[gtk+] Created tag 2.91.0

The unsigned tag '2.91.0' was created.

Tagger: Matthias Clasen <mclasen redhat com>
Date: Fri Oct 1 23:28:30 2010 -0400

    GTK+ 2.91.0

Changes since the last tag '2.90.7':

Adel Gadllah (1):
      [GdkWindowCache] Don't ignore the CompositeOverlayWindow

Aron Xu (3):
      Update Simplified Chinese translation of po-properties.
      Add ug to LINGUAS.
      Add a ug.po for po-properties, re-enable ug in LINGUAS.

Benjamin Otte (371):
      style: Fix drawing of insensitive text
      spinner: Define desired size at top of file
      wrapbox: Lookie, an unused variable
      spinner: Move G_DEFINE_TYPE() below function definitions
      spinner: Implement the size request interface
      spinner: Don't inherit from drawing area
      menu: Remove unused variable
      notebook: Fix compilation warnings
      pixbuf-engine: Get rid of unused mask argument
      pixbuf-engine: Make theme_pixbuf_render take a cairo_t
      pixbuf-engine: Add Cairo version for draw_simple_image()
      pixbuf-engine: Add Cairo version for draw_gap_image()
      API: change gtk_style_apply_default_background()
      style: Convert draw_hline vfunc to Cairo version
      style: Convert draw_vline vfunc to a Cairo version
      style: Convert draw_shadow vfunc to Cairo version
      style: Convert draw_flat_box vfunc to Cairo version
      style: Convert draw_check vfunc to Cairo version
      style: Convert draw_option vfunc to Cairo version
      style: Convert draw_tab vfunc to Cairo version
      style: Convert draw_shadow_gap vfunc to a Cairo version
      style: Convert draw_box_gap vfunc to Cairo version
      style: Convert draw_extension vfunc to Cairo version
      style: Convert draw_focus vfunc to Cairo version
      style: Convert draw_slider vfunc to Cairo version
      style: Convert draw_handle vfunc to Cairo version
      style: Convert draw_expander vfunc to Cairo version
      style: Convert draw_layout vfunc to Cairo version
      style: Convert draw_resize_grip vfunc to Cairo version
      style: Convert draw_spinner vfunc to Cairo version
      pixbuf-engine: remove unused theme_pixbuf_render_no_cairo()
      x11: Set icon based on icon list
      x11: remove icon_window property, it's not used anymore
      window: Remove call to gdk_window_set_icon()
      testgtk: Convert WM hints example to use gdk_window_set_icon_list()
      API: remove gdk_window_set_icon()
      colorsel: Use gdk_cursor_new_from_pixbuf() to create the cursor
      API: Remove gdk_cursor_new_from_pixmap()
      API: Add gdk_cairo_region_create_from_surface()
      treeview: Port to gdk_window_shape_combine_region()
      widget: shape_combine_mask => shape_cobine_region
      API: Remove shape_combine_mask functions from gdk
      gdk: Remove _gdk_windowing_get_shape_for_mask()
      gdk: Don't use clear_area_e() in offscreenwindow
      API: Remove gdk_window_clear_area_e()
      gdk: Simplify clear_area code
      gdk: Remove GdkWindowImpl->clear_region
      gdk: Remove send_expose event from gdk_window_clear_region_internal()
      gdk: Remove supports_native_bg on WindowImplIface
      gdk: Rewrite background handling
      gtk: Remove calls that try to set GDK_NO_BG on their windows
      trayicon: Use new gdk_window_set_background_pattern() API
      style: Rewrite background handling to use cairo_pattern_t
      iconview: No need to set background
      Use gdk_window_set_background_pattern() to set parent-relative bakground
      menu: set tearoff background using new background API
      API: Add gtk_drag_set_icon_surface()
      text: Make _gtk_text_util_create_drag_icon() return a surface
      API: Add gtk_cairo_draw_insertion_cursor()
      textview: API: change gtk_text_layout_draw() to take a cairo_t
      testview: Convert _gtk_text_util_create_rich_drag_icon() to use surfaces
      API: Change cellrenderer->render vfunc to take a cairo_t
      API: Add gtk_cell_renderer_render_cairo()
      cellview: Port to Cairo rendering
      iconview: Port to Cairo rendering
      treeview: Convert GtkTreeViewColumn rendering to Cairo
      API: make gtk_tree_view_create_row_drag_icon() return a cairo_surface_t
      API: make gtk_icon_view_create_drag_icon() return a cairo_surface_t
      ruler: Make the backing store use a surface
      testgtk: Remove snapshot test
      API: Remove gtk_widget_get_snapshot()
      testoffscreen: Remove unused code
      gdk: Remove gdk_window_redirect_to_drawable()
      tests: Convert testinput to use cairo_surface_t
      API: Remove the ability to set the dnd icon from a pixmap
      API: image: Remove ability to set image from a pixmap
      dnd: Replace last pixmap usage with cairo surfaces.
      gdk: Remove gdk_windowing_create_cairo_surface()
      gdk: Create surfaces directly, not from the source drawable
      gdk: offscreen window source drawable now is the root window
      API: Remove gdk_window_get_internal_paint_info()
      gdk: Make csw windows have their own cairo surface
      gdk: Use surfaces for double buffering
      API: Change offscreen windows to use a cairo_surface_t
      x11: Set the icon using Cairo
      API: Remove APIs to generate pixmaps from pixbufs
      perf: Use a temp window instead of a normal one
      demos: No need to set the background, it gets overridden anyway
      API: Remove gdk_window_set_back_pixmap()
      gdk: Convert test to not use pixmaps
      API: Rename gdk_set_source_pixmap() to gdk_set_source_window()
      x11: Upload cursor image using Cairo
      x11: Remove _gdk_x11_convert_to_format()
      x11: Remove last traces of XShm
      x11: Make fallback cursor code not use pixmaps
      gdk: Get rid of all occurences of "pixmap" in the comments
      x11: Create blank cursor without pixmaps
      gtk: Remove special code for detecting pixmaps as event targets
      tests: Remove GdkPixmap from test
      gdk: Remove GdkPixmap
      gdk: Remove pixmap debug category
      API: Remove gtk_widget_push_colormap()
      tests: No need to allocate colors anymore
      x11: Remove some unused macros
      style: Remove depth checks in render functions
      gdk: Remove _gdk_drawable_get_source_drawable()
      style: Remove depth member from GtkStyle
      spinner: We're a no-window widget, so setting a colormap does nothing
      testgtk: No need to set a custom colourmap here
      gtk: Don't set colormap anymore when creating GDK windows
      testgtk: Don't set colormap when creating GDK windows
      tests: Don't set colormap when creating offscreen windows
      gtk: Change gtk_widget_get_visual()
      window: Keep track of own visual
      trayicon: Change to use gtk_window_set_visual()
      testgtk: gtk_widget_set_colormap() => gtk_window_set_visual()
      trayicon: Use XClearArea
      gdk: Create paint surfaces of the same content as the window
      gtk-demo: Remove colormaps from window attributes
      testgtk: Check visual, not colormap for RGBA availability
      style: Move from colormaps to visuals
      API: Remove colormap setting and getting from GtkWidget
      API: Remove setters and getters for default colormaps
      dnd: Remove unused colormap code
      API: gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable() => gdk_pixbuf_get_from_window()
      API: Remove gdk_drawable_set_colormap()
      gdk: store the visual in the GdkWindowObject
      API: Add gdk_window_get_visual() and gdk_window_get_screen()
      gtk: gdk_drawable_get_screen/visual => gdk_window_get_screen/visual
      gdk: gdk_drawable_get_screen/visual => gdk_window_get_screen/visual
      quartz: Remove unused _gdk_quartz_colormap_get_cgcolor_from_pixel()
      API: Remove drawable getters for visual, screen and depth
      x11: Use gdk_window_get_screen() in the testutils
      API: Add gdk_window_get_display()
      gtk: gdk_drawable_get_display() => gdk_window_get_display()
      gdk: gdk_drawable_get_display() => gdk_window_get_display()
      API: Remove gdk_drawable_get_display()
      quartz: Compare visuals for RGBA, not colormaps
      API: Remove colormap member from GdkWindowAttr
      x11: Set background color bypassing colormaps
      x11: Use G_DEFINE_TYPE() to define GdkVisual
      x11: Keep a default X Colormap in every visual to construct windows with
      API: Remove gdk_drawable_get_colormap()
      API: Remove colormap handling from GdkScreen
      gdk: Remove nonexisting function from internal header
      API: Remove GdkColormap
      build: Depend on cairo-gobject
      API: add gdk_cairo_get_clip_rectangle() convenience API
      API: Add API to query width and height when rendering
      widget: Add draw signal
      progressbar: Port to new draw signal
      hsv: Convert to draw signal
      separator: Convert to draw signal
      ruler: Don't create two cairo_t's
      API: ruler: Change draw_ticks vfunc
      ruler: Change the way the ruler handles exposes
      API: ruler: Remove private ruler draw functions from header
      API: ruler: Change draw_pos vfunc to take a cr, width and height
      ruler: Port to draw signal
      API: Add gtk_cairo_should_draw_window()
      entry: Add bug reference to workaround
      entry: Split else ifs into separate if statements
      entry: Port to draw signal
      entry: Remove gtk_entry_is_drawable() checks when painting
      spinbutton: Port to draw vfunc
      image: Always render the whole image
      image: Port to draw vfunc
      spinner: Port to draw vfunc
      cellview: Port to draw vfunc
      calendar: Create one cairo_t per expose event and pass it around
      calendar: Fix drawing order for windows
      calendar: Port to draw vfunc
      arrow: Port to draw vfunc
      tests: Remove ability to set backend from testfilechooser
      range: Make drawing use a single cairo context
      range: Port to draw vfunc
      scale: Port to draw vfunc
      label: Port to draw vfunc
      accellabel: Port to draw vfunc
      widget: Store the expose event in the cairo_t, not just the window
      API: Add gtk_container_propagate_draw()
      treeview: Draw empty tree view with Cairo
      treeview: Invalidate on expander changes, don't just repaint
      treeview: Use Cairo for all bin window drawing
      treeview: Do not put different windows in else if branches anymore
      treeview: Update rubberbanding code to Cairo
      treeview: Port to draw vfunc
      toolpalette: Port to draw vfunc
      toolbar: Don't propagate events to placeholders
      toolbar: Port to draw vfunc
      separatortoolitem: Port to draw vfunc
      textview: Port to draw vfunc
      menubar: Port to draw vfunc
      menu: Port to draw vfunc
      iconview: Simplify rubberband drawing
      iconview: Check if the cr is clipped instead of using region
      iconview: Port to draw vfunc
      layout: Port to draw vfunc
      statusbar: Port to draw vfunc
      infobar: Port to draw vfunc
      paned: Port to draw vfunc
      notebook: Remove useless optimization
      notebook: Draw focus when drawing tab
      notebook: Use a for loop when iterating over a list
      notebook: Reorder expose function in preparation of draw vfunc
      notebook: remove check for is_drawable
      notebook: Simplify draw_tab function a bit
      notebook: Draw tabs and arrows with Cairo
      notebook: The drawable check is not necessary
      notebook: Port to draw vfunc
      viewport: Don't paint stuff in realize handler
      viewport: Merge gtk_viewport_paint() into expose function
      viewport: Pass sizes explicitly to paint functions
      viewport: Port to draw vfunc
      viewport: No need to check if the widget is drawable anymore
      scrolledwindow: Move paint function into expose handler
      scrolledwindow: Port to draw vfunc
      eventbox: Merge paint function into expose function
      eventbox: Port to draw vfunc
      combobox: Port to draw vfunc
      menuitem: Move paint function into expose function
      menuitem: Port to draw vfunc
      menuitem: Remove is_drawable() check
      tearoffmenuitem: Merge paint() into expose()
      tearoffmenuitem: Don't clear the window, it should be clear already
      tearoffmenuitem: Port to draw vfunc
      API: checkmenuitem: Port to draw vfunc
      tearoffmenuitem: remove is_drawable() check
      button: Remove is_drawable() check
      button: Port to draw vfunc
      handlebox: Don't draw outside of expose events
      handlebox: Simplify painting code
      handlebox: Port to draw vfunc
      checkbutton: Remove excessive is_drawable() check
      checkbutton: Remove redundant is_drawable() check
      radiobutton: Remove redundant is_drawable() check
      API: checkbutton: Port to draw vfunc
      frame: Remove unneeded is_drawable() check
      frame: Port to draw vfunc
      expander: Port to draw vfunc
      window: Remove hack to set background
      window: Port to draw vfunc
      trayicon: Port to draw vfunc
      assistant: Port to draw vfunc
      toolitemgroup: Connect to draw signal
      tooltip: Connect to draw signal
      notebook: Connect to draw signal
      colorbutton: Connect to draw event
      filechooserentry: Connect to draw event
      colorsel: Connect to draw signal
      dnd: Connect to raw func for drag hilight
      dnd-quartz: Connect to draw func for dnd hilight
      printunixdialog: Connect to draw signal for collate callback
      printunixdialog: Connect to draw vfunc
      gtk-demo: Connet to draw signal in drawingarea example
      gtk-demo: Connect to draw signal in pixbufs example
      gtk-demo: Connect to draw signal in rotated-text
      imcontextxim: Connect to draw signal
      perf: Connect to draw signal
      testcairo: Connect to draw signal
      tests: Connect to draw signal in testellipsise
      tests: Connect to draw signal in testoffscreenwindow
      tests: Connect to draw signal in testimage
      testgtk: Connect to draw signal in alpha test
      testgtk: Connect to draw signals in "composited window" example
      testgtk: Connect to draw signal in "rotated text" example
      testtooltips: Don't call gdk_window_get_pointer() in expose events
      testtooltips: Connect to draw signal
      gtk-demo: Use draw signal in color selection demo
      pixbuf-demo: Use draw signal
      testpixbuf-scale: Connect to draw signal
      testpixbuf-save: Use the draw signal
      tests: Use draw signal in testinput
      testoffscreen: Connect to draw signal
      tests: Use draw vfunc in print-editor
      gdk: Make GdkWindow cope better with its surface outliving the window
      x11: When querying window size, ask the wrapper, not ourselves
      testgtk: Use draw signal in resize grips example
      testgtk: Make big windows test not use expose events
      testgtk: Use draw signal in gridded geometry example
      testgtk: Remove non-existing property from frame constructor
      testgtk: Use draw signal in cursors example
      testgtk: Use draw signal in scrolling test
      testgtk: Use draw signal in layout test
      gtk-demo: Port offscreen example to draw vfunc
      gtk-demo: Port offscreen example to draw vfunc
      test: Port offscreen test to draw vfunc
      image: Add a default case to switch statement to avoid gcc warnings
      iconfactory: Initialize varibale to NULL in failure path
      widget: Clip drawing to the widget's allocation.
      Change semantics of the draw signal
      container: Implement gtk_container_propagate_draw() without fallbacks
      API: Remove gtk_container_propagate_expose()
      API: widget: Remove the expose event
      API: style: Remove old drawing functions
      API: Rename gtk_cairo_paint_*() to gtk_paint_*()
      API: Get rid of gtk_draw_insertion_cursor()
      API: Remove gtk_cell_renderer_render()
      API: gtk_cell_renderer_render_cairo() => gtk_cell_renderer_render()
      API: Add gtk_widget_draw()
      widget: Check the widget has an allocation in gtk_widget_draw()
      API: Add size getters for GdkWindow
      gdk: No need to clear offscreen window when showing
      API: Remove window clear APIs
      x11: Get rid of gdk_drawable_get_size() usage
      quartz: Get rid of gdk_drawable_get_size() usage
      win32: Get rid of gdk_drawable_get_size() usage
      gdk: Get rid of gdk_drawable_get_size() usage
      gtk-demo: Get rid of gdk_drawable_get_size() usage
      msw-engine: Remove sanitize_size code
      calendar: Get rid of gdk_drawable_get_size() usage
      entry: Get rid of gdk_drawable_get_size() usage
      handlebox: Get rid of gdk_drawable_get_size() usage
      iconview: Get rid of gdk_drawable_get_size() usage
      menu: Get rid of gdk_drawable_get_size() usage
      notebook: Get rid of gdk_drawable_get_size() usage
      offscreenwindow: Get rid of gdk_drawable_get_size() usage
      plug: Get rid of gdk_drawable_get_size() usage
      spinbutton: Get rid of gdk_drawable_get_size() usage
      testutils: Get rid of gdk_drawable_get_size() usage
      textview: Get rid of gdk_drawable_get_size() usage
      treeview: Get rid of gdk_drawable_get_size() usage
      viewport: Get rid of gdk_drawable_get_size() usage
      widget: Get rid of gdk_drawable_get_size() usage
      window: Get rid of gdk_drawable_get_size() usage
      dnd-quartz: Get rid of gdk_drawable_get_size() usage
      testgtk: Get rid of gdk_drawable_get_size() usage
      tests: Get rid of gdk_drawable_get_size() usage in offscreenbox
      tests: Get rid of gdk_drawable_get_size() usage in testwindows
      docs: Get rid of gdk_drawable_get_size() usage in shooter example
      gdk: Remove default implementations for get_*_region
      API: remove gdk_drawable_get_size()
      Move GtkSizeRequest into GtkWidget
      cellrenderer: Merge GtkCellSizeRequest into GtkCellRenderer
      API: Add gtk_cairo_transform_to_window()
      textview: Use gtk_cairo_transform_to_window()
      calendar: Use gtk_cairo_transform_to_window()
      entry: Use gtk_cairo_transform_to_window()
      iconview: Use gtk_cairo_transform_to_window()
      menu: Use gtk_cairo_transform_to_window()
      notebook: Use gtk_cairo_transform_to_window()
      spinbutton: Use gtk_cairo_transform_to_window()
      treeview: Use gtk_cairo_transform_to_window()
      accellabel: Remove gtk_widget_is_drawable() check from draw vfunc
      image: Fix up draw function
      tests: Port testadjustsize to draw vfunc
      x11: Fix debug code
      cups: Fix compile warnings with --enable-debug
      gtk-demo: Clean up toolpalette drawing code
      label: Fix rendering of rotated labels
      combobox: Fix compilation warnings - missing cast
      notebook: Fix compilation warnings - missing cast
      offscreenwindow: Fix includes
      treeview: Fix compilation warnings - missing cast
      toolbar: Fix compilation warnings - missing cast
      gail: Fix tests compilation - too many casts
      widget: Fix compile warnings: missing return value
      API: gtk: Add gtk_widget_set_visual()
      trayicon: Use gtk_widget_set_visual()
      testgtk: Use gtk_widget_set_visual()
      API: remove gtk_window_set_visual()
      x11: Don't set ParentRealtive if the parent's visual is different
      gdk: Don't (un)set the background when destroying a window.
      gtk: Fix remaining mentions of gtk_container_propagate_expose()
      docs: Add note about hot_x/y in gtk_drag_set_icon_surface()
      trayicon: Use gdk_cairo_get_clip_rectangle() to simplify code
      gdk: Fix gdk_cairo_region_create_from_surface() with device offsets
      dnd: Fix gtk_drag_set_icon_surface() with translucent surfaces
      gdk: Make gdk_pixbuf_get_from_*() bindable
      gail: Fix menu emission hooks

Christian Dywan (1):
      gtkeditable: move documentation to inline comments

Christian Kirbach (1):
      [l10n] Updated German translation

Claudio Saavedra (1):
      Fix maintainer-clean

Cody Russell (2):
      Remove mouse scrolling from GtkNotebook tabs.  Bug #630226.
      Merge branch 'notebooks-without-mouse-scrolling'

Colin Walters (3):
      introspection: Only use 0.9.3 API
      introspection: Fix some annotation syntax
      Distribute autogen.sh

Damyan Ivanov (1):
      Updated Bulgarian translation

Emmanuele Bassi (1):
      po: Disable ug localization

Florian Müllner (1):
      introspection: Fix typo in annotation

Gil Forcada (1):
      Removed invalid entry

Havoc Pennington (17):
      Use gint16 for GtkBorder
      default impls of width_for_height,hfw should chain directly not use wrapper API
      Warn about recursively calling size req wrappers on the same object and orientation
      Fix more SizeRequest implementations to avoid recursive calls to wrapper API
      add _gtk_widget_get_aux_info_or_defaults()
      Use _gtk_widget_get_aux_info_or_defaults() when possible in gtkwidget.c
      GtkWidget: add adjust_size_request adjust_size_allocation virtual funcs
      Add testadjustsize test, to test new adjust size methods and related features
      add gtk_container_class_handle_border_width() so subclasses can ignore border_width
      GtkButton: let GtkContainer handle border width
      Add margin and alignment properties to GtkWidget
      Add padding and alignment tests to testadjustsize.c
      Remove trailing whitespace and obsolete doc comments from gdk_error_trap code
      Replace crufty old code for gdk error traps with GQueue and GSlice
      Revamp and modernize X error traps
      Fix bugs that crashed gdk_display_close() on x11
      Improve tests for X error traps, fix two bugs

Javier Jardón (35):
      GtkWindow: move public members to private structure
      gtk/gtkmain.c: Use accessor functions to access GtkWindowGroup
      Revert "gtk/gtkmain.c: Use accessor functions to access GtkWindowGroup"
      gtk/gtkwidget.c: Use accessor functions to access GtkWindowGroup
      docs: Fix gdk_display_get_core_pointer() docs
      Fix some compilation warnings
      Use gtk_size_request_get_size() instead deprecated gtk_widget_get_child_requisition()
      demos: Do not use deprecated gtk_widget_get_child_requisition()
      Add deprecation guards for gtk_widget_get_child_requisition()
      Add deprecation guards for gtk_cell_view_get_size_of_row()
      Use gtk_size_request_get_size() instead deprecated gtk_widget_size_request()
      demos: Use gtk_size_request_get_size() instead gtk_widget_size_request()
      Add deprecation guards for gtk_widget_size_request()
      gtkentry: remove unnneded check in map/unmap functions
      spinner: timeout should add/remove in map/unmap, not realize/unrealize.
      Change GtkEditable typedef from GtkEditableClass to GtkEditabeInterface
      Do not use deprecated gtk_cell_renderer_get_size()
      gail: Do not use deprecated gtk_cell_renderer_get_size()
      Add deprecation guards for gtk_cell_renderer_get_size()
      Do not use deprecated gdk_display_get_core_pointer()
      Add deprecation guards for gdk_device_get_core_pointer()
      Do not disable deprecation guards
      Do not disable GDK deprecation guards
      INSTALL.in: Automate the versions of the dependencies
      gtk-demo: Use draw signal in toolpalette demo
      Move documentation to inline comments: GtkAccelMap
      Move documentation to inline comments: GtkPaperSize
      Move classes that currently derive from GtkObject to GInitiallyUnowned
      Move destroy signal to GtkWidget
      gtk_adjustment_new() should return a GtkAdjustment*
      Remove unneded casts
      testtext: Use gtk_widget_destroy() instead gtk_object_destroy()
      examples/colorsel/colorsel.c: remove unneded GTK_OBJECT cast
      examples/gtkdial/gtkdial.c: Fixing for removal of GtkObject type
      gtk-demo: remove GtkObject type

Johan Dahlin (6):
      [introspection] Do not include internal api
      [introspection] Do not parse private sources
      Add a couple of missing annotations
      Fixup gtk-doc comment syntax
      Add a couple of missing transfer annotations
      Fix a couple of broken annotations

Jonh Wendell (1):
      Initialize private structure

Kenneth Nielsen (2):
      Updated Danish translation
      Updated Danish translation

Kristian Rietveld (10):
      Update Quartz backend for GDK key name changes
      Update for GDK key name changes
      Use accessor functions to access GtkWidget
      Mark declaration of symbol _gtk_text_unknown_char_utf8 as extern
      Update gtkstyle.c to account for removal of row-ending-details
      quartz: Remove else-clause for pixmaps
      Include OS X system headers
      quartz: Get size from wrapper, not drawable
      Create cairo context after running validate_visible_area()
      Fix GDK build on Quartz

Matthias Clasen (80):
      Bump version to 2.90.8
      Don't use g_idle_add to schedule idles in GDK
      GtkBox: let GtkContainer handle border width
      Remove padding from GtkWrapBox
      Remove fill options from GtkWrapBox
      GtkWrapBox: let GtkContainer handle border width
      Use gint instead of in for local consistency
      Add new api to gtk.symbols
      Add docs for new API
      Rename h/v-align to h/valign
      Add annotations
      Scan gdk/x11 sources for Gdk-3.0.gir
      Fix a doc comment
      Add some element-type annotations to gtk apis
      Fix a trivial typo in a doc comment
      Add some minimal test for X error traps
      Use gdk_error_trap_pop_ignore() where appropriate
      Fix an annotation
      Another fix for the initial focus heuristic
      Point to the new GtkWidget align and margin properties
      Add a rename-to annotation for gtk_tree_path_get_indices_with_depth
      Fix a few dubious return values in return_if_fail calls
      Add new error trap api to gdk.symbols and gdk3-sections.txt
      More error trap cleanups
      Tons of transfer annotations
      autogen.sh: run gtkdocize before aclocal
      GtkScrolledWindow: change default policy to 'automatic'
      Fix an off-by-one error in serial range handling
      Remove url hooks from GtkAboutDialog and GtkLinkButton
      fix a typo in the gtk_widget_render_icon annotations
      Fix the annotation of gtk_tree_view_create_row_drag_icon
      Bump gobject-introspection dep in INSTALL.in
      docs: remove gtk-config.txt
      docs: remove defsformat.txt
      docs: Add a CODING-STYLE document
      GtkNotebook: remove gtk_notebook_set_window_creation_hook
      GtkNotebook: replace group by group_name
      Correct since tags
      Another since tag
      Remove gtk_notebook_set_window_creation_hook in testnotebookdnd.c
      GtkAboutDialog: escape mail addresses
      GtkAboutDialog: correct a since tag
      DND: don't use uninitialized memory
      Update docs of GtkAboutDialog and GtkLinkButton
      GtkMenu: Add a destroy notify to gtk_menu_popup_for_device
      GtkScale: Remove links from doc section title
      GtkOffscreenWindow: shorten doc title
      Remove mention of input dialog from the docs
      Nuke the 'Types' section from the docs
      GtkScrolledWindow: document changed default policy
      Make the docs build
      Docs: start migration guide additions
      Add gtk_cairo_should_draw_window to the docs
      Expand the migration guide
      Migration guide: Add an example for colormap -> visual
      Add a missing end tag
      Remove GtkObject completely
      Remove GtkWidgetFlags
      Remove GtkObject from the docs
      Add a migration guide section on GtkObject
      Improve some docs
      Remove colormap api from gdk.symbols
      Update for recent api changes
      GdkVisual: tell gtk-doc to ignore the innards
      GDK docs: Clean out some dead symbols
      GDK docs: improve the gdk_x11_display_error_trap_push docs
      GDK docs: help gtk-doc understand gdk_window_invalidate_maybe_recurse
      GDK docs: Improve gdk_pixbuf_get_from_window docs
      Drop GdkSpan type
      GTK docs: various fixups
      GTK docs: Update width-for-height docs
      Revert an erroneous change
      Migration guide: Add an example for creating custom cursors
      Set version to 2.91.0
      Update po files
      Update NEWS for 2.91.0
      Fix make dist
      Fix distcheck
      More distcheck fixes
      Fix a reference in the gdk_pixbuf_get_from_surface docs

Michael Natterer (2):
      configure.ac: remove check for sigsetjmp(), it belonged to gdk-pixbuf
      gdk: remove "screen" member from GdkOffscreenWindow, it has become obsolete

Milan Bouchet-Valat (1):
      bgo#486839 - Fix path bar size group in the file chooser

Owen W. Taylor (2):
      Only store error codes in inner-most X error trap
      Use g_warning() for X errors and X IO errors

Petr Kovar (2):
      Update Czech translation
      Update Czech translation

Richard Hughes (2):
      Complete the removal of examples/pixmap to fix make dist
      Complete the removal of GtkObject to fix make dist

Ryan Lortie (1):
      depend on GLib 2.27.0

Sebastian Dröge (1):
      gdk: Only use XComposite if it is available

Sweta Kothari (1):
      Updated Gujarati Translations

Sílvia Miranda (1):
      Updated Catalan translation

Tadej Borovšak (1):
      Update and expand GtkAccelMap API docs

Takayuki KUSANO (3):
      Updated Japanese translation.
      Updated Japanese translation
      Updated Japanese translation

Tomeu Vizoso (1):
      Don't try to unref event->dnd.context unconditionally.

Tor Lillqvist (2):
      Fix build on Windows
      Create directory before installing files there

Tristan Van Berkom (18):
      Changed GtkWrapBox code to avoid a growing GArray of a known size.
      Make testwrapbox scrolled window scrollbars automatic.
      Fixed GtkWrapBox to allocate variable row AND column heights when in ALIGNED mode
      Fixed GtkSizeGroups to adjust both minimum and natural requisitions
      Added documentation to gtksizegroup.sgml explaining what happens with height-for-width widgets.
      Adjusted new documentation for GtkSizeGroup.
      spinner: Dont inherit from GtkDrawingArea part 2.
      Added a default size of a magic number to testwrapbox.c
      Reduced overall SizeRequestCache size
      Split up GtkWrapBox:spreading property into two orientation specific properties.
      Fixed GtkViewport to set adjustments properly for width-for-height widgets
      Fixed gtk_distribute_natural_allocation() to place the g_newa *after* g_return_if_fail() guards.
      Fixed GtkWrapBox base requests for ALIGNED and FREE mode
      Fixing gail build for removal of GtkObject type.
      Fixing tests/ build for removal of GtkObject type.
      Fixing demos/ directory to build for removal of GtkObject type.
      Fixing documentation of gtk_widget_get_request_mode()
      Fix erroneous usage of height-for-width apis in gtk_widget_real_adjust_size_allocation().

William Jon McCann (1):
      gail: remove obsolete select and deselect signals from MenuItem

Wouter Bolsterlee (1):
      Updated Dutch translation by Vincent van Adrighem

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