[gtk+] (490 commits) Created branch gtk-style-context

The branch 'gtk-style-context' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  1310479... Add GTK_STATE_LAST to mark the end of GtkState enum.
  f80685e... Add GtkStyleSet, a store of style properties.
  c9dde04... Add GtkStyleProvider, an interface to provide style details
  c97ba36... GtkStyleSet: Implement GtkStyleProvider.
  f7ed1d2... gtkstyleset.h: Add declaration for gtk_style_set_merge().
  29a7975... Add GtkStyleContext.
  bd4a3c5... GtkStyleSet: Add style property registration funcs.
  70a086b... GtkStyleSet: Use property GQuark as store keys.
  447a5f2... GtkStyleSet: Add valist and varargs getters/setters.
  6030d30... GtkStyleSet: Return default value if value is not set.
  c4a54ed... GtkStyleContext: Add methods to query composed style.
  243b204... GtkStyleSet: Add method to register font properties.
  669a20b... GtkStyleSet: Add method to register border property.
  452247d... GtkStyleContext: Fix typo.
  edc08a8... GtkStateType: Add inconsistent and focused state.
  d17fe91... Add GtkStateFlags.
  851b980... GtkWidget: Add gtk_widget_get_style_context().
  4b9b6d4... GtkStyleContext: Add getters and setter for state.
  655c4f6... Add GtkWidgetPath.
  bac1ce8... GtkWidget: Add gtk_widget_get_path().
  14a5549... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_[gs]et_path()
  13c825b... Add GtkThemingEngine.
  1411d7c... GtkThemingEngine: Add module loading capabilities.
  1dc8689... GtkStyleContext: Relate to a GtkThemingEngine.
  0ab71bc... GtkStyleContext: Add style classes.
  082edeb... GtkStyleContext: Add child style classes.
  3e058b7... GtkWidget: Add widget path to style context.
  4eb7e1f... GtkThemingEngine: Add accessors to style classes.
  cb067fb... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render checkboxes.
  035cdfc... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_check().
  aa83fc6... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render radio buttons.
  936f1d6... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_option().
  c313e57... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render arrows.
  cc6cbc5... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_arrow().
  f6fd4af... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render backgrounds.
  33e4080... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_background().
  518fd31... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render frames.
  6cc2d30... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_frame().
  e14a697... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render expanders.
  e3468ed... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_expander().
  d03b795... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render focus indicator.
  98b61c6... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_focus().
  93a9ce6... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render layouts.
  b903aa3... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_layout().
  be43149... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render lines.
  cdbeaa9... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_line().
  7c39695... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render sliders.
  66bceaf... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_slider().
  c755a26... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render frames with a gap.
  1cbc454... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_frame_gap().
  7a706aa... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render an extension.
  c30a9aa... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_extension().
  5677b20... GtkThemingEngine: Add vmethod to render a handle area.
  44f5441... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_handle().
  1eda3b5... GtkStyleContext: Fix typo.
  cdf7d64... GtkStyleContext: Fix compiler warning.
  a27060f... GtkStyleContext: allow late set_path() calls.
  4b950a9... GtkStyleSet: Make property registration take const GValues.
  b3fdf6f... GtkStyleSet: Add method to lookup property default settings
  94f6bc3... Add GtkWidgetPath parameter to gtk_style_provider_get_style
  ae149b2... Added GtkCssProvider.
  63d6021... GtkStyleProvider: Add defines for most common priorities.
  33d240a... GtkWidget: Create GtkCssProvider for user modifications.
  8184bad... GtkCssProvider: Add state parsing.
  50154ad... GtkCssProvider: Allow '*' selectors.
  b06e8f7... GtkCssProvider: Allow empty selector.
  a88c40a... GtkCssProvider: Fix typo freeing SelectorElements.
  bf8a4d9... GtkCssProvider: Add support for child/descendant combinator
  3e53fcb... Move GtkChildClassFlags to gtkenums.h.
  12a5252... Refurbish GtkWidgetPath API.
  6c23ff6... GtkWidgetPath: Add API for named regions.
  4a2ef94... GtkCssProvider: Parse named regions.
  f080d7c... GtkCssProvider: Add named regions to selector path.
  2b58caf... GtkCssProvider: free selector path on parse_rule().
  c2301a6... GtkCssProvider: move to next selector element on match or c
  cfe656c... GtkCssProvider: fix parsing of consecutive pseudo-classes.
  9303231... GtkCssProvider: Compare GtkWidgetPath regions with css.
  31671d9... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_list_child_classes()
  2d41089... GtkStyleContext: fix typos in code.
  56136ff... Add region details in gtk_widget_get_path().
  6efcd11... GtkStyle: Use new render methods underneath.
  40eb22d... GtkStyleContext: Fix compiler warning.
  fb10b32... GtkStyleSet: Add gtk_style_set_set_default().
  5ac6918... GtkCssProvider: Set default value if no state pseudo-class 
  15cae9e... GtkNotebook: Set GtkChildClassFlags for tabs.
  f767b42... Fix compilation.
  095a43f... GtkStyleSet: Remove default value for registered properties
  08402e9... GtkWidget: Generate GtkWidgetPath on set_parent.
  d5032e9... GtkStyleSet: Register GtkThemingEngine type.
  1263155... Fix compile warning.
  34a461c... GtkCssProvider: Make additions to parse_value() less error 
  1b1b435... GtkCssProvider: Parse boolean values.
  bda77a9... GtkCssProvider: Ensure each scope has its parser config.
  1710f10... GtkCssProvider: refactor out selector matching.
  61b55b5... GtkStyleProvider: Add method to get widget style properties
  f3f560f... GtkWidgetPath: Add methods to check topmost widget type.
  7338fe6... GtkCssProvider: Implement GtkStyleProvider->get_style_prope
  602b565... GtkStyleContext: Add methods to get style property values.
  2daef66... GtkWidget: Hook up widget style property querying to style 
  bb76d24... GtkWidget: Do not reset GtkStyleContext per get_style_conte
  93d7a14... GtkCssProvider: set scanner->input_name.
  62a74b8... GtkCssProvider: Fix compile warning.
  b9288df... GtkCssProvider: Plug memory leak.
  1b0feeb... GtkWidgetPath: Add to gtkalias.
  51d9cf3... Add GtkSymbolicColor.
  4fa52fb... GtkStyleSet: Add API to map symbolic colors.
  b4b1bc4... GtkSymbolicColor: Add method to resolve to a GdkColor.
  f0cf21d... GtkStyleSet: Optionally take GtkSymbolicColors.
  c471a9a... GtkCssProvider: Parse color mappings.
  5613eee... GtkCssProvider: Allow symbolic colors when parsing style ru
  0d38149... GtkStyleProvider: Add gtk_style_provider_get_icon_factory()
  add0d90... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_lookup_icon_set().
  19ac016... Fix include.
  fac3934... GtkCssProvider: Add priv pointer to object struct.
  6dd9bca... GtkStyleSet: Add priv pointer to object struct.
  efc03ca... GtkStyleContext: Add priv pointer to object struct.
  1a32f1c... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_[gs]et_screen()
  a149411... GtkWidget: Set screen info in GtkStyleContext.
  32c46e8... GtkThemingEngine: Add gtk_theming_engine_get_screen().
  bc2e39a... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_save/restore().
  140c38e... GtkThemingEngine: Use GdkPangoRenderer when painting layout
  2c9adf3... GtkStyleContext: Don crash on empty class sets.
  d47f28f... GtkThemingEngine: Take checkbox rendering from GtkStyle.
  d9e8ab4... GtkThemingEngine: Take option rendering from GtkStyle.
  fe3c23a... GtkThemingEngine: Cairo-ify handle rendering from GtkStyle.
  aba0c6e... GtkThemingEngine: Add cairo-ified rendering primitives.
  f16e9e1... GtkThemingEngine: Unify code to render lines.
  cb9dd02... GtkThemingEngine: Make render_background use drawing primit
  9a20485... GtkThemingEngine: Cairo-ify extension rendering from GtkSty
  cde063c... GtkThemingEngine: Cairo-ify frame_gap rendering from GtkSty
  1d6a532... GtkThemingEngine: Cairo-ify frame rendering from GtkStyle.
  928a11e... GtkThemingEngine: Improve slider rendering.
  914b68b... GtkCssProvider: Allow '_' in the middle of symbolic color n
  210609e... GtkStyleContext: ensure class lookup return the correct ins
  0466f72... GtkStyleContext: Ensure style rebuilds after adding/removin
  09b6fa8... GtkStyleContext: Add varargs functions for getting widget s
  a5083ef... GtkStyleSet: Allow setting default value when registering p
  ed12fc0... GtkThemingEngine: Add methods to retrieve widget style prop
  05371af... GtkThemingEngine: Improve pixel alignment in arrows.
  961bf2f... GtkThemingEngine: Improve background rendering.
  15d02b2... GtkThemingEngine: Render frames and spinbutton boxes proper
  1d64013... GtkThemingEngine: Rip out expander rendering from old code.
  9b277d6... GtkThemingEngine: Rip out focus rendering from old code.
  a5e66d8... GtkThemingEngine: Obey active/selected when rendering text.
  6eca282... GtkThemingEngine: Add code to render GtkFrame frame with ga
  7fe4b7d... GtkStyle: Optionally construct above a GtkStyleContext.
  f750863... GtkWidget: Construct style for partial widget hierarchies.
  3529bda... GtkWidget: Create GtkStyle on top of GtkStyleContext.
  586c69f... GtkStyle: Move gtk_render_* calls to default vmethod implem
  534319a... GtkCssProvider: Add gtk_css_provider_get_default().
  b7cc885... GtkWidget: Add the default CSS provider to all style contex
  250fd6e... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_[gs]et_direction().
  e00ad64... GtkWidget: Set style context direction.
  8edd2c8... GtkThemingEngine: Add gtk_theming_engine_get_direction().
  fff9815... GtkThemingEngine: fix typo in function declaration.
  731f07e... GtkStyleSet: Register the "border" property.
  8952975... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_lookup_color().
  9df85a6... Add GtkJunctionSides flags.
  a798867... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_[gs]et_junction_side
  24167eb... GtkThemingEngine: Add gtk_theming_engine_get_junction_sides
  92b8d58... GtkStyle: set junction details in spinbutton buttons.
  42d99dd... GtkThemingEngine: Render correctly spinbutton buttons.
  ed7bf31... GtkWidgetPath: properly use const
  2697e97... GtkCssProvider: don't ignore custom attributes
  c76e2a2... GtkCssProvider: Small optimization.
  8a8ee0b... GtkCssProvider: Immediately bail out if GType couldn't be r
  31230b9... GtkCssProvider: Don't jump too eagerly to the next element 
  a45304d... GtkCssProvider: Parse and compare widget names.
  c64ef96... GtkCssProvider: Set child combinators in default CSS.
  9c6f681... Compare region names as quarks in style matching.
  a0174cb... GtkWidgetPath: Make API more consistent.
  fe702e7... Compare widget names as GQuarks in style matching.
  a6785cc... GtkCssProvider: Parse correctly widget types with a name.
  e8d2cd1... GtkStyleSet: Allow custom parsers on registered properties.
  21eeec5... GtkStyleSet: Fix compiler warning.
  068ddd2... GtkThemingEngine: Add gtk_theming_engine_register_property(
  9bc9c73... GtkStyleContext: Rename internal struct.
  ae5af51... s/child class/region/ everywhere.
  0bbcccf... GtkWidgetPath: Add methods to include class info in paths.
  a48df65... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_list_classes().
  dd66624... Set classes info in GtkWidgetPath.
  66722e6... GtkCssProvider: Parse and match class info.
  a2ab6d6... GtkCssProvider: Use class for tooltips.
  d759125... GtkStyle: set the active flag depending on shadow_type in d
  58966e6... GtkStyleContext: Return insertion position if not found whe
  281d5a9... Move all theming stack to use GtkStateFlags.
  0d39b06... Add GtkTimeline as a private object.
  23387e3... Add GtkAnimationDescription as a private boxed object.
  5b6df12... GtkStyleSet: Register the "transition" property.
  c2cd403... GtkCssProvider: Parse properties of type GtkAnimationDescri
  eac7ad0... GtkStyleContext: Declare gtk_style_context_list_classes() i
  8444c21... GtkStyleContext: Add animation machinery.
  2e764c1... GtkWidget: Update GtkStyleContext animation regions on allo
  7764175... GtkThemingEngine: Add progress arg to gtk_theming_engine_is
  55da446... GtkThemingEngine: Animate checkboxes activation.
  6cb6177... GtkButton: Notify on active state when (un)depressed
  1b5bc47... Plug a bunch of leaks.
  a554792... GtkCssProvider: Add gtk_css_provider_load_from_path()
  4c1440a... Remove gtkalias from style context code.
  15aae40... Replace GdkRegion and GdkRectangle with their cairo counter
  5158c70... Get rid of GdkPangoRenderer code in GtkThemingEngine.
  c1c364e... GtkNotebook: invert tab drawing order so region flags are s
  110e6da... GtkStyle: Allow GTK_ARROW_NONE.
  d4ba488... Add basic parser for GtkBorder properties.
  806ab1c... GtkStyleSet: Register "margin" property.
  ff83cee... GtkStyle: Fill in x/ythickness and font_desc from the style
  04a7a9d... GtkSettings: implement GtkStyleProvider
  5f5d6c3... Add a boxed type for cairo_pattern_t.
  6cb0b3a... Allow linefeeds in property values.
  d9ae14c... GtkCssProvider: strip whitespaces in symbolic color values.
  4449147... GtkStyleSet: Set an empty default_value if none is provided
  e7994f5... Add GtkGradient.
  e4afa7c... GtkCssProvider: Add a parser for gradients.
  e83932f... GtkStyleSet: Handle GtkGradients as a replacement for cairo
  be3550f... GtkStyleSet: Register a "background-image" property.
  d0f7d9f... GtkThemingEngine: use background-image in render_background
  d0e0204... GtkStyleSet: Fix typo
  56c05d5... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_invalidate().
  e721ece... GtkStyle: Protect against padding being NULL
  7beba9f... GtkWidget: Add the style-updated signal
  2d4f160... GtkWidget: Add gtk_widget_reset_style().
  f1c20a2... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_[add|remove]_provide
  6b2a99a... GtkWidget: Set style context's screen before the widget_pat
  01860c2... GtkStyleContext: invalidate context when setting the screen
  8761d58... Add generic providers per-screen.
  dd18c33... GtkCssProvider: Add gtk_css_provider_get_named()
  c305d5e... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_reset_widgets()
  f2fae0a... GtkSettings: Add a new provider for the theme CSS file.
  55fc249... Add Gtk9Slice
  0784cfc... Register the border-image property
  6a41040... GtkCssProvider: Add a parser for 9slice typed properties.
  59224d8... GtkThemingEngine: Use border-image to render borders if an 
  9330e54... GtkCssProvider: unset filename on load_from_data()
  596e85f... GtkCssProvider: use mapped file to read CSS files.
  ff25d30... GtkStyleContext: Invalidate whole window if no invalidation
  8594178... GtkStyleContext: Store animation region for a bunch of pain
  81d23c1... GtkSymbolicColor: Use G_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE
  2b81292... GtkThemingEngine: Implement animations between gradients/co
  a99c127... GtkButton: Notify on prelight state change.
  3080081... Fix typo in the Gtk9Slice parser.
  2a3da7f... Plug some leaks.
  d0a58a8... GtkThemingEngine: Do not return a const GtkThemingEngine on
  03b7871... GtkCssProvider: Transform custom colors to a @define-color 
  5015425... GtkCssProvider: improve file paths parser.
  d27e042... GtkCssProvider: no need for resetting the parser prior to p
  becd360... GtkCssProvider: Add support for @import rules
  b38d8ce... GtkStyleContext: Fix animation framework to work with the n
  9317902... GtkContainer: Add method to get the GtkWidgetPath for a chi
  887865a... GtkStyleContext: Cache style properties accross class/regio
  f86eaa7... GtkWidget: Store GtkStyleContext in private struct.
  8609012... Gtk9Slice: Fix stretch case.
  267ce41... GtkGradient: Handle symbolic gradients.
  2703bfb... Use cairo gobject support instead of a new boxed type.
  cd624bb... Remove GtkOrientation parameter from gtk_render_handle().
  80eefbe... Add theming docs
  3847d1c... GtkStyleContext: Actually store region ID when starting an 
  9fec28f... Change semantics of the methods to check whether an animati
  236bc43... GtkCssProvider: Parse missing widget states.
  b97a07c... GtkCssProvider: Parse default/sorted region flags.
  e8365f8... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_new().
  e1d3914... Make loading of theming engines from modules work
  d14103b... GtkCssProvider: Run through the widget path in the correct 
  200db94... GtkCssProvider: Make it able to parse enums.
  30ef592... GtkStyleContext: Update function declaration in header.
  6c5aa1a... GtkStyleSet: Register the "border-radius" property
  90347f5... GtkThemingEngine: Honor border-radius in render_background(
  4e61931... GtkStyleContext: s/set/add/ and s/unset/remove/ for classes
  352b6a1... GtkWidgetPath: turn into a boxed type.
  577ea19... GtkStyleContext: '_' prefix the structs, gtk-doc prefers th
  1f1006c... GtkStyleSet: Register the border-style and border-color pro
  bdb64a2... Use GdkRGBA all around in GtkStyleContext.
  b4fc6be... GtkStyle: Match "trough" and "slider" detail strings.
  c070d99... Do not shade alpha values.
  20ec9b1... GtkStyle: Handle scrollbar buttons.
  836f603... GtkCssProvider: Improve default CSS.
  5fb392c... GtkThemingEngine: Improve rendering of inset/outset borders
  70a70de... GtkSymbolicColor: Initialize alpha when resolving shades.
  57fd931... GtkCssProvider: Allow '\t' when parsing values.
  2d60b7b... GtkCssProvider: Update end string when misparsing symbolic 
  4a24879... GtkStyle: translate active state in paint_flat_box().
  a56266d... GtkThemingEngine: Clear the background for .background clas
  cadcd39... GtkThemingEngine: render 0-radius frames with 3D-like 45° 
  96851ac... GtkStyle: Get to style GtkCellRendererText text.
  04f313d... GtkCssProvider: Make default style depend more on custom co
  634b9a7... GtkSymbolicColor: Add gtk_symbolic_color_new_alpha()
  480f38b... GtkCssProvider: Parse alpha() symbolic colors.
  5363e2c... GtkStyleSet: Prevent from possible underflow.
  0cf3afe... GtkThemingEngine: Add ::name construct only property
  9d9786f... GtkThemingEngine: Use ::name when registering style props.
  7dfc40a... GtkCssProvider: Fix parsing of concatenated classes.
  7ba2e25... Rely only on fg/bg colors.
  e28e23f... GtkWidget: Ensure name changes involve a style context upda
  f77bf13... s/GtkStyleSet/GtkStyleProperties/
  24468de... GtkThemingEngine: Documents that engines must only use this
  13062c9... Document missing value in GtkStateFlags
  8cac77d... Implement widget states as a set of flags
  9cdf3f1... GtkButton: Set widget state as state flags.
  99b8fff... GtkComboBox: Set widget state as state flags.
  8513848... GtkEntry: Set widget state as state flags.
  2da808b... GtkExpander: Set widget state as state flags.
  a8464a9... GtkMenu: Set widget state as state flags.
  369fbf8... GtkMenuItem: Set widget state as state flags.
  cfd34c4... GtkNotebook: Set widget state as state flags.
  4257dd5... GtkRadioButton: Set widget state as state flags.
  f610437... GtkToggleButton: Set widget state as state flags.
  8fe07b0... GtkToolItemGroup: Set widget state as state flags.
  68baa48... GtkWidget: Trigger state change transitions on state flags 
  87111c4... GtkThemingEngine: draw resize grip through render_handle().
  6e9aa88... Add gtk_render_activity()
  a62ae06... Document gtk_render_* functions.
  e6205f2... GtkSymbolicColor: Take const GdkRGBA in new_literal().
  8b29155... GtkStyleProperties: Merge font descriptions on merge()
  c857816... GtkStyleContext: Fix merging of local and global providers.
  5afe03a... Theming documentation fixes
  ec89c7b... GtkStyleContext: Add the start of a default set of class na
  716f29a... GtkStyle: Listen to context changes.
  0fadd62... GtkWidget: Add new set of methods to override style informa
  313c854... GtkStatusIcon: update to use gtk_widget_override_symbolic_c
  8f0ed80... Fix compile warning
  66ca61b... GtkThemingEngine: Fix compile warning.
  468b864... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_render_icon_pixbuf()
  440d099... GtkSymbolicColor: Do not clamp shade/mix/alpha factors.
  5ac25f0... GtkSymbolicColor: convert to/from hls when shading.
  0465578... GtkSymbolicColor: Only require styleproperties when resolvi
  45f7e8f... GtkThemingEngine: Do not require a default value when regis
  b6fe5c2... GtkThemingEngine: Use GtkSymbolicColor for shades.
  e2f0dd2... Remove GTK_REGION_DEFAULT
  4e29ce8... GtkStyleContext: Define some more class names.
  69f2970... GtkStyle: Transform menu accelerators string
  5699215... GtkStyle: Transform menubar detail string.
  ec731b7... GtkStyle: transform window background detail string.
  8d35636... GtkCssProvider: Do not miss the last class name in concaten
  cba02e1... GtkStyleContext: restore widget state too in restore().
  69f8a16... GtkStyleContext: Fix check for GtkIconSize in render_icon_p
  e66f092... GtkThemingEngine: Get rid of obsolete code for tooltips.
  83fe0a6... GtkThemingEngine: ensure that background isn't rendered pas
  cfd60d3... GtkThemingEngine: Use square cap for solid frames.
  2f93083... GtkThemingEngine: ensure 1px wide frames aren't painted bet
  3ae559a... GtkCssProvider: theme progressbars in default CSS.
  29a7f01... GtkStyle: translate a few more detail strings.
  eb62522... Add CSS class defines for toolbars and docks.
  6aae99f... GtkWidget: Ensure the style context always has an screen.
  d9d9adb... GtkWidget: Update pango context from style context's font d
  87b8baa... GtkStyleContext: Add gtk_style_context_set_background().
  185e6f5... GtkWindow: Use GtkStyleContext for rendering.
  acd0c7d... GtkButton: Use GtkStyleContext for rendering.
  d366c31... GtkThemingEngine: Document missing class vmethods.
  6669c3f... Add GtkStyleContext migration docs.
  aed2df6... Add gtk_render_icon_pixbuf() function to docs.
  1ffed54... Use the correct cairo-gobject.h include path.
  9540c9e... Remove GTK_STATE_LAST.
  d4a3022... Document missing GtkStateType values.
  b8ab91d... GtkStyleContext: Add #define's for the default properties.
  647c295... GtkCssProvider: allow color names from rgb.txt when parsing
  38138e4... GtkCssProvider: Add lighter/darker color functions.
  1d50e45... GtkCssProvider: Also parse GdkColor values
  b5aef32... GtkStyleProperties: Handle GdkColor types.
  4364b74... GtkStyleContext: Resolve symbolic colors for widget style p
  993f6b4... GtkCssProvider: Handle the "none" keyword to unset properti
  7be14e0... GtkCssProvider: Add initial unit parsing logic
  ce9a830... GtkCssProviders: Parse GTypeFlags based values.
  4eb573c... GtkCssProvider: Handle better wrong enum/flag values.
  aa08507... Handle looping transition animations.
  a38c0c5... GtkCssProvider: Docs fix for -gtk-gradient() syntax.
  1908960... GtkStyleProperties: Use GParamSpec for properties registrat
  36ac2d4... Do not initialize RC subsystem.
  b8520b3... GtkCssProvider: Accept '%' in value strings.
  026e39c... Make testgtk load CSS for custom styling.
  3bf0f50... Hardcode 3.0 version for style files and paths.
  70bc224... GtkCssProvider: Fix typo in gtk_css_provider_get_named()
  f171f44... GtkSettings: Ensure the theme CSS is loaded on startup.
  324b542... GtkSettings: Keep right refcount of the theme provider.
  c839d49... Fix gtk_css_provider_get_named() docs.
  51e785d... testgtk: Try to locate the right file.
  fd26295... GtkThemingEngine: Do not use possible reserved word.
  2b6743a... GtkStyle: transform tabs' detail string.
  4dd5a84... GtkThemingEngine: Use border settings on render_extension/f
  7fe58c7... GtkCssProvider: theme notebooks.
  89906e7... Don't whine about expander-style missing
  df959ab... Add corners to GtkJunctionSides, defining sides as 2 corner
  38afc65... GtkSettings: install theme CSS with a lower priority.
  98bb4d3... Handle menuitem detail string better.
  01ca7d5... GtkStyleContext: Also use screen providers for widget style
  59f0ce5... GtkStyleProvider: Pass a GParamSpec in get_style_property()
  64f94d9... Fix compile warnings
  2e1e21e... GtkThemingEngine: remove unused code
  0e4cbe5... Translate detail strings for radio buttons
  efe006c... Fix a memory leak
  23218b1... Make frames visible by default
  c3bf438... Fix a typo
  c48a79f... Remove debug output
  9354336... Handle float and uint style properties
  68fc683... Fix the resize handle drawing
  49fcb36... Fix prelighting of inconsistent radio and check buttons
  02da10c... Transform the 'menu' detail string to the 'popup' class
  7323ee4... Add an outline around menu popups
  be8f536... Fix prototype of gtk_css_style_provider_load_from_data
  68ca7c2... Some error reporting
  fd3c5f2... Move import syntax closer to css
  8d23175... Work harder at parsing import statements
  2a5687d... Some css parsing tests
  7e372d6... docs: Refer to gtk_paint_*() instead draw_*() vfuncs in the
  24ceb53... A little closer to css
  d70cf28... More css parsing tests
  5b9a580... Copy GtkWidgetPaths correctly
  11d3ba6... Add tests for matching
  2592bf5... GtkStyleContext: preserve state on save().
  0a2a505... GtkWidgetPath: Make gtk_widget_path_prepend_type() return n
  0b172b5... GtkWidgetPath: Make iter API deal with gints.
  e30e6a6... GtkContainer: Also copy permanent container's classes on ge
  9806fdc... GtkThemingEngine: Make render_check() depend on border-styl
  affa168... GtkCheckButton: Use GtkStyleContext for rendering.
  b504040... Fix checkbuttons theming in CSS so it's more similar to 2.x
  3db4da4... Make "button" class depend on mode for GtkToggleButtons
  4bdfd0e... GtkRadioButton: Use GtkStyleContext for rendering.
  586f780... GtkThemingEngine: Make render_option() depend on border-sty
  14d204d... GtkStyle: Fix typo.
  d8a97ef... GtkCssProvider: Make prelight a bit less light in default C
  74d10ed... GtkCssProvider: Base prelight foreground on bg color.
  fdbaa3b... Adapt testgtk.css to parser changes
  cca8449... Documentation improvements
  7dcedb8... Add GtkStyleProperties to the docs
  3f1fe20... GtkCssProvider: Use default value when handling "none".
  3c16ec9... Use gtk_render_activity() when rendering progressbars throu
  60741e7... GtkMenuBar: Use GtkStyleContext for rendering.
  eedec2d... GtkMenu: Use GtkStyleContext for rendering.
  188b8ee... GtkCssProvider: Do not have border-color the same than acti
  616ff0a... GtkCssProvider: Handle progressbars.
  679d81e... GtkStyle: handle scales when translating the detail string.
  09fea3d... GtkTimeline: Adapt to monotonic time.
  99f8adf... GtkAnimationDescription: parse "loop" correctly.
  01e0baa... GtkStyleContext: Use correct type for animation duration.
  c7d9deb... Document various style-related enums
  b66c2f1... GtkStyleContext documentation tweaks
  b1bf9da... GtkWidgetPath documentation tweaks
  f485128... Add some images to the docs
  824d0b6... Allow / in values
  bbda3f1... Fix Gtk9Slice creation
  0783a01... Make url parsing work for slices
  4f4dbbd... Document border images better
  36acc88... Tweak wording
  bfa44f3... More documentation reshuffling
  e3fb041... GtkCssProvider: Draw frame around menubars and toolbars in 
  a0f1ae3... GtkCssProvider: use selected fg/bg for selected menu items 
  b56f742... GtkCssProvider: Render radio and check boxes framess in men
  8cee6db... GtkCssProvider: Use 1px border width for spinbutton buttons
  bb47629... GtkCssProvider: do not use selected fg/bg in sliders or spi
  11f1761... GtkCssProvider: Render inconsistent toggle buttons differen
  068a5d2... Rewrite GtkInfoBar color handling to bypass GtkStyle
  9a449f7... Make expanders prelight
  de53e7f... Make unfocused selections visible in entries
  9982fa5... Fix GtkRadioButton drawing
  a432dca... Fix resize grip drawing
  c94d6e8... Fix doc formatting
  0a07585... Document predefined style provider priorites
  a3aa478... Improve some gtk_render_ docs
  2782b0f... Declare transition and border-image properties to be writeo
  733b8b9... Some more images for gtk_render docs
  8b3b45d... Add the style example code used to generate illustrations
  72ce991... Allow digits in selectors and values, where appropriate
  2661ff0... Test some wilder names for classes, etc
  912c2a9... Add a background example to the docs
  775b0fe... Fix handling of junctions in frame drawing code
  a970350... Atempt to fix stretched 9slice rendering
  7ec2aa1... Add examples for frame rendering
  6d9cff4... Add an activity example
  0a660c4... Add slider illustration
  cdae50c... Illustrate extension rendering
  3a65b92... GtkCssProvider: Add a default border color for insensitive 
  bcc3ffa... GtkStyle: Do not warn if attach count == 0
  0cc57a0... GtkStyle: Return the default icon set if no context is atta
  13c0257... GtkThemingEngine: don't overshoot when rendering frames.
  c860e77... GtkThemingEngine: Render rounded frames with light/shadow c
  2287cf3... GtkThemingEngine: Draw 3D-like effects on square frames wit
  58d98d9... GtkLabel: Use style context for rendering.
  dfabc90... GtkCssProvider: Handle unfocused label selections in defaul
  5b35c75... Let gtk_widget_get_path() correct early calls during init()
  7404834... GtkComboBox: Use style context for rendering
  550448d... GtkToggleButton: Make it able to be prelight and active at 
  df9c7cc... GtkStyleContext: Handle empty areas when coalescing invalid
  9b534f9... GtkCheckButton: Look active when the pointer button is pres
  20257a1... GtkButton: Remove unneeded gtk_style_context_notify_state_c
  f7a29e4... Forgotten file
  207d229... fix parameter name mismatch
  c9f6404... Fix up symbol list for docs
  33a92ba... Fix another parameter mismatch
  744e08a... Improve frame-gap drawing
  e724a95... Add a frame-gap illustration
  9bcc79e... Small doc addition
  51a2978... Add illustration to gtk_render_handle docs

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