[gnomeweb-wml] Some more tweakage.

commit c02541d70976ae2fe570fa02dcf6606cda2254c3
Author: Og B. Maciel <ogmaciel gnome org>
Date:   Sun Nov 7 15:05:00 2010 -0500

    Some more tweakage.

 www.gnome.org/friends/index.wml |   10 +++++-----
 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/www.gnome.org/friends/index.wml b/www.gnome.org/friends/index.wml
index 89af8f8..bd1618c 100644
--- a/www.gnome.org/friends/index.wml
+++ b/www.gnome.org/friends/index.wml
@@ -64,28 +64,28 @@ in 2008 we were able to:
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 <img src="images/postcard.png">
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 <input type="radio" name="aidtype" value="associate">
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 <input type="radio" name="aidtype" value="sponsor">
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-<strong>You get:</strong> A GNOME coffee mug, a GNOME t-shirt, and recognition of your contribution.</div>
+<strong>You get:</strong> A GNOME coffee mug, a GNOME t-shirt, a FREE subscription to LWN and recognition of your contribution.</div>
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 <img src="images/poster.png">
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+<strong>You get:</strong> A FREE subscription to LWN and framed print of GNOME foot signed by the GNOME Board of Directors and recognition of your contribution. 

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