[cantarell-fonts/635516] 'd' based solely on the glif provided in bug #635516.

commit 32f98aac448b83b851de88db9ec7195029fa0b6c
Author: Jakub Steiner <jimmac gmail com>
Date:   Fri Nov 26 15:24:20 2010 +0100

    'd' based solely on the glif provided in bug #635516.
    + create 'b' as a flipped reference to 'd'

 src/Cantarell-Regular-Spiro.sfd |  210 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Regular-Spiro.sfd b/src/Cantarell-Regular-Spiro.sfd
index f7b1b63..a96b222 100644
--- a/src/Cantarell-Regular-Spiro.sfd
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Regular-Spiro.sfd
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ OS2Version: 0
 OS2_WeightWidthSlopeOnly: 0
 OS2_UseTypoMetrics: 1
 CreationTime: 1236980653
-ModificationTime: 1290781188
+ModificationTime: 1290781519
 PfmFamily: 33
 TTFWeight: 500
 TTFWidth: 5
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Encoding: 97 97 0
 Width: 1069
 VWidth: 2097
 InSpiro: 1
-Flags: HWO
+Flags: HW
 HStem: -23.1618 132.759<332.165 625.541> 456.332 126.626<380.62 764> 858.928 142.561<216.543 655.027>
 VStem: 114.083 168.399<157.859 374.651>
 LayerCount: 3
@@ -314,17 +314,17 @@ Width: 1188
 VWidth: 2097
 InSpiro: 1
 Flags: W
-HStem: 0 21G<875.304 998> 1491 20G<834 998>
-VStem: 130 160<285.421 718.05> 834 164<142 825 919 1511>
+HStem: -18.6006 138.601<439.698 772.056> 880.5 132.3<442.757 821.006>
+VStem: 114.3 173.7<283.808 713.121> 831.6 12.6006<828.3 958.8>
 LayerCount: 3
-834 1511 m 1
- 998 1511 l 1
- 998 0 l 1
- 884 0 l 1
- 834 115 l 1
- 834 1511 l 1
+834 1511 m 5
+ 998 1511 l 5
+ 998 0 l 5
+ 884 0 l 5
+ 834 115 l 5
+ 834 1511 l 5
     834 1511 v
     998 1511 v
@@ -333,28 +333,28 @@ SplineSet
     834 115 v
     0 0 z
-651 1005 m 0
- 707.314 999.086 762.646 984.57 815 963 c 0
- 845.077 950.608 874.189 935.876 902 919 c 1
- 848 825 l 1
- 816.448 839.786 783.633 851.89 750 861 c 0
- 686.309 878.252 619.057 885.033 554 874 c 0
- 511.268 866.753 469.721 851.533 433.405 827.874 c 0
- 397.089 804.216 366.366 772.126 344 735 c 0
- 302.523 666.151 290.01 583.377 290 503 c 0
- 289.99 425.965 301.117 347.167 337 279 c 0
- 364.984 225.839 408.868 181.04 462 153 c 0
- 520.376 122.193 588.224 111.496 654 117 c 0
- 754.12 125.377 850.251 168.997 926 235 c 1
- 964 142 l 1
- 864.127 48.8496 732.35 -11.2383 596 -19 c 0
- 523.724 -23.1143 450.161 -11.9961 383.866 17.0869 c 0
- 317.572 46.1699 259.445 93.6445 218 153 c 0
- 152.163 247.289 129.403 366.002 130 481 c 0
- 130.343 547.067 138.148 613.318 156.319 676.838 c 0
- 174.49 740.358 203.881 801.099 246 852 c 0
- 290.583 905.88 349.119 947.902 414 974 c 0
- 488.653 1004.03 570.974 1013.4 651 1005 c 0
+651 1005 m 4
+ 707.314 999.086 762.646 984.57 815 963 c 4
+ 845.077 950.608 874.189 935.876 902 919 c 5
+ 848 825 l 5
+ 816.448 839.786 783.633 851.89 750 861 c 4
+ 686.309 878.252 619.057 885.033 554 874 c 4
+ 511.268 866.753 469.721 851.533 433.405 827.874 c 4
+ 397.089 804.216 366.366 772.126 344 735 c 4
+ 302.523 666.151 290.01 583.377 290 503 c 4
+ 289.99 425.965 301.117 347.167 337 279 c 4
+ 364.984 225.839 408.868 181.04 462 153 c 4
+ 520.376 122.193 588.224 111.496 654 117 c 4
+ 754.12 125.377 850.251 168.997 926 235 c 5
+ 964 142 l 5
+ 864.127 48.8496 732.35 -11.2383 596 -19 c 4
+ 523.724 -23.1143 450.161 -11.9961 383.866 17.0869 c 4
+ 317.572 46.1699 259.445 93.6445 218 153 c 4
+ 152.163 247.289 129.403 366.002 130 481 c 4
+ 130.343 547.067 138.148 613.318 156.319 676.838 c 4
+ 174.49 740.358 203.881 801.099 246 852 c 4
+ 290.583 905.88 349.119 947.902 414 974 c 4
+ 488.653 1004.03 570.974 1013.4 651 1005 c 4
     651 1005 o
     815 963 o
@@ -377,7 +377,65 @@ SplineSet
     0 0 z
-Validated: 37
+831.6 111.899 m 1
+ 880.2 1.2002 l 1
+ 1000.8 1.2002 l 1
+ 1000.8 1373.7 l 1
+ 831.6 1373.7 l 1
+ 831.6 111.899 l 1
+  Spiro
+    831.6 111.9 v
+    880.2 1.20001 v
+    1000.8 1.20001 v
+    1000.8 1373.7 v
+    831.6 1373.7 v
+    0 0 z
+  EndSpiro
+844.2 958.8 m 1
+ 762.3 994.8 685.8 1012.8 594 1012.8 c 0
+ 331.2 1012.8 114.3 831.899 114.3 484.5 c 0
+ 114.3 190.2 279 -18.6006 563.399 -18.6006 c 0
+ 686.7 -18.6006 783.899 21 864.899 78.5996 c 1
+ 864.899 78.5996 845.1 189.3 844.2 190.2 c 1
+ 774.899 150.6 712.8 120 608.399 120 c 0
+ 396.899 120 288 270.3 288 498 c 0
+ 288 728.399 405 880.5 610.2 880.5 c 0
+ 712.8 880.5 771.3 861.6 844.2 828.3 c 1
+ 844.2 958.8 l 1
+  Spiro
+    844.2 958.8 v
+    763.414 988.776 o
+    681.383 1006.81 o
+    594 1012.8 o
+    353.047 953.152 o
+    180.141 775.632 o
+    114.3 484.5 o
+    167.429 223.49 o
+    320.766 46.3079 o
+    563.4 -18.6 o
+    678.26 -6.22398 o
+    778.226 27.8432 o
+    864.9 78.6 v
+    859.742 107.284 o
+    849.957 160.916 o
+    844.2 190.2 v
+    775.537 154.431 o
+    700.452 129.382 o
+    608.4 120 o
+    431.476 167.308 o
+    323.995 298.968 o
+    288 498 o
+    325.859 699.397 o
+    435.61 832.626 o
+    610.2 880.5 o
+    700.187 874.379 o
+    774.003 856.61 o
+    844.2 828.3 v
+    0 0 z
+  EndSpiro
 StartChar: e
@@ -685,14 +743,14 @@ EndChar
 StartChar: b
 Encoding: 98 98 9
-Width: 1183
+Width: 1188
 VWidth: 2097
 InSpiro: 1
 Flags: W
-HStem: 0 21G<190 312.696> 871 136<402.225 736.259> 1491 20G<190 354>
-VStem: 190 164<163 1511>
+HStem: -18.6006 138.601<414.044 746.402> 880.5 132.3<365.094 743.342>
+VStem: 341.899 12.6006<828.3 958.8> 898.1 173.7<283.808 713.121>
 LayerCount: 3
 190 1511 m 1
  354 1511 l 1
@@ -753,6 +811,8 @@ SplineSet
     0 0 z
+Refer: 1 100 S -1 0 0 1 1186.1 0 2
 StartChar: l
@@ -2315,24 +2375,24 @@ Encoding: 68 68 48
 Width: 1605
 VWidth: 2097
 InSpiro: 1
-Flags: W
+Flags: HWO
 HStem: 0 150<460 979.337> 1271 150<460 982.213>
 VStem: 290 170<150 1271> 1275 170<460.936 969.362>
 LayerCount: 3
-460 1271 m 1
- 460 150 l 1
- 667 150 l 2
- 729.782 150 792.849 150.426 854.856 160.261 c 0
- 916.863 170.096 977.688 189.509 1032 221 c 0
- 1107.95 265.037 1169.39 332.647 1209 411 c 0
- 1252.89 497.836 1271.95 595.748 1275 693 c 0
- 1278.78 813.297 1257.41 937.088 1195 1040 c 0
- 1147.61 1118.14 1077.17 1182.01 995 1222 c 0
- 955.097 1241.42 912.428 1255.13 868.691 1262.64 c 0
- 824.953 1270.15 780.378 1271 736 1271 c 2
- 460 1271 l 1
+460 1271 m 5
+ 460 150 l 5
+ 667 150 l 6
+ 729.782 150 792.849 150.426 854.856 160.261 c 4
+ 916.863 170.096 977.688 189.509 1032 221 c 4
+ 1107.95 265.037 1169.39 332.647 1209 411 c 4
+ 1252.89 497.836 1271.95 595.748 1275 693 c 4
+ 1278.78 813.297 1257.41 937.088 1195 1040 c 4
+ 1147.61 1118.14 1077.17 1182.01 995 1222 c 4
+ 955.097 1241.42 912.428 1255.13 868.691 1262.64 c 4
+ 824.953 1270.15 780.378 1271 736 1271 c 6
+ 460 1271 l 5
     460 1271 v
     460 150 v
@@ -2345,17 +2405,17 @@ SplineSet
     736 1271 [
     0 0 z
-290 1421 m 1
- 687 1421 l 2
- 819.03 1421 953.753 1412.88 1076 1363 c 0
- 1184.57 1318.7 1281.39 1243.51 1345 1145 c 0
- 1427.73 1016.88 1451.63 858.361 1445 706 c 0
- 1440.99 613.829 1426.46 521.767 1397.17 434.284 c 0
- 1367.88 346.8 1322.36 264.062 1259 197 c 0
- 1180.32 113.715 1075.14 57.8271 964 30 c 0
- 844.935 0.189453 720.74 0 598 0 c 2
- 290 0 l 1
- 290 1421 l 1
+290 1421 m 5
+ 687 1421 l 6
+ 819.03 1421 953.753 1412.88 1076 1363 c 4
+ 1184.57 1318.7 1281.39 1243.51 1345 1145 c 4
+ 1427.73 1016.88 1451.63 858.361 1445 706 c 4
+ 1440.99 613.829 1426.46 521.767 1397.17 434.284 c 4
+ 1367.88 346.8 1322.36 264.062 1259 197 c 4
+ 1180.32 113.715 1075.14 57.8271 964 30 c 4
+ 844.935 0.189453 720.74 0 598 0 c 6
+ 290 0 l 5
+ 290 1421 l 5
     290 1421 v
     687 1421 ]
@@ -2369,7 +2429,6 @@ SplineSet
     0 0 z
-Validated: 33
 StartChar: P
@@ -8747,21 +8806,20 @@ StartChar: Dcaron
 Encoding: 270 270 238
 Width: 1605
 VWidth: 0
-Flags: W
+Flags: HW
 HStem: 0 150<460 979.337> 1271 150<460 982.213> 1558 374 1666 20<809.664 902.023>
 VStem: 290 170<150 1271> 588.023 538 1275 170<460.936 969.362>
 LayerCount: 3
 Refer: 223 711 S 1 0 0 1 325.023 434 2
 Refer: 48 68 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
-Validated: 5
 StartChar: dcaron
 Encoding: 271 271 239
 Width: 1424
 VWidth: 0
-Flags: W
+Flags: HW
 HStem: 0 21<875.304 998> 1491 20G<834 998 1202.95 1374>
 VStem: 130 160<285.421 718.05> 834 164<142 825 919 1511> 1091 165<1121 1286> 1209 165<1346 1511>
 DStem2: 1091 1121 1256 1121 0.289599 0.957148<47.7838 407.46>
@@ -8775,7 +8833,6 @@ SplineSet
  1209 1511 l 5xf4
 Refer: 1 100 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
-Validated: 5
 StartChar: Dcroat
@@ -10765,7 +10822,7 @@ StartChar: dcroat
 Encoding: 273 273 337
 Width: 1238
 VWidth: 2097
-Flags: W
+Flags: HW
 HStem: 0 21<875.304 998> 1142 129<566 1148> 1491 20<834 998>
 VStem: 130 160<285.421 718.05> 834 164<142 825 919 1511>
 LayerCount: 3
@@ -10778,7 +10835,6 @@ SplineSet
  566 1271 l 1
 Refer: 1 100 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
-Validated: 5
 StartChar: Ohungarumlaut
@@ -11772,14 +11828,14 @@ EndChar
 StartChar: uni1E03
 Encoding: 7683 7683 363
-Width: 1183
+Width: 1188
 VWidth: 0
 Flags: HW
-HStem: 0 21<190 312.696> 871 136<402.225 736.259> 1491 20<190 354> 1688 210<526.987 736.987>
-VStem: 190 164<163 1511> 526.987 210<1688 1898>
+HStem: 0 21<262 384.696> 871 136<474.225 808.259> 1491 20<262 426> 1688 210<598.987 808.987>
+VStem: 262 164<163 1511> 598.987 210<1688 1898>
 LayerCount: 3
-Refer: 224 729 S 1 0 0 1 41.9872 456 2
+Refer: 224 729 S 1 0 0 1 113.987 456 2
 Refer: 9 98 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
@@ -11787,14 +11843,13 @@ StartChar: uni1E0A
 Encoding: 7690 7690 364
 Width: 1605
 VWidth: 0
-Flags: W
+Flags: HW
 HStem: 0 150<460 979.337> 1271 150<460 982.213> 1688 210<742.023 952.023>
 VStem: 290 170<150 1271> 742.023 210<1688 1898> 1275 170<460.936 969.362>
 LayerCount: 3
 Refer: 224 729 S 1 0 0 1 257.023 456 2
 Refer: 48 68 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
-Validated: 1
 StartChar: Wgrave
@@ -11827,14 +11882,13 @@ StartChar: uni1E0B
 Encoding: 7691 7691 367
 Width: 1188
 VWidth: 0
-Flags: W
+Flags: HW
 HStem: 0 21<875.304 998> 1491 20<834 998> 1688 210<468.994 678.994>
 VStem: 130 160<285.421 718.05> 468.994 210<1688 1898> 834 164<142 825 919 1511>
 LayerCount: 3
 Refer: 224 729 S 1 0 0 1 -16.0057 456 2
 Refer: 1 100 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
-Validated: 5
 StartChar: Ygrave

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