[aravis] Created tag ARAVIS_0_1_0

The unsigned tag 'ARAVIS_0_1_0' was created.

Tagger: Emmanuel Pacaud <emmanuel gnome org>
Date: Sat May 22 19:30:19 2010 +0200

    Release 0.1.0


Emmanuel Pacaud (297):
      Initial commit.
      Add discover packet.
      Send a discover broadcast packet.
      Set socket in broadcast mode.
      Fix GVCP port number.
      Minor naming fix.
      Don't store Makefile.
      Object definition boilerplate.
      Add a wireshark dissector for the gvcp protocol.
      Add missing file generated by glib-mkenums to the source file list.
      More gvcp protocol work.
      Implementation of Interface::get_device and Interface::update_device_list.
      Move gvcp protocol definition into its own module.
      Hello GENICAM xml file !
      Actually store the received data from the camera.
      Save the genicam file in /tmp/genicam.xml
      Fix pointer to data in read anwser packets.
      Fix mismatch between size and address in read answer packet.
      Multiple interface support.
      Force discover socket port to 0.
      Use a define for the input socket buffer.
      Use packet_dump instead of packet_to_string.
      Naming change for better match to genicam standard.
      ArvStream and ArvGvStream class boilerplate.
      Start thread implementation for ArvGvStream.
      Write memory support.
      Renaming of GV_BOOTSTRAP register addresses.
      Rename device_[read|write] to device_[read|write]_memory.
      Implementation of [read|write] register.
      Return the correct value in the read register command.
      Wireshark snapshots
      Start receiving image data stream.
      Implement stream queues.
      Fill buffer with image data.
      Actually read image data from stream.
      Automatically load the genicam description file.
      Genicam node class boilerplate.
      Lower autoconf version requirement to 2.63.0.
      Add gthread-2.0 to the list of required packages.
      Init threads in aravistest application.
      Missing genicam node class defintion files.
      Create a stream from a device.
      Threaded heartbeat.
      Implement debug levels.
      Define packet resend command.
      Fix debug level handling.
      Avoid unecessary string creation in packet debug functions.
      Create more buffers.
      Tweak stream thread.
      Add introspection.m4.
      Add enum templates to EXTRA_DIST.
      Don't use an unitialized variable.
      Lower intltool version requirement to 0.32.1.
      Lower intltool version requirement to 0.31.2.
      Don't take control privilege in aravistest.
      Correctly set the the HostIpAddress.
      Read payload size in aravistest.
      Conditional use of cairo.
      Save a snapshot as test.png.
      Maintain frame stream statistics.
      Fix debug output of gvcp packets.
      Fix debug output of gvsp packets.
      Rename aravistest to arv-test, and create arv-load-xml.
      Add arvtools files.
      Handle zipped genicam local files.
      Allow test of either Basler or Prosilica cameras.
      Add a type option to arv-test.
      Add a snapshot option ot arv-test.
      Function for packet_resend_cmd packet creation.
      Give device address when createing a gv_stream.
      Add a function for packet_resend_cmd request send.
      Fix compilation.
      Genicam: start implementation.
      Genicam: only insert node with a valid Name attribute.
      Genicam: integer and port node boilerplate.
      Genicam: create dummy nodes for all know node types.
      Genicam: define an Integer interface.
      LGPL v2+ licensing.
      Genicam: more work.
      Add COPYING file.
      Add AUTHORS file.
      Add glib 2.22 compatibility defines.
      Fix compilation for glib < 2.23.
      Add get/set for gvcp packet count value.
      Implement retries for gvcp memory read/write.
      Check for ack packet size in memory write function.
      Factorize GPollFD construction.
      Implement retries for register read/write commands.
      Add a callback to the image buffers.
      Add commented code for socket buffer size tuning.
      Implementation of ArvStatistic.
      Frame period statistic.
      GvStream: add an option for socket buffer tuning.
      arv-test: infinite loop until ctr-C is pressed.
      arv-test: add a -a option for auto tuning of stream socket buffer.
      tools: add string handling functions.
      expression: start implementation of an expression evaluator.
      evaluator: gobjectification.
      evaluator: handle associativity.
      evaluator: differentiate int64 and double constants.
      evaluator: double and int64 arithmetic.
      evaluator: more functions.
      Whitespaces cleanup.
      evaluator: implement ternary operator and fix equal and not equal.
      evaluator: rename StackItem to ArvValue.
      evaluator: renaming for consistency.
      evaluator: add variable setting functions.
      evaluator: actually lookup for the variable in expression evaluation.
      evaluator: use variables for pi and e.
      evaluator: fix minus operator for double.
      evaluator: minor debugging fix.
      genicam: start SwissKnife implementation.
      swissknife: actually evaluate the expression.
      genicam: define GcFloat interface and implement it in GcSwissKnife.
      genicam: start implementation of IntegerNode.
      genicam: dump ArvGcUint64.
      genicam: move integer interface from guint64 to gint64.
      genicam: start iplementation of integer interface in IntegerNode.
      tools: fix cut'n paste error.
      genicam: Woho ! Almost able to read the PayloadSize feature.
      genicam: correctly read an integer register.
      Implement an endian aware copy function.
      genicam: untested masked integer register support.
      genicam: begin implementation of GcCommand.
      tests: use genicam interface instead of direct register access.
      genicam: working execute command function.
      tests: compilation fix.
      genicam: differentiate the different register node types.
      tests: read more feature values.
      genicam: Converter and IntConverter read implementation.
      genicam: fix pVariable for SwissKnife and Converter.
      genicam: integer to converter to register writing success.
      tests: arv-test is now generic.
      camera: begin implementation of a generic camera class.
      tests: correctly get the payload size in arv-test.
      Lookup camera by name, and don't instantiate unused devices.
      tools: new in memory zlib based decompress function.
      genicam: Float node implementation.
      tests: display more informations in arv-test.
      build: switch to one header include for library users.
      tools: fix decompress function.
      tests: add camera name and debug ooptions to arv-load-xml.
      tools: add code for zipped file extraction.
      genicam: use ArvZip for the extraction of the genicam xml file.
      genicam: read current register value before setting masked integer.
      genicam: cast 1 to guint64 for the mask computation.
      evaluator: a variable name may contain a'_' character.
      genicam: fix on IFloat handling.
      camera: handle expsure_time and gain.
      tools: fix in the big endian to big endian case.
      tools: add an assertion on the impossible endianess combinaison.
      genicam: try to compute correctly lsb and msb from big endian architecture.
      genicam: sign mismatch fix.
      genicam: GcCategory boilerplate.
      genicam: GcEnumeration boilerplate.
      genicam: create GcEnumeration and GcCategory nodes.
      genicam: GcEnumEntry boilerplate.
      genicam: handle value element of EnumEntry.
      genicam: handle Description and DisplayName in GcNode.
      stream: add a function for statistic informations.
      arv: change from debug level filter to debug domains.
      genicam: reduce the number of evaluator debug messages.
      evaluator: parse expression on first evaluation.
      build: add doap file.
      genicam: implement child nodes.
      genicam: Enumeration and EnumEntry implementation.
      genicam: remove useless warning.
      tests: display more informations in arv-test.
      genicam: implement Boolean node.
      genicam: actually use the Value or pValue element content.
      tests: new test file based on the camera API.
      device: rename get_stream to new_stream to reflect the fact reference is given to the caller.
      tests: remove unused code.
      genicam: begin work on invalidators.
      genicam: implement register read cache.
      genicam: don't double free the adresses list.
      genicam: fix debugging of register integer interface.
      genicam: fix typo in EnumEntry Value attribute.
      genicam: implement String interface in GcRegister for StringReg.
      camera: new function for device informations.
      genicam: add debugging informations related to interface list.
      build: fix introspection prefix.
      whitespace cleanup.
      stream: pass callback at stream creation, instead of passing it in every buffers.
      stream: remove _with_callback variants, and add callback parameters to _new.
      stream: increase statistic resolution.
      camera: more trigger related functions.
      camera: more trigger related funtcions.
      tests: select acquisition_start trigger insted of frame_start.
      build: don't set -Werror -g -O0 in Makefile.am.
      gst: basic gstreamer source plugin.
      gst: try to set the GstBuffer timestamp.
      gst: theora + udp test pipeline.
      gst: minor test pipeline tweak.
      gst: renaming to be consistent with the other gstreamer plugins.
      gst: be consistent with gst-template autoconf setup.
      gst: add a sample application.
      build: don't install test programs.
      tests: add glib testing support.
      build: make make distcheck pass.
      build: silence gir scanner warnings during distcheck.
      tests: start unit testing of ArvEvaluator.
      tests: more evaluator tests.
      build: make it work with old autotools.
      gst: define the plugin path for gst-aravis-test.
      gst: add v-binning and h-binning properties to aravissrc.
      gst: use theora in the test pipeline.
      gst: add more capabilities to gst-aravis-test.
      gst: add a pipeline launch script.
      gst: simplification of gst-aravis-launch script.
      gst: add some pipeline examples.
      gst: remove gst-aravis-test.
      gst: add a rtp sample pipeline.
      gst: add the receviing pipeline for the rtp stream, along with the sdp file.
      tests: add the beginning of genicam tests.
      Start a fake device implementation.
      fake: add FakeInterface boilerplate.
      fake: begin implementation of a fake camera.
      fake: implement read/write functions.
      fake: set register default values.
      fake: genicam file tweaks.
      fake: add exposure feature to the genicam file.
      fake: initialize and test ExposureTimeAbs feature.
      Comment cleanup.
      build: distribute arv-fake-camera.xml.
      build: make distcheck pass.
      fake: add basic PayloadSize definition.
      genicam: gev bootstrap genicam description file.
      genicam: define pixel format values.
      gv_stream: store region position and pixel format in buffers.
      gv_stream: handle frame ledaer timestamp.
      buffer: rename x and y to x_offset and y_offset.
      gv_stream: split thread function into smaller ones.
      gv_stream: get ready to continue after missing blocks.
      gv_stream: continue filling buffer even if there's missing blocks.
      buffer: minor renaming.
      gv_stream: try to implement the packet resend feature.
      gv_stream: fix missing blocks count. Count late blocks.
      gst: fix buffer caps (width, height). Use camera timestamp.
      gv_stream: function for enable/disable packet resend feature.
      device: add some convenience accessors for the genicam feature.
      camera: API addition.
      camera: add missing declaration in header file.
      fake: add device related feature.
      fake: allow fake device creation.
      fake: don't allocate camera memory in 2 places.
      fake: more features.
      tests: uninteresting change.
      gc_register: handle pIndex element.
      tests: remove genicam test.
      fake: define trigger features in the genicam file.
      tests: test trigger feature in fake.
      fake: fill the buffer with a test pattern.
      gst: allow to specify the camera name.
      fake: fill stream statistics.
      gev: add more feature to the bootstrap genicam file.
      fake: use defines for default feature values.
      camera: quirk based implementation of frame rate get/set.
      fake: add AcquisitionFrameRate feature.
      genicam: create boolean nodes.
      genicam: move some debugging messages from genicam to parser domain.
      camera: allow frame rate setting.
      camera: simple use case based API.
      fake: fix Payload computation in genicam file.
      fake: increment n_failures on incorrectly filled buffers.
      fake: fix a crash for not square images.
      gv_device: more debugging output.
      gv_interface: fix g_socket_receive return check.
      camera: disable frame_rate limit whenusing external trigger.
      enums: use the right limit for arv_trigger_source_to_string.
      genicam: more debugging output.
      enums: add missing copyright.
      stream: rename _new_stream to _create_stream.
      camera: rename set_external_trigger to set_trigger.
      introspection: add annotations.
      introspection: add a simple javascript example.
      camera: revert trigger source to string parameter.
      introspection: minor tweak to the javascript example.
      buffer: fix buffer_new annotation.
      introspection: tell how to launch the gjs script.
      gst: allow frame rate setting.
      introspection: API rename fix.
      camera: document camera methods.
      introspection: more annotations. Fix comment syntax.
      introspection: 2 more gjs scripts.
      camera: more documentation.
      docs: add gtk-doc support.
      build: make distcheck pass.
      doc: more work.
      doc: more work.
      build: update NEWS file.

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