let-fluids ((custom-converter-property 'custom-deserializer))
-                (custom-convert value type)))
+      (custom-convert value type)))
   (define (define-custom-serializer type fun)
     (put type 'custom-serializer fun))
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/wm/ext/apps-menu.jl b/lisp/sawfish/wm/ext/apps-menu.jl
index 5dc7405..927419c 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/ext/apps-menu.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/ext/apps-menu.jl
@@ -174,10 +174,10 @@ set this to non-nil.")
   (define (find-lang-string)
     (let loop ((lang-vars '("LC_ALL" "LC_MESSAGES" "LANG")))
-	 (and lang-vars
-	      (let ((mlang (getenv (car lang-vars))))
-		(if mlang (simplify-mlang mlang 0)
-		  (loop (cdr lang-vars)))))))
+      (and lang-vars
+	   (let ((mlang (getenv (car lang-vars))))
+	     (if mlang (simplify-mlang mlang 0)
+	       (loop (cdr lang-vars)))))))
   ;; The Master Category List
@@ -258,19 +258,19 @@ set this to non-nil.")
   (define (determine-desktop-category line)
     (let loop ((cat-list (string-split ";" line))
-	 (if (cdr cat-list)
-	     (progn
-	       (setq this-cat (car cat-list))
-	       (if (or
-		    (string= this-cat "GNOME")
-		    (string= this-cat "GTK")
-		    (string= this-cat "KDE")
-		    (string= this-cat "Qt")
-		    (string= this-cat "X-XFCE")
-		    (string= this-cat "Application"))
-		   (loop (cdr cat-list) nil)
-		 this-cat))
-	   (car cat-list))))
+      (if (cdr cat-list)
+	  (progn
+	    (setq this-cat (car cat-list))
+	    (if (or
+		 (string= this-cat "GNOME")
+		 (string= this-cat "GTK")
+		 (string= this-cat "KDE")
+		 (string= this-cat "Qt")
+		 (string= this-cat "X-XFCE")
+		 (string= this-cat "Application"))
+		(loop (cdr cat-list) nil)
+	      this-cat))
+	(car cat-list))))
   ;; Alphabetize the entries in the category menus
   (define (alphabetize-entries saw-menu)
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/wm/frames.jl b/lisp/sawfish/wm/frames.jl
index be4ff3e..fb0fa89 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/frames.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/frames.jl
@@ -264,23 +264,23 @@ generate.")
     ;; 1. map window type to actual frame type
     (let loop-1 ((rest frame-type-mappers)
 		 (type (window-type w)))
-         (if (null rest)
-             ;; found the final frame type, so,
-             ;; 2. find the closest type that the style implements to this
-             (let loop-2 ((type type)
-                          (seen (list type)))
-                  (cond ((eq type 'unframed) nil-frame)
-                        ((style w type))
-                        (t (let ((next (or
-                                        (cdr (assq type
-                                                   frame-type-fallback-alist))
-                                        'unframed)))
-                             (if (memq next seen)
-                                 ;; been here before..
-                                 nil-frame
-                               (loop-2 next (cons next seen)))))))
-           ;; else, apply this transformation and keep looping
-           (loop-1 (cdr rest) ((car rest) w type)))))
+      (if (null rest)
+	  ;; found the final frame type, so,
+	  ;; 2. find the closest type that the style implements to this
+	  (let loop-2 ((type type)
+		       (seen (list type)))
+	    (cond ((eq type 'unframed) nil-frame)
+		  ((style w type))
+		  (t (let ((next (or
+				  (cdr (assq type
+					     frame-type-fallback-alist))
+				  'unframed)))
+		       (if (memq next seen)
+			   ;; been here before..
+			   nil-frame
+			 (loop-2 next (cons next seen)))))))
+	;; else, apply this transformation and keep looping
+	(loop-1 (cdr rest) ((car rest) w type)))))
 ;;; managing frame styles
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/wm/menus.jl b/lisp/sawfish/wm/menus.jl
index a277229..8aba5cd 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/menus.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/menus.jl
@@ -385,13 +385,13 @@ before killing it.")
     (let ((item (list* label command
 		       (and predicate (list (cons 'check predicate))))))
       (let loop ((rest window-ops-toggle-menu))
-         (cond
-          ((null rest)
-           (setq window-ops-toggle-menu (nconc window-ops-toggle-menu
-                                               (list item))))
-          ((eq (cadar rest) command)
-           (rplaca rest item))
-          (t (loop (cdr rest)))))))
+	(cond
+	 ((null rest)
+	  (setq window-ops-toggle-menu (nconc window-ops-toggle-menu
+					      (list item))))
+	 ((eq (cadar rest) command)
+	  (rplaca rest item))
+	 (t (loop (cdr rest)))))))
 ;;; customize menu
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/wm/misc.jl b/lisp/sawfish/wm/misc.jl
index 129905b..aea9c24 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/misc.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/misc.jl
@@ -48,15 +48,15 @@
 server is currently grabbed, ungrab it first, restoring the original grab
 status after the call to THUNK returns."
   (let loop ((counter 0))
-       (if (server-grabbed-p)
-           (progn
-             (ungrab-server)
-             (loop (1+ counter)))
-         (unwind-protect
-             (thunk)
-           (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
-               ((= i counter))
-             (grab-server))))))
+    (if (server-grabbed-p)
+	(progn
+	  (ungrab-server)
+	  (loop (1+ counter)))
+      (unwind-protect
+	  (thunk)
+	(do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
+	    ((= i counter))
+	  (grab-server))))))
 (define grab-counter 0)
@@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ to grab the keyboard then THUNK won't be called."
   "Search for a file called FILENAME in any of the directories named by the
 list of strings DIRS."
   (let loop ((rest dirs))
-       (cond ((null rest) nil)
-             ((file-exists-p (expand-file-name filename (car rest)))
-              (expand-file-name filename (car rest)))
-             (t (loop (cdr rest))))))
+    (cond ((null rest) nil)
+	  ((file-exists-p (expand-file-name filename (car rest)))
+	   (expand-file-name filename (car rest)))
+	  (t (loop (cdr rest))))))
 (define (clamp x lower upper)
   (cond ((< x lower) lower)
@@ -184,13 +184,13 @@ vector of strings representing the contents of the property."
 	(let loop ((start 0)
 		   (point 0)
 		   (out '()))
-             (cond ((= point (length string))
-                    (apply vector (nreverse (cons (substring
-                                                   string start point) out))))
-                   ((= (aref string point) 0)
-                    (loop (1+ point) (1+ point)
-                          (cons (substring string start point) out)))
-                   (t (loop start (1+ point) out))))))))
+	  (cond ((= point (length string))
+		 (apply vector (nreverse (cons (substring
+						string start point) out))))
+		((= (aref string point) 0)
+		 (loop (1+ point) (1+ point)
+		       (cons (substring string start point) out)))
+		(t (loop start (1+ point) out))))))))
 (define (set-x-text-property w prop seq #!optional (encoding 'STRING))
   "Set the X property named PROP on window W to the text property obtained
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/wm/session/init.jl b/lisp/sawfish/wm/session/init.jl
index 4d124ae..c594169 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/session/init.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/session/init.jl
@@ -143,15 +143,15 @@ that feature off, allowing some broken clients to be session managed.")
   (define (remove-sm-options)
     ;; remove any sm options from saved-command-line-args
     (let loop ((args saved-command-line-args))
-         (when (cdr args)
-           (if (string-match "^(--sm-client-id|-clientId|--sm-prefix)"
-                             (cadr args))
-               (progn
-                 (if (string-match "=" (cadr args))
-                     (rplacd args (cddr args))
-                   (rplacd args (cdddr args)))
-                 (loop args))
-             (loop (cdr args))))))
+      (when (cdr args)
+	(if (string-match "^(--sm-client-id|-clientId|--sm-prefix)"
+			  (cadr args))
+	    (progn
+	      (if (string-match "=" (cadr args))
+		  (rplacd args (cddr args))
+		(rplacd args (cdddr args)))
+	      (loop args))
+	  (loop (cdr args))))))
   (define (set-discard-command)
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/wm/stacking.jl b/lisp/sawfish/wm/stacking.jl
index a6a79b7..a8c09c8 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/stacking.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/stacking.jl
@@ -90,22 +90,22 @@
       (let ((w-depth (window-depth w)))
 	(setq parents (delete-if (lambda (x)
 				   (> (window-depth x) w-depth)) parents))
-	(setq children (delete-if (lambda (x)
-				    (< (window-depth x) w-depth)) children)))
+	  (setq children (delete-if (lambda (x)
+				      (< (window-depth x) w-depth)) children)))
-      (lambda (above below)
-	(and (or (null parents)
-		 ;; All parents must be below W
-		 (let loop ((rest parents))
-                      (cond ((null rest) t)
-                            ((memq (car rest) above) nil)
-                            (t (loop (cdr rest))))))
-	     (or (null children)
-		 ;; All children must be above W
-		 (let loop ((rest children))
-                      (cond ((null rest) t)
-                            ((memq (car rest) below) nil)
-                            (t (loop (cdr rest))))))))))
+	(lambda (above below)
+	  (and (or (null parents)
+		   ;; All parents must be below W
+		   (let loop ((rest parents))
+		     (cond ((null rest) t)
+			   ((memq (car rest) above) nil)
+			   (t (loop (cdr rest))))))
+	       (or (null children)
+		   ;; All children must be above W
+		   (let loop ((rest children))
+		     (cond ((null rest) t)
+			   ((memq (car rest) below) nil)
+			   (t (loop (cdr rest))))))))))
   (define (stacking-constraint:transients-above-all w)
     (let ((w-depth (window-depth w)))
@@ -115,27 +115,27 @@
 	  (lambda (above below)
 	    (declare (unused below))
 	    (let loop ((rest above))
-                 (cond ((null rest) t)
-                       ((and (not (window-transient-p (car rest)))
-                             (<= (window-depth (car rest)) w-depth)) nil)
-                       (t (loop (cdr rest))))))
+	      (cond ((null rest) t)
+		    ((and (not (window-transient-p (car rest)))
+			  (<= (window-depth (car rest)) w-depth)) nil)
+		    (t (loop (cdr rest))))))
 	;; ensure no transients below W, unless they're depth < W
 	(lambda (above below)
 	  (declare (unused above))
 	  (let loop ((rest below))
-               (cond ((null rest) t)
-                     ((and (window-transient-p (car rest))
-                           (>= (window-depth (car rest)) w-depth)) nil)
-                     (t (loop (cdr rest)))))))))
+	    (cond ((null rest) t)
+		  ((and (window-transient-p (car rest))
+			(>= (window-depth (car rest)) w-depth)) nil)
+		  (t (loop (cdr rest)))))))))
   (define (combine-constraints constraints)
     "Combine the list of secondary constraint functions into a single
 function (using logical `and' combinator)."
     (lambda (above below)
       (let loop ((rest constraints))
-           (cond ((null rest) t)
-                 ((not ((car rest) above below)) nil)
-                 (t (loop (cdr rest)))))))
+	(cond ((null rest) t)
+	      ((not ((car rest) above below)) nil)
+	      (t (loop (cdr rest)))))))
   (defvar basic-stacking-constraints (list stacking-constraint:layer)
     "List of stacking constraint functions to adhere to (excluding transient
@@ -168,14 +168,14 @@ reverse order), and the list of windows occurring in LST after PIVOT.
 LST is destructively modified by this procedure."
     (let loop ((rest lst)
 	       (before '()))
-         (cond ((null rest)
-                (cons before rest))
-               ((eq (car rest) pivot)
-                (cons before (cdr rest)))
-               (t
-                (let ((next (cdr rest)))
-                  (rplacd rest before)
-                  (loop next rest))))))
+      (cond ((null rest)
+	     (cons before rest))
+	    ((eq (car rest) pivot)
+	     (cons before (cdr rest)))
+	    (t
+	     (let ((next (cdr rest)))
+	       (rplacd rest before)
+		 (loop next rest))))))
   (define (stack-rotate-upwards cell)
     "Given a cons cell containing two lists of windows `(ABOVE . BELOW)',
@@ -186,9 +186,9 @@ the empty list."
       (let ((next (car cell)))
 	(rplaca cell (cdar cell))
-	(rplacd next (cdr cell))
-	(rplacd cell next)
-	cell)))
+	  (rplacd next (cdr cell))
+	  (rplacd cell next)
+	  cell)))
   (define (stack-rotate-downwards cell)
     "Given a cons cell containing two lists of windows `(ABOVE . BELOW)',
@@ -199,9 +199,9 @@ the empty list."
       (let ((next (cdr cell)))
 	(rplacd cell (cddr cell))
-	(rplacd next (car cell))
-	(rplaca cell next)
-	cell)))
+	  (rplacd next (car cell))
+	  (rplaca cell next)
+	  cell)))
   (define (mapped-stacking-order)
     (delete-if-not window-mapped-p (stacking-order)))
@@ -216,18 +216,18 @@ fully obscure WINDOW."
     (define ws (nearest-workspace-with-window w current-workspace))
     (let loop ((stack (stacking-order))
                (obs nil))
-         (if (null stack)               ; Should not happen
-             obs
-           (let ((w2 (car stack)))
-             (cond ((eq w2 w) obs)
-                   ((and (window-visible-p w2)
-                         (window-appears-in-workspace-p w2 ws))
-                    (case (apply rect-obscured
-                                 (rectangles-from-windows (list w w2)))
-                      ((unobscured) (loop (cdr stack) obs))
-                      ((fully-obscured) t)
-                      (t (loop (cdr stack) (cons w2 obs))))) ; Partially
-                   (t (loop (cdr stack) obs)))))))
+      (if (null stack)               ; Should not happen
+	  obs
+	(let ((w2 (car stack)))
+	  (cond ((eq w2 w) obs)
+		((and (window-visible-p w2)
+		      (window-appears-in-workspace-p w2 ws))
+		 (case (apply rect-obscured
+			      (rectangles-from-windows (list w w2)))
+		   ((unobscured) (loop (cdr stack) obs))
+		   ((fully-obscured) t)
+		   (t (loop (cdr stack) (cons w2 obs))))) ; Partially
+		(t (loop (cdr stack) obs)))))))
   (define (stacking-visibility window)
     "Compute the visibility of WINDOW from the stacking order.  This should
@@ -262,16 +262,16 @@ distinction, window-obscured should be faster."
     (let ((constraint (make-constraint w))
 	  (stack (cons '() (delq w (stacking-order)))))
       (let loop ()
-           (cond ((constraint (car stack) (cdr stack))
-                  (if (car stack)
-                      (x-lower-window w (car (car stack)))
-                    (x-raise-window w (car (cdr stack)))))
-                 ((null (cdr stack))
-                  ;; no position
-                  nil)
-                 (t
-                  (stack-rotate-downwards stack)
-                  (loop))))))
+	(cond ((constraint (car stack) (cdr stack))
+	       (if (car stack)
+		   (x-lower-window w (car (car stack)))
+		 (x-raise-window w (car (cdr stack)))))
+	      ((null (cdr stack))
+	       ;; no position
+	       nil)
+	      (t
+	       (stack-rotate-downwards stack)
+	       (loop))))))
   (define (lower-window w)
     "Lower the window to its lowest allowed position in the stacking order."
@@ -279,17 +279,17 @@ distinction, window-obscured should be faster."
 	  (stack (cons (nreverse (delq w (stacking-order))) '())))
       ;; work upwards from bottom
       (let loop ()
-           (cond ((constraint (car stack) (cdr stack))
-                  ;; found the lowest position
-                  (if (cdr stack)
-                      (x-raise-window w (car (cdr stack)))
-                    (x-lower-window w (car (car stack)))))
-                 ((null (car stack))
-                  ;; no possible position..
-                  nil)
-                 (t
-                  (stack-rotate-upwards stack)
-                  (loop))))))
+	(cond ((constraint (car stack) (cdr stack))
+	       ;; found the lowest position
+	       (if (cdr stack)
+		   (x-raise-window w (car (cdr stack)))
+		 (x-lower-window w (car (car stack)))))
+	      ((null (car stack))
+	       ;; no possible position..
+	       nil)
+	      (t
+	       (stack-rotate-upwards stack)
+	       (loop))))))
   (define (stack-window-above above below)
     "Change the stacking of window ABOVE so that it is as closely above window
@@ -298,18 +298,18 @@ BELOW as possible."
 	  (stack (break-window-list
 		  (delq above (stacking-order)) below)))
       (rplacd stack (cons below (cdr stack)))
-      (let loop ()
-           (cond ((constraint (car stack) (cdr stack))
-                  ;; found a suitable position
-                  (if (car stack)
-                      (x-lower-window above (car (car stack)))
-                    (x-raise-window above (car (cdr stack)))))
-                 ((null (car stack))
-                  ;; reached the top
-                  nil)
-                 (t
-                  (stack-rotate-upwards stack)
-                  (loop))))))
+	(let loop ()
+	  (cond ((constraint (car stack) (cdr stack))
+		 ;; found a suitable position
+		 (if (car stack)
+		     (x-lower-window above (car (car stack)))
+		   (x-raise-window above (car (cdr stack)))))
+		((null (car stack))
+		 ;; reached the top
+		 nil)
+		(t
+		 (stack-rotate-upwards stack)
+		 (loop))))))
   (define (stack-window-below below above)
     "Change the stacking of window BELOW so that it is as closely below window
@@ -318,17 +318,17 @@ ABOVE as possible."
 	  (stack (break-window-list
 		  (delq below (stacking-order)) above)))
       (rplaca stack (cons above (car stack)))
-      (let loop ()
-           (cond ((constraint (car stack) (cdr stack))
-                  (if (cdr stack)
-                      (x-raise-window below (car (cdr stack)))
-                    (x-lower-window below (car (car stack)))))
-                 ((null (cdr stack))
-                  ;; reached the bottom
-                  nil)
-                 (t
-                  (stack-rotate-downwards stack)
-                  (loop))))))
+	(let loop ()
+	  (cond ((constraint (car stack) (cdr stack))
+		 (if (cdr stack)
+		     (x-raise-window below (car (cdr stack)))
+		   (x-lower-window below (car (car stack)))))
+		((null (cdr stack))
+		 ;; reached the bottom
+		 nil)
+		(t
+		 (stack-rotate-downwards stack)
+		 (loop))))))
   (define (restack-window w)
     "Assuming that the current stacking order is in a consistent state
@@ -353,14 +353,14 @@ order they are stacked within the layer (top to bottom)."
     "Set the stacking depth of window W to DEPTH."
     (let ((old (window-depth w)))
       (window-put w 'depth depth)
-      (cond ((> old depth)
-	     ;; window's going downwards
-	     (raise-window w))
-	    ((< old depth)
-	     ;; window's going upwards
-	     (lower-window w)))
-      (call-window-hook 'window-depth-change-hook w (list depth))
-      (call-window-hook 'window-state-change-hook w (list '(stacking)))))
+	(cond ((> old depth)
+	       ;; window's going downwards
+	       (raise-window w))
+	      ((< old depth)
+	       ;; window's going upwards
+	       (lower-window w)))
+	(call-window-hook 'window-depth-change-hook w (list depth))
+	(call-window-hook 'window-state-change-hook w (list '(stacking)))))
   (define (window-on-top-p w)
     "Return t if window W is as high as it can legally go in the
@@ -376,12 +376,12 @@ stacking order."
 	   (old-posn (- (length order) (length (memq w order))))
 	   (stack (cons '() (delq w order))))
       (let loop ()
-           (if (or (constraint (car stack) (cdr stack))
-                   (null (cdr stack)))
-               ;; found highest position
-               (= (length (car stack)) old-posn)
-             (stack-rotate-downwards stack)
-             (loop)))))
+	(if (or (constraint (car stack) (cdr stack))
+		(null (cdr stack)))
+	    ;; found highest position
+	    (= (length (car stack)) old-posn)
+	  (stack-rotate-downwards stack)
+	  (loop)))))
   (define (raise-lower-window w)
     "If the window is at its highest possible position, then lower it to its
@@ -433,20 +433,20 @@ lowest possible position. Otherwise raise it as far as allowed."
       ;; find the first window in ORDER that is allowed
       ;; to be above all other windows in ORDER...
       (let loop ((rest order))
-           (cond ((null rest) nil)
-                 (((make-constraint (car rest)) '() (remq (car rest) order))
-                  (car rest))
-                 (t (loop (cdr rest))))))
+	(cond ((null rest) nil)
+	      (((make-constraint (car rest)) '() (remq (car rest) order))
+	       (car rest))
+	      (t (loop (cdr rest))))))
     ;; Cons up the new order (in reverse), by picking the most-raisable
     ;; each time until no windows are left, then commit that ordering
     (let loop ((rest (cons w (remq w order)))
 	       (out '()))
-         (if (null rest)
-             (apply-group-order (nreverse out) raise-window stack-window-below)
-           (let ((highest (or (highest-window rest)
-                              (error "Stacking constraint failed"))))
-             (loop (delq highest rest) (cons highest out))))))
+      (if (null rest)
+	  (apply-group-order (nreverse out) raise-window stack-window-below)
+	(let ((highest (or (highest-window rest)
+			   (error "Stacking constraint failed"))))
+	  (loop (delq highest rest) (cons highest out))))))
   (define (lower-windows w order)
@@ -455,28 +455,28 @@ lowest possible position. Otherwise raise it as far as allowed."
       ;; windows in ORDER
       (let ((reversed (reverse order)))
 	(let loop ((rest reversed))
-             (cond ((null rest) nil)
-                   (((make-constraint (car rest))
-                     (remq (car rest) reversed) '()) (car rest))
-                   (t (loop (cdr rest)))))))
+	  (cond ((null rest) nil)
+		(((make-constraint (car rest))
+		  (remq (car rest) reversed) '()) (car rest))
+		(t (loop (cdr rest)))))))
     (let loop ((rest (nconc (remq w order) (list w)))
 	       (out '()))
-         (if (null rest)
-             (apply-group-order (nreverse out) lower-window stack-window-above)
-           (let ((lowest (or (lowest-window rest)
-                             (error "Stacking constraint failed"))))
-             (loop (delq lowest rest) (cons lowest out))))))
+      (if (null rest)
+	  (apply-group-order (nreverse out) lower-window stack-window-above)
+	(let ((lowest (or (lowest-window rest)
+			  (error "Stacking constraint failed"))))
+	  (loop (delq lowest rest) (cons lowest out))))))
   (define (raise-lower-windows w order)
     (if (or (not (window-obscured w))
 	    (and (window-on-top-p (car order))
 		 ;; look for the group as a block.. this is a heuristic
 		 (let loop ((rest (memq (car order) (stacking-order))))
-                      (cond ((null rest) nil)
-                            ((eq (car rest) w) t)
-                            ((memq (car rest) order) (loop (cdr rest)))
-                            (t nil)))))
+		   (cond ((null rest) nil)
+			 ((eq (car rest) w) t)
+			 ((memq (car rest) order) (loop (cdr rest)))
+			 (t nil)))))
 	(lower-windows w order)
       (raise-windows w order)))
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/wm/state/transient.jl b/lisp/sawfish/wm/state/transient.jl
index 3946e12..e1bb07a 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/state/transient.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/state/transient.jl
@@ -73,15 +73,15 @@
     "Return t if window X is (directly, or indirectly) a transient for
 window Y."
     (let loop ((x x))
-         (or (transient-of-p x y #:allow-root allow-root)
-             (let ((x-for (window-transient-p x)))
-               (and x-for
-                    ;; Some KDE windows set WM_TRANSIENT_FOR to their own id!
-                    (not (eql x-for (window-id x)))
-                    (let ((x-for-w (get-window-by-id x-for)))
-                      (if x-for-w
-                          (loop x-for-w)
-                        nil)))))))
+      (or (transient-of-p x y #:allow-root allow-root)
+	  (let ((x-for (window-transient-p x)))
+	    (and x-for
+		 ;; Some KDE windows set WM_TRANSIENT_FOR to their own id!
+		 (not (eql x-for (window-id x)))
+		 (let ((x-for-w (get-window-by-id x-for)))
+		   (if x-for-w
+		       (loop x-for-w)
+		     nil)))))))
   (define (transient-parents w #!optional indirectly)
     "Return the list of windows that window W is a transient for."
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/wm/state/wm-spec.jl b/lisp/sawfish/wm/state/wm-spec.jl
index 674cd9e..313f6b6 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/state/wm-spec.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/state/wm-spec.jl
@@ -130,13 +130,13 @@
     (define (set-prop lst prop)
       (let loop ((rest lst)
 		 (collected '()))
-           (cond ((null rest)
-                  (set-x-property 'root prop
-                                  (apply vector (nreverse collected))
-                                  'WINDOW 32))
-                 ((window-mapped-p (car rest))
-                  (loop (cdr rest) (cons (window-id (car rest)) collected)))
-                 (t (loop (cdr rest) collected)))))
+	(cond ((null rest)
+	       (set-x-property 'root prop
+			       (apply vector (nreverse collected))
+			       'WINDOW 32))
+	      ((window-mapped-p (car rest))
+	       (loop (cdr rest) (cons (window-id (car rest)) collected)))
+	      (t (loop (cdr rest) collected)))))
     (unless only-stacking-list
       (set-prop (managed-windows) '_NET_CLIENT_LIST))
     (set-prop (nreverse (stacking-order)) '_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING))
@@ -213,18 +213,18 @@
 	(unless (equal last-area port)
 	  (let ((view (make-vector (* total-workspaces 2))))
 	    (let loop ((i 0))
-                 (if (= i total-workspaces)
-                     (set-x-property 'root '_NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT
-                                     view 'CARDINAL 32)
-                   (if (eq i current-workspace)
-                       (progn
-                         (aset view (* i 2) (* (car port) (screen-width)))
-                         (aset view (1+ (* i 2)) (* (cdr port)
-                                                    (screen-height))))
-                     (let ((vp-data (cdr (assoc i workspace-viewport-data))))
-                       (aset view (* i 2) (car vp-data))
-                       (aset view (1+ (* i 2)) (nth 1 vp-data))))
-                   (loop (1+ i))))))
+	      (if (= i total-workspaces)
+		  (set-x-property 'root '_NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT
+				  view 'CARDINAL 32)
+		(if (eq i current-workspace)
+		    (progn
+		      (aset view (* i 2) (* (car port) (screen-width)))
+		      (aset view (1+ (* i 2)) (* (cdr port)
+						 (screen-height))))
+		  (let ((vp-data (cdr (assoc i workspace-viewport-data))))
+		    (aset view (* i 2) (car vp-data))
+		      (aset view (1+ (* i 2)) (nth 1 vp-data))))
+		(loop (1+ i))))))
 	(unless (equal last-workarea workarea)
@@ -246,9 +246,9 @@
 	(let ((area (calculate-workarea-from-struts
 		     #:workspace (+ i (car limits)))))
 	  (aset workarea (+ (* i 4) 0) (nth 0 area))
-	  (aset workarea (+ (* i 4) 1) (nth 1 area))
-	  (aset workarea (+ (* i 4) 2) (- (nth 2 area) (nth 0 area)))
-	  (aset workarea (+ (* i 4) 3) (- (nth 3 area) (nth 1 area)))))
+	    (aset workarea (+ (* i 4) 1) (nth 1 area))
+	    (aset workarea (+ (* i 4) 2) (- (nth 2 area) (nth 0 area)))
+	    (aset workarea (+ (* i 4) 3) (- (nth 3 area) (nth 1 area)))))
       ;; apparently some pagers don't like it if we place windows
       ;; on (temporarily) non-existent workspaces
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
 			 (call-state-fun w x 'get))
 		(setq state (cons x state))))
-      (set-x-property w '_NET_WM_STATE (apply vector state) 'ATOM 32)))
+	(set-x-property w '_NET_WM_STATE (apply vector state) 'ATOM 32)))
 ;;; honouring the initially set window state hints
@@ -310,10 +310,10 @@
 	;; _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE is a vector of atoms, the first atom
 	;; about which we know something is the type we'll use
 	(let loop ((i 0))
-             (cond ((= i (length type)))
-                   ((get (aref type i) 'wm-spec-type)
-                    ((get (aref type i) 'wm-spec-type) w))
-                   (t (loop (1+ i)))))))
+	  (cond ((= i (length type)))
+		((get (aref type i) 'wm-spec-type)
+		 ((get (aref type i) 'wm-spec-type) w))
+		(t (loop (1+ i)))))))
     (let ((state (get-x-property w '_NET_WM_STATE)))
       (when state
@@ -500,27 +500,27 @@
 	   (let ((mode (aref data 2)))
 	     ;; don't want grabs failing, sigh
 	     (x-server-timestamp t t)
-	     (if (or (eq mode _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE_MOVE)
-		 (move-window-interactively w)
-	       (let ((move-resize-moving-edges
-		      (cond ((eq mode _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE_SIZE_TOPLEFT)
-                             '(top left))
-			    ((eq mode _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE_SIZE_TOP)
-                             '(top))
-                             '(top right))
-                             '(bottom left))
-                             '(bottom))
-                             '(bottom right))
-			    ((eq mode _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE_SIZE_LEFT)
-                             '(left))
-			    ((eq mode _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE_SIZE_RIGHT)
-                             '(right)))))
-		 (resize-window-interactively w))))))
+	       (if (or (eq mode _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE_MOVE)
+		   (move-window-interactively w)
+		 (let ((move-resize-moving-edges
+			(cond ((eq mode _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE_SIZE_TOPLEFT)
+			       '(top left))
+			      ((eq mode _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE_SIZE_TOP)
+			       '(top))
+			       '(top right))
+			       '(bottom left))
+			      ((eq mode _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE_SIZE_BOTTOM)
+			       '(bottom))
+			       '(bottom right))
+			      ((eq mode _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE_SIZE_LEFT)
+			       '(left))
+			      ((eq mode _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE_SIZE_RIGHT)
+			       '(right)))))
+		   (resize-window-interactively w))))))
 	 (set-number-of-workspaces (aref data 0)))
@@ -545,9 +545,9 @@
 	 (setq data (aref data 0))
 	 (let loop ((i 0)
 		    (out '()))
-              (if (= i (length data))
-                  (setq workspace-names (nreverse out))
-                (loop (1+ i) (cons (aref data i) out)))))
+	   (if (= i (length data))
+	       (setq workspace-names (nreverse out))
+	     (loop (1+ i) (cons (aref data i) out)))))
 	 (require 'sawfish.wm.util.display-window)
@@ -570,10 +570,10 @@
 			    (eq atom1 '_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ)))
 	       (setq atom1 '_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED)
 	       (setq atom2 nil))
-	     (when atom1
-	       (call-state-fun w atom1 mode))
-	     (when atom2
-	       (call-state-fun w atom2 mode)))))
+	       (when atom1
+		 (call-state-fun w atom1 mode))
+	       (when atom2
+		 (call-state-fun w atom2 mode)))))
 	 (when (windowp w)
@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@
 	       (send-window-to-workspace-from-first w desktop nil)))))
 	(t (setq handled nil)))
-      handled))
+	handled))
 ;;; property changes
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/wm/tabs/tabgroup.jl b/lisp/sawfish/wm/tabs/tabgroup.jl
index aab0dae..cf75a28 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/tabs/tabgroup.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/tabs/tabgroup.jl
@@ -80,26 +80,26 @@
   (define (tab-find-window win)
     "Return a group containing win"
     (let loop ((gr tab-groups))
-         (cond
-          ((null gr)
-           (tab-make-new-group win)
-           )
-          ((member win (tab-group-window-list (car gr)))
-           (car gr))
-          (t
-           (loop (cdr gr))))))
+      (cond
+       ((null gr)
+	(tab-make-new-group win)
+	)
+       ((member win (tab-group-window-list (car gr)))
+	(car gr))
+       (t
+	(loop (cdr gr))))))
   (define (tab-window-group-index win)
     "Return the index of the group containing win"
     (let loop ((index 0))
-         (cond
-          ((eq index (length tab-groups))
-           (tab-make-new-group win)
-           index)
-          ((member win (tab-group-window-list (nth index tab-groups)))
-           index)
-          (t
-           (loop (+ index 1))))))
+      (cond
+       ((eq index (length tab-groups))
+	(tab-make-new-group win)
+	index)
+       ((member win (tab-group-window-list (nth index tab-groups)))
+	index)
+       (t
+	(loop (+ index 1))))))
   (define (tab-rank elem list)
     (if (eq elem (car list))
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/wm/user.jl b/lisp/sawfish/wm/user.jl
index a4018d1..8407c91 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/user.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/user.jl
@@ -136,13 +136,13 @@ Possible values are \"kde\", \"gnome\", \"xfce\", or \"none\".")
 	    ;; then the sawfish specific user configuration
 	    (let loop ((rest rc-files))
-		 (when rest
-		   (if (file-exists-p (car rest))
-		       ;; Print stack trace on error during exeuction
-		       ;; of ~/.sawfish/rc
-		       (let ((%in-condition-case nil))
-			 (safe-load (car rest) t t t))
-		     (loop (cdr rest)))))))
+	      (when rest
+		(if (file-exists-p (car rest))
+		    ;; Print stack trace on error during exeuction
+		    ;; of ~/.sawfish/rc
+		    (let ((%in-condition-case nil))
+		      (safe-load (car rest) t t t))
+		  (loop (cdr rest)))))))
        (format (stderr-file) "error in local config--> %S\n" error-data))))
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/font.jl b/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/font.jl
index 5edb22a..6a09367 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/font.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/font.jl
@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@
   (define (assoc-case x map)
     (let loop ((rest map))
-         (cond ((null rest) nil)
-               ((string-equal x (caar rest)) (car rest))
-               (t (loop (cdr rest))))))
+      (cond ((null rest) nil)
+	    ((string-equal x (caar rest)) (car rest))
+	    (t (loop (cdr rest))))))
   (define (face-style face style)
     (cdr (assoc-case style (face-styles face))))
@@ -107,19 +107,19 @@
       ;; extract styles
       (let loop ((rest (cdr fields))
 		 (styles '()))
-           (if (null rest)
-               (make-face family size (nreverse styles))
-             (cond ((string-match "\\s*=\\s*" (car rest))
-                    (loop (cdr rest)
-                          (cons (cons (substring (car rest) 0 (match-start))
-                                      (substring (car rest) (match-end)))
-                                styles)))
-                   ((assoc-case (car rest) xft-abbrev-map)
-                    (loop (cdr rest)
-                          (cons (cdr (assoc-case (car rest)
-                                                 xft-abbrev-map)) styles)))
-                   ;; drop unknown single words..
-                   (t (loop (cdr rest) styles)))))))
+	(if (null rest)
+	    (make-face family size (nreverse styles))
+	  (cond ((string-match "\\s*=\\s*" (car rest))
+		 (loop (cdr rest)
+		       (cons (cons (substring (car rest) 0 (match-start))
+				   (substring (car rest) (match-end)))
+			     styles)))
+		((assoc-case (car rest) xft-abbrev-map)
+		 (loop (cdr rest)
+		       (cons (cdr (assoc-case (car rest)
+					      xft-abbrev-map)) styles)))
+		;; drop unknown single words..
+		(t (loop (cdr rest) styles)))))))
   (define (face->xft-description face)
     (let ((families (string-replace "-" "\\-" (face-families face)))
@@ -203,23 +203,23 @@
   (define (face->pango-description face)
     (let loop ((rest (face-styles face))
 	       (out '()))
-         (if (null rest)
-             (let* ((family (face-families face))
-                    (regexp (concat "^" (last (string-split "\\s+" family)))))
-               (when (and (not (string-equal family ""))
-                          (assoc-grep regexp pango-style-map t))
-                 (setq family (concat family ",")))
-               (mapconcat identity
-                          (nconc (list family)
-                                 (nreverse out)
-                                 (and (face-size face)
-                                      (list
-                                       (format nil "%d" (face-size face)))))
-                          #\space))
-           (let ((tem (rassoc (car rest) pango-style-map)))
-             (if tem
-                 (loop (cdr rest) (cons (car tem) out))
-               (loop (cdr rest) out))))))
+      (if (null rest)
+	  (let* ((family (face-families face))
+		 (regexp (concat "^" (last (string-split "\\s+" family)))))
+	    (when (and (not (string-equal family ""))
+		       (assoc-grep regexp pango-style-map t))
+	      (setq family (concat family ",")))
+	    (mapconcat identity
+		       (nconc (list family)
+			      (nreverse out)
+			      (and (face-size face)
+				   (list
+				    (format nil "%d" (face-size face)))))
+		       #\space))
+	(let ((tem (rassoc (car rest) pango-style-map)))
+	  (if tem
+	      (loop (cdr rest) (cons (car tem) out))
+	    (loop (cdr rest) out))))))
   ;; XLFD naming scheme
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/keymap-diff.jl b/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/keymap-diff.jl
index 15cbecf..00bcedf 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/keymap-diff.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/keymap-diff.jl
@@ -40,33 +40,33 @@ FROM-MAP to the keymap TO-MAP."
 	       (to-rest (cdr (sort-keymap to-map)))
 	       (diff '()))
-         (cond ((and (null from-rest) (null to-rest))
-                ;; both lists ended
-                (cons 'keymap-diff (nreverse diff)))
-               ((null from-rest)
-                ;; from ended, so need to add rest of to
-                (loop '() (cdr to-rest) (cons (list '+ (car to-rest)) diff)))
-               ((null to-rest)
-                ;; to ended, so need to subtract rest of from
-                (loop (cdr from-rest)
-                      '()
-                      (cons (list '- (car from-rest)) diff)))
-               ((equal (car from-rest) (car to-rest))
-                ;; both equal, keep going
-                (loop (cdr from-rest) (cdr to-rest) diff))
-               ((< (car from-rest) (car to-rest))
-                ;; extra item in from list, so subtract it
-                (loop (cdr from-rest) to-rest
-                      (cons (list '- (car from-rest)) diff)))
-               ((> (car from-rest) (car to-rest))
-                ;; extra item in to list, so add it
-                (loop from-rest (cdr to-rest)
-                      (cons (list '+ (car to-rest)) diff))))))
+      (cond ((and (null from-rest) (null to-rest))
+	     ;; both lists ended
+	     (cons 'keymap-diff (nreverse diff)))
+	    ((null from-rest)
+	     ;; from ended, so need to add rest of to
+	     (loop '() (cdr to-rest) (cons (list '+ (car to-rest)) diff)))
+	    ((null to-rest)
+	     ;; to ended, so need to subtract rest of from
+	     (loop (cdr from-rest)
+		   '()
+		   (cons (list '- (car from-rest)) diff)))
+	    ((equal (car from-rest) (car to-rest))
+	     ;; both equal, keep going
+	     (loop (cdr from-rest) (cdr to-rest) diff))
+	    ((< (car from-rest) (car to-rest))
+	     ;; extra item in from list, so subtract it
+	     (loop (cdr from-rest) to-rest
+		   (cons (list '- (car from-rest)) diff)))
+	    ((> (car from-rest) (car to-rest))
+	     ;; extra item in to list, so add it
+	     (loop from-rest (cdr to-rest)
+		   (cons (list '+ (car to-rest)) diff))))))
   (define (patch-keymap map diff)
     "Returns a new copy of the keymap MAP, transformed following by the list
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/ping.jl b/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/ping.jl
index af25851..2bded3d 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/ping.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/ping.jl
@@ -86,17 +86,17 @@ milliseconds (defaults to 1 second), false otherwise."
       ;; a returning ping (pong?)
       (let ((id (aref data 1)))
 	(let loop ((rest pings-in-transit))
-             (cond ((null loop)
-                    (format
-                     standard-error "Received stray _NET_WM_PING: %s\n" data))
+	  (cond ((null loop)
+		 (format
+		  standard-error "Received stray _NET_WM_PING: %s\n" data))
-                   ((eql (ping-id (car rest)) id)
-                    ;; found our ping
-                    (let ((this (car rest)))
-                      (setq pings-in-transit (delq this pings-in-transit))
-                      ((ping-callback this) t)))
+		((eql (ping-id (car rest)) id)
+		 ;; found our ping
+		 (let ((this (car rest)))
+		   (setq pings-in-transit (delq this pings-in-transit))
+		     ((ping-callback this) t)))
-                   (t (loop (cdr rest))))))
+		(t (loop (cdr rest))))))
   (add-hook 'client-message-hook client-message-handler))
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/recolor-image.jl b/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/recolor-image.jl
index ed6b743..d04c455 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/recolor-image.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/recolor-image.jl
@@ -75,17 +75,17 @@
 				  (red-rest red-luts)
 				  (green-rest green-luts)
 				  (blue-rest blue-luts))
-                            (when rest
-                              (let ((index (nth (car rest) pixel)))
-                                (if (not (zerop index))
-                                    (list (aref (car red-rest) index)
-                                          (aref (car green-rest) index)
-                                          (aref (car blue-rest) index)
-                                          (nth alpha-channel pixel))
-                                  (loop (cdr rest)
-                                        (cdr red-rest)
-                                        (cdr green-rest)
-                                        (cdr blue-rest))))))))
+			 (when rest
+			   (let ((index (nth (car rest) pixel)))
+			     (if (not (zerop index))
+				 (list (aref (car red-rest) index)
+				       (aref (car green-rest) index)
+				       (aref (car blue-rest) index)
+				       (nth alpha-channel pixel))
+			       (loop (cdr rest)
+				     (cdr red-rest)
+				     (cdr green-rest)
+				     (cdr blue-rest))))))))
   (define (make-image-recolorer color #!key
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/rects.jl b/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/rects.jl
index 89c1a60..aa70031 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/rects.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/rects.jl
@@ -286,10 +286,10 @@ DIMS and POINT, and the list of rectangles RECTS when placed at POINT."
     "Return the number of screen heads that rectangle RECT appears on."
     (let loop ((head 0)
 	       (count 0))
-         (if (= head (head-count))
-             count
-           (loop (1+ head)
-                 (if (> (rect-2d-overlap (head-dimensions head)
-                                         (head-offset head) rect) 0)
-                     (1+ count)
-                   count))))))
+      (if (= head (head-count))
+	  count
+	(loop (1+ head)
+	      (if (> (rect-2d-overlap (head-dimensions head)
+				      (head-offset head) rect) 0)
+		  (1+ count)
+		count))))))
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/window-order.jl b/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/window-order.jl
index 341d8d2..70d1a4d 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/window-order.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/window-order.jl
@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@
 WINDOWS argument is given it should be a list of windows, in this case the
 function will restrict its search to the elements of this list."
     (let loop ((rest (window-order current-workspace nil)))
-         (cond ((null rest) nil)
-               ((or (window-get (car rest) 'never-focus)
-                    (and (listp windows) (not (memq (car rest) windows))))
-                (loop (cdr rest)))
-               (t (car rest)))))
+      (cond ((null rest) nil)
+	    ((or (window-get (car rest) 'never-focus)
+		 (and (listp windows) (not (memq (car rest) windows))))
+	     (loop (cdr rest)))
+	    (t (car rest)))))
   (define (window-order-focus-most-recent)
     (set-input-focus (window-order-most-recent)))
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/workarea.jl b/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/workarea.jl
index 156f1af..71090bf 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/workarea.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/util/workarea.jl
@@ -76,18 +76,18 @@
                                         (- (cdr viewport)
                                            (cdr cur-vp))))))
         (let loop ((rest avoided))
-             (cond ((null rest) (rect-within-head-p rect head))
-                   ((> (rect-2d-overlap
-                        (window-frame-dimensions (car rest))
-                        (let ((pos (window-position (car rest))))
-                          (if (window-get (car rest) 'sticky-viewport)
-                              (cons (+ (car pos) x-offset)
-                                    (+ (cdr pos) y-offset))
-                            pos))
-                        rect)
-                       0)
-                    nil)
-                   (t (loop (cdr rest)))))))
+	  (cond ((null rest) (rect-within-head-p rect head))
+		((> (rect-2d-overlap
+		     (window-frame-dimensions (car rest))
+		     (let ((pos (window-position (car rest))))
+		       (if (window-get (car rest) 'sticky-viewport)
+			   (cons (+ (car pos) x-offset)
+				 (+ (cdr pos) y-offset))
+			 pos))
+		     rect)
+		    0)
+		 nil)
+		(t (loop (cdr rest)))))))
     (let* ((grid (grid-from-edges (car edges) (cdr edges)))
 	   ;; find all possible rectangles
diff --git a/lisp/sawfish/wm/windows.jl b/lisp/sawfish/wm/windows.jl
index 28d7120..0fb5c29 100644
--- a/lisp/sawfish/wm/windows.jl
+++ b/lisp/sawfish/wm/windows.jl
@@ -252,9 +252,9 @@ supported by client window W."
 	   (data (and prop (eq (car prop) 'ATOM) (nth 2 prop))))
       (when data
 	(let loop ((i 0))
-             (cond ((= i (length data)) nil)
-                   ((eq (aref data i) atom) t)
-                   (t (loop (1+ i))))))))
+	  (cond ((= i (length data)) nil)
+		((eq (aref data i) atom) t)
+		(t (loop (1+ i))))))))
 ;;; warping

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