[folks] Add a test for Tpf.Persona alias changing (through the Tp backend itself)

commit 07e5575567b3bbe54f6bc7142e3daa2d672a5731
Author: Travis Reitter <travis reitter collabora co uk>
Date:   Tue Oct 5 09:10:41 2010 -0700

    Add a test for Tpf.Persona alias changing (through the Tp backend itself)

 tests/telepathy/Makefile.am             |   28 +++-
 tests/telepathy/contact-properties.vala |  269 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/telepathy/contact-retrieval.vala  |   57 -------
 3 files changed, 292 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/telepathy/Makefile.am b/tests/telepathy/Makefile.am
index 57b37a6..60f2750 100644
--- a/tests/telepathy/Makefile.am
+++ b/tests/telepathy/Makefile.am
@@ -34,38 +34,56 @@ VALAFLAGS += \
 	--pkg tp-test-contactlist \
+# in order from least to most complex
 TESTS = \
 	test-contact-retrieval \
+	test-contact-properties \
 noinst_PROGRAMS = \
 	contact-retrieval \
+	contact-properties \
+# FIXME: make this the general LDADD if possible
+common_ldadd = \
+	$(top_builddir)/tests/lib/telepathy/contactlist/libtp-test-contactlist.la \
+	$(top_builddir)/backends/telepathy/lib/libfolks-telepathy.la \
+	$(top_builddir)/folks/libfolks.la
+# FIXME: turn test-case into a library that the tests use or push it into the
+# existing library
 contact_retrieval_SOURCES = \
 	test-case.vala \
 	contact-retrieval.vala \
-contact_retrieval_LDADD = \
-	$(top_builddir)/tests/lib/telepathy/contactlist/libtp-test-contactlist.la \
-	$(top_builddir)/backends/telepathy/lib/libfolks-telepathy.la \
-	$(top_builddir)/folks/libfolks.la
+contact_retrieval_LDADD = $(common_ldadd)
+contact_properties_SOURCES = \
+	test-case.vala \
+	contact-properties.vala \
+	$(NULL)
+contact_properties_LDADD = $(common_ldadd)
 	$(TESTS) \
-test-contact-retrieval: contact-retrieval
+test-%: %
 	{ echo "#!/bin/sh" && \
 	echo -n "$(RUN_WITH_PRIVATE_BUS) " && \
 	echo "--config-file=$(top_builddir)/tests/lib/telepathy/contactlist/session.conf -- ./$<"; } \
 	> $@
 	chmod +x $@
+#FIXME: simplify if possible
 	$(contact_retrieval_SOURCES:.vala=.c) \
 	contact_retrieval_vala.stamp \
+	$(contact_properties_SOURCES:.vala=.c) \
+	contact_properties_vala.stamp \
 -include $(top_srcdir)/git.mk
diff --git a/tests/telepathy/contact-properties.vala b/tests/telepathy/contact-properties.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0eee786
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/telepathy/contact-properties.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+using DBus;
+using TelepathyGLib;
+using TpTest;
+using Tpf;
+using Folks;
+using Gee;
+public class ContactPropertiesTests : Folks.TestCase
+  private DBusDaemon daemon;
+  private TpTest.Account account;
+  private TpTest.AccountManager account_manager;
+  private TpTest.ContactListConnection conn;
+  private MainLoop main_loop;
+  private string bus_name;
+  private string object_path;
+  private string individual_id_prefix = "telepathy:protocol:";
+  public ContactPropertiesTests ()
+    {
+      base ("ContactProperties");
+      this.add_test ("individual properties",
+          this.test_individual_properties);
+      this.add_test ("individual properties:change alias through tp backend",
+          this.test_individual_properties_change_alias_through_tp_backend);
+    }
+  public override void set_up ()
+    {
+      this.main_loop = new GLib.MainLoop (null, false);
+      try
+        {
+          this.daemon = DBusDaemon.dup ();
+        }
+      catch (GLib.Error e)
+        {
+          error ("Couldn't get D-Bus daemon: %s", e.message);
+        }
+      /* Set up a contact list connection */
+      this.conn = new TpTest.ContactListConnection ("me example com",
+          "protocol");
+      try
+        {
+          this.conn.register ("cm", out this.bus_name, out this.object_path);
+        }
+      catch (GLib.Error e)
+        {
+          error ("Failed to register connection %p.", this.conn);
+        }
+      var handle_repo = this.conn.get_handles (HandleType.CONTACT);
+      Handle self_handle = 0;
+      try
+        {
+          self_handle = TelepathyGLib.handle_ensure (handle_repo,
+              "me example com", null);
+        }
+      catch (GLib.Error e)
+        {
+          error ("Couldn't ensure self handle '%s': %s", "me example com",
+              e.message);
+        }
+      this.conn.set_self_handle (self_handle);
+      this.conn.change_status (ConnectionStatus.CONNECTED,
+          ConnectionStatusReason.REQUESTED);
+      /* Create an account */
+      this.account = new TpTest.Account (this.object_path);
+      this.daemon.register_object (
+          TelepathyGLib.ACCOUNT_OBJECT_PATH_BASE + "cm/protocol/account",
+          this.account);
+      /* Create an account manager */
+      try
+        {
+          this.daemon.request_name (TelepathyGLib.ACCOUNT_MANAGER_BUS_NAME,
+              false);
+        }
+      catch (GLib.Error e)
+        {
+          error ("Couldn't request account manager bus name '%s': %s",
+              TelepathyGLib.ACCOUNT_MANAGER_BUS_NAME, e.message);
+        }
+      this.account_manager = new TpTest.AccountManager ();
+      this.daemon.register_object (TelepathyGLib.ACCOUNT_MANAGER_OBJECT_PATH,
+          this.account_manager);
+    }
+  public override void tear_down ()
+    {
+      this.conn.change_status (ConnectionStatus.DISCONNECTED,
+          ConnectionStatusReason.REQUESTED);
+      this.daemon.unregister_object (this.account_manager);
+      this.account_manager = null;
+      try
+        {
+          this.daemon.release_name (TelepathyGLib.ACCOUNT_MANAGER_BUS_NAME);
+        }
+      catch (GLib.Error e)
+        {
+          error ("Couldn't release account manager bus name '%s': %s",
+              TelepathyGLib.ACCOUNT_MANAGER_BUS_NAME, e.message);
+        }
+      this.daemon.unregister_object (this.account);
+      this.account = null;
+      this.conn = null;
+      this.daemon = null;
+      this.bus_name = null;
+      this.object_path = null;
+      Timeout.add_seconds (5, () =>
+        {
+          this.main_loop.quit ();
+          this.main_loop = null;
+          return false;
+        });
+      /* Run the main loop to process the carnage and destruction */
+      this.main_loop.run ();
+    }
+  public void test_individual_properties ()
+    {
+      var main_loop = new GLib.MainLoop (null, false);
+      /* Ignore the error caused by not running the logger */
+      Test.log_set_fatal_handler ((d, l, m) =>
+        {
+          return !m.has_suffix ("couldn't get list of favourite contacts: " +
+              "The name org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Logger was not provided by " +
+              "any .service files");
+        });
+      /* Set up the aggregator */
+      var aggregator = new IndividualAggregator ();
+      aggregator.individuals_changed.connect ((added, removed, m, a, r) =>
+        {
+          foreach (Individual i in added)
+            {
+              /* We only check one */
+              if (i.id != (this.individual_id_prefix + "olivier example com"))
+                {
+                  continue;
+                }
+              /* Check properties */
+              assert (i.alias == "Olivier");
+              assert (i.presence_message == "");
+              assert (i.presence_type == PresenceType.AWAY);
+              assert (i.is_online () == true);
+              /* Check groups */
+              assert (i.groups.size () == 2);
+              assert (i.groups.lookup ("Montreal") == true);
+              assert (i.groups.lookup ("Francophones") == true);
+            }
+          assert (removed == null);
+        });
+      aggregator.prepare ();
+      /* Kill the main loop after a few seconds. If there are still individuals
+       * in the set of expected individuals, the aggregator has either failed
+       * or been too slow (which we can consider to be failure). */
+      Timeout.add_seconds (3, () =>
+        {
+          main_loop.quit ();
+          return false;
+        });
+      main_loop.run ();
+      /* necessary to reset the aggregator for the next test */
+      aggregator = null;
+    }
+  public void test_individual_properties_change_alias_through_tp_backend ()
+    {
+      var main_loop = new GLib.MainLoop (null, false);
+      var alias_notified = false;
+      /* Ignore the error caused by not running the logger */
+      Test.log_set_fatal_handler ((d, l, m) =>
+        {
+          return !m.has_suffix ("couldn't get list of favourite contacts: " +
+              "The name org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Logger was not provided by " +
+              "any .service files");
+        });
+      /* Set up the aggregator */
+      var aggregator = new IndividualAggregator ();
+      aggregator.individuals_changed.connect ((added, removed, m, a, r) =>
+        {
+          var new_alias = "New Alias";
+          foreach (Individual i in added)
+            {
+              /* We only check one */
+              if (i.id != (this.individual_id_prefix + "olivier example com"))
+                {
+                  continue;
+                }
+              /* Check properties */
+              assert (i.alias != new_alias);
+              i.notify["alias"].connect ((s, p) =>
+                  {
+                    /* we can't re-use i here due to Vala's implementation */
+                    var ind = (Individual) s;
+                    if (ind.alias == new_alias)
+                      alias_notified = true;
+                  });
+              /* the contact list this aggregator is based upon has exactly 1
+               * Tpf.Persona per Individual */
+              var persona = i.personas.data;
+              assert (persona is Tpf.Persona);
+              /* set the alias through Telepathy and wait for it to hit our
+               * alias notification callback above */
+              ((Tpf.Persona) persona).alias = new_alias;
+            }
+          assert (removed == null);
+        });
+      aggregator.prepare ();
+      /* Kill the main loop after a few seconds. If the alias hasn't been
+       * notified, something along the way failed or been too slow (which we can
+       * consider to be failure). */
+      Timeout.add_seconds (3, () =>
+        {
+          main_loop.quit ();
+          return false;
+        });
+      main_loop.run ();
+      assert (alias_notified);
+      /* necessary to reset the aggregator for the next test */
+      aggregator = null;
+    }
+public int main (string[] args)
+  Test.init (ref args);
+  TestSuite root = TestSuite.get_root ();
+  root.add_suite (new ContactPropertiesTests ().get_suite ());
+  Test.run ();
+  return 0;
diff --git a/tests/telepathy/contact-retrieval.vala b/tests/telepathy/contact-retrieval.vala
index c6b668e..43b55f3 100644
--- a/tests/telepathy/contact-retrieval.vala
+++ b/tests/telepathy/contact-retrieval.vala
@@ -36,8 +36,6 @@ public class ContactRetrievalTests : Folks.TestCase
       this.add_test ("aggregator", this.test_aggregator);
       this.add_test ("aggregator:add", this.test_aggregator_add);
-      this.add_test ("individual properties",
-          this.test_individual_properties);
   public override void set_up ()
@@ -386,61 +384,6 @@ public class ContactRetrievalTests : Folks.TestCase
           assert_not_reached ();
-  public void test_individual_properties ()
-    {
-      var main_loop = new GLib.MainLoop (null, false);
-      /* Ignore the error caused by not running the logger */
-      Test.log_set_fatal_handler ((d, l, m) =>
-        {
-          return !m.has_suffix ("couldn't get list of favourite contacts: " +
-              "The name org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Logger was not provided by " +
-              "any .service files");
-        });
-      /* Set up the aggregator */
-      var aggregator = new IndividualAggregator ();
-      aggregator.individuals_changed.connect ((added, removed, m, a, r) =>
-        {
-          foreach (Individual i in added)
-            {
-              /* We only check one */
-              if (i.id != (this.individual_id_prefix + "olivier example com"))
-                {
-                  continue;
-                }
-              /* Check properties */
-              assert (i.alias == "Olivier");
-              assert (i.presence_message == "");
-              assert (i.presence_type == PresenceType.AWAY);
-              assert (i.is_online () == true);
-              /* Check groups */
-              assert (i.groups.size () == 2);
-              assert (i.groups.lookup ("Montreal") == true);
-              assert (i.groups.lookup ("Francophones") == true);
-            }
-          assert (removed == null);
-        });
-      aggregator.prepare ();
-      /* Kill the main loop after a few seconds. If there are still individuals
-       * in the set of expected individuals, the aggregator has either failed
-       * or been too slow (which we can consider to be failure). */
-      Timeout.add_seconds (3, () =>
-        {
-          main_loop.quit ();
-          return false;
-        });
-      main_loop.run ();
-      /* necessary to reset the aggregator for the next test */
-      aggregator = null;
-    }
 public int main (string[] args)

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