[gtk+/broadway: 3/71] Remove X based dnd

commit dffa6e0da7a0744ea4fd6ec1c0808d8866b5cb53
Author: Alexander Larsson <alexl redhat com>
Date:   Fri Nov 12 23:00:52 2010 +0100

    Remove X based dnd

 gdk/broadway/gdkdnd-broadway.c | 3657 +---------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 3650 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gdk/broadway/gdkdnd-broadway.c b/gdk/broadway/gdkdnd-broadway.c
index b10d787..e49fad2 100644
--- a/gdk/broadway/gdkdnd-broadway.c
+++ b/gdk/broadway/gdkdnd-broadway.c
@@ -37,120 +37,23 @@
 #include "gdkscreen-broadway.h"
 #include "gdkdisplay-broadway.h"
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <X11/Xutil.h>
-#include <X11/Xatom.h>
-#include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
-#include <X11/extensions/Xcomposite.h>
 #include <string.h>
 typedef struct _GdkDragContextPrivateX11 GdkDragContextPrivateX11;
-typedef enum {
-} GtkDragStatus;
-typedef struct {
-  guint32 xid;
-  gint x, y, width, height;
-  gboolean mapped;
-  gboolean shape_selected;
-  gboolean shape_valid;
-  cairo_region_t *shape;
-} GdkCacheChild;
-typedef struct {
-  GList *children;
-  GHashTable *child_hash;
-  guint old_event_mask;
-  GdkScreen *screen;
-} GdkWindowCache;
 /* Structure that holds information about a drag in progress.
  * this is used on both source and destination sides.
 struct _GdkDragContextPrivateX11 {
   GdkDragContext context;
-  Atom motif_selection;
-  guint   ref_count;
-  guint16 last_x;		/* Coordinates from last event */
-  guint16 last_y;
-  GdkDragAction old_action;	  /* The last action we sent to the source */
-  GdkDragAction old_actions;	  /* The last actions we sent to the source */
-  GdkDragAction xdnd_actions;     /* What is currently set in XdndActionList */
-  Window dest_xid;              /* The last window we looked up */
-  Window drop_xid;            /* The (non-proxied) window that is receiving drops */
-  guint xdnd_targets_set : 1;   /* Whether we've already set XdndTypeList */
-  guint xdnd_actions_set : 1;   /* Whether we've already set XdndActionList */
-  guint xdnd_have_actions : 1;  /* Whether an XdndActionList was provided */
-  guint motif_targets_set : 1;  /* Whether we've already set motif initiator info */
-  guint drag_status : 4;	/* current status of drag */
-  guint drop_failed : 1;        /* Whether the drop was unsuccessful */
-  guint version;                /* Xdnd protocol version */
-  GSList *window_caches;
-  GdkDevice *device;
 #define PRIVATE_DATA(context) ((GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *) GDK_DRAG_CONTEXT (context)->windowing_data)
-/* Forward declarations */
-static void gdk_window_cache_destroy (GdkWindowCache *cache);
-static void motif_read_target_table (GdkDisplay *display);
-static GdkFilterReturn motif_dnd_filter (GdkXEvent *xev,
-					 GdkEvent  *event,
-					 gpointer   data);
-static GdkFilterReturn xdnd_enter_filter    (GdkXEvent *xev,
-					     GdkEvent  *event,
-					     gpointer   data);
-static GdkFilterReturn xdnd_leave_filter    (GdkXEvent *xev,
-					     GdkEvent  *event,
-					     gpointer   data);
-static GdkFilterReturn xdnd_position_filter (GdkXEvent *xev,
-					     GdkEvent  *event,
-					     gpointer   data);
-static GdkFilterReturn xdnd_status_filter   (GdkXEvent *xev,
-					     GdkEvent  *event,
-					     gpointer   data);
-static GdkFilterReturn xdnd_finished_filter (GdkXEvent *xev,
-					     GdkEvent  *event,
-					     gpointer   data);
-static GdkFilterReturn xdnd_drop_filter     (GdkXEvent *xev,
-					     GdkEvent  *event,
-					     gpointer   data);
-static void   xdnd_manage_source_filter (GdkDragContext *context,
-					 GdkWindow      *window,
-					 gboolean        add_filter);
-static void gdk_drag_context_finalize   (GObject              *object);
+static void gdk_drag_context_finalize (GObject *object);
 static GList *contexts;
-static const struct {
-  const char *atom_name;
-  GdkFilterFunc func;
-} xdnd_filters[] = {
-  { "XdndEnter",    xdnd_enter_filter },
-  { "XdndLeave",    xdnd_leave_filter },
-  { "XdndPosition", xdnd_position_filter },
-  { "XdndStatus",   xdnd_status_filter },
-  { "XdndFinished", xdnd_finished_filter },
-  { "XdndDrop",     xdnd_drop_filter },
 G_DEFINE_TYPE (GdkDragContext, gdk_drag_context, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
 static void
@@ -158,10 +61,10 @@ gdk_drag_context_init (GdkDragContext *dragcontext)
   GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private;
-  private = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (dragcontext, 
+  private = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (dragcontext,
   dragcontext->windowing_data = private;
   contexts = g_list_prepend (contexts, dragcontext);
@@ -181,27 +84,7 @@ static void
 gdk_drag_context_finalize (GObject *object)
   GdkDragContext *context = GDK_DRAG_CONTEXT (object);
-  GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private = PRIVATE_DATA (context);
-  GSList *tmp_list;
-  g_list_free (context->targets);
-  if (context->source_window)
-    {
-      if ((context->protocol == GDK_DRAG_PROTO_XDND) &&
-          !context->is_source)
-        xdnd_manage_source_filter (context, context->source_window, FALSE);
-      g_object_unref (context->source_window);
-    }
-  if (context->dest_window)
-    g_object_unref (context->dest_window);
-  for (tmp_list = private->window_caches; tmp_list; tmp_list = tmp_list->next)
-    gdk_window_cache_destroy (tmp_list->data);
-  g_slist_free (private->window_caches);
   contexts = g_list_remove (contexts, context);
   G_OBJECT_CLASS (gdk_drag_context_parent_class)->finalize (object);
@@ -234,21 +117,8 @@ void
 gdk_drag_context_set_device (GdkDragContext *context,
                              GdkDevice      *device)
-  GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private;
   g_return_if_fail (GDK_IS_DRAG_CONTEXT (context));
   g_return_if_fail (GDK_IS_DEVICE (device));
-  private = PRIVATE_DATA (context);
-  if (private->device)
-    {
-      g_object_unref (private->device);
-      private->device = NULL;
-    }
-  if (device)
-    private->device = g_object_ref (device);
@@ -262,2896 +132,11 @@ gdk_drag_context_set_device (GdkDragContext *context,
 GdkDevice *
 gdk_drag_context_get_device (GdkDragContext *context)
-  GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private;
   g_return_val_if_fail (GDK_IS_DRAG_CONTEXT (context), NULL);
-  private = PRIVATE_DATA (context);
-  return private->device;
-static GdkDragContext *
-gdk_drag_context_find (GdkDisplay *display,
-		       gboolean    is_source,
-		       Window      source_xid,
-		       Window      dest_xid)
-  GList *tmp_list = contexts;
-  GdkDragContext *context;
-  GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private;
-  Window context_dest_xid;
-  while (tmp_list)
-    {
-      context = (GdkDragContext *)tmp_list->data;
-      private = PRIVATE_DATA (context);
-      if ((context->source_window && gdk_window_get_display (context->source_window) != display) ||
-	  (context->dest_window && gdk_window_get_display (context->dest_window) != display))
-	continue;
-      context_dest_xid = context->dest_window ? 
-                            (private->drop_xid ?
-                              private->drop_xid :
-                              GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->dest_window)) :
-	                     None;
-      if ((!context->is_source == !is_source) &&
-	  ((source_xid == None) || (context->source_window &&
-	    (GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->source_window) == source_xid))) &&
-	  ((dest_xid == None) || (context_dest_xid == dest_xid)))
-	return context;
-      tmp_list = tmp_list->next;
-    }
   return NULL;
-static void
-precache_target_list (GdkDragContext *context)
-  if (context->targets)
-    {
-      GPtrArray *targets = g_ptr_array_new ();
-      GList *tmp_list;
-      int i;
-      for (tmp_list = context->targets; tmp_list; tmp_list = tmp_list->next)
-	g_ptr_array_add (targets, gdk_atom_name (GDK_POINTER_TO_ATOM (tmp_list->data)));
-      _gdk_x11_precache_atoms (GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (context->source_window),
-			       (const gchar **)targets->pdata,
-			       targets->len);
-      for (i =0; i < targets->len; i++)
-	g_free (targets->pdata[i]);
-      g_ptr_array_free (targets, TRUE);
-    }
-/* Utility functions */
-static void
-free_cache_child (GdkCacheChild *child,
-                  GdkDisplay    *display)
-  if (child->shape)
-    cairo_region_destroy (child->shape);
-  if (child->shape_selected && display)
-    {
-      GdkDisplayX11 *display_x11 = GDK_DISPLAY_X11 (display);
-      XShapeSelectInput (display_x11->xdisplay, child->xid, 0);
-    }
-  g_free (child);
-static void
-gdk_window_cache_add (GdkWindowCache *cache,
-		      guint32 xid,
-		      gint x, gint y, gint width, gint height, 
-		      gboolean mapped)
-  GdkCacheChild *child = g_new (GdkCacheChild, 1);
-  child->xid = xid;
-  child->x = x;
-  child->y = y;
-  child->width = width;
-  child->height = height;
-  child->mapped = mapped;
-  child->shape_selected = FALSE;
-  child->shape_valid = FALSE;
-  child->shape = NULL;
-  cache->children = g_list_prepend (cache->children, child);
-  g_hash_table_insert (cache->child_hash, GUINT_TO_POINTER (xid), 
-		       cache->children);
-static GdkFilterReturn
-gdk_window_cache_shape_filter (GdkXEvent *xev,
-                               GdkEvent  *event,
-                               gpointer   data)
-  XEvent *xevent = (XEvent *)xev;
-  GdkWindowCache *cache = data;
-  GdkDisplayX11 *display = GDK_DISPLAY_X11 (gdk_screen_get_display (cache->screen));
-  if (display->have_shapes &&
-      xevent->type == display->shape_event_base + ShapeNotify)
-    {
-      XShapeEvent *xse = (XShapeEvent*)xevent;
-      GList *node;
-      node = g_hash_table_lookup (cache->child_hash,
-                                  GUINT_TO_POINTER (xse->window));
-      if (node)
-        {
-          GdkCacheChild *child = node->data;
-          child->shape_valid = FALSE;
-          if (child->shape)
-            {
-              cairo_region_destroy (child->shape);
-              child->shape = NULL;
-            }
-        }
-      return GDK_FILTER_REMOVE;
-    }
-static GdkFilterReturn
-gdk_window_cache_filter (GdkXEvent *xev,
-			 GdkEvent  *event,
-			 gpointer   data)
-  XEvent *xevent = (XEvent *)xev;
-  GdkWindowCache *cache = data;
-  switch (xevent->type)
-    {
-    case CirculateNotify:
-      break;
-    case ConfigureNotify:
-      {
-	XConfigureEvent *xce = &xevent->xconfigure;
-	GList *node;
-	node = g_hash_table_lookup (cache->child_hash, 
-				    GUINT_TO_POINTER (xce->window));
-	if (node) 
-	  {
-	    GdkCacheChild *child = node->data;
-	    child->x = xce->x; 
-	    child->y = xce->y;
-	    child->width = xce->width; 
-	    child->height = xce->height;
-	    if (xce->above == None && (node->next))
-	      {
-		GList *last = g_list_last (cache->children);
-		cache->children = g_list_remove_link (cache->children, node);
-		last->next = node;
-		node->next = NULL;
-		node->prev = last;
-	      }
-	    else
-	      {
-		GList *above_node = g_hash_table_lookup (cache->child_hash, 
-							 GUINT_TO_POINTER (xce->above));
-		if (above_node && node->next != above_node)
-		  {
-		    /* Put the window above (before in the list) above_node
-		     */
-		    cache->children = g_list_remove_link (cache->children, node);
-		    node->prev = above_node->prev;
-		    if (node->prev)
-		      node->prev->next = node;
-		    else
-		      cache->children = node;
-		    node->next = above_node;
-		    above_node->prev = node;
-		  }
-	      }
-	  }
-	break;
-      }
-    case CreateNotify:
-      {
-	XCreateWindowEvent *xcwe = &xevent->xcreatewindow;
-	if (!g_hash_table_lookup (cache->child_hash, 
-				  GUINT_TO_POINTER (xcwe->window))) 
-	  gdk_window_cache_add (cache, xcwe->window, 
-				xcwe->x, xcwe->y, xcwe->width, xcwe->height,
-				FALSE);
-	break;
-      }
-    case DestroyNotify:
-      {
-	XDestroyWindowEvent *xdwe = &xevent->xdestroywindow;
-	GList *node;
-	node = g_hash_table_lookup (cache->child_hash, 
-				    GUINT_TO_POINTER (xdwe->window));
-	if (node) 
-	  {
-	    GdkCacheChild *child = node->data;
-	    g_hash_table_remove (cache->child_hash,
-				 GUINT_TO_POINTER (xdwe->window));
-	    cache->children = g_list_remove_link (cache->children, node);
-	    /* window is destroyed, no need to disable ShapeNotify */
-	    free_cache_child (child, NULL);
-	    g_list_free_1 (node);
-	  }
-	break;
-      }
-    case MapNotify:
-      {
-	XMapEvent *xme = &xevent->xmap;
-	GList *node;
-	node = g_hash_table_lookup (cache->child_hash, 
-				    GUINT_TO_POINTER (xme->window));
-	if (node) 
-	  {
-	    GdkCacheChild *child = node->data;
-	    child->mapped = TRUE;
-	  }
-	break;
-      }
-    case ReparentNotify:
-      break;
-    case UnmapNotify:
-      {
-	XMapEvent *xume = &xevent->xmap;
-	GList *node;
-	node = g_hash_table_lookup (cache->child_hash, 
-				    GUINT_TO_POINTER (xume->window));
-	if (node)
-	  {
-	    GdkCacheChild *child = node->data;
-	    child->mapped = FALSE;
-	  }
-	break;
-      }
-    default:
-      return GDK_FILTER_CONTINUE;
-    }
-static GdkWindowCache *
-gdk_window_cache_new (GdkScreen *screen)
-  XWindowAttributes xwa;
-  Display *xdisplay = GDK_SCREEN_XDISPLAY (screen);
-  GdkWindow *root_window = gdk_screen_get_root_window (screen);
-  GdkChildInfoX11 *children;
-  guint nchildren, i;
-  Window cow;
-  GdkWindowCache *result = g_new (GdkWindowCache, 1);
-  result->children = NULL;
-  result->child_hash = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, NULL);
-  result->screen = screen;
-  XGetWindowAttributes (xdisplay, GDK_WINDOW_XWINDOW (root_window), &xwa);
-  result->old_event_mask = xwa.your_event_mask;
-  if (G_UNLIKELY (!GDK_DISPLAY_X11 (GDK_SCREEN_X11 (screen)->display)->trusted_client)) 
-    {
-      GList *toplevel_windows, *list;
-      GdkWindow *window;
-      gint x, y, width, height;
-      toplevel_windows = gdk_screen_get_toplevel_windows (screen);
-      for (list = toplevel_windows; list; list = list->next) {
-	window = GDK_WINDOW (list->data);
-	gdk_window_get_geometry (window, &x, &y, &width, &height, NULL);
-	gdk_window_cache_add (result, GDK_WINDOW_XID (window), 
-			      x, y, width, height, 
-			      gdk_window_is_visible (window));
-      }
-      g_list_free (toplevel_windows);
-      return result;
-    }
-  XSelectInput (xdisplay, GDK_WINDOW_XWINDOW (root_window),
-		result->old_event_mask | SubstructureNotifyMask);
-  gdk_window_add_filter (root_window, gdk_window_cache_filter, result);
-  gdk_window_add_filter (NULL, gdk_window_cache_shape_filter, result);
-  if (!_gdk_x11_get_window_child_info (gdk_screen_get_display (screen),
-				       GDK_WINDOW_XWINDOW (root_window),
-				       FALSE, NULL,
-				       &children, &nchildren))
-    return result;
-  for (i = 0; i < nchildren ; i++)
-    {
-      gdk_window_cache_add (result, children[i].window,
-			    children[i].x, children[i].y, children[i].width, children[i].height,
-			    children[i].is_mapped);
-    }
-  g_free (children);
-  /*
-   * Add the composite overlay window to the cache, as this can be a reasonable
-   * Xdnd proxy as well.
-   * This is only done when the screen is composited in order to avoid mapping
-   * the COW. We assume that the CM is using the COW (which is true for pretty
-   * much any CM currently in use).
-   */
-  if (gdk_screen_is_composited (screen))
-    {
-      cow = XCompositeGetOverlayWindow (xdisplay, GDK_WINDOW_XWINDOW (root_window));
-      gdk_window_cache_add (result, cow, 0, 0, gdk_screen_get_width (screen), gdk_screen_get_height (screen), TRUE);
-      XCompositeReleaseOverlayWindow (xdisplay, GDK_WINDOW_XWINDOW (root_window));
-    }
-  return result;
-static void
-gdk_window_cache_destroy (GdkWindowCache *cache)
-  GdkWindow *root_window = gdk_screen_get_root_window (cache->screen);
-  XSelectInput (GDK_WINDOW_XDISPLAY (root_window),
-		GDK_WINDOW_XWINDOW (root_window),
-		cache->old_event_mask);
-  gdk_window_remove_filter (root_window, gdk_window_cache_filter, cache);
-  gdk_window_remove_filter (NULL, gdk_window_cache_shape_filter, cache);
-  gdk_error_trap_push ();
-  g_list_foreach (cache->children, (GFunc)free_cache_child,
-      gdk_screen_get_display (cache->screen));
-  gdk_error_trap_pop_ignored ();
-  g_list_free (cache->children);
-  g_hash_table_destroy (cache->child_hash);
-  g_free (cache);
-static gboolean
-is_pointer_within_shape (GdkDisplay    *display,
-                         GdkCacheChild *child,
-                         gint           x_pos,
-                         gint           y_pos)
-  if (!child->shape_selected)
-    {
-      GdkDisplayX11 *display_x11 = GDK_DISPLAY_X11 (display);
-      XShapeSelectInput (display_x11->xdisplay, child->xid, ShapeNotifyMask);
-      child->shape_selected = TRUE;
-    }
-  if (!child->shape_valid)
-    {
-      GdkDisplayX11 *display_x11 = GDK_DISPLAY_X11 (display);
-      cairo_region_t *input_shape;
-      child->shape = _xwindow_get_shape (display_x11->xdisplay,
-                                         child->xid, ShapeBounding);
-#ifdef ShapeInput
-      input_shape = _xwindow_get_shape (display_x11->xdisplay,
-                                        child->xid, ShapeInput);
-      if (child->shape && input_shape)
-        {
-          cairo_region_intersect (child->shape, input_shape);
-          cairo_region_destroy (input_shape);
-        }
-      else if (input_shape)
-        {
-          child->shape = input_shape;
-        }
-      child->shape_valid = TRUE;
-    }
-  return child->shape == NULL ||
-         cairo_region_contains_point (child->shape, x_pos, y_pos);
-static Window
-get_client_window_at_coords_recurse (GdkDisplay *display,
-				     Window      win,
-				     gboolean    is_toplevel,
-				     gint        x,
-				     gint        y)
-  GdkChildInfoX11 *children;
-  unsigned int nchildren;
-  int i;
-  gboolean found_child = FALSE;
-  GdkChildInfoX11 child = { 0, };
-  gboolean has_wm_state = FALSE;
-  if (!_gdk_x11_get_window_child_info (display, win, TRUE,
-				       is_toplevel? &has_wm_state : NULL,
-				       &children, &nchildren))
-    return None;
-  if (has_wm_state)
-    {
-      g_free (children);
-      return win;
-    }
-  for (i = nchildren - 1; (i >= 0) && !found_child; i--)
-    {
-      GdkChildInfoX11 *cur_child = &children[i];
-      if ((cur_child->is_mapped) && (cur_child->window_class == InputOutput) &&
-	  (x >= cur_child->x) && (x < cur_child->x + cur_child->width) &&
-	  (y >= cur_child->y) && (y < cur_child->y + cur_child->height))
- 	{
-	  x -= cur_child->x;
-	  y -= cur_child->y;
-	  child = *cur_child;
-	  found_child = TRUE;
- 	}
-    }
-  g_free (children);
-  if (found_child)
-    {
-      if (child.has_wm_state)
-	return child.window;
-      else
-	return get_client_window_at_coords_recurse (display, child.window, FALSE, x, y);
-    }
-  else
-    return None;
-static Window 
-get_client_window_at_coords (GdkWindowCache *cache,
-			     Window          ignore,
-			     gint            x_root,
-			     gint            y_root)
-  GList *tmp_list;
-  Window retval = None;
-  gdk_error_trap_push ();
-  tmp_list = cache->children;
-  while (tmp_list && !retval)
-    {
-      GdkCacheChild *child = tmp_list->data;
-      if ((child->xid != ignore) && (child->mapped))
-        {
-          if ((x_root >= child->x) && (x_root < child->x + child->width) &&
-              (y_root >= child->y) && (y_root < child->y + child->height))
-            {
-              GdkDisplay *display = gdk_screen_get_display (cache->screen);
-              if (!is_pointer_within_shape (display, child,
-                                            x_root - child->x,
-                                            y_root - child->y))
-                {
-                  tmp_list = tmp_list->next;
-                  continue;
-                }
-              retval = get_client_window_at_coords_recurse (display,
-                  child->xid, TRUE,
-                  x_root - child->x,
-                  y_root - child->y);
-              if (!retval)
-                retval = child->xid;
-            }
-        }
-      tmp_list = tmp_list->next;
-    }
-  gdk_error_trap_pop_ignored ();
-  if (retval)
-    return retval;
-  else
-    return GDK_WINDOW_XWINDOW (gdk_screen_get_root_window (cache->screen));
- ***************************** MOTIF *************************
- *************************************************************/
-/* values used in the message type for Motif DND */
-enum {
-/* Values used to specify type of protocol to use */
-enum {
-/* Operation codes */
-enum {
-  XmDROP_MOVE = 0x01,
-  XmDROP_COPY = 0x02,
-  XmDROP_LINK = 0x04
-/* Drop site status */
-enum {
-  XmNO_DROP_SITE = 0x01,
-/* completion status */
-enum {
-  XmDROP,
-/* Byte swapping routines. The motif specification leaves it
- * up to us to save a few bytes in the client messages
- */
-static gchar local_byte_order = '\0';
-static void
-print_target_list (GList *targets)
-  while (targets)
-    {
-      gchar *name = gdk_atom_name (GDK_POINTER_TO_ATOM (targets->data));
-      g_message ("\t%s", name);
-      g_free (name);
-      targets = targets->next;
-    }
-#endif /* G_ENABLE_DEBUG */
-static void
-init_byte_order (void)
-  guint32 myint = 0x01020304;
-  local_byte_order = (*(gchar *)&myint == 1) ? 'B' : 'l';
-static guint16
-card16_to_host (guint16 x, gchar byte_order) {
-  if (byte_order == local_byte_order)
-    return x;
-  else
-    return (x << 8) | (x >> 8);
-static guint32
-card32_to_host (guint32 x, gchar byte_order) {
-  if (byte_order == local_byte_order)
-    return x;
-  else
-    return (x << 24) | ((x & 0xff00) << 8) | ((x & 0xff0000) >> 8) | (x >> 24);
-/* Motif packs together fields of varying length into the
- * client message. We can't rely on accessing these
- * through data.s[], data.l[], etc, because on some architectures
- * (i.e., Alpha) these won't be valid for format == 8. 
- */
-#define MOTIF_XCLIENT_BYTE(xevent,i) \
-  (xevent)->xclient.data.b[i]
-#define MOTIF_XCLIENT_SHORT(xevent,i) \
-  ((gint16 *)&((xevent)->xclient.data.b[0]))[i]
-#define MOTIF_XCLIENT_LONG(xevent,i) \
-  ((gint32 *)&((xevent)->xclient.data.b[0]))[i]
-#define MOTIF_UNPACK_BYTE(xevent,i) MOTIF_XCLIENT_BYTE(xevent,i)
-#define MOTIF_UNPACK_SHORT(xevent,i) \
-  card16_to_host (MOTIF_XCLIENT_SHORT(xevent,i), MOTIF_XCLIENT_BYTE(xevent, 1))
-#define MOTIF_UNPACK_LONG(xevent,i) \
-  card32_to_host (MOTIF_XCLIENT_LONG(xevent,i), MOTIF_XCLIENT_BYTE(xevent, 1))
-/***** Dest side ***********/
-/* Property placed on source windows */
-typedef struct _MotifDragInitiatorInfo {
-  guint8 byte_order;
-  guint8 protocol_version;
-  guint16 targets_index;
-  guint32 selection_atom;
-} MotifDragInitiatorInfo;
-/* Header for target table on the drag window */
-typedef struct _MotifTargetTableHeader {
-  guchar byte_order;
-  guchar protocol_version;
-  guint16 n_lists;
-  guint32 total_size;
-} MotifTargetTableHeader;
-/* Property placed on target windows */
-typedef struct _MotifDragReceiverInfo {
-  guint8 byte_order;
-  guint8 protocol_version;
-  guint8 protocol_style;
-  guint8 pad;
-  guint32 proxy_window;
-  guint16 num_drop_sites;
-  guint16 padding;
-  guint32 total_size;
-} MotifDragReceiverInfo;
-/* Target table handling */
-static GdkFilterReturn
-motif_drag_window_filter (GdkXEvent *xevent,
-			  GdkEvent  *event,
-			  gpointer data)
-  XEvent *xev = (XEvent *)xevent;
-  GdkDisplay *display = GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (event->any.window); 
-  GdkDisplayX11 *display_x11 = GDK_DISPLAY_X11 (display);
-  switch (xev->xany.type)
-    {
-    case DestroyNotify:
-      display_x11->motif_drag_window = None;
-      display_x11->motif_drag_gdk_window = NULL;
-      break;
-    case PropertyNotify:
-      if (display_x11->motif_target_lists &&
-	  (xev->xproperty.atom == gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "_MOTIF_DRAG_TARGETS")))
-	motif_read_target_table (display);
-      break;
-    }
-static Window
-motif_lookup_drag_window (GdkDisplay *display,
-			  Display    *lookup_xdisplay)
-  Window retval = None;
-  gulong bytes_after, nitems;
-  Atom type;
-  gint format;
-  guchar *data;
-  XGetWindowProperty (lookup_xdisplay, RootWindow (lookup_xdisplay, 0),
-		      gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "_MOTIF_DRAG_WINDOW"),
-		      0, 1, FALSE,
-		      XA_WINDOW, &type, &format, &nitems, &bytes_after,
-		      &data);
-  if ((format == 32) && (nitems == 1) && (bytes_after == 0))
-    {
-      retval = *(Window *)data;
-      GDK_NOTE (DND, 
-		g_message ("Found drag window %#lx\n", GDK_DISPLAY_X11 (display)->motif_drag_window));
-    }
-  if (type != None)
-    XFree (data);
-  return retval;
-/* Finds the window where global Motif drag information is stored.
- * If it doesn't exist and 'create' is TRUE, create one.
- */
-static Window 
-motif_find_drag_window (GdkDisplay *display,
-			gboolean    create)
-  GdkDisplayX11 *display_x11 = GDK_DISPLAY_X11 (display);
-  if (!display_x11->motif_drag_window)
-    {
-      Atom motif_drag_window_atom = gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "_MOTIF_DRAG_WINDOW");
-      display_x11->motif_drag_window = motif_lookup_drag_window (display, display_x11->xdisplay);
-      if (!display_x11->motif_drag_window && create)
-	{
-	  /* Create a persistant window. (Copied from LessTif) */
-	  Display *persistant_xdisplay;
-	  XSetWindowAttributes attr;
-	  persistant_xdisplay = XOpenDisplay (gdk_display_get_name (display));
-	  XSetCloseDownMode (persistant_xdisplay, RetainPermanent);
-	  XGrabServer (persistant_xdisplay);
-	  display_x11->motif_drag_window = motif_lookup_drag_window (display, persistant_xdisplay);
-	  if (!display_x11->motif_drag_window)
-	    {
-	      attr.override_redirect = True;
-	      attr.event_mask = PropertyChangeMask;
-	       display_x11->motif_drag_window = 
-		XCreateWindow (persistant_xdisplay, 
-			       RootWindow (persistant_xdisplay, 0),
-			      -100, -100, 10, 10, 0, 0,
-			      InputOnly, (Visual *)CopyFromParent,
-			      (CWOverrideRedirect | CWEventMask), &attr);
-	      GDK_NOTE (DND,
-			g_message ("Created drag window %#lx\n", display_x11->motif_drag_window));
-	      XChangeProperty (persistant_xdisplay, 
-			       RootWindow (persistant_xdisplay, 0),
-			       motif_drag_window_atom, XA_WINDOW,
-			       32, PropModeReplace,
-			       (guchar *)&motif_drag_window_atom, 1);
-	    }
-	  XUngrabServer (persistant_xdisplay);
-	  XCloseDisplay (persistant_xdisplay);
-	}
-      /* There is a miniscule race condition here if the drag window
-       * gets destroyed exactly now.
-       */
-      if (display_x11->motif_drag_window)
-	{
-	  display_x11->motif_drag_gdk_window = 
-	    gdk_window_foreign_new_for_display (display, display_x11->motif_drag_window);
-	  gdk_window_add_filter (display_x11->motif_drag_gdk_window,
-				 motif_drag_window_filter,
-				 NULL);
-	}
-    }
-  return display_x11->motif_drag_window;
-static void 
-motif_read_target_table (GdkDisplay *display)
-  GdkDisplayX11 *display_x11 = GDK_DISPLAY_X11 (display);
-  gulong bytes_after, nitems;
-  Atom type;
-  gint format;
-  gint i, j;
-  Atom motif_drag_targets_atom = gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "_MOTIF_DRAG_TARGETS");
-  if (display_x11->motif_target_lists)
-    {
-      for (i=0; i<display_x11->motif_n_target_lists; i++)
-	g_list_free (display_x11->motif_target_lists[i]);
-      g_free (display_x11->motif_target_lists);
-      display_x11->motif_target_lists = NULL;
-      display_x11->motif_n_target_lists = 0;
-    }
-  if (motif_find_drag_window (display, FALSE))
-    {
-      guchar *data;
-      MotifTargetTableHeader *header = NULL;
-      guchar *target_bytes = NULL;
-      guchar *p;
-      gboolean success = FALSE;
-      gdk_error_trap_push ();
-      XGetWindowProperty (display_x11->xdisplay, 
-			  display_x11->motif_drag_window, 
-			  motif_drag_targets_atom,
-			  0, (sizeof(MotifTargetTableHeader)+3)/4, FALSE,
-			  motif_drag_targets_atom, 
-			  &type, &format, &nitems, &bytes_after,
-			  &data);
-      if (gdk_error_trap_pop () || (format != 8) || (nitems < sizeof (MotifTargetTableHeader)))
-	goto error;
-      header = (MotifTargetTableHeader *)data;
-      header->n_lists = card16_to_host (header->n_lists, header->byte_order);
-      header->total_size = card32_to_host (header->total_size, header->byte_order);
-      gdk_error_trap_push ();
-      XGetWindowProperty (display_x11->xdisplay, 
-			  display_x11->motif_drag_window, 
-		          motif_drag_targets_atom,
-			  (sizeof(MotifTargetTableHeader)+3)/4, 
-			  (header->total_size + 3)/4 - (sizeof(MotifTargetTableHeader) + 3)/4,
-			  FALSE,
-			  motif_drag_targets_atom, &type, &format, &nitems, 
-			  &bytes_after, &target_bytes);
-      if (gdk_error_trap_pop () || (format != 8) || (bytes_after != 0) || 
-	  (nitems != header->total_size - sizeof(MotifTargetTableHeader)))
-	  goto error;
-      display_x11->motif_n_target_lists = header->n_lists;
-      display_x11->motif_target_lists = g_new0 (GList *, display_x11->motif_n_target_lists);
-      p = target_bytes;
-      for (i=0; i<header->n_lists; i++)
-	{
-	  gint n_targets;
-	  guint32 *targets;
-	  if (p + sizeof(guint16) - target_bytes > nitems)
-	    goto error;
-	  n_targets = card16_to_host (*(gushort *)p, header->byte_order);
-	  /* We need to make a copy of the targets, since it may
-	   * be unaligned
-	   */
-	  targets = g_new (guint32, n_targets);
-	  memcpy (targets, p + sizeof(guint16), sizeof(guint32) * n_targets);
-	  p +=  sizeof(guint16) + n_targets * sizeof(guint32);
-	  if (p - target_bytes > nitems)
-	    goto error;
-	  for (j=0; j<n_targets; j++)
-	    display_x11->motif_target_lists[i] = 
-	      g_list_prepend (display_x11->motif_target_lists[i],
-			      GUINT_TO_POINTER (card32_to_host (targets[j],
-								header->byte_order)));
-	  g_free (targets);
-	  display_x11->motif_target_lists[i] = g_list_reverse (display_x11->motif_target_lists[i]);
-	}
-      success = TRUE;
-    error:
-      if (header)
-	XFree (header);
-      if (target_bytes)
-	XFree (target_bytes);
-      if (!success)
-	{
-	  if (display_x11->motif_target_lists)
-	    {
-	      g_free (display_x11->motif_target_lists);
-	      display_x11->motif_target_lists = NULL;
-	      display_x11->motif_n_target_lists = 0;
-	    }
-	  g_warning ("Error reading Motif target table\n");
-	}
-    }
-static gint
-targets_sort_func (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
-  return (GPOINTER_TO_UINT (a) < GPOINTER_TO_UINT (b)) ?
-    -1 : ((GPOINTER_TO_UINT (a) > GPOINTER_TO_UINT (b)) ? 1 : 0);
-/* Check if given (sorted) list is in the targets table */
-static gint
-motif_target_table_check (GdkDisplay *display,
-			  GList      *sorted)
-  GdkDisplayX11 *display_x11 = GDK_DISPLAY_X11 (display);
-  GList *tmp_list1, *tmp_list2;
-  gint i;
-  for (i=0; i<display_x11->motif_n_target_lists; i++)
-    {
-      tmp_list1 = display_x11->motif_target_lists[i];
-      tmp_list2 = sorted;
-      while (tmp_list1 && tmp_list2)
-	{
-	  if (tmp_list1->data != tmp_list2->data)
-	    break;
-	  tmp_list1 = tmp_list1->next;
-	  tmp_list2 = tmp_list2->next;
-	}
-      if (!tmp_list1 && !tmp_list2)	/* Found it */
-	return i;
-    }
-  return -1;
-static gint
-motif_add_to_target_table (GdkDisplay *display,
-			   GList      *targets) /* targets is list of GdkAtom */
-  GdkDisplayX11 *display_x11 = GDK_DISPLAY_X11 (display);
-  GList *sorted = NULL;
-  gint index = -1;
-  gint i;
-  GList *tmp_list;
-  /* make a sorted copy of the list */
-  while (targets)
-    {
-      Atom xatom = gdk_x11_atom_to_xatom_for_display (display, GDK_POINTER_TO_ATOM (targets->data));
-      sorted = g_list_insert_sorted (sorted, GUINT_TO_POINTER (xatom), targets_sort_func);
-      targets = targets->next;
-    }
-  /* First check if it is there already */
-  if (display_x11->motif_target_lists)
-    index = motif_target_table_check (display, sorted);
-  /* We need to grab the server while doing this, to ensure
-   * atomiticity. Ugh
-   */
-  if (index < 0)
-    {
-      /* We need to make sure that it exists _before_ we grab the
-       * server, since we can't open a new connection after we
-       * grab the server. 
-       */
-      motif_find_drag_window (display, TRUE);
-      gdk_x11_display_grab (display);
-      motif_read_target_table (display);
-      /* Check again, in case it was added in the meantime */
-      if (display_x11->motif_target_lists)
-	index = motif_target_table_check (display, sorted);
-      if (index < 0)
-	{
-	  guint32 total_size = 0;
-	  guchar *data;
-	  guchar *p;
-	  guint16 *p16;
-	  MotifTargetTableHeader *header;
-	  if (!display_x11->motif_target_lists)
-	    {
-	      display_x11->motif_target_lists = g_new (GList *, 1);
-	      display_x11->motif_n_target_lists = 1;
-	    }
-	  else
-	    {
-	      display_x11->motif_n_target_lists++;
-	      display_x11->motif_target_lists = g_realloc (display_x11->motif_target_lists,
-							   sizeof(GList *) * display_x11->motif_n_target_lists);
-	    }
-	  display_x11->motif_target_lists[display_x11->motif_n_target_lists - 1] = sorted;
-	  sorted = NULL;
-	  index = display_x11->motif_n_target_lists - 1;
-	  total_size = sizeof (MotifTargetTableHeader);
-	  for (i = 0; i < display_x11->motif_n_target_lists ; i++)
-	    total_size += sizeof(guint16) + sizeof(guint32) * g_list_length (display_x11->motif_target_lists[i]);
-	  data = g_malloc (total_size);
-	  header = (MotifTargetTableHeader *)data;
-	  p = data + sizeof(MotifTargetTableHeader);
-	  header->byte_order = local_byte_order;
-	  header->protocol_version = 0;
-	  header->n_lists = display_x11->motif_n_target_lists;
-	  header->total_size = total_size;
-	  for (i = 0; i < display_x11->motif_n_target_lists ; i++)
-	    {
-	      guint16 n_targets = g_list_length (display_x11->motif_target_lists[i]);
-	      guint32 *targets = g_new (guint32, n_targets);
-	      guint32 *p32 = targets;
-	      tmp_list = display_x11->motif_target_lists[i];
-	      while (tmp_list)
-		{
-		  *p32 = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (tmp_list->data);
-		  tmp_list = tmp_list->next;
-		  p32++;
-		}
-	      p16 = (guint16 *)p;
-	      p += sizeof(guint16);
-	      memcpy (p, targets, n_targets * sizeof(guint32));
-	      *p16 = n_targets;
-	      p += sizeof(guint32) * n_targets;
-	      g_free (targets);
-	    }
-	  XChangeProperty (display_x11->xdisplay,
-			   display_x11->motif_drag_window,
-			   gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "_MOTIF_DRAG_TARGETS"),
-			   gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "_MOTIF_DRAG_TARGETS"),
-			   8, PropModeReplace,
-			   data, total_size);
-	}
-      gdk_x11_display_ungrab (display);
-    }
-  g_list_free (sorted);
-  return index;
-/* Translate flags */
-static void
-motif_dnd_translate_flags (GdkDragContext *context, guint16 flags)
-  guint recommended_op = flags & 0x000f;
-  guint possible_ops = (flags & 0x0f0) >> 4;
-  switch (recommended_op)
-    {
-    case XmDROP_MOVE:
-      context->suggested_action = GDK_ACTION_MOVE;
-      break;
-    case XmDROP_COPY:
-      context->suggested_action = GDK_ACTION_COPY;
-      break;
-    case XmDROP_LINK:
-      context->suggested_action = GDK_ACTION_LINK;
-      break;
-    default:
-      context->suggested_action = GDK_ACTION_COPY;
-      break;
-    }
-  context->actions = 0;
-  if (possible_ops & XmDROP_MOVE)
-    context->actions |= GDK_ACTION_MOVE;
-  if (possible_ops & XmDROP_COPY)
-    context->actions |= GDK_ACTION_COPY;
-  if (possible_ops & XmDROP_LINK)
-    context->actions |= GDK_ACTION_LINK;
-static guint16
-motif_dnd_get_flags (GdkDragContext *context)
-  guint16 flags = 0;
-  switch (context->suggested_action)
-    {
-    case GDK_ACTION_MOVE:
-      flags = XmDROP_MOVE;
-      break;
-    case GDK_ACTION_COPY:
-      flags = XmDROP_COPY;
-      break;
-    case GDK_ACTION_LINK:
-      flags = XmDROP_LINK;
-      break;
-    default:
-      flags = XmDROP_NOOP;
-      break;
-    }
-  if (context->actions & GDK_ACTION_MOVE)
-    flags |= XmDROP_MOVE << 8;
-  if (context->actions & GDK_ACTION_COPY)
-    flags |= XmDROP_COPY << 8;
-  if (context->actions & GDK_ACTION_LINK)
-    flags |= XmDROP_LINK << 8;
-  return flags;
-/* Source Side */
-static void
-motif_set_targets (GdkDragContext *context)
-  GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private = PRIVATE_DATA (context);
-  MotifDragInitiatorInfo info;
-  gint i;
-  GdkDisplay *display = GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (context->source_window);
-  info.byte_order = local_byte_order;
-  info.protocol_version = 0;
-  info.targets_index = motif_add_to_target_table (display, context->targets);
-  for (i=0; ; i++)
-    {
-      gchar buf[20];
-      g_snprintf(buf, 20, "_GDK_SELECTION_%d", i);
-      private->motif_selection = gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, buf);
-      if (!XGetSelectionOwner (GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (display), private->motif_selection))
-	break;
-    }
-  info.selection_atom = private->motif_selection;
-  XChangeProperty (GDK_DRAWABLE_XDISPLAY (context->source_window),
-		   GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->source_window),
-		   private->motif_selection,
-		   gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "_MOTIF_DRAG_INITIATOR_INFO"),
-		   8, PropModeReplace,
-		   (guchar *)&info, sizeof (info));
-  private->motif_targets_set = 1;
-static guint32
-motif_check_dest (GdkDisplay *display,
-		  Window      win)
-  gboolean retval = FALSE;
-  guchar *data;
-  MotifDragReceiverInfo *info;
-  Atom type = None;
-  int format;
-  unsigned long nitems, after;
-  Atom motif_drag_receiver_info_atom = gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "_MOTIF_DRAG_RECEIVER_INFO");
-  gdk_error_trap_push ();
-  XGetWindowProperty (GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (display), win, 
-		      motif_drag_receiver_info_atom, 
-		      0, (sizeof(*info)+3)/4, False, AnyPropertyType,
-		      &type, &format, &nitems, &after, 
-		      &data);
-  if (gdk_error_trap_pop() == 0)
-    {
-      if (type != None)
-	{
-	  info = (MotifDragReceiverInfo *)data;
-	  if ((format == 8) && (nitems == sizeof(*info)))
-	    {
-	      if ((info->protocol_version == 0) &&
-		  ((info->protocol_style == XmDRAG_PREFER_PREREGISTER) ||
-		   (info->protocol_style == XmDRAG_PREFER_DYNAMIC) ||
-		   (info->protocol_style == XmDRAG_DYNAMIC)))
-		retval = TRUE;
-	    }
-	  else
-	    {
-	      GDK_NOTE (DND, 
-			g_warning ("Invalid Motif drag receiver property on window %ld\n", win));
-	    }
-	  XFree (info);
-	}
-    }
-  return retval ? win : None;
-static void
-motif_send_enter (GdkDragContext  *context,
-		  guint32          time)
-  GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private = PRIVATE_DATA (context);
-  GdkDisplay *display = GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (context->source_window);
-  XEvent xev;
-  if (!G_LIKELY (GDK_DISPLAY_X11 (display)->trusted_client))
-    return; /* Motif Dnd requires getting properties on the root window */
-  xev.xclient.type = ClientMessage;
-  xev.xclient.message_type = gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "_MOTIF_DRAG_AND_DROP_MESSAGE");
-  xev.xclient.format = 8;
-  xev.xclient.window = GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->dest_window);
-  MOTIF_XCLIENT_BYTE (&xev, 1) = local_byte_order;
-  MOTIF_XCLIENT_SHORT (&xev, 1) = 0;
-  MOTIF_XCLIENT_LONG (&xev, 1) = time;
-  MOTIF_XCLIENT_LONG (&xev, 2) = GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->source_window);
-  if (!private->motif_targets_set)
-    motif_set_targets (context);
-  MOTIF_XCLIENT_LONG (&xev, 3) = private->motif_selection;
-  MOTIF_XCLIENT_LONG (&xev, 4) = 0;
-  if (!_gdk_send_xevent (display,
-			 GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->dest_window),
-			 FALSE, 0, &xev))
-    GDK_NOTE (DND, 
-	      g_message ("Send event to %lx failed",
-			 GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->dest_window)));
-static void
-motif_send_leave (GdkDragContext  *context,
-		  guint32          time)
-  GdkDisplay *display = GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (context->source_window);
-  XEvent xev;
-  xev.xclient.type = ClientMessage;
-  xev.xclient.message_type = gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "_MOTIF_DRAG_AND_DROP_MESSAGE");
-  xev.xclient.format = 8;
-  xev.xclient.window = GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->dest_window);
-  MOTIF_XCLIENT_BYTE (&xev, 1) = local_byte_order;
-  MOTIF_XCLIENT_SHORT (&xev, 1) = 0;
-  MOTIF_XCLIENT_LONG (&xev, 1) = time;
-  MOTIF_XCLIENT_LONG (&xev, 2) = 0;
-  MOTIF_XCLIENT_LONG (&xev, 3) = 0;
-  MOTIF_XCLIENT_LONG (&xev, 4) = 0;
-  if (!_gdk_send_xevent (display,
-			 GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->dest_window),
-			 FALSE, 0, &xev))
-    GDK_NOTE (DND, 
-	      g_message ("Send event to %lx failed",
-			 GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->dest_window)));
-static gboolean
-motif_send_motion (GdkDragContext  *context,
-		    gint            x_root, 
-		    gint            y_root,
-		    GdkDragAction   action,
-		    guint32         time)
-  GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private = PRIVATE_DATA (context);
-  GdkDisplay *display = GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (context->source_window);
-  gboolean retval;
-  XEvent xev;
-  xev.xclient.type = ClientMessage;
-  xev.xclient.message_type = gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "_MOTIF_DRAG_AND_DROP_MESSAGE");
-  xev.xclient.format = 8;
-  xev.xclient.window = GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->dest_window);
-  MOTIF_XCLIENT_BYTE (&xev, 1) = local_byte_order;
-  MOTIF_XCLIENT_SHORT (&xev, 1) = motif_dnd_get_flags (context);
-  MOTIF_XCLIENT_LONG (&xev, 1) = time;
-  MOTIF_XCLIENT_LONG (&xev, 3) = 0;
-  MOTIF_XCLIENT_LONG (&xev, 4) = 0;
-  if ((context->suggested_action != private->old_action) ||
-      (context->actions != private->old_actions))
-    {
-      /* private->drag_status = GDK_DRAG_STATUS_ACTION_WAIT; */
-      retval = TRUE;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      MOTIF_XCLIENT_SHORT (&xev, 4) = x_root;
-      MOTIF_XCLIENT_SHORT (&xev, 5) = y_root;
-      private->drag_status = GDK_DRAG_STATUS_MOTION_WAIT;
-      retval = FALSE;
-    }
-  if (!_gdk_send_xevent (display,
-			 GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->dest_window),
-			 FALSE, 0, &xev))
-    GDK_NOTE (DND, 
-	      g_message ("Send event to %lx failed",
-			 GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->dest_window)));
-  return retval;
-static void
-motif_send_drop (GdkDragContext *context, guint32 time)
-  GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private = PRIVATE_DATA (context);
-  GdkDisplay *display = GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (context->source_window);
-  XEvent xev;
-  xev.xclient.type = ClientMessage;
-  xev.xclient.message_type = gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "_MOTIF_DRAG_AND_DROP_MESSAGE");
-  xev.xclient.format = 8;
-  xev.xclient.window = GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->dest_window);
-  MOTIF_XCLIENT_BYTE (&xev, 1) = local_byte_order;
-  MOTIF_XCLIENT_SHORT (&xev, 1) = motif_dnd_get_flags (context);
-  MOTIF_XCLIENT_LONG (&xev, 1)  = time;
-  MOTIF_XCLIENT_SHORT (&xev, 4) = private->last_x;
-  MOTIF_XCLIENT_SHORT (&xev, 5) = private->last_y;
-  MOTIF_XCLIENT_LONG (&xev, 3)  = private->motif_selection;
-  MOTIF_XCLIENT_LONG (&xev, 4)  = GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->source_window);
-  if (!_gdk_send_xevent (display,
-			 GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->dest_window),
-			 FALSE, 0, &xev))
-    GDK_NOTE (DND, 
-	      g_message ("Send event to %lx failed",
-			 GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->dest_window)));
-/* Target Side */
-static gboolean
-motif_read_initiator_info (GdkDisplay *display,
-			   Window      source_window, 
-			   Atom        atom,
-			   GList     **targets,
-			   Atom       *selection)
-  GList *tmp_list;
-  Atom type;
-  gint format;
-  gulong nitems;
-  gulong bytes_after;
-  guchar *data;
-  MotifDragInitiatorInfo *initiator_info;
-  GdkDisplayX11 *display_x11 = GDK_DISPLAY_X11 (display);
-  gdk_error_trap_push ();
-  XGetWindowProperty (GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (display), source_window, atom,
-		      0, sizeof(*initiator_info), FALSE,
-		      gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "_MOTIF_DRAG_INITIATOR_INFO"),
-		      &type, &format, &nitems, &bytes_after,
-		      &data);
-  if (gdk_error_trap_pop () || (format != 8) || (nitems != sizeof (MotifDragInitiatorInfo)) || (bytes_after != 0))
-    {
-      g_warning ("Error reading initiator info\n");
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  initiator_info = (MotifDragInitiatorInfo *)data;
-  motif_read_target_table (display);
-  initiator_info->targets_index = 
-    card16_to_host (initiator_info->targets_index, initiator_info->byte_order);
-  initiator_info->selection_atom = 
-    card32_to_host (initiator_info->selection_atom, initiator_info->byte_order);
-  if (initiator_info->targets_index >= display_x11->motif_n_target_lists)
-    {
-      g_warning ("Invalid target index in TOP_LEVEL_ENTER MESSAGE");
-      XFree (initiator_info);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  tmp_list = g_list_last (display_x11->motif_target_lists[initiator_info->targets_index]);
-  *targets = NULL;
-  while (tmp_list)
-    {
-      GdkAtom atom = gdk_x11_xatom_to_atom_for_display (display, GPOINTER_TO_UINT (tmp_list->data));
-      *targets = g_list_prepend (*targets, GDK_ATOM_TO_POINTER (atom));
-      tmp_list = tmp_list->prev;
-    }
-  if (_gdk_debug_flags & GDK_DEBUG_DND)
-    print_target_list (*targets);
-#endif /* G_ENABLE_DEBUG */
-  *selection = initiator_info->selection_atom;
-  XFree (initiator_info);
-  return TRUE;
-static GdkDragContext *
-motif_drag_context_new (GdkWindow *dest_window,
-			guint32    timestamp,
-			guint32    source_window,
-			guint32    atom)
-  GdkDragContext *new_context;
-  GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private;
-  GdkDisplay *display = GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (dest_window);
-  GdkDisplayX11 *display_x11 = GDK_DISPLAY_X11 (display);
-  /* FIXME, current_dest_drag really shouldn't be NULL'd
-   * if we error below.
-   */
-  if (display_x11->current_dest_drag != NULL)
-    {
-      if (timestamp >= display_x11->current_dest_drag->start_time)
-	{
-	  g_object_unref (display_x11->current_dest_drag);
-	  display_x11->current_dest_drag = NULL;
-	}
-      else
-	return NULL;
-    }
-  new_context = gdk_drag_context_new ();
-  private = PRIVATE_DATA (new_context);
-  new_context->protocol = GDK_DRAG_PROTO_MOTIF;
-  new_context->is_source = FALSE;
-  new_context->source_window = gdk_window_lookup_for_display (display, source_window);
-  if (new_context->source_window)
-    g_object_ref (new_context->source_window);
-  else
-    {
-      new_context->source_window = gdk_window_foreign_new_for_display (display, source_window);
-      if (!new_context->source_window)
-	{
-	  g_object_unref (new_context);
-	  return NULL;
-	}
-    }
-  new_context->dest_window = dest_window;
-  g_object_ref (dest_window);
-  new_context->start_time = timestamp;
-  if (!motif_read_initiator_info (GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (dest_window),
-				  source_window,
-				  atom,
-				  &new_context->targets,
-				  &private->motif_selection))
-    {
-      g_object_unref (new_context);
-      return NULL;
-    }
-  return new_context;
- * The MOTIF drag protocol has no real provisions for distinguishing
- * multiple simultaneous drops. If the sources grab the pointer
- * when doing drags, that shouldn't happen, in any case. If it
- * does, we can't do much except hope for the best.
- */
-static GdkFilterReturn
-motif_top_level_enter (GdkEvent *event,
-		       guint16   flags, 
-		       guint32   timestamp, 
-		       guint32   source_window, 
-		       guint32   atom)
-  GdkDisplayX11 *display_x11 = GDK_DISPLAY_X11 (GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (event->any.window));
-  GdkDragContext *new_context;
-  GDK_NOTE(DND, g_message ("Motif DND top level enter: flags: %#4x time: %d source_widow: %#4x atom: %d",
-			   flags, timestamp, source_window, atom));
-  new_context = motif_drag_context_new (event->any.window, timestamp, source_window, atom);
-  if (!new_context)
-    return GDK_FILTER_REMOVE;
-  event->dnd.type = GDK_DRAG_ENTER;
-  event->dnd.context = new_context;
-  g_object_ref (new_context);
-  display_x11->current_dest_drag = new_context;
-static GdkFilterReturn
-motif_top_level_leave (GdkEvent *event,
-		       guint16   flags, 
-		       guint32   timestamp)
-  GdkDisplayX11 *display_x11 = GDK_DISPLAY_X11 (GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (event->any.window));
-  GDK_NOTE(DND, g_message ("Motif DND top level leave: flags: %#4x time: %d",
-			   flags, timestamp));
-  if ((display_x11->current_dest_drag != NULL) &&
-      (display_x11->current_dest_drag->protocol == GDK_DRAG_PROTO_MOTIF) &&
-      (timestamp >= display_x11->current_dest_drag->start_time))
-    {
-      event->dnd.type = GDK_DRAG_LEAVE;
-      /* Pass ownership of context to the event */
-      event->dnd.context = display_x11->current_dest_drag;
-      display_x11->current_dest_drag = NULL;
-    }
-  else
-    return GDK_FILTER_REMOVE;
-static GdkFilterReturn
-motif_motion (GdkEvent *event,
-	      guint16   flags, 
-	      guint32   timestamp,
-	      gint16    x_root,
-	      gint16    y_root)
-  GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private;
-  GdkDisplayX11 *display_x11 = GDK_DISPLAY_X11 (GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (event->any.window));
-  GDK_NOTE(DND, g_message ("Motif DND motion: flags: %#4x time: %d (%d, %d)",
-			   flags, timestamp, x_root, y_root));
-  if ((display_x11->current_dest_drag != NULL) &&
-      (display_x11->current_dest_drag->protocol == GDK_DRAG_PROTO_MOTIF) &&
-      (timestamp >= display_x11->current_dest_drag->start_time))
-    {
-      private = PRIVATE_DATA (display_x11->current_dest_drag);
-      event->dnd.type = GDK_DRAG_MOTION;
-      event->dnd.context = display_x11->current_dest_drag;
-      g_object_ref (display_x11->current_dest_drag);
-      event->dnd.time = timestamp;
-      motif_dnd_translate_flags (display_x11->current_dest_drag, flags);
-      event->dnd.x_root = x_root;
-      event->dnd.y_root = y_root;
-      private->last_x = x_root;
-      private->last_y = y_root;
-      private->drag_status = GDK_DRAG_STATUS_MOTION_WAIT;
-    }
-static GdkFilterReturn
-motif_operation_changed (GdkEvent *event,
-			 guint16   flags, 
-			 guint32   timestamp)
-  GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private;
-  GdkDisplayX11 *display_x11 = GDK_DISPLAY_X11 (GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (event->any.window));
-  GDK_NOTE(DND, g_message ("Motif DND operation changed: flags: %#4x time: %d",
-			   flags, timestamp));
-  if ((display_x11->current_dest_drag != NULL) &&
-      (display_x11->current_dest_drag->protocol == GDK_DRAG_PROTO_MOTIF) &&
-      (timestamp >= display_x11->current_dest_drag->start_time))
-    {
-      event->dnd.type = GDK_DRAG_MOTION;
-      event->dnd.send_event = FALSE;
-      event->dnd.context = display_x11->current_dest_drag;
-      g_object_ref (display_x11->current_dest_drag);
-      event->dnd.time = timestamp;
-      private = PRIVATE_DATA (display_x11->current_dest_drag);
-      motif_dnd_translate_flags (display_x11->current_dest_drag, flags);
-      event->dnd.x_root = private->last_x;
-      event->dnd.y_root = private->last_y;
-      private->drag_status = GDK_DRAG_STATUS_ACTION_WAIT;
-    }
-static GdkFilterReturn
-motif_drop_start (GdkEvent *event,
-		  guint16   flags,
-		  guint32   timestamp,
-		  guint32   source_window,
-		  guint32   atom,
-		  gint16    x_root,
-		  gint16    y_root)
-  GdkDragContext *new_context;
-  GdkDisplayX11 *display_x11 = GDK_DISPLAY_X11 (GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (event->any.window));
-  GDK_NOTE(DND, g_message ("Motif DND drop start: flags: %#4x time: %d (%d, %d) source_widow: %#4x atom: %d",
-			   flags, timestamp, x_root, y_root, source_window, atom));
-  new_context = motif_drag_context_new (event->any.window, timestamp, source_window, atom);
-  if (!new_context)
-    return GDK_FILTER_REMOVE;
-  motif_dnd_translate_flags (new_context, flags);
-  event->dnd.type = GDK_DROP_START;
-  event->dnd.context = new_context;
-  event->dnd.time = timestamp;
-  event->dnd.x_root = x_root;
-  event->dnd.y_root = y_root;
-  gdk_x11_window_set_user_time (event->any.window, timestamp);
-  g_object_ref (new_context);
-  display_x11->current_dest_drag = new_context;
-static GdkFilterReturn
-motif_drag_status (GdkEvent *event,
-		   guint16   flags,
-		   guint32   timestamp)
-  GdkDragContext *context;
-  GdkDisplay *display;
-	    g_message ("Motif status message: flags %x", flags));
-  display = gdk_window_get_display (event->any.window);
-  if (!display)
-    return GDK_FILTER_REMOVE;
-  context = gdk_drag_context_find (display, TRUE, GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (event->any.window), None);
-  if (context)
-    {
-      GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private = PRIVATE_DATA (context);
-      if ((private->drag_status == GDK_DRAG_STATUS_MOTION_WAIT) ||
-	  (private->drag_status == GDK_DRAG_STATUS_ACTION_WAIT))
-	private->drag_status = GDK_DRAG_STATUS_DRAG;
-      event->dnd.type = GDK_DRAG_STATUS;
-      event->dnd.send_event = FALSE;
-      event->dnd.context = context;
-      g_object_ref (context);
-      event->dnd.time = timestamp;
-      if ((flags & 0x00f0) >> 4 == XmDROP_SITE_VALID)
-	{
-	  switch (flags & 0x000f)
-	    {
-	    case XmDROP_NOOP:
-	      context->action = 0;
-	      break;
-	    case XmDROP_MOVE:
-		context->action = GDK_ACTION_MOVE;
-		break;
-	    case XmDROP_COPY:
-	      context->action = GDK_ACTION_COPY;
-	      break;
-	    case XmDROP_LINK:
-	      context->action = GDK_ACTION_LINK;
-	      break;
-	    }
-	}
-      else
-	context->action = 0;
-    }
-static GdkFilterReturn
-motif_dnd_filter (GdkXEvent *xev,
-		  GdkEvent  *event,
-		  gpointer data)
-  XEvent *xevent = (XEvent *)xev;
-  guint8 reason;
-  guint16 flags;
-  guint32 timestamp;
-  guint32 source_window;
-  Atom atom;
-  gint16 x_root, y_root;
-  gboolean is_reply;
-  if (!event->any.window ||
-      gdk_window_get_window_type (event->any.window) == GDK_WINDOW_FOREIGN)
-    return GDK_FILTER_CONTINUE;			/* Not for us */
-  /* First read some fields common to all Motif DND messages */
-  reason = MOTIF_UNPACK_BYTE (xevent, 0);
-  flags = MOTIF_UNPACK_SHORT (xevent, 1);
-  timestamp = MOTIF_UNPACK_LONG (xevent, 1);
-  is_reply = ((reason & 0x80) != 0);
-  switch (reason & 0x7f)
-    {
-    case XmTOP_LEVEL_ENTER:
-      source_window = MOTIF_UNPACK_LONG (xevent, 2);
-      atom = MOTIF_UNPACK_LONG (xevent, 3);
-      return motif_top_level_enter (event, flags, timestamp, source_window, atom);
-    case XmTOP_LEVEL_LEAVE:
-      return motif_top_level_leave (event, flags, timestamp);
-    case XmDRAG_MOTION:
-      x_root = MOTIF_UNPACK_SHORT (xevent, 4);
-      y_root = MOTIF_UNPACK_SHORT (xevent, 5);
-      if (!is_reply)
-	return motif_motion (event, flags, timestamp, x_root, y_root);
-      else
-	return motif_drag_status (event, flags, timestamp);
-    case XmDROP_SITE_ENTER:
-      return motif_drag_status (event, flags, timestamp);
-    case XmDROP_SITE_LEAVE:
-      return motif_drag_status (event,
-				XmNO_DROP_SITE << 8 | XmDROP_NOOP, 
-				timestamp);
-    case XmDROP_START:
-      x_root = MOTIF_UNPACK_SHORT (xevent, 4);
-      y_root = MOTIF_UNPACK_SHORT (xevent, 5);
-      atom = MOTIF_UNPACK_LONG (xevent, 3);
-      source_window = MOTIF_UNPACK_LONG (xevent, 4);
-      if (!is_reply)
-	return motif_drop_start (event, flags, timestamp, source_window, atom, x_root, y_root);
-     break;
-      if (!is_reply)
-	return motif_operation_changed (event, flags, timestamp);
-      else
-	return motif_drag_status (event, flags, timestamp);
-      break;
-      /* To the best of my knowledge, these next two messages are 
-       * not part of the protocol, though they are defined in
-       * the header files.
-       */
-    case XmDROP_FINISH:
-      break;
-    }
- ***************************** XDND **************************
- *************************************************************/
-/* Utility functions */
-static struct {
-  const gchar *name;
-  GdkAtom atom;
-  GdkDragAction action;
-} xdnd_actions_table[] = {
-    { "XdndActionCopy",    None, GDK_ACTION_COPY },
-    { "XdndActionMove",    None, GDK_ACTION_MOVE },
-    { "XdndActionLink",    None, GDK_ACTION_LINK },
-    { "XdndActionAsk",     None, GDK_ACTION_ASK  },
-    { "XdndActionPrivate", None, GDK_ACTION_COPY },
-  };
-static const gint xdnd_n_actions = sizeof(xdnd_actions_table) / sizeof(xdnd_actions_table[0]);
-static gboolean xdnd_actions_initialized = FALSE;
-static void
-xdnd_initialize_actions (void)
-  gint i;
-  xdnd_actions_initialized = TRUE;
-  for (i=0; i < xdnd_n_actions; i++)
-    xdnd_actions_table[i].atom = gdk_atom_intern_static_string (xdnd_actions_table[i].name);
-static GdkDragAction
-xdnd_action_from_atom (GdkDisplay *display,
-		       Atom        xatom)
-  GdkAtom atom;
-  gint i;
-  if (xatom == None)
-    return 0;
-  atom = gdk_x11_xatom_to_atom_for_display (display, xatom);
-  if (!xdnd_actions_initialized)
-    xdnd_initialize_actions();
-  for (i=0; i<xdnd_n_actions; i++)
-    if (atom == xdnd_actions_table[i].atom)
-      return xdnd_actions_table[i].action;
-  return 0;
-static Atom
-xdnd_action_to_atom (GdkDisplay    *display,
-		     GdkDragAction  action)
-  gint i;
-  if (!xdnd_actions_initialized)
-    xdnd_initialize_actions();
-  for (i=0; i<xdnd_n_actions; i++)
-    if (action == xdnd_actions_table[i].action)
-      return gdk_x11_atom_to_xatom_for_display (display, xdnd_actions_table[i].atom);
-  return None;
-/* Source side */
-static GdkFilterReturn 
-xdnd_status_filter (GdkXEvent *xev,
-		    GdkEvent  *event,
-		    gpointer   data)
-  GdkDisplay *display;
-  XEvent *xevent = (XEvent *)xev;
-  guint32 dest_window = xevent->xclient.data.l[0];
-  guint32 flags = xevent->xclient.data.l[1];
-  Atom action = xevent->xclient.data.l[4];
-  GdkDragContext *context;
-  if (!event->any.window ||
-      gdk_window_get_window_type (event->any.window) == GDK_WINDOW_FOREIGN)
-    return GDK_FILTER_CONTINUE;			/* Not for us */
-	    g_message ("XdndStatus: dest_window: %#x  action: %ld",
-		       dest_window, action));
-  display = gdk_window_get_display (event->any.window);
-  context = gdk_drag_context_find (display, TRUE, xevent->xclient.window, dest_window);
-  if (context)
-    {
-      GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private = PRIVATE_DATA (context);
-      if (private->drag_status == GDK_DRAG_STATUS_MOTION_WAIT)
-	private->drag_status = GDK_DRAG_STATUS_DRAG;
-      event->dnd.send_event = FALSE;
-      event->dnd.type = GDK_DRAG_STATUS;
-      event->dnd.context = context;
-      gdk_event_set_device (event, gdk_drag_context_get_device (context));
-      g_object_ref (context);
-      event->dnd.time = GDK_CURRENT_TIME; /* FIXME? */
-      if (!(action != 0) != !(flags & 1))
-	{
-		    g_warning ("Received status event with flags not corresponding to action!\n"));
-	  action = 0;
-	}
-      context->action = xdnd_action_from_atom (display, action);
-    }
-static GdkFilterReturn 
-xdnd_finished_filter (GdkXEvent *xev,
-		      GdkEvent  *event,
-		      gpointer   data)
-  GdkDisplay *display;
-  XEvent *xevent = (XEvent *)xev;
-  guint32 dest_window = xevent->xclient.data.l[0];
-  GdkDragContext *context;
-  GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private;
-  if (!event->any.window ||
-      gdk_window_get_window_type (event->any.window) == GDK_WINDOW_FOREIGN)
-    return GDK_FILTER_CONTINUE;			/* Not for us */
-	    g_message ("XdndFinished: dest_window: %#x", dest_window));
-  display = gdk_window_get_display (event->any.window);
-  context = gdk_drag_context_find (display, TRUE, xevent->xclient.window, dest_window);
-  if (context)
-    {
-      private = PRIVATE_DATA (context);
-      if (private->version == 5)
-	private->drop_failed = xevent->xclient.data.l[1] == 0;
-      event->dnd.type = GDK_DROP_FINISHED;
-      event->dnd.context = context;
-      gdk_event_set_device (event, gdk_drag_context_get_device (context));
-      g_object_ref (context);
-      event->dnd.time = GDK_CURRENT_TIME; /* FIXME? */
-    }
-static void
-xdnd_set_targets (GdkDragContext *context)
-  GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private = PRIVATE_DATA (context);
-  Atom *atomlist;
-  GList *tmp_list = context->targets;
-  gint i;
-  gint n_atoms = g_list_length (context->targets);
-  GdkDisplay *display = GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (context->source_window);
-  atomlist = g_new (Atom, n_atoms);
-  i = 0;
-  while (tmp_list)
-    {
-      atomlist[i] = gdk_x11_atom_to_xatom_for_display (display, GDK_POINTER_TO_ATOM (tmp_list->data));
-      tmp_list = tmp_list->next;
-      i++;
-    }
-  XChangeProperty (GDK_DRAWABLE_XDISPLAY (context->source_window),
-		   GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->source_window),
-		   gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "XdndTypeList"),
-		   XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace,
-		   (guchar *)atomlist, n_atoms);
-  g_free (atomlist);
-  private->xdnd_targets_set = 1;
-static void
-xdnd_set_actions (GdkDragContext *context)
-  GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private = PRIVATE_DATA (context);
-  Atom *atomlist;
-  gint i;
-  gint n_atoms;
-  guint actions;
-  GdkDisplay *display = GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (context->source_window);
-  if (!xdnd_actions_initialized)
-    xdnd_initialize_actions();
-  actions = context->actions;
-  n_atoms = 0;
-  for (i=0; i<xdnd_n_actions; i++)
-    {
-      if (actions & xdnd_actions_table[i].action)
-	{
-	  actions &= ~xdnd_actions_table[i].action;
-	  n_atoms++;
-	}
-    }
-  atomlist = g_new (Atom, n_atoms);
-  actions = context->actions;
-  n_atoms = 0;
-  for (i=0; i<xdnd_n_actions; i++)
-    {
-      if (actions & xdnd_actions_table[i].action)
-	{
-	  actions &= ~xdnd_actions_table[i].action;
-	  atomlist[n_atoms] = gdk_x11_atom_to_xatom_for_display (display, xdnd_actions_table[i].atom);
-	  n_atoms++;
-	}
-    }
-  XChangeProperty (GDK_DRAWABLE_XDISPLAY (context->source_window),
-		   GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->source_window),
-		   gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "XdndActionList"),
-		   XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace,
-		   (guchar *)atomlist, n_atoms);
-  g_free (atomlist);
-  private->xdnd_actions_set = TRUE;
-  private->xdnd_actions = context->actions;
-static void
-send_client_message_async_cb (Window   window,
-			      gboolean success,
-			      gpointer data)
-  GdkDragContext *context = data;
-	    g_message ("Got async callback for #%lx, success = %d",
-		       window, success));
-  /* On failure, we immediately continue with the protocol
-   * so we don't end up blocking for a timeout
-   */
-  if (!success &&
-      context->dest_window &&
-      window == GDK_WINDOW_XID (context->dest_window))
-    {
-      GdkEvent *temp_event;
-      GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private = PRIVATE_DATA (context);
-      g_object_unref (context->dest_window);
-      context->dest_window = NULL;
-      context->action = 0;
-      private->drag_status = GDK_DRAG_STATUS_DRAG;
-      temp_event = gdk_event_new (GDK_DRAG_STATUS);
-      temp_event->dnd.window = g_object_ref (context->source_window);
-      temp_event->dnd.send_event = TRUE;
-      temp_event->dnd.context = g_object_ref (context);
-      temp_event->dnd.time = GDK_CURRENT_TIME;
-      gdk_event_set_device (temp_event, gdk_drag_context_get_device (context));
-      gdk_event_put (temp_event);
-      gdk_event_free (temp_event);
-    }
-  g_object_unref (context);
-static GdkDisplay *
-gdk_drag_context_get_display (GdkDragContext *context)
-  if (context->source_window)
-    return GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (context->source_window);
-  else if (context->dest_window)
-    return GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (context->dest_window);
-  g_assert_not_reached ();
-  return NULL;
-static void
-send_client_message_async (GdkDragContext      *context,
-			   Window               window, 
-			   gboolean             propagate,
-			   glong                event_mask,
-			   XClientMessageEvent *event_send)
-  GdkDisplay *display = gdk_drag_context_get_display (context);
-  g_object_ref (context);
-  _gdk_x11_send_client_message_async (display, window,
-				      propagate, event_mask, event_send,
-				      send_client_message_async_cb, context);
-static gboolean
-xdnd_send_xevent (GdkDragContext *context,
-		  GdkWindow      *window, 
-		  gboolean        propagate,
-		  XEvent         *event_send)
-  GdkDisplay *display = gdk_drag_context_get_display (context);
-  Window xwindow;
-  glong event_mask;
-  g_assert (event_send->xany.type == ClientMessage);
-  /* We short-circuit messages to ourselves */
-  if (gdk_window_get_window_type (window) != GDK_WINDOW_FOREIGN)
-    {
-      gint i;
-      for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (xdnd_filters); i++)
-	{
-	  if (gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, xdnd_filters[i].atom_name) ==
-	      event_send->xclient.message_type)
-	    {
-	      GdkEvent *temp_event;
-              temp_event = gdk_event_new (GDK_NOTHING);
-              temp_event->any.window = g_object_ref (window);
-	      if ((*xdnd_filters[i].func) (event_send, temp_event, NULL) == GDK_FILTER_TRANSLATE)
-		{
-		  gdk_event_put (temp_event);
-                  gdk_event_free (temp_event);
-		}
-	      return TRUE;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-  xwindow = GDK_WINDOW_XWINDOW (window);
-  if (_gdk_x11_display_is_root_window (display, xwindow))
-    event_mask = ButtonPressMask;
-  else
-    event_mask = 0;
-  send_client_message_async (context, xwindow, propagate, event_mask,
-			     &event_send->xclient);
-  return TRUE;
-static void
-xdnd_send_enter (GdkDragContext *context)
-  XEvent xev;
-  GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private = PRIVATE_DATA (context);
-  GdkDisplay *display = GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (context->dest_window);
-  xev.xclient.type = ClientMessage;
-  xev.xclient.message_type = gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "XdndEnter");
-  xev.xclient.format = 32;
-  xev.xclient.window = private->drop_xid ? 
-                           private->drop_xid : 
-                           GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->dest_window);
-  xev.xclient.data.l[0] = GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->source_window);
-  xev.xclient.data.l[1] = (private->version << 24); /* version */
-  xev.xclient.data.l[2] = 0;
-  xev.xclient.data.l[3] = 0;
-  xev.xclient.data.l[4] = 0;
-	   g_message ("Sending enter source window %#lx XDND protocol version %d\n",
-		      GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->source_window), private->version));
-  if (g_list_length (context->targets) > 3)
-    {
-      if (!private->xdnd_targets_set)
-	xdnd_set_targets (context);
-      xev.xclient.data.l[1] |= 1;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      GList *tmp_list = context->targets;
-      gint i = 2;
-      while (tmp_list)
-	{
-	  xev.xclient.data.l[i] = gdk_x11_atom_to_xatom_for_display (display,
-								     GDK_POINTER_TO_ATOM (tmp_list->data));
-	  tmp_list = tmp_list->next;
-	  i++;
-	}
-    }
-  if (!xdnd_send_xevent (context, context->dest_window,
-			 FALSE, &xev))
-    {
-      GDK_NOTE (DND, 
-		g_message ("Send event to %lx failed",
-			   GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->dest_window)));
-      g_object_unref (context->dest_window);
-      context->dest_window = NULL;
-    }
-static void
-xdnd_send_leave (GdkDragContext *context)
-  GdkDisplay *display = GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (context->source_window);
-  XEvent xev;
-  GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private = PRIVATE_DATA (context);
-  xev.xclient.type = ClientMessage;
-  xev.xclient.message_type = gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "XdndLeave");
-  xev.xclient.format = 32;
-  xev.xclient.window = private->drop_xid ? 
-                           private->drop_xid : 
-                           GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->dest_window);
-  xev.xclient.data.l[0] = GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->source_window);
-  xev.xclient.data.l[1] = 0;
-  xev.xclient.data.l[2] = 0;
-  xev.xclient.data.l[3] = 0;
-  xev.xclient.data.l[4] = 0;
-  if (!xdnd_send_xevent (context, context->dest_window,
-			 FALSE, &xev))
-    {
-      GDK_NOTE (DND, 
-		g_message ("Send event to %lx failed",
-			   GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->dest_window)));
-      g_object_unref (context->dest_window);
-      context->dest_window = NULL;
-    }
-static void
-xdnd_send_drop (GdkDragContext *context, guint32 time)
-  GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private = PRIVATE_DATA (context);
-  GdkDisplay *display = GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (context->source_window);
-  XEvent xev;
-  xev.xclient.type = ClientMessage;
-  xev.xclient.message_type = gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "XdndDrop");
-  xev.xclient.format = 32;
-  xev.xclient.window = private->drop_xid ? 
-                           private->drop_xid : 
-                           GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->dest_window);
-  xev.xclient.data.l[0] = GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->source_window);
-  xev.xclient.data.l[1] = 0;
-  xev.xclient.data.l[2] = time;
-  xev.xclient.data.l[3] = 0;
-  xev.xclient.data.l[4] = 0;
-  if (!xdnd_send_xevent (context, context->dest_window,
-			 FALSE, &xev))
-    {
-      GDK_NOTE (DND, 
-		g_message ("Send event to %lx failed",
-			   GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->dest_window)));
-      g_object_unref (context->dest_window);
-      context->dest_window = NULL;
-    }
-static void
-xdnd_send_motion (GdkDragContext *context,
-		  gint            x_root, 
-		  gint            y_root,
-		  GdkDragAction   action,
-		  guint32         time)
-  GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private = PRIVATE_DATA (context);
-  GdkDisplay *display = GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (context->source_window);
-  XEvent xev;
-  xev.xclient.type = ClientMessage;
-  xev.xclient.message_type = gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "XdndPosition");
-  xev.xclient.format = 32;
-  xev.xclient.window = private->drop_xid ? 
-                           private->drop_xid : 
-                           GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->dest_window);
-  xev.xclient.data.l[0] = GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->source_window);
-  xev.xclient.data.l[1] = 0;
-  xev.xclient.data.l[2] = (x_root << 16) | y_root;
-  xev.xclient.data.l[3] = time;
-  xev.xclient.data.l[4] = xdnd_action_to_atom (display, action);
-  if (!xdnd_send_xevent (context, context->dest_window,
-			 FALSE, &xev))
-    {
-      GDK_NOTE (DND, 
-		g_message ("Send event to %lx failed",
-			   GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->dest_window)));
-      g_object_unref (context->dest_window);
-      context->dest_window = NULL;
-    }
-  private->drag_status = GDK_DRAG_STATUS_MOTION_WAIT;
-static guint32
-xdnd_check_dest (GdkDisplay *display,
-		 Window      win,
-		 guint      *xdnd_version)
-  gboolean retval = FALSE;
-  Atom type = None;
-  int format;
-  unsigned long nitems, after;
-  guchar *data;
-  Atom *version;
-  Window *proxy_data;
-  Window proxy;
-  Atom xdnd_proxy_atom = gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "XdndProxy");
-  Atom xdnd_aware_atom = gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "XdndAware");
-  proxy = None;
-  gdk_error_trap_push ();
-  if (XGetWindowProperty (GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (display), win, 
-			  xdnd_proxy_atom, 0, 
-			  1, False, AnyPropertyType,
-			  &type, &format, &nitems, &after, 
-			  &data) == Success)
-    {
-      if (type != None)
-	{
-	  proxy_data = (Window *)data;
-	  if ((format == 32) && (nitems == 1))
-	    {
-	      proxy = *proxy_data;
-	    }
-	  else
-	    GDK_NOTE (DND, 
-		      g_warning ("Invalid XdndProxy "
-				 "property on window %ld\n", win));
-	  XFree (proxy_data);
-	}
-      if ((XGetWindowProperty (GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (display), proxy ? proxy : win,
-			       xdnd_aware_atom, 0, 
-			       1, False, AnyPropertyType,
-			       &type, &format, &nitems, &after, 
-			       &data) == Success) &&
-	  type != None)
-	{
-	  version = (Atom *)data;
-	  if ((format == 32) && (nitems == 1))
-	    {
-	      if (*version >= 3)
-		retval = TRUE;
-	      if (xdnd_version)
-		*xdnd_version = *version;
-	    }
-	  else
-	    GDK_NOTE (DND, 
-		      g_warning ("Invalid XdndAware "
-				 "property on window %ld\n", win));
-	  XFree (version);
-	}
-    }
-  gdk_error_trap_pop_ignored ();
-  return retval ? (proxy ? proxy : win) : None;
-/* Target side */
-static void
-xdnd_read_actions (GdkDragContext *context)
-  GdkDisplay *display = GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (context->source_window);
-  Atom type;
-  int format;
-  gulong nitems, after;
-  guchar *data;
-  Atom *atoms;
-  gint i;
-  PRIVATE_DATA (context)->xdnd_have_actions = FALSE;
-  if (gdk_window_get_window_type (context->source_window) == GDK_WINDOW_FOREIGN)
-    {
-      /* Get the XdndActionList, if set */
-      gdk_error_trap_push ();
-      if (XGetWindowProperty (GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (display),
-			      GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->source_window),
-			      gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "XdndActionList"),
-			      0, 65536,
-			      False, XA_ATOM, &type, &format, &nitems,
-			      &after, &data) == Success &&
-	  type == XA_ATOM)
-	{
-	  atoms = (Atom *)data;
-	  context->actions = 0;
-	  for (i=0; i<nitems; i++)
-	    context->actions |= xdnd_action_from_atom (display, atoms[i]);
-	  PRIVATE_DATA (context)->xdnd_have_actions = TRUE;
-	  if (_gdk_debug_flags & GDK_DEBUG_DND)
-	    {
-	      GString *action_str = g_string_new (NULL);
-	      if (context->actions & GDK_ACTION_MOVE)
-		g_string_append(action_str, "MOVE ");
-	      if (context->actions & GDK_ACTION_COPY)
-		g_string_append(action_str, "COPY ");
-	      if (context->actions & GDK_ACTION_LINK)
-		g_string_append(action_str, "LINK ");
-	      if (context->actions & GDK_ACTION_ASK)
-		g_string_append(action_str, "ASK ");
-	      g_message("Xdnd actions = %s", action_str->str);
-	      g_string_free (action_str, TRUE);
-	    }
-#endif /* G_ENABLE_DEBUG */
-	}
-      if (data)
-	XFree (data);
-      gdk_error_trap_pop_ignored ();
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      /* Local drag
-       */
-      GdkDragContext *source_context;
-      source_context = gdk_drag_context_find (display, TRUE,
-					      GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->source_window),
-					      GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->dest_window));
-      if (source_context)
-	{
-	  context->actions = source_context->actions;
-	  PRIVATE_DATA (context)->xdnd_have_actions = TRUE;
-	}
-    }
-/* We have to make sure that the XdndActionList we keep internally
- * is up to date with the XdndActionList on the source window
- * because we get no notification, because Xdnd wasn't meant
- * to continually send actions. So we select on PropertyChangeMask
- * and add this filter.
- */
-static GdkFilterReturn 
-xdnd_source_window_filter (GdkXEvent *xev,
-			   GdkEvent  *event,
-			   gpointer   cb_data)
-  XEvent *xevent = (XEvent *)xev;
-  GdkDragContext *context = cb_data;
-  GdkDisplay *display = GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY(event->any.window);
-  if ((xevent->xany.type == PropertyNotify) &&
-      (xevent->xproperty.atom == gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "XdndActionList")))
-    {
-      xdnd_read_actions (context);
-      return GDK_FILTER_REMOVE;
-    }
-static void
-xdnd_manage_source_filter (GdkDragContext *context,
-			   GdkWindow      *window,
-			   gboolean        add_filter)
-  if (!GDK_WINDOW_DESTROYED (window) &&
-      gdk_window_get_window_type (window) == GDK_WINDOW_FOREIGN)
-    {
-      gdk_error_trap_push ();
-      if (add_filter)
-	{
-	  gdk_window_set_events (window,
-				 gdk_window_get_events (window) |
-	  gdk_window_add_filter (window, xdnd_source_window_filter, context);
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  gdk_window_remove_filter (window,
-				    xdnd_source_window_filter,
-				    context);
-	  /* Should we remove the GDK_PROPERTY_NOTIFY mask?
-	   * but we might want it for other reasons. (Like
-	   * INCR selection transactions).
-	   */
-	}
-      gdk_error_trap_pop_ignored ();  
-    }
-static void
-base_precache_atoms (GdkDisplay *display)
-  GdkDisplayX11 *display_x11 = GDK_DISPLAY_X11 (display);
-  if (!display_x11->base_dnd_atoms_precached)
-    {
-      static const char *const precache_atoms[] = {
-	"XdndAware",
-	"XdndProxy",
-      };
-      _gdk_x11_precache_atoms (display,
-			       precache_atoms, G_N_ELEMENTS (precache_atoms));
-      display_x11->base_dnd_atoms_precached = TRUE;
-    }
-static void
-xdnd_precache_atoms (GdkDisplay *display)
-  GdkDisplayX11 *display_x11 = GDK_DISPLAY_X11 (display);
-  if (!display_x11->xdnd_atoms_precached)
-    {
-      static const char *const precache_atoms[] = {
-	"XdndActionAsk",
-	"XdndActionCopy",
-	"XdndActionLink",
-	"XdndActionList",
-	"XdndActionMove",
-	"XdndActionPrivate",
-	"XdndDrop",
-	"XdndEnter",
-	"XdndFinished",
-	"XdndLeave",
-	"XdndPosition",
-	"XdndSelection",
-	"XdndStatus",
-	"XdndTypeList"
-      };
-      _gdk_x11_precache_atoms (display,
-			       precache_atoms, G_N_ELEMENTS (precache_atoms));
-      display_x11->xdnd_atoms_precached = TRUE;
-    }
-static GdkFilterReturn 
-xdnd_enter_filter (GdkXEvent *xev,
-		   GdkEvent  *event,
-		   gpointer   cb_data)
-  GdkDeviceManager *device_manager;
-  GdkDisplay *display;
-  GdkDisplayX11 *display_x11;
-  XEvent *xevent = (XEvent *)xev;
-  GdkDragContext *new_context;
-  gint i;
-  Atom type;
-  int format;
-  gulong nitems, after;
-  guchar *data;
-  Atom *atoms;
-  guint32 source_window;
-  gboolean get_types;
-  gint version;
-  if (!event->any.window ||
-      gdk_window_get_window_type (event->any.window) == GDK_WINDOW_FOREIGN)
-    return GDK_FILTER_CONTINUE;			/* Not for us */
-  source_window = xevent->xclient.data.l[0];
-  get_types = ((xevent->xclient.data.l[1] & 1) != 0);
-  version = (xevent->xclient.data.l[1] & 0xff000000) >> 24;
-  display = GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (event->any.window);
-  display_x11 = GDK_DISPLAY_X11 (display);
-  xdnd_precache_atoms (display);
-	    g_message ("XdndEnter: source_window: %#x, version: %#x",
-		       source_window, version));
-  if (version < 3)
-    {
-      /* Old source ignore */
-      GDK_NOTE (DND, g_message ("Ignored old XdndEnter message"));
-      return GDK_FILTER_REMOVE;
-    }
-  if (display_x11->current_dest_drag != NULL)
-    {
-      g_object_unref (display_x11->current_dest_drag);
-      display_x11->current_dest_drag = NULL;
-    }
-  new_context = gdk_drag_context_new ();
-  new_context->protocol = GDK_DRAG_PROTO_XDND;
-  PRIVATE_DATA(new_context)->version = version;
-  /* FIXME: Should extend DnD protocol to have device info */
-  device_manager = gdk_display_get_device_manager (display);
-  gdk_drag_context_set_device (new_context, gdk_device_manager_get_client_pointer (device_manager));
-  new_context->source_window = gdk_window_lookup_for_display (display, source_window);
-  if (new_context->source_window)
-    g_object_ref (new_context->source_window);
-  else
-    {
-      new_context->source_window = gdk_window_foreign_new_for_display (display, source_window);
-      if (!new_context->source_window)
-	{
-	  g_object_unref (new_context);
-	}
-    }
-  new_context->dest_window = event->any.window;
-  g_object_ref (new_context->dest_window);
-  new_context->targets = NULL;
-  if (get_types)
-    {
-      gdk_error_trap_push ();
-      XGetWindowProperty (GDK_DRAWABLE_XDISPLAY (event->any.window), 
-			  source_window, 
-			  gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "XdndTypeList"),
-			  0, 65536,
-			  False, XA_ATOM, &type, &format, &nitems,
-			  &after, &data);
-      if (gdk_error_trap_pop () || (format != 32) || (type != XA_ATOM))
-	{
-	  g_object_unref (new_context);
-	  if (data)
-	    XFree (data);
-	}
-      atoms = (Atom *)data;
-      for (i=0; i<nitems; i++)
-	new_context->targets = 
-	  g_list_append (new_context->targets,
-			 GDK_ATOM_TO_POINTER (gdk_x11_xatom_to_atom_for_display (display,
-										 atoms[i])));
-      XFree(atoms);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      for (i=0; i<3; i++)
-	if (xevent->xclient.data.l[2+i])
-	  new_context->targets =
-	    g_list_append (new_context->targets,
-			   GDK_ATOM_TO_POINTER (gdk_x11_xatom_to_atom_for_display (display, 
-										   xevent->xclient.data.l[2+i])));
-    }
-  if (_gdk_debug_flags & GDK_DEBUG_DND)
-    print_target_list (new_context->targets);
-#endif /* G_ENABLE_DEBUG */
-  xdnd_manage_source_filter (new_context, new_context->source_window, TRUE);
-  xdnd_read_actions (new_context);
-  event->dnd.type = GDK_DRAG_ENTER;
-  event->dnd.context = new_context;
-  gdk_event_set_device (event, gdk_drag_context_get_device (new_context));
-  g_object_ref (new_context);
-  display_x11->current_dest_drag = new_context;
-static GdkFilterReturn 
-xdnd_leave_filter (GdkXEvent *xev,
-		   GdkEvent  *event,
-		   gpointer   data)
-  XEvent *xevent = (XEvent *)xev;
-  guint32 source_window = xevent->xclient.data.l[0];
-  GdkDisplay *display;
-  GdkDisplayX11 *display_x11;
-  if (!event->any.window ||
-      gdk_window_get_window_type (event->any.window) == GDK_WINDOW_FOREIGN)
-    return GDK_FILTER_CONTINUE;			/* Not for us */
-	    g_message ("XdndLeave: source_window: %#x",
-		       source_window));
-  display = GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (event->any.window);
-  display_x11 = GDK_DISPLAY_X11 (display);
-  xdnd_precache_atoms (display);
-  if ((display_x11->current_dest_drag != NULL) &&
-      (display_x11->current_dest_drag->protocol == GDK_DRAG_PROTO_XDND) &&
-      (GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (display_x11->current_dest_drag->source_window) == source_window))
-    {
-      event->dnd.type = GDK_DRAG_LEAVE;
-      /* Pass ownership of context to the event */
-      event->dnd.context = display_x11->current_dest_drag;
-      gdk_event_set_device (event, gdk_drag_context_get_device (event->dnd.context));
-      display_x11->current_dest_drag = NULL;
-    }
-  else
-    return GDK_FILTER_REMOVE;
-static GdkFilterReturn 
-xdnd_position_filter (GdkXEvent *xev,
-		      GdkEvent  *event,
-		      gpointer   data)
-  XEvent *xevent = (XEvent *)xev;
-  guint32 source_window = xevent->xclient.data.l[0];
-  gint16 x_root = xevent->xclient.data.l[2] >> 16;
-  gint16 y_root = xevent->xclient.data.l[2] & 0xffff;
-  guint32 time = xevent->xclient.data.l[3];
-  Atom action = xevent->xclient.data.l[4];
-  GdkDisplay *display;
-  GdkDisplayX11 *display_x11;
-   if (!event->any.window ||
-       gdk_window_get_window_type (event->any.window) == GDK_WINDOW_FOREIGN)
-     return GDK_FILTER_CONTINUE;			/* Not for us */
-	    g_message ("XdndPosition: source_window: %#x position: (%d, %d)  time: %d  action: %ld",
-		       source_window, x_root, y_root, time, action));
-  display = GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (event->any.window);
-  display_x11 = GDK_DISPLAY_X11 (display);
-  xdnd_precache_atoms (display);
-  if ((display_x11->current_dest_drag != NULL) &&
-      (display_x11->current_dest_drag->protocol == GDK_DRAG_PROTO_XDND) &&
-      (GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (display_x11->current_dest_drag->source_window) == source_window))
-    {
-      event->dnd.type = GDK_DRAG_MOTION;
-      event->dnd.context = display_x11->current_dest_drag;
-      gdk_event_set_device (event, gdk_drag_context_get_device (event->dnd.context));
-      g_object_ref (display_x11->current_dest_drag);
-      event->dnd.time = time;
-      display_x11->current_dest_drag->suggested_action = xdnd_action_from_atom (display, action);
-      if (!(PRIVATE_DATA (display_x11->current_dest_drag))->xdnd_have_actions)
-	display_x11->current_dest_drag->actions = display_x11->current_dest_drag->suggested_action;
-      event->dnd.x_root = x_root;
-      event->dnd.y_root = y_root;
-      (PRIVATE_DATA (display_x11->current_dest_drag))->last_x = x_root;
-      (PRIVATE_DATA (display_x11->current_dest_drag))->last_y = y_root;
-    }
-static GdkFilterReturn 
-xdnd_drop_filter (GdkXEvent *xev,
-		  GdkEvent  *event,
-		  gpointer   data)
-  XEvent *xevent = (XEvent *)xev;
-  guint32 source_window = xevent->xclient.data.l[0];
-  guint32 time = xevent->xclient.data.l[2];
-  GdkDisplay *display;
-  GdkDisplayX11 *display_x11;
-  if (!event->any.window ||
-      gdk_window_get_window_type (event->any.window) == GDK_WINDOW_FOREIGN)
-    return GDK_FILTER_CONTINUE;			/* Not for us */
-	    g_message ("XdndDrop: source_window: %#x  time: %d",
-		       source_window, time));
-  display = GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (event->any.window);
-  display_x11 = GDK_DISPLAY_X11 (display);
-  xdnd_precache_atoms (display);
-  if ((display_x11->current_dest_drag != NULL) &&
-      (display_x11->current_dest_drag->protocol == GDK_DRAG_PROTO_XDND) &&
-      (GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (display_x11->current_dest_drag->source_window) == source_window))
-    {
-      GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private;
-      private = PRIVATE_DATA (display_x11->current_dest_drag);
-      event->dnd.type = GDK_DROP_START;
-      event->dnd.context = display_x11->current_dest_drag;
-      gdk_event_set_device (event, gdk_drag_context_get_device (event->dnd.context));
-      g_object_ref (display_x11->current_dest_drag);
-      event->dnd.time = time;
-      event->dnd.x_root = private->last_x;
-      event->dnd.y_root = private->last_y;
-      gdk_x11_window_set_user_time (event->any.window, time);
-    }
- ************************** Public API ***********************
- *************************************************************/
-_gdk_dnd_init (GdkDisplay *display)
-  int i;
-  init_byte_order ();
-  gdk_display_add_client_message_filter (
-	display,
-	gdk_atom_intern_static_string ("_MOTIF_DRAG_AND_DROP_MESSAGE"),
-	motif_dnd_filter, NULL);
-  for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (xdnd_filters); i++)
-    {
-      gdk_display_add_client_message_filter (
-	display,
-	gdk_atom_intern_static_string (xdnd_filters[i].atom_name),
-	xdnd_filters[i].func, NULL);
-    }
-/* Source side */
-static void
-gdk_drag_do_leave (GdkDragContext *context, guint32 time)
-  if (context->dest_window)
-    {
-      switch (context->protocol)
-	{
-	  motif_send_leave (context, time);
-	  break;
-	  xdnd_send_leave (context);
-	  break;
-	default:
-	  break;
-	}
-      g_object_unref (context->dest_window);
-      context->dest_window = NULL;
-    }
  * gdk_drag_begin:
  * @window: the source window for this drag.
@@ -3169,139 +154,15 @@ gdk_drag_begin (GdkWindow     *window,
 		GList         *targets)
   GdkDragContext *new_context;
-  GdkDisplay *display;
-  GdkDevice *device;
-  GdkDeviceManager *device_manager;
   g_return_val_if_fail (window != NULL, NULL);
   g_return_val_if_fail (GDK_WINDOW_IS_X11 (window), NULL);
   new_context = gdk_drag_context_new ();
-  new_context->is_source = TRUE;
-  new_context->source_window = window;
-  g_object_ref (window);
-  new_context->targets = g_list_copy (targets);
-  precache_target_list (new_context);
-  new_context->actions = 0;
-  display = gdk_window_get_display (window);
-  device_manager = gdk_display_get_device_manager (display);
-  device = gdk_device_manager_get_client_pointer (device_manager);
-  gdk_drag_context_set_device (new_context, device);
   return new_context;
-static GdkNativeWindow
-_gdk_drag_get_protocol_for_display (GdkDisplay      *display,
-				    GdkNativeWindow  xid,
-				    GdkDragProtocol *protocol,
-				    guint           *version)
-  GdkWindow *window;
-  GdkNativeWindow retval;
-  g_return_val_if_fail (GDK_IS_DISPLAY (display), None);
-  base_precache_atoms (display);
-  /* Check for a local drag
-   */
-  window = gdk_window_lookup_for_display (display, xid);
-  if (window &&
-      gdk_window_get_window_type (window) != GDK_WINDOW_FOREIGN)
-    {
-      if (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (window), "gdk-dnd-registered") != NULL)
-	{
-	  *protocol = GDK_DRAG_PROTO_XDND;
-	  *version = 5;
-	  xdnd_precache_atoms (display);
-	  GDK_NOTE (DND, g_message ("Entering local Xdnd window %#x\n", xid));
-	  return xid;
-	}
-      else if (_gdk_x11_display_is_root_window (display, (Window) xid))
-	{
-	  *protocol = GDK_DRAG_PROTO_ROOTWIN;
-	  GDK_NOTE (DND, g_message ("Entering root window\n"));
-	  return xid;
-	}
-    }
-  else if ((retval = xdnd_check_dest (display, xid, version)))
-    {
-      *protocol = GDK_DRAG_PROTO_XDND;
-      xdnd_precache_atoms (display);
-      GDK_NOTE (DND, g_message ("Entering Xdnd window %#x\n", xid));
-      return retval;
-    }
-  else if ((retval = motif_check_dest (display, xid)))
-    {
-      *protocol = GDK_DRAG_PROTO_MOTIF;
-      GDK_NOTE (DND, g_message ("Entering motif window %#x\n", xid));
-      return retval;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      /* Check if this is a root window */
-      gboolean rootwin = FALSE;
-      Atom type = None;
-      int format;
-      unsigned long nitems, after;
-      unsigned char *data;
-      if (_gdk_x11_display_is_root_window (display, (Window) xid))
-	rootwin = TRUE;
-      gdk_error_trap_push ();
-      if (!rootwin)
-	{
-	  if (XGetWindowProperty (GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (display), xid,
-				  gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "ENLIGHTENMENT_DESKTOP"),
-				  0, 0, False, AnyPropertyType,
-				  &type, &format, &nitems, &after, &data) == Success &&
-	      type != None)
-	    {
-	      XFree (data);
-	      rootwin = TRUE;
-	    }
-	}
-      /* Until I find out what window manager the next one is for,
-       * I'm leaving it commented out. It's supported in the
-       * xscreensaver sources, though.
-       */
-#if 0
-      if (!rootwin)
-	{
-	  if (XGetWindowProperty (gdk_display, win,
-				  gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name ("__SWM_VROOT"),
-				  0, 0, False, AnyPropertyType,
-				  &type, &format, &nitems, &data) &&
-	      type != None)
-	    {
-	      XFree (data);
-	      rootwin = TRUE;
-	    }
-	}
-      gdk_error_trap_pop_ignored ();
-      if (rootwin)
-	{
-	  GDK_NOTE (DND, g_message ("Entering root window\n"));
-	  *protocol = GDK_DRAG_PROTO_ROOTWIN;
-	  return xid;
-	}
-    }
-  *protocol = GDK_DRAG_PROTO_NONE;
-  return 0; /* a.k.a. None */
  * gdk_drag_get_protocol_for_display:
@@ -3321,28 +182,7 @@ gdk_drag_get_protocol_for_display (GdkDisplay      *display,
 				   GdkNativeWindow  xid,
 				   GdkDragProtocol *protocol)
-  return _gdk_drag_get_protocol_for_display (display, xid, protocol, NULL);
-static GdkWindowCache *
-drag_context_find_window_cache (GdkDragContext  *context,
-				GdkScreen       *screen)
-  GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private = PRIVATE_DATA (context);
-  GSList *tmp_list;
-  GdkWindowCache *cache;
-  for (tmp_list = private->window_caches; tmp_list; tmp_list = tmp_list->next)
-    {
-      cache = tmp_list->data;
-      if (cache->screen == screen)
-	return cache;
-    }
-  cache = gdk_window_cache_new (screen);
-  private->window_caches = g_slist_prepend (private->window_caches, cache);
-  return cache;
+  return 0;
@@ -3373,54 +213,7 @@ gdk_drag_find_window_for_screen (GdkDragContext  *context,
 				 GdkWindow      **dest_window,
 				 GdkDragProtocol *protocol)
-  GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private = PRIVATE_DATA (context);
-  GdkWindowCache *window_cache;
-  GdkDisplay *display;
-  Window dest;
   g_return_if_fail (context != NULL);
-  display = GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (context->source_window);
-  window_cache = drag_context_find_window_cache (context, screen);
-  dest = get_client_window_at_coords (window_cache,
-				      drag_window && GDK_WINDOW_IS_X11 (drag_window) ? 
-				      GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (drag_window) : None,
-				      x_root, y_root);
-  if (private->dest_xid != dest)
-    {
-      Window recipient;
-      private->dest_xid = dest;
-      /* Check if new destination accepts drags, and which protocol */
-      /* There is some ugliness here. We actually need to pass
-       * _three_ pieces of information to drag_motion - dest_window,
-       * protocol, and the XID of the unproxied window. The first
-       * two are passed explicitely, the third implicitly through
-       * protocol->dest_xid.
-       */
-      if ((recipient = _gdk_drag_get_protocol_for_display (display, dest, 
-							   protocol, &private->version)))
-	{
-	  *dest_window = gdk_window_lookup_for_display (display, recipient);
-	  if (*dest_window)
-	    g_object_ref (*dest_window);
-	  else
-	    *dest_window = gdk_window_foreign_new_for_display (display, recipient);
-	}
-      else
-	*dest_window = NULL;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      *dest_window = context->dest_window;
-      if (*dest_window)
-	g_object_ref (*dest_window);
-      *protocol = context->protocol;
-    }
@@ -3452,188 +245,9 @@ gdk_drag_motion (GdkDragContext *context,
 		 GdkDragAction   possible_actions,
 		 guint32         time)
-  GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private = PRIVATE_DATA (context);
   g_return_val_if_fail (context != NULL, FALSE);
   g_return_val_if_fail (dest_window == NULL || GDK_WINDOW_IS_X11 (dest_window), FALSE);
-  private->old_actions = context->actions;
-  context->actions = possible_actions;
-  if (private->old_actions != possible_actions)
-    private->xdnd_actions_set = FALSE;
-  if (protocol == GDK_DRAG_PROTO_XDND && private->version == 0)
-    {
-      /* This ugly hack is necessary since GTK+ doesn't know about
-       * the XDND protocol version, and in particular doesn't know 
-       * that gdk_drag_find_window_for_screen() has the side-effect 
-       * of setting private->version, and therefore sometimes call
-       * gdk_drag_motion() without a prior call to 
-       * gdk_drag_find_window_for_screen(). This happens, e.g.
-       * when GTK+ is proxying DND events to embedded windows.
-       */ 
-      if (dest_window)
-	{
-	  GdkDisplay *display = GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (dest_window);
-	  xdnd_check_dest (display, 
-			   GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (dest_window), 
-			   &private->version);
-	}
-    }
-  /* When we have a Xdnd target, make sure our XdndActionList
-   * matches the current actions;
-   */
-  if (protocol == GDK_DRAG_PROTO_XDND && !private->xdnd_actions_set)
-    {
-      if (dest_window)
-	{
-	  if (gdk_window_get_window_type (dest_window) == GDK_WINDOW_FOREIGN)
-	    xdnd_set_actions (context);
-	  else if (context->dest_window == dest_window)
-	    {
-	      GdkDisplay *display = GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (dest_window);
-	      GdkDragContext *dest_context;
-	      dest_context = gdk_drag_context_find (display, FALSE,
-						    GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->source_window),
-						    GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (dest_window));
-	      if (dest_context)
-		{
-		  dest_context->actions = context->actions;
-		  PRIVATE_DATA (dest_context)->xdnd_have_actions = TRUE;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-  if (context->dest_window != dest_window)
-    {
-      GdkEvent *temp_event;
-      /* Send a leave to the last destination */
-      gdk_drag_do_leave (context, time);
-      private->drag_status = GDK_DRAG_STATUS_DRAG;
-      /* Check if new destination accepts drags, and which protocol */
-      if (dest_window)
-	{
-	  context->dest_window = dest_window;
-	  private->drop_xid = private->dest_xid;
-	  g_object_ref (context->dest_window);
-	  context->protocol = protocol;
-	  switch (protocol)
-	    {
-	      motif_send_enter (context, time);
-	      break;
-	      xdnd_send_enter (context);
-	      break;
-	    default:
-	      break;
-	    }
-	  private->old_action = suggested_action;
-	  context->suggested_action = suggested_action;
-	  private->old_actions = possible_actions;
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  context->dest_window = NULL;
-	  private->drop_xid = None;
-	  context->action = 0;
-	}
-      /* Push a status event, to let the client know that
-       * the drag changed 
-       */
-      temp_event = gdk_event_new (GDK_DRAG_STATUS);
-      temp_event->dnd.window = g_object_ref (context->source_window);
-      /* We use this to signal a synthetic status. Perhaps
-       * we should use an extra field...
-       */
-      temp_event->dnd.send_event = TRUE;
-      temp_event->dnd.context = g_object_ref (context);
-      temp_event->dnd.time = time;
-      gdk_event_set_device (temp_event, gdk_drag_context_get_device (context));
-      gdk_event_put (temp_event);
-      gdk_event_free (temp_event);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      private->old_action = context->suggested_action;
-      context->suggested_action = suggested_action;
-    }
-  /* Send a drag-motion event */
-  private->last_x = x_root;
-  private->last_y = y_root;
-  if (context->dest_window)
-    {
-      if (private->drag_status == GDK_DRAG_STATUS_DRAG)
-	{
-	  switch (context->protocol)
-	    {
-	      motif_send_motion (context, x_root, y_root, suggested_action, time);
-	      break;
-	      xdnd_send_motion (context, x_root, y_root, suggested_action, time);
-	      break;
-	      {
-		GdkEvent *temp_event;
-		/* GTK+ traditionally has used application/x-rootwin-drop,
-		 * but the XDND spec specifies x-rootwindow-drop.
-		 */
-		GdkAtom target1 = gdk_atom_intern_static_string ("application/x-rootwindow-drop");
-		GdkAtom target2 = gdk_atom_intern_static_string ("application/x-rootwin-drop");
-		if (g_list_find (context->targets,
-				 GDK_ATOM_TO_POINTER (target1)) ||
-		    g_list_find (context->targets,
-				 GDK_ATOM_TO_POINTER (target2)))
-		  context->action = context->suggested_action;
-		else
-		  context->action = 0;
-                temp_event = gdk_event_new (GDK_DRAG_STATUS);
-		temp_event->dnd.window = g_object_ref (context->source_window);
-		temp_event->dnd.send_event = FALSE;
-		temp_event->dnd.context = g_object_ref (context);
-		temp_event->dnd.time = time;
-                gdk_event_set_device (temp_event, gdk_drag_context_get_device (context));
-		gdk_event_put (temp_event);
-                gdk_event_free (temp_event);
-	      }
-	      break;
-	      g_warning ("GDK_DRAG_PROTO_NONE is not valid in gdk_drag_motion()");
-	      break;
-	    default:
-	      break;
-	    }
-	}
-      else
-	return TRUE;
-    }
   return FALSE;
@@ -3651,30 +265,6 @@ gdk_drag_drop (GdkDragContext *context,
 	       guint32         time)
   g_return_if_fail (context != NULL);
-  if (context->dest_window)
-    {
-      switch (context->protocol)
-	{
-	  motif_send_leave (context, time);
-	  motif_send_drop (context, time);
-	  break;
-	  xdnd_send_drop (context, time);
-	  break;
-	  g_warning ("Drops for GDK_DRAG_PROTO_ROOTWIN must be handled internally");
-	  break;
-	  g_warning ("GDK_DRAG_PROTO_NONE is not valid in gdk_drag_drop()");
-	  break;
-	default:
-	  break;
-	}
-    }
@@ -3691,8 +281,6 @@ gdk_drag_abort (GdkDragContext *context,
 		guint32         time)
   g_return_if_fail (context != NULL);
-  gdk_drag_do_leave (context, time);
 /* Destination side */
@@ -3714,114 +302,7 @@ gdk_drag_status (GdkDragContext   *context,
 		 GdkDragAction     action,
 		 guint32           time)
-  GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private;
-  XEvent xev;
-  GdkDisplay *display;
   g_return_if_fail (context != NULL);
-  private = PRIVATE_DATA (context);
-  display = GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (context->source_window);
-  context->action = action;
-  if (context->protocol == GDK_DRAG_PROTO_MOTIF)
-    {
-      gboolean need_coords = FALSE;
-      xev.xclient.type = ClientMessage;
-      xev.xclient.message_type = gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display,
-      xev.xclient.format = 8;
-      xev.xclient.window = GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->source_window);
-      if (private->drag_status == GDK_DRAG_STATUS_ACTION_WAIT)
-	{
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  if ((action != 0) != (private->old_action != 0))
-	    {
-	      if (action != 0)
-		{
-		  MOTIF_XCLIENT_BYTE (&xev, 0) = XmDROP_SITE_ENTER | 0x80;
-		  need_coords = TRUE;
-		}
-	      else
-	    }
-	  else
-	    {
-	      MOTIF_XCLIENT_BYTE (&xev, 0) = XmDRAG_MOTION | 0x80;
-	      need_coords = TRUE;
-	    }
-	}
-      MOTIF_XCLIENT_BYTE (&xev, 1) = local_byte_order;
-      switch (action)
-	{
-	  break;
-	  break;
-	  break;
-	default:
-	  break;
-	}
-      if (action)
-      else
-	MOTIF_XCLIENT_SHORT (&xev, 1) |= (XmNO_DROP_SITE << 4);
-      MOTIF_XCLIENT_LONG (&xev, 1) = time;
-      if (need_coords)
-	{
-	  MOTIF_XCLIENT_SHORT (&xev, 4) = private->last_x;
-	  MOTIF_XCLIENT_SHORT (&xev, 5) = private->last_y;
-	}
-      else
-	MOTIF_XCLIENT_LONG (&xev, 2) = 0;
-      MOTIF_XCLIENT_LONG (&xev, 3) = 0;
-      MOTIF_XCLIENT_LONG (&xev, 4) = 0;
-      if (!_gdk_send_xevent (display,
-			     GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->source_window),
-			     FALSE, 0, &xev))
-		  g_message ("Send event to %lx failed",
-			     GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->source_window)));
-    }
-  else if (context->protocol == GDK_DRAG_PROTO_XDND)
-    {
-      xev.xclient.type = ClientMessage;
-      xev.xclient.message_type = gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "XdndStatus");
-      xev.xclient.format = 32;
-      xev.xclient.window = GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->source_window);
-      xev.xclient.data.l[0] = GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->dest_window);
-      xev.xclient.data.l[1] = (action != 0) ? (2 | 1) : 0;
-      xev.xclient.data.l[2] = 0;
-      xev.xclient.data.l[3] = 0;
-      xev.xclient.data.l[4] = xdnd_action_to_atom (display, action);
-      if (!xdnd_send_xevent (context, context->source_window,
-			     FALSE, &xev))
-		  g_message ("Send event to %lx failed",
-			     GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->source_window)));
-    }
-  private->old_action = action;
@@ -3840,44 +321,7 @@ gdk_drop_reply (GdkDragContext   *context,
 		gboolean          ok,
 		guint32           time)
-  GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private;
   g_return_if_fail (context != NULL);
-  private = PRIVATE_DATA (context);
-  if (context->protocol == GDK_DRAG_PROTO_MOTIF)
-    {
-      GdkDisplay *display = GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (context->source_window);
-      XEvent xev;
-      xev.xclient.type = ClientMessage;
-      xev.xclient.message_type = gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display,
-      xev.xclient.format = 8;
-      MOTIF_XCLIENT_BYTE (&xev, 0) = XmDROP_START | 0x80;
-      MOTIF_XCLIENT_BYTE (&xev, 1) = local_byte_order;
-      if (ok)
-	                               (XmDROP_SITE_VALID << 4) |
-	                               (XmDROP_NOOP << 8) |
-	                               (XmDROP << 12);
-      else
-	                               (XmNO_DROP_SITE << 4) |
-	                               (XmDROP_NOOP << 8) |
-	                               (XmDROP_CANCEL << 12);
-      MOTIF_XCLIENT_SHORT (&xev, 2) = private->last_x;
-      MOTIF_XCLIENT_SHORT (&xev, 3) = private->last_y;
-      MOTIF_XCLIENT_LONG (&xev, 2) = 0;
-      MOTIF_XCLIENT_LONG (&xev, 3) = 0;
-      MOTIF_XCLIENT_LONG (&xev, 4) = 0;
-      _gdk_send_xevent (display,
-			GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->source_window),
-			FALSE, 0, &xev);
-    }
@@ -3896,38 +340,6 @@ gdk_drop_finish (GdkDragContext   *context,
 		 guint32           time)
   g_return_if_fail (context != NULL);
-  if (context->protocol == GDK_DRAG_PROTO_XDND)
-    {
-      GdkDisplay *display = GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (context->source_window);
-      XEvent xev;
-      xev.xclient.type = ClientMessage;
-      xev.xclient.message_type = gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "XdndFinished");
-      xev.xclient.format = 32;
-      xev.xclient.window = GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->source_window);
-      xev.xclient.data.l[0] = GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->dest_window);
-      if (success)
-	{
-	  xev.xclient.data.l[1] = 1;
-	  xev.xclient.data.l[2] = xdnd_action_to_atom (display, 
-						       context->action);
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  xev.xclient.data.l[1] = 0;
-	  xev.xclient.data.l[2] = None;
-	}
-      xev.xclient.data.l[3] = 0;
-      xev.xclient.data.l[4] = 0;
-      if (!xdnd_send_xevent (context, context->source_window,
-			     FALSE, &xev))
-		  g_message ("Send event to %lx failed",
-			     GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (context->source_window)));
-    }
@@ -3940,51 +352,6 @@ gdk_drop_finish (GdkDragContext   *context,
 gdk_window_register_dnd (GdkWindow      *window)
-  static const gulong xdnd_version = 5;
-  MotifDragReceiverInfo info;
-  Atom motif_drag_receiver_info_atom;
-  GdkDisplay *display = gdk_window_get_display (window);
-  g_return_if_fail (window != NULL);
-  if (gdk_window_get_window_type (window) == GDK_WINDOW_OFFSCREEN)
-    return;
-  base_precache_atoms (display);
-  if (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (window), "gdk-dnd-registered") != NULL)
-    return;
-  else
-    g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window), "gdk-dnd-registered", GINT_TO_POINTER (TRUE));
-  /* Set Motif drag receiver information property */
-  motif_drag_receiver_info_atom = gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display,
-  /* initialize to zero to avoid writing uninitialized data to socket */
-  memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
-  info.byte_order = local_byte_order;
-  info.protocol_version = 0;
-  info.protocol_style = XmDRAG_DYNAMIC;
-  info.proxy_window = None;
-  info.num_drop_sites = 0;
-  info.total_size = sizeof(info);
-  XChangeProperty (GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (display), GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (window),
-		   motif_drag_receiver_info_atom,
-		   motif_drag_receiver_info_atom,
-		   8, PropModeReplace,
-		   (guchar *)&info,
-		   sizeof (info));
-  /* Set XdndAware */
-  /* The property needs to be of type XA_ATOM, not XA_INTEGER. Blech */
-  XChangeProperty (GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (display),
-		   GDK_DRAWABLE_XID (window),
-		   gdk_x11_get_xatom_by_name_for_display (display, "XdndAware"),
-		   XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace,
-		   (guchar *)&xdnd_version, 1);
@@ -4000,13 +367,7 @@ gdk_drag_get_selection (GdkDragContext *context)
   g_return_val_if_fail (context != NULL, GDK_NONE);
-  if (context->protocol == GDK_DRAG_PROTO_MOTIF)
-    return gdk_x11_xatom_to_atom_for_display (GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (context->source_window),
-					      (PRIVATE_DATA (context))->motif_selection);
-  else if (context->protocol == GDK_DRAG_PROTO_XDND)
-    return gdk_atom_intern_static_string ("XdndSelection");
-  else
-    return GDK_NONE;
+  return GDK_NONE;
@@ -4025,11 +386,7 @@ gdk_drag_get_selection (GdkDragContext *context)
 gdk_drag_drop_succeeded (GdkDragContext *context)
-  GdkDragContextPrivateX11 *private;
   g_return_val_if_fail (context != NULL, FALSE);
-  private = PRIVATE_DATA (context);
-  return !private->drop_failed;
+  return FALSE;

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